PAGE FOVK. "Htavmnm! Not a Drop' /CONSTIPATION, bilious headache, sick stomach-relies upon Dr. Caldwell's ^ been constipated and bilious sine such an attack of sour stomach a out of kindergarten. It was the improved from the first dose and : restored and healthier than he comfort to have a medicine for cl implicit confidence." tN*me *nd ad Wins Confidence of Old people are charmed by the j of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, depressing "flushing" of the bo movement and the fine feeling There's seldom any real sickness Wcms to use Syrup Pepsin at the tongue, fever, biliousness, headac due to constipation. Recornme homes. Sold by all druggists. For a free truil bottle send nam* Pepsin Syrup Company, Mon\ 11 cSOt (.Edited B\ Vrs ABOL BEN ADHEM HAbou Ben Adheir. (May hi- : . crease? Awoke or.i night r. :i deep dream ?>f peace. And saw within the :v. n hcht f his room. Making it rich, ami 'ike a ;v in bloom. An angel, writing in a i k f gold. Exceeding peace had Hoc-. Ben Adhem bold. And to the presence in the i :\ . "What writest th -u '" the vismr. rais-' ed its head. And with a look made ?-f all -we<* accord. Answered "The names et all wh love the Lord" "And is mine one?" said Aben. "Nay not so" Replied the angel. Aben s|?>ke more low. Put cheerily still; and said "Pray thee then. Write me as one that loves his fellow men. The angel wrote and vanished, the next night it came again, with a great awakening light. And showed the names whom love of God had blessed, And, lo; Ben Adhem's name led all the rest. ?Leigh Hunt. Mr. A. F. Boyce of near Buffalo. N. Y., who visited his son, Mr. W. C. Boyce, here last week, left Tuesday for St. Petersburg. Fin. Mrs. Walter Estes of Decatur. Ga.? has recently visited home folks. The many friends of Prof. B. W. Sipe will regret to learn that he has been confined to his room real sick with the flu this week. Dr. J. X. Hill and J. X*. Hill. Jr.,, Mr. Mack Carringer and Mrs. Carringer went to Asheville, Tuesday, where Mrs. Carringer and J. X\. Jr., will receive treatment at the Biltmore hospital. Acs rur SAY "BAYER ASP Unless you see the "Bayer not getting the genuine 1 t?y millions and prescribed | DOES NOT AFFi When Mother is Alarmed! ness, coated tongue. feverish -then is the time when tlier Syrup Pepsin. "M s.?n had e birth. At the age .?f five he had nd bad breath I had t<? take him n 1 gave him Syr Pepsin. He oon was back t>> sch >"1 completely had ever been bef? re. It i> a great hildren in whit h we can have such dress sent on request ) Old Folks . gentle, kindly act i ^ ~ No pain, gripe o: ^ g JB wels. Ju-t an > asv ^ x . dfgM of restful comfort. ' first sign of coat, d . he and such trouble.- >T i: " ] nded in a million Dr.Caldvrir* . ,. ? SYRUP aid aJiirrss to _ icelio, JUtrujix Ffct'MN . A. S. Clarke The following for.ed a ?ly pa it; picnic ir.t a*. Ne Gap. re enty Mr. and M'- Fisher H ' . Decatur. Ga.: Mi-.- Mar caret P.- key o Mmlij- nvi;: . Mi. While .. . o KertU'. !.y; V . < has I ickey. Ms.- M. Rt " r. Mr. am Mr* I'.u: I > .} >. Mr. and Mrs. .!. O McCurdy arl away on an extend.u vi;,t an1. wil spend the holidays in the New Ens land stall-. Mr. and Mi -. I. II. F':: .i.r were i Knoxviiit- vi- ?-.?* k * nr. Mi-s Ella M - Caxci Ftru '-on and Mr. B W. Sipt hav been on the sick list. Mr. CI.a lies West and - -n, Elmei of near Z:on City. II!.. -; -evtra days last week with their parents Mi. and Mrs. W. M. West in Eas Murphy. They left or Saturday fo Florida, where they will spend -".'lie time. Mr. and Mis. R. W. Grr.y. left las Friday for Raleigh where Mr. Gra will attend the State Conference o County Agents and Home Agent* held annually at the State College c Agricultuie. They stopped at Sylv while enroute t attend noultr show. Mr. George Cooper '.eft weel for Stoubinville, Oh _ Miss Mary Akin is in Atlanta, th gue.-t of her uncle. Mr. Harvey Dai idson and Mrs. Davidson. Mr. Ke'.scy Weaver is suffering a attack of flu this week. his frienc will regret to learn. PINE WANTED - > load *uf able for starting fires. See Sellei at Scout office. Misses Bertha and Betty .lo M< Guire. of Andrews, and Miss Bonn! Moody, of Robbinsville. were Mu phy visitors Saturday of last wee! Mayor Frank Hill and Col. J. 1 i'illnrd went to Atlanta. Tuesday. IRIH 1R1N" and INSIST 1 Cross" on tablets you are 3ayer Aspirin proved safe by physicians for 25 years. 7/~T Tur UCADT 1 JV 1 II UU U^TU\ I .ccept only "Bayer" package hich contains proven directions, udy "Biyer" boi?? ol 12 tablotl Uo bottlM of 24 and 100?DmggUU. ?wt ?; <t la!..7Usaal THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, PC I*I7ELISKEBS AUTOC.ASTER SERVICE KEG. U.S. PAT.OFFICE . . r? > c ^ VW? ^RDV \ . " _ ??--- -* EL ALA l_1 ., * A.revHt> > l "S- '*' - ? . y Nv- . -WA - / _ IV ' :f V:>? i ' err ') , 1 ? _ V". ! **? L ^ - j | Pains disappeared i | "CEVERAL years ago I was ? I s badly run-down," say9 Mrs. I\ u< i John Bunch, R. F. D. 3. Colum- I a! i bia, S. C. "I could not do any i >v i of mv work. I was so weak I I V i | could not wash a dish- My back I \\ i and sides hurt mo at times P( : dreadfully. I dragged around i i j until I filially got down in bed." i' i Then, explains Mrs. Bunch, i i sho happened to read about A A i ! Cardui, the woman's tonic, and ? j decided to give it a thorough I I) i trial, the results of which she i i i describes below: i { u : i "It seemed to reach the i r cause of my trouble at once. . i: i I did not take it long before i i i my appetite began to improve. i j i | 1 gained in weight from 114 , pounds until now I weigh 125 1 i. A pounds. I soon was able to be i >" j up around the house. I took i i t | up my household duties and i i wag delighted with my return- i f i | ing strength. u I "I now do all my own work. ; j The pains in my sides and i back have disappeared and I ; i i feel like a different person." ! i Cardui has been helping suffering women for nearly 50 t years. Sold by all drdggista. CARDUI For Female Troables Mi. and Mrs. M. E. Cozard and Hule gftind daughter, Margaret, of Andrew?, were in town Tuesday. t Mi Si Jaunita Evans and Mrs. T. Evans were shopping in Gainesville. Saturday. ie Miss Mable Ellis, Miss Mourine , r- Fain and Dr. Lindcman motored to k. Knoxville Sunday, where Miss Ellis' 1. was the guest of Miss Irene,Champ- ! ion, Miss Fain and Dr Lindoman ' are guests in Clinton of Mr. Harry' Fain. Mr. Jim Amnions of Copper Hill j . war a business visitor in town the | iirst of the week. Andrews Splits Doubleheader With Almond In two well fought games the basketball teams of the high school j split a double header on the local ; count last night with the Almond high school. The Andrews hoys winning from the Almond boys in a j i closely fought ganr.e by the score of j , IS to 16. The Andrews girls losing j to the Almond girls by the score of I I 15 to 13. I The girls team was about evenly matched, fighting very close throughout the game except in the last few S minutes of play, when luck seemed to be with Almond, they caged a field goal .which clinched the game. The playing of Fatham and Dewar for Andrews was outstanding. While for Almond the entire team played star : ball, except Davis who played excep| tional ball for Almond. ' The boys team played hard ball jf MURPHY, N. C. Gg5V>k^| jjjj 1 | -JP-J k I - ? - VEAi OM:V . > *fv s u? SHE 1 S*OJ= ? H .. >OJ ' 7H ' 1 u> - 'O - * I &~P i.~L~ M - <C ^! \ i ' - - /O y vv-v^> A -0 V ' . , - yf 1 ; i outplayed the Almond team in ery department of the came, but ie hard working and plunging eflfort ' the Alrr.on I boys kept them in the melipht. The score was very close throughit the game, the last few minutes of ay the Andrews boys caged a field >a! which gave them the game, ci the playing ot Reath and Boone ere outstanding for Andrews. >*hile for Almond the shooting of 'ikle and guarding of Queen fcatur* I for Almond. The lineup and score. Girl. Imond (IS) Andrew. (13) R. G. avis 11' Dewav I.. G. ?ker Ttiiham I r f I I Bewail* i i PW 1 [ K I Jm js *^m | If you're choosi M -. .? / _ . . wun feminine; ence of ten? of Like no other < ' those features i to operate with j tively demand It is easy to start I to handle unde offers the inimi ury of bodies b } Just brinK her well Chevrolet ? f QUALT ( NO I DOMV _ &O0 VTX' 'V -MHAT S KtR i- nvw M\ "7 N^mb; K . ' MtAMTlA S. ( wVHtM VCw ) ^ " mrik 10 ,,. AN ..mem \*^ doe^ I V<OA*T I " TO S=t-L HER LECTlx>lC " S A'N <r"i .vA^r ! *An<STMAV "r y C; , V '^'' :V lrtw/ if ~ i v -,o c. Wi-rcin- ? *?) Wyke ?21 S. C. Marr Tatham (<5) R. F. McH.?n Reagan (3) F. Wikee Oliver (2) Sul stitutions: Andrews, Holland for Tatham. Boys Almond (16) Andrews (18) Wikee <m Reath (6) Lindsay (5) Wright Marr Boone (5) Wikee (3) Tatham < 7> Queen C rawford Substitutions: Andrews, Bradley for Heath, Morton for Crawford, Guffy for Bradley. t Car for Her to Driv ing alow-priced car thathastomeet approval?be guided by the experithousands, and buy a Chevrolet! :ar of its class, Chevrolet combines which make a car easy for women those qualities that women instino in an automobile. steer and stop. It is simple and safe r all conditions. And, best of all, it itable smartness, elegance and lux* y Fisher on all closed models. in and let her see for herself how meets her ideals of fine quality. URALY MOTOR C SALES AND SERVICE r Y A T L O \ vtmm .^9 1 ini-AV. dkckmbk:. ... 9 POSTELL ^ 1 Rev. 9 appointment at Shoal Creek Satur. 9 9 Mr. c^ul Mis. .F 11. \Hon and 9 th? 9 9 .: k 9 9 isot ' ar.-l lamHy on Upper SE ,r < .-eek. 9 Mirs ' aont 9 ntooft. 9 Mi. Andrew Thompson moriag 9 his family to Mr. Add iersoai 9 farm near S-.sit. 9 1 11. Allen v. K. 9 eompanied by his piuvrt-. Mr. and 9 Mi--. 9 S .nday 9 lgist 9 Mr. 9 day 9 9 Mrs. Cindy Thompson 1 icen on 9 I ?Ur, 9 Mi-- Ethel from Fames. T< -pent B ' | \t? ..V.i n *" . ?uti S??rs. .roan .niiv r Mi. .iohn Mason made . business trip to Murphy M??n<la\ Mi. X"-ih * i i.i.r in. . . fam' Mi. Andrew Thompson, j Mi. 1 'it Swanson his paI ' Mr. Robert Thompson tod hb aunt. Mis. Mary Hamhv -t River j Hill last week. ! Miss Vaod Quinn v.-:t. her pa( rents, Mr. and Mrs N". A. Quinn over i the week-end. Mr. M. M. Ix'dford made a busi. noss trip to Ducktown one dry last week. DR. E. L. HOLT j DENTIST BRITTAIN AXLEY BLDC. Office Phone 154?Rea. Phona 10# MURPHY, N. C. 51 e MtUiese LowMces| fcasr*510 <AilC ?s?^$735 l*?ndau 765 t. o. b. Flint, Uic kips Small dou-n payment cadcouuomieut Urmi. Ait about out ?'< PwikcNCrtHkmPU. | V COST =5S55* | I

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