REVIEWING 1926 Bv A. B. CHAPIN "Jet MM 5D COAL ST?JK*? m.EO A TACK C-MAiT ne 3oee A OMfcMEO LiPE Billion QL 1 Aft Jfvft " - , ATUrMPT5 "T "{ A-r ^ J AS5 1 n ATivM TEPftiFlC SI AT SEA ? > MAMV THP,.. >. RESCUES DAVY'S MOftTMl Pole I Aft 5 flw A , a Pw?y ve*e o?j top a* t?*? woqiD Some K/Evt/ C-HAMPS A PCKAL viSlTorV* PjQuc MA?<4 ue^Ntw AMOfJtf- -THE Missing CwaiS.W.Ecliott *CAftOlMAL M6RCIFQ. Col. j<x?, c cooui>&? JCHKJ w WEEKS B.SEHE v. Debs ?is.-. ATOO. * --MiNfS SL'.ATCNi. M'.KlMLSY RuDOlW* VAcEuTkwO LuTMt U_ Ql-HVAkK Oscar. S Straus Robt tcod uncock "vAJCLG JoE'CAnjwom ?^ACQV wooDiUi ?'CjEPm "PEf-JEU. iMJUiTEV'M/f Nation's Champion Horses To Compete in February Natter Highland, bora* (km ts (ba abora plotaro which last yaar falaad tha Utla at tba baat thraa faltad aaddle bora* in tha TTaltad Itataa la to ba abowa again Ola j*? with tha HTirwt aonpattttoa ImagM^ abla at (ha Loa Aagalaa Bocaa abow, Wrui7 I to IX Kaoar Highland Wan tha aattoaal ehamplooahle at tha Jaw Tork Show laat T?r da&roadng Bohanton Actraaa wbteh ba4 bakl th* ttUa tor alx jrMia. Tba boMa to ?waad bjr lUnt h?a Baaha cd Co nam, Oauioraia- a?d U tnOaad and ?14dan by Roy Darta, ahown rata*. Tba Loa Angataa ahow ta to UNilt ?keaea with a total of USfiOO la tnaa aoaay. Tbta to mora tb4h araf awardad befora la as/ abow. It to brtnf out tli* ItraUaat ooateat of tuao ail wbaa Bdna liar** Klat owaad k] Baral Lladaar lCn?tlab. and Baatai Mar ovutd br Marco Hallmaa. maai b tha fir* g&ttad champion' hi p. Saatar Star in laat *aar altar tfa ladgaa wara oollfad to kaap Uu | boraaa la tha rta# (or twaaty extra miaou* to datarataa which vat tha bat tar. tlaca that ttm Uta Mar* Xing baa won tiM $10,000 itaki U tha Kaataoky atata talr. Oaa of Iki will (ala tha dtatlaadea ct ?Nad bona la tfca elaaaaa. wUA taallia Cri Ha, w2l tVrw a total oj henaa. Mora than 1M ?i| o i tha this is said to have happen ed IN SOUTH AFRICA An inspector of schools in Sooth Africa invited some boys to join him in a swim in the lagocn. The boys watched him undress and go in, bat themselves remained on the bank. After a long and enjoyable swim inspector chaffed the boys for not coming in, and said. "I suppose you are afraid to batbe with an inspect or?" "No, sir," said one of the boys, "but we saw a crocodile in this la goon yesterday." OUT OF THE MOUTH OF FATHER Teacher: "What is the meaning of the word 'matrimony,' Robert?" Robert: "Please, misa, my father sayi it jgk't a word; it's a sentence." MY BABY GIRL (By Rev. Roy Scarlette, Ogden High School, Dec. 7, 1926.) Her eyes are as blue as the touch-me not, Her cheeks like the dawn of day; Her hair glistens like the foxes* fur. That change on Christmas Day. Her hands are as white as the driven snow, Her voice is soft ar.d low; People watch with eagerness and gasp and say, "What makes it so?" Some cannot understand who do not know, But to me it is easy to understand When she says: "I'm daddy's little man." How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break lip a cold overnight or to cut short an attack of grippe, in fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggists are now recom mending Caioiabs, the purified and refined calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleas ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bod-time with a swallow of water, ? that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, worl or pleasure. Next morning your coir has vanished, your system is thm oughly purified and you are feeiin, fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please, ? no dan ger. Ge*. a family package, contarnir fait directions, only 3b cents. A' ir drug store. CHICHESTERS PIUS OUMONO BRAND UDIlt I DIAMOND *Va KT>?rn5r" Gold mtitXlie bo?, ?mlmd wtlfc Ribbon. Taxb wo enn. InitM Ml Mk ftr ?B*cSZft.TiB? Y j zxissixts* CttS&irsasr Ttin mirflfO AD PW,MIWI| 4IW1J1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SS& EVERYWHERE 7miS. SAY 44 BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART .Accept only "Dr.ver" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes ot 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 ar.?l 100 ? Drujrjrista. Asyixta w Uit trade mark uf Bayer llaiiuXscturv or Moaoaceticacidcaier of SsllcylicicH CLERK examination. Murphy, Fob. f 11). A 18-45. Men-women. J)' n't miss this opportunity. Coach in- course $?">. ! >. HAMPTON, Box 1818-1'. M., Washington, D. C. < 1 t-p'l > Subscribe to The Scout. Scores of people claim been healed when Ab:a;y : eleven yer.i old Indiat hands upon them. ?>o great v. j the press a'. out him at Rochester, N. V., that the lad collapsed from exhaustion. HONEY FOR SALE New Honey in the comb or ex tracted, $2.00 gallon Six gallon lots or more $1.88 per gallon. Produced exclusively from clov ers. Quality guaranteed. State whether comb or extract ed is wanted when ordering. The Busy Bee Apiary, (5 201) Fletcher, , N. C. IS YOUR HEART TROUBLED? DO YOU NEED ADVICE? Read. "IN CONFIDENCE" By MISS FLO Whether you have a perplexed heart or not, don't miss reading this brilliant young writer's "woman's viewpoint" on marriage ? sex ? love? divorce and human relationship. Miss Flo will write each week for THE SCOUT her "In Confidence" article which appears in this issue. Next week she will write " What Price Beauty" Read it too!

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