Andrews Locals The following who spent Christmas n Andrews have returned to school: Harry Dewar to Georgia Tech; Wil liam Walker and John Scronce to l>ul:c University; Margaret Fisher and Margaret Boone to G. F. C.; Starr Bristol to State Normal; Jose phine BYadley to Meredith College; Winnifred Montoney to Queens Col lege; Lionel Adams and Robert Brown to State University; Edwin Whi taker to Wake Forest College and Ldwin Hyde to Mars Hill College. Little Miss Sarah Ruth Posey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Posey, last spring entered into the State con tost for primary grades of writing the best essay on safety devices on the Public Highways. Sarah Ruth 1 os just been notified that she won third prize and her prize is a bronze medal and a five dollar check. At i-ape! exercises Friday morning the prizes arc to be delivered to her by the Supt. of the Andrews High School. l>. H. Tillitt was a business visitor Murphy on Monday and Wednes tl ?y of this week. Mr. McLain Holland on Tuesday of this week was taken to Asheville for 1 ospital treatment. Mr. Holland i>hout seven weeks ago got hurt and iii.; condition is now considered very 'i ious. The many friends of Mrs. G. B. 11 ihlitzell will learn with pleasure that si e is doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Hoblitzell was taken Ji during the holidays and now for cveral days has been in Biltmore iiospital. Mr. W. A. Hyde on Tuesday of this j week had been to carry his son, Ed win, to Mars Hill College, and while j returning with his family in Waynes ville was run into by a truck and his car badly damaged. Mr. Hyde was slightly hurt and other members of J?js family were badly shaken up and l?i uised. Earl Orr spent his Christmas with his mother arid sister at Weaverville, N. C. Messrs. D. S. Russell and W. T. Holland were in Murphy on Monday and Tuesday of this week attending the meeting of the Board of Highway Commissioners and County Board of Commissioners. TRY AN AD IN THE SCOUT. Run-Down gave out easily "M* ?c BL L. Oaytuo, of 1 M. G. "I would atari to do nqr bowaawuih and 1 would ght oat before I had dona w^uiiuf ax alL I did not barre amy strength, and if I did least thing it seemed to tax as so I could not finish. I was rmxkxwn ears "Bevwral of my fidands had taken Caitlui and thsy said to mat "Why dont you try it?" I knew I needed something to Imfld op my general health and to increase my strength. "Finally ana day when I was recovering from a spell of slrVness. I decided to try Carded. I got a bottle and bo Bto take it. I oould notice I was improving as my smadto got batter and I did not gfos oat nsailj so quick. I took several bntttea and I Ml lots better. Two years ago I decided to take it again. It built ma ma feel like a m. It la the medicine for wqumo I know anything about.* CARDUI fcr Pa Mr. C. M. Trull and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Crisp were visitors in An drews on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Russell were in Murphy on Wednesday of this week on business. Messrs. N. W. Abernathy and D. S. Puett were business visitors in An drews on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Claude R. Tarkinprton has re turned after having spent several weeks with her parents and relatives and friends in Elizabeth City, N. C. ?J. II. Abernathy went to Marble on business Tuesday of thi3 week. POSTELL A happy New Year to all. Let's I not forget to begin this New Year of 1927 by first, subscribing for our home paper, the dear old Cherokee ; Scout. Then we can have the news of our cou?ity the whole year. We ex tend our good wishes to The Scout family. Mrs. R. L. Peeples and three little daughters B"obbie Margaret and Irene returned to her home at Ducktown, Tenn., Wednesday after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen at Postell. ! Several of the men from our com munity attended the road meeting at Murphy last Monday. Mr. Ernest Allen who is teaching at the Pack School House is staying with his aunt, Mrs. Willie Johnson during" the last two weeks of his schooL Mrs. Mary Allen is still very ill at this writing. Mr. Dewie Stiles has moved his family to the home formerly occupied by Mr. Dorse Voiis. Mr. John Mason spent Thursday with S. Y. Allen and family. Mr. Shirm Jones was a Ducktown visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Jane Mason spent Saturday night with her son, Birt Mason and family on Upper Shoal Creek. Miss Jane Lcdford of Postell and Mr. John Burrell of Unaka were married Sunday. Mr. S. Y. Allen spent Sunday night with his daughter. Mrs. R. L. Peeples and family at Ducktown, Tenn. Mrs. Deela Suit is on the sick list this week. Mr. Jim Suit made a business trip i to Ducktown, Monday. Rev. C. F. Conley failed to fill his I regular appointment at Shoal Creek Saturday night and Sunday. FOR SALE CHEAP? Baby bed, spring and mattress and high chair. MRS. A. S. CLARK. LOST ? One gauntlet-glove, color brown, on Belleview road between Bcaltown and the Murphy post office. Reward. Notify The Scout. (lt-pd) Subscribe to The Scout. CANDLER'S We will take stock Feb, 1 st. Our large stock must be reduced. DOWN GO PRICES Nothing reserved. Space will not permit us to advertise more than a few of our bargains. Come! You'll find Sensational Values. Prices will amaze you. Sale starts Saturday, Jan. 8-Lasts until Feb. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL J Spot Cash ? No Charges At These Prices EXTRA SPECIAL 36-in. Heavy Unbleached LL. Sheeting, 1 yard for 10c 36-in. Checked Dimity, 25c grade, yard 15c Women's 85c House Aprons Package 50 Safety Pins Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts 49c 9c 49c Men's SI. 50 and $2.00 Caps 98c 9-4 Pepperell Sheeting ? 81x90 ? yard San-Silk Crochet Cotton, Spool 40c 5c Men's and Women's Cotton Hose, Pair 10c 50 Pair Men's Oxfords "Famous Florsheim Shoes", Pair 2.98 50 Silk and Wool Dresses ? $8.50 value 3.98 1 Lot Men's, Boy's and Women's all Wool Sweaters Regular prices up to 15. (10. Close out 1.98 Large Size Can Pork and Beans 10c 8 Oz. Bed Ticking ? Featherproof ? Regular Price 40c, Yd. 25c 15c Dress Gingham ? All colors ? Yard 10c Royal Society Embroidery Thread, 1 Doz. Skeins 25c Men's Heavy $1.50 Unionsuits 98c Solid Leather Clothes Brushes, made for U. S. Army 25c 100 Pair Women's Oxford Shoes, worth up to $5.00 . 1.98 Children's 20c Stockings ? all sizes ? pair 12c 45c Electric Light Globes ? Beat grade 29c Special Close Out Prices on all Women's Coats, and Silk and Wool Dress