NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, the Valley River Trad ing Company did on the 27 day of November. 1925J, execute and deliver < . W. Brown, Trustee, a trust deed on i ertain lands in Cherokee County, State of North Carolina, therein ful ly described, to secure the payment of thi sum of twenty-seven thousand, five hundred ($27,500.00) dollars, ,|Ul. by said Valley River Trading Company to the Central Bank & Trust Company of Asheville, North arolina. which said deed of trust is recorded in Cherokee County in Rook 01 .*ioi images and I)vCu3 of Trust No. jiU. at page 142, to which reference hereby made; and, WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured as aforesaid, whereby the power conferred upon said trustee to make sale of said land and property has become operative, and the trus tee has been duly requested to exe cute the trust therein contained; NOW. THEREFORE, notice is hereby vr ven that under and by vir tue of 'he power contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned, on Monday, the 28th day of February. 1927, at Twelve O'clock Noon, at the Court House door in the Town of Murphy County of Cherokee, will by public auelion sell to the highest bid tier for cash, the following described property, to-wit : Lying and being in Valley River Township. County of Cherokee, and State <>f North Carolina, and bounded and more particularly described as follows : _ ? FIRST TRACT ? -Beginning at a I stake in the westerly boundary line of Whitaker Lane and at the South tail of the Murphy Division of South ern Railroad Company's track; thence with said South rail of said track South . 6 degrees 21 minutes west J2-101U feet to a stake at the South fmil of Southern Railroad track, in ! the East side of a lane between the , Mark Pulliam and William Bradley tracts, now owned by Carolina and Georgia Railroad Company, and John Wiiitakei tract now owned bv VALLEV RIVER TRADING COM PANY; thence with the East side of aid lane South 36 degrees 15 minutes East I"! 7 i feet to a stake; thence North '?! ,'grees 58 minutes East lliti.f feet to a stake in the Western I ne "t the H. N. Piercy tract now "wned i.y VALI.EV RIVER TliAL) ING < ' ).M PAN V ; thence with the western line of the H. N. Piercy tract South ?!(? degrees 25 minutes East 927.7 Vet to a stake in tn center of the Taylor's Creek Road at the South west corner of the said H. N. Piercy trait and in the South boundary line of State Survey No. 28; thence with the South boundary line of said State Survey and said H. N. Piercy tract Xoiih 54 degrees 10 minutes East 380 feet t" a stake, the Southwest corner of the Quincey Whitaker tract and the Southeast corner of the H. N Piercy tract; thence with the line be tween the <nid H. N. Piercy tract and tluincy Whitaker tract North 36 de crees 25 minutes West 293 feet to a stake on the North bank of a ditch, the Northwest corner of said Quincy w hit.iker tract; thence with said ditch and with the line between said Quiii my Whitaker tract an 1 the tract of and known as the W.lliam Newman S?,lV,,rth degrees 1 minute East f, _ a stake; thencc with the North line ot a 20-ft. alley, as shown SS? ??">"rked, ? "VALLEY RIVER TRADING COMPANY, West An drews N. C., scale 1-in. ? 100 feet, Oct.-, 1920" of record in the Office of the Register of Deed f in Cherokee tounty, North Carolina, North 54 Semes 16 minutes East 119 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot No. 1 of Block 6 of map above referred to; Uience with the West ine of Block Sen - '*5 degrees 30 ninutes West . 1 to the divisi >nal line be tween Lots Nos. 5 and <5 in Block 6, ? shown on said map. thence with aid divisional line North 54 degrees M minutes East 140 feet to the westerly boundary line of Snow Bird ils ?h?wn on said map; thence in the svavl Westerly boundary line of Snow Bird Avenue, North 35 de grees .to minutes West 717 feet to a del,," .??id line; thence North 54 Sn,. . ?? "J minutes East crossing wp?)vi i. Avenue with the North westerly boundary line of Lot No. A jrithTkK if cr,03sing a 20-ft. alley and J 1 'he Northwesterly boundary line in Bi?ck n?- 2-? 36? Wliit i Westerly boundary line of boon 1 ,.Lanc: thence wnth said h"e of said Whitaker I^ne lD" 35 rifSTees 30 minutes West jrorox.mately 50 feet to the place mm-n ?,ng' containing 53 acres, of, or 'ess ? , ;L0N??ACT : ^ginning at We*?,.,-!, -j e '"tersection of the Slde of Whitaker Lane with W-?*r?herly s!de of Taylor's Creek of T:\ 1 e,ncS, witfl the Northerly side I'a.v lor s Creek Road 162 fet to a . n a 20-foot alley the South- ! hem e L01 No. 1 of Block 1; 20-ft 2ii S16 Easterly side of said utes \v? North 35 degrees 30 min line K e, 4 feet to the divisional Cnre W 25" ^ts Nos. 5 and 6; North -Tj said indivisional line 140 r? 'I degrees 30 minutes East Whitlket 0 the Westerly side of of I of v ^.ne' the Southeast corner erly =iH ? J.,thence with the West degrees^n Whitaker Lane South 35 the hllit ?.m,nutes East 250 feet to 3, 4 being Lots Nos. 1, 2, map ' ^ Block 1, as shown on Tit A nt??.rked VALLEY RIVER J'ews NNG CQMPANY, West An P?. 2, 1920?'?^auIe l m,? 100 ft" ,a the offil , 'ch map is of record Of Cherokee r the Re?"ter of Deeds , THIRD North Carolina. feersectioJ^ X: Beginning at the ^'taker t ? > Westerly side of ?ide of '">9 ?f *'th the Northerly 01 32 ft. St.", the Southeast corner of Lot No. 1 in Block 2; thence with the Northerly side of said "32 ft. St." South 54 decrees 30 minutes West 140 feet to the Easterly side of a 20-ft. alley; thence with the East erly side of said 20 ft. alley North 35 degrees 30 minutes West 215 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 4 in Block 2 ; thence with the Northerly boundary line of Lot No. 4 in Block 2, North 54 decrees 30 minutes East 140 feet to the Westerly side of Whitaker Lane; thence with the Westerly side of Whitaker Lane, south 35 degrees 30 minutes East 215 | feet to the place of Beginning, being Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 2, as shown on map marked ? -UV ALLEY RIVER TRADING COMPANY, West Andrews, N. C. ? Scale 1-in. ? 100 ft. Oct. 2, 1920", which map is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Snow Bird Avenue where the divisional line between Lots Nos. 2 and 3 of Block 4 intersects with the Easterly side of Snow Bird Avenue; thence with the Easterly side of Snow Bird Avenue North 35 degrees 30 minutes West 95 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 4 in Block 4 ; thence with the Northerly boundary line of Lot No. 4 | in Block 4, North 54 degrees 30 min utes East 140 feet to the Westerly side of 20-ft. alley; the Northeast cor ner of Lot No. I in Block 4; thence with the Westerly side of said 20 ft. alley South 35 degrees 30 minutes I East 95 feet to the Southeast corner ; of Lot No. 3 in Block 4; thence with the divisional line between Lots No. 2 and 3 in Block 4 South 54 degrees 30 minutes West 140 feet to the place of Beginning, being Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in Block 4, as shown on Map mark ed? "VALLEY RIVER TRADING COMPANY, West Andrews. N. C.? Scale l-:n.? 100 ft. Oct. 2, 1920", which map is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina. TOGETHER with all tenements, { factories, dwellings and other build ings, structures, developments and improvements situate on said land, and all privileges and appurtenances I thereunto belonging or in any wise ! appertaining. Such title will be given as is vested in the Trustee. This the 24th day of January, 1927 C. W. BROWN. Trustee. (25-4t-s.g.b.) NOTICE? SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust made and executed by J. E. Taylor, to the undersigned trus tee. on the 28th day of May, 1925, which deed of trust is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cheroke County, N. C., in Book No. 74 page 499, default having been made in the indebtedness thereby se cured, I, I). H. Tillitt, Trustee, will on the 9th day of February, 1927. at the courthouse door in Murphy, N. C., at ten o'clock, A. M., (Murphy time) offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate: Beginning on a stake on the East side of Graham Street on an alley 378 feet North from East Main Street; running North with Graham Street to the right of way of the Southern Railway Company; thence East with said right of way to the Robbinsville Road ; thence S. E. with the Robbinsville Road 305 1-2 feet to an alley; thence West with said alley 305 feet to the beginning, con taining eight lots and a strip running through the center, once intended for a street, being what is known as the canipe lots. Being all ?f that parcel or lot of land conveyed to the said J. E. Taylor by T. J. Hill and wife, Hattie Hill, by deed dated May 29th, 1923, and re corded in the offiee of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C., in Book 87 at page 11, to which refer ence is hereby made. Dated and posted this the 8th day of January, 1927. D. H. TILLITT, Trustee. (23-4t-DHT) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Certificate of Dissolution TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME? GREETING: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office, that the Hiawassee River Power Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the Town of Murphy, County of Cherokee, State of North Carolina (Ralph Moody being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of dis solution : Now, Therefore, I, W. N. Everett, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina do hereby certify that the said Corporation did, on the 8th day of January, 1927, file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh, this 8th day of January, A. D., 1927. Signed) (SEAL) W. N. EVERETT, 24-4t) Secretary of State.' NOTICE! Having qualified as the administra tor of John R. Marcus, deceased, late of Cherokee County, N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against said state to present their claims on or before the loth day of January. 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All verso lis indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. MRS. NANCY MARCUS. Admrx. of Estate of John R. Marcus. Deceased. (23-ttt-pd) I ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Walter Thompson, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to pre sent any claims of indebtedness they may have again the said deceased within twelve months from thi> date, on this notice and the lapse of said time will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to .-aid de ce: w.' are hereby notified :?.? make immediau settlement. This Dec. 2""th, 1926. G. J. CROW. Admr. of WiJter Thompson. (21-6t-pd) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE | By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made by John Walker and wife. Martha Walker, to the undersigned trustee, dated January 30th, 1917. and duly registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Cherokee County. 1 North Carolina, in Hook No. 74. at1 page 288, to which reference Ls here- J by made, and default having been made in the payment of the note se cured by said deed of tru>t whereby i the power of sale therein e< ntained has become operative, and demand having been made upon me by the holder of said note, I will, on Monday. March 7th, 1927, at 1:00 P. M. (one o'clock P. M.) offer for sale at public | auction for cash to the hij:hv: i bidder, at the temporary courthouse door, in Murphy, North Carolina, it being the door of the Carnegie Library, in said Town of Murphy, the following i described lands and premises, in f'herok^e County, North Carolina, Murphy Township, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Josie Walk er, Isaac Lovingood, Fain and Dock ery and others, and bounded as fol lows: Being on Cook's Creek, and known as the H. Iredell C? \>k Heirs land, further known as Peier Dick Land, lying north and west > t Josie Walker's Home Place, on the Flee j Mountain, containing 200 acres, more or less. I This the 29th day of January. 1927. DR. W B. CALDWELL AT THE AOE OF 03 To Wr. W. B. Caldwell, of Monti cello, III, a practicing physician for 47 years, it seemed cruel that so many constipated infants and chil dren had to be kept "stirrol up" and half sick by taking cathartic pills, tablets, salts, calomel and nasty oils. While be knew that constipation was the ou?e of nearly all children's little ilia, he constantly advised mothers to give only a harmless lax ative whkJh would help to establish natural bowel "regularity." In Dr. GsWwell'e Syrup Pepsin mothers have a regulating laxative which they can depend upon when eve? a child is constipated, bilious,. feveria> or sack from a cold, indi NOT1CE OF FLECTION OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Persuant to Chapter 114, Private Laws Extra Session 1913, an election is hereby called to be held the first Tuesday in March, it being March 1st, 1927, lor the purpose of electing two Trustees for the Andrews School Dis You can have 5 packets of se^'dB of 5 different and very beautiful flowers free. Hastings' 1927 Seed Catalog tells you all about it. \ Hastings' Seeds are "The Standard of the South." They give the besf. re sults in our Southern gardens and on our farms. Hastings' new 1927 CaT& log has 112 pages in all. full of pic tures from photographs, handsome covers In full colors, truthful, accurate descriptions and valuable culture di rections. We want you to have this catalog In your home. It tells all about Hastings' j garden, flower and field seeds, plants and bulbs ? the finest in America, i Write for it today. A post-card re quest brings it to you by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. A Child's Laxative which Mothers Can Kely On geation or sour stomach. All chil dren love its pleasant taste. Buy a large 00-cent bottle at any store that sells medicine or write "Syrup Pepsin," Monticello, Illinois, for a FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE and just see for yourself how perfectly it cleanses ami remilatee the bowels of infants and children. Dr. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN trict for a term of four years. The Trustees' whose term expires being W. C. Morrow and J. W. Walker. The said election to be held in the Town of Andrews under the same rules and regulations as provided for the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly. D. H. Tillitt is appointed Registrar and D. A. Williams and P. M. Reagan Judges for said election. Only such names as are given the Secretary prior to February 24th, 1 1927, will be entered upon the Of ficial Ballot as candidates in said elec tion and then only upon authority given by said candidate personally either in writing or verbally. This 24th dav of January, 1027. CLYDE H. JARRETT, Secretary, Andrews School District. (2o-4t-chj) Don't Get Up Nights Nature's Danger Signal Renewed by Tenru Man. Wants Otncrs To Know. J. L. Church. Doeville. Tenn. *aya: * IIk.i to get u;j 10 to 12 limes each night. Burning was almost unbearable. Punned 1 much bloo<l an.'.1 nus. IlaJ no lasting re | suit h until takinir .'thiated buohu (Kel ler Formula.) 1 feel loo per .sent better. My friends sar 'How much beCvfiT .v?o look.' Will tell or write my experience to any one." Lithiated Bucuu cleanses the bladder as epsom salts do the bowels. It ia not a patent medicine. The formula la on the bottle. The tablets cost 2c each at drug stores. Keller Laboratory, Mecbia icsburg, OKio. R. S. PARKER, Drug Co. uts Instant Life into FROSTY Motors ' I ''HE starter whirrs ? the plugs crackle. Your motor leaps to in stant life. With Esso, starting is easy. Esso warms the heart of any motor ? puts a zest in Winter driving, un matched by the best straight gasoline. Try a tanlcful. ESSO_the_GIANT^QWER FUEL Costs m n t-<> worth it

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