WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RICH IN MINERALS Inestimable millions of dollars in mineral resources await development to add materially to the income of Xoith Carolina, declares Senator R. J. Roane of the thirty-third district, chairman I f the senate committee on mines. Since taking his seat this year in the senate. Chairman Roane has been making a close study of the oppor tunity to the state through its miner al deposits. As a result of his efforts in this direction. Senator Roane de clares that the outstanding need is for the state to take the lead in point ing out the value of her asset* :n this line. Coming from the extreme s. uth fest part of North Carolina, one of the richest mining districts in the state. Senator Roane is taking an acute interest in aiding the develop ment of minerals of the state. He has expressed keen interest in the work of the department of Conservation and Development toward this purpose, complimenting the geology and pub licity divisions on their efforts toward research and placing the facts before the public. "Mining and forestry," says Sen ator Roane, "are two of our most val uable assets, and with the decline in our forest area, renewed interest is placed on our mines. Wrapped with in the folds of the ranges of the Ap palachians are huge sources of wealth that have never been touched. It is true that North Carolina has been active in bringing the facts before the world of this great potential wealth, but the surface has scarcely been scratched. We need to provide better for the needs of the state geo logy to meet the demands which are made upon him in determining the quality, extent and value of various deposits. "In my district al^*, tfiiich in cludes Cht'?;;kr4 , f?lay, Graham, Ma ^wain counties, there is re search enough to occupy the entire time of the state geologist for a con siderable period. "Some of our valuable minerals in this section includes asbestos, build ing stones, gold, silver, kaolins, and many others. Recent years have not ed material strides in the production of most of these minerals and the fu ture gives still brighter promise for a greatly increased output." Senator Roane declares that the construction of highways in the mountains is one of the most valuable aids toward the exploitation of the minerals of the section. He pointed out that the experiences of rich min eral sections in greatly increased vol ume has proven this point. Swain, his home county, he continued, is now constructing a highway to extend to the Tennessee border which should be another stimulus to the development of the county. Copper mining in Swain county, the senator declared, is increasing, with the Fontana mines 1 now shipping two car loads daily and preparing to add to this. The senator enjoys the distinction of being the second democrat to be elected to the state senate from his district in more than a quarter of a cciilui->. His ability has already been recog nized through his appointment as chairman of the committee on mines, and as a member of 13 senate com mittees. For 21 years, Mr. Roane has oper ated a large merchantile establish ment in Whittier; for four years he served as sheriff of Swain county; and has served five years as a member of the school board of the county, re signing this office to assume that of state senator. During the time that he was a member of the school board, the schools of the county recorded a period of marked progressiveness. He is a member of the Methodist church in Whittier and has served as super intendent of the Sunday school for a number of years. Senator Roane declares that the establishment of the proposed Great Smoky Mountain National Park will add one of the most valuable features of interest to the state of North Carolina. "These mountains are among the most beautiful in the coun try," he decared, "and it is most fitt ing that we shoud convert the area into a National Park to save to the nation spoiled this wonderful area." J MEMORIAL RESOLUTION Andrews, N. C., January 24, 11)27. At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Andrews School District held on the 24th day of Jan uary. 1 !?27, all members being pres ent, the following resolution, offered by Mr. D. S. Russell, one of the or and founders of Andrews School District, was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS. In the year of 11?00, Mr. M. E. Cozad and his estimable wife, Mrs. Margaret S. Cozard, came t