The Leading Weekly Newspaper in Western North Carolina, Serving , large and Potential! y Rich Territory in thi. state VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 33 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1927 be COPY? $1.50 PER YEAJB NATION-WIDE PUBLICITY GIVEN LUMBER SALE "American Lumberman" National Magazine Carrie? Article on Local Firm's Unique Undertaking The ' American Lumberman," pub lished at Chicago, a magazine of the lumber industry of national circula tion, claiming to be the "Greatest Lumber Journal on Earth", in its is sue for March carried an article on the bargain sale of the Cherokee Manufacturing Company, of Murphy, of which R. F. Williamson is manag er. The article "was carried as a news item, and the editors of the magazine have written Mr. William son for full particulars regarding the sale and the manner in which it was stuped. Mr. Williamson stated the other day that he was at a loss to know jusi jiO?y the Chicago publishers got hold of the information. However, a persuid of the Scout's mailing list revealed the secret. A national clip ping service is receiving this paper, and it is assumed that the informa tion was secured through this clip ping bureau. The letter from the publishers of I the "American Lumberman" follows: Chicago, March 9, 1927. Mr. R. F. Williamson, Cherokee Manufacturing Co., Murphy, North Carolina. Dear Sir: We understand that you are hold ing a special "bargain sale" at this time, and will appreciate it very much if you will kindly write us a letter telling how you prepared for this ever.1, the class and kind of" goods that are going into the sale, how you advertised it, and the general results in the way of visitors, customers and prospects for futifrte business. If you advertised the sale by space in your local newspaper or by circulars we would like to receive samples of the ads. We are much interested in the proposition, and hope you will write us fully regarding it. Sincerely yours, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN, R. P. Fales, RI'I* :EA Associate Editor. Thus it will be seen that what start ed out to be only a local undertaking has attracted national attention, be cause of its novelty and uniqueness. And Mr. Williamson is more than pleaded with the results obtained dur ing his first bargain sale, which last ed from March 1st to the 15th. The cash sales during this period were 10 1G percent over and above the same period for the previous month, and 1420 percent over and above the same period for the previous year. A number of items carried by this company were cleaned out, Mr. Wil iamson stated, and more could have been disposed of. That this event *il! be repeated in the future is a foregone conclusion. Tue Cherokee Scout and the Clay ounty News were the advertising Mediums used in putting on this sale, except 250 circulars which were dis tributed entirely in Murphy. Romans missionary society TO BEAUTIFY CHURCH GROUND The Womans Missionary society of the Baptist Church are calling on the men and women of the church to meet next Wednesday, March 30th, to clean off and beautify the new church grounds. All rubbish will be 1 removed, grading wtere necessary done, holes filled in, and the grounds leveled up and planted in grass, dinner will be served at L-he noon hour. This work needs to be done ?nd the ladies hope that enough members will turn out to complete the task in one day. Undertaker Humor "Here's where we roll the bones," offered the undertakers as they pac ?d the coffin in the wagon. Peaclitree High School Commencement Pro gram Mar. 31 -Apr. 3 March 31, 8:00 P. M. ? Plays by Grammar Grade?. April 1, 8 P. M. ? Reading ? Decla mation Contest. April 2, 8:00 P. M. ? A play: "The Path Across the Hill. April 3, 2:30 P. M. ? Sermon by Rev. William H. Ford. We are planning to have one of the best programs have ever had. Come. Bring your friends. We shall do our best to make it pleasant for you. J. K. STLES, Principal. JUST IN PASSING By James A. Hollomon Neel Gap, marked by a tablet of bronze, and the most commanding spot in the Georgia Blue Ridge, is to be the center of a state forest park It is the first of a number of similar parks that Georgia ? like other moun tainous states ? expects in time to have. This park, already accepted by the governor, was made possible through the generois.ty of the Pfister Vogel Land company, a Georgia cor poration owning enormous mountain forest ereas, and of which former Representative Bonnel H. Stone, of Union county, is manager. This new state forest park not only includes Neel Gap, but also the peak of Blood mountain, and a fam ous beauty spot on the Appalachian Scenic highway where there are sev eral springs and a waterfall, some wonderful old white pines, hemlocks populars, oaks and other trees, moun tain shrubs and crystal streams, all at this elevation of above 3,000 feet at the Gap to 4,700 feet on top of Blood mountain. As Neel Gap and the mountain core above this waterfall are on the Scenic highway, the two acres of this tract on top of Blood mountain, on the boundary line of the Cherokee National forest at the head of Toc coa basin, is only one mile west of the Gap and may be easily connected by a trail for making this look-out point accessable to the highway and the remainder of this first state for est for Georgia. The objet of the land company in making this donation was to protect these attractive spots from private exploitation for all future time and to give the state an ideal camping ground in the Georgia mountains where recreational features may go hand in hand with forest protection, while perpetuating a small area of hardwood timber. When Neel Gap was officially ded icated, July 4, 1925, thousands of people, including the governor, state house officials and members of the legislature and many from other states enjoyed the barbecue dinner served on the lands now included in this state forest park. Thousands more have enjoyed the scenery along the highway since that time, but now for all future time, the state of Georgia will protect the unsurpassed beauty of this bit of vir gin hardwood forest land and from the top of the rugged peak to the west, all the grandrue of the Georgia mountains may be observed, vast areas of forest lands may be patrolled against fire, and the state may estab lish cooperation with both federal and private timber owners on both sides of the Blue Ridge divide in this and other states. Blood mountain is on the boun dry line of the Cherokee National forest, at the head of famous Toc coa basin, where Duncan Ridge swings off from the Blue Ridge, giving a remarkable look-out point for lands on the headwaters of the Chattahoo chee, Tennessee and Savannah riv ers. This gift to the state, by such pro gressive and far-sighted people will afford the most important denion ?t rationed values for outdoor recrea tion and proper forest protection, which is the most appropriate ior ad . MURPHY LIONS CLUB TO STAGE DAIRY PROGRAM Meeting Tuesday Night Wei! Attend ed ? Park for Town Also Comes in For Discussion The Murphy Lions Club will stage I a Dairy program at its next meeting jin order to supplement anew the in Iterest already manifested in thi? in dustry in the county. A committee composed of Rev. E. J. Harbison, chairman; D. Witherspoon and R. W. Gray was appointed to arrange and have charge of the program. A number of purebred and graded cows have recently been brought into the county and the program is expect ed to cover practically every phase of the dairy industry. A number of farmers and business men will be in vited to meet with the club on this occasion, and it is expected that speakers from outside the county will be invited to address the gather ing on the subject of dairying. A park for the town a! ) came in lor a lengthy discussion. It was brought out that the cool springs sec tion had recently been damaged and its beauty somewhat marred by the cutting of a number of trees and some blasting which had been done on the mountain just above the spring Lion D. Witherspoon, attorney for Battle and Sinclair, owners of the Cool Springs property, st<il.J that permission had been given a company to get somo rock off the property for mining purposes, and that as soon as it was found the property and cool springs were being damaged, the owners ordered the work stopped at once. He and the owners lament ed the fact that this damage was done without the knowledge uf e'ther party. Some discussion was had as to securing this property for the city as a park proposition, which is ex pected to take form looking toward definite action in the near future. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and well attended. REVIVAL SERVICES BEGIN APRIL 24TH AT M. E. CHURCH Revival Services will be held at the Methodist Church beginning April 24th. Preliminary to the revival cot tage prayer meetings will be held in all parts of the community, and all christian people of every denomina tion are asked to take a part in the prayer meetings and to attend them as they are held each Friday in the various homes from 2:;>0 to 3:30 in the afternoons. The leaders selected in the various sections of town are as follows: Beal Town ? Leader: Mrs. J. W. Hampton. Regal Hotel Section ? Leader: Mrs. G. J. Harbison. Dickey House Section ? Leader: Mrs. R. V. Wells. Factory Town ? Leader: Mrs. K. V. Weaver. Patton House Section ? Leader: Mrs. H. G. Elkins. McCall Section ? Leader: Mrs. J. H. McCall. South of No. 10 ? East Murphy ? Leader: Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Fer guson. North of No. 10 ? East Murphy ? Leader: Mrs. Frank Dickey and Mrs. Sam Akin. Mrs. Norvell's Section ? Leader: Mrs. E. B. Norvell. Hospital Section ? Leader: Mrs. Arthur Akin and Mrs. P. H. Sword. Mr. H. Engleman moved his family this week to Murphy and is occup pying one of Mrs. Dickey's residen ces, his many friends will be glad to learn. vancing Georgia's forestry policy that could be made at this time. ? Constitution. Carolina-Georgia Lumber Railway Ordered Resold The Carolina and Georgia lumber railway has been ordered resold by Judge Thomas J. Shaw. The railway, which extends from the Murphy branch of the Southern at Andrews to Hayesville, was pur chased a short time ago at public auction for $50,000 by Percy B. Ferebee, of Andrews, subject to con firmation nf the court. Recommendation that the sale be refuted was made by the receiver for the railway company, S. G. Ber nard. NEEL GAP AS A PARK Elsewhere in this issue will be found an article from James A. Hoi lemon, associate editor of the Atlan ta Constitution, dealing with a gift of ten acres of land to the State of Georgia for a state forest park by | Pf ister-Vogel Land company, of j which Bonnell H. Stone, of Blairs ville, is manager. This ten acres embraces two acres surrounding Neel Gap, two acres on the summit of Blood mountain, with an altitude of 4,403 feet; and six acres to include the Bridal Veil wat erfall and the spot where the bar becue giv"i by the Nacoochee-Hia wassee Road oi ia tion July 4, 1U25, when Neel bap was dedicated and the highway over the mountain was officially opened. State Forester Luf burrow has not announced his plans in making these beauty spots more attractive to the public and a greater asset to Geor gia, But it is supposed he will make trails leading from Neel Gap to the crest of Blood mountain, construct a permanent lookout to replace the wooden platform, a short distance from the highway at Neel Gap, place permanent seats and recreation ap paratuses in the barbecue grounds, and, doubtless Construct a ujmique platform over Bridal Veil falls out of the native granite with a ladies rest room underneath it, a i anger's house and other attractions. This is the first state forest park in Georgia and was given by Mr. Vogel, president of the land com pany, so that these alluring and beau tiful spots could be held in its nat ural state to be used for camping and recreational purposes and protected against private exploitation for all future time. Mr. VogeFs generosity and far sighted ideas are appreciated by every lover of nature, and it is the suggestion of the Courier that these tracts be named Vogel Forest Park, perpetuating the name of the donor as one who loves nature and enjoys recreation. Certainly Mr. Vogel de serves such recognition. Neel Gap, Blood mountain, and Bridal Veil falls are a great asset to White, Union, Lumpkin and Hall counties. These places are familiarly known throughout the country for their wonderful scenic attraction. It would demonstrate a spirit of pro gressive pride if these county officials would immediately notify the state forester offering their whole-hearted cooperation in making such improve ments on the state forest park as he deems necessary. Cooperation gets results. It will bring a closer and friendlier relation between these counties, and that is so much needed. ? Cleveland (Ga.) Courier. COPIES OF SCOUT WANTED The management of The Scout would appreciate it if our readers who are throifeh with last week's paper and have not destroyed it would send it to us. We have calls for a dozen or more and do not have any. We appreciate responses to like calls in the past, and hope this one will not go unheeded. MUSICAL COMEDY TO BE PRESENTED ON APRIL FIRST "Miss CherryblosRom** Is The Story of An American Girl Reared In a Japan?'ie Home "Miss Cherry blossom,'* Japanese musical comedy in three acts now be ins: prepared for presentation by the Murphy Music Club, wiil be given at the school auditorium on Friday night April 1st, in accordance with announcement recently by officers of the club. The theme of the comedy is woven around an American girl who has been brought up in Japan as the daughter of Kokcmo, a tea garden proprietor. Kokemo wishes her to marry a high Japanese politician, and and a young American is endeavor ing to persuade "Cherryblossom," as she is known, to marry him. Cheny blossom learns her true identity, comes into possession of her father's estate and marries her American lover. Many tense and intriguing | situations arise as East meets West in old Nippon. The cast of characters follows : Cherryblossom, brough up as the daughter of Kokemo, in reality Eve lyn Barnes of New York, U. S. A., Miss Emogene Axley. Kokemo, proprietor of a tea gar den in Tokyo, Japan, comedy part, J. B. Storey. John Henry Smith, p ' ~ v as a <ru? J of C. Boyce. Henry Foster Jones, Jack s pA., .. love with Je ?ica, Hugh BVittain. Horace Worthing a New York stock broker, who is entertaining a party of friends with a trip to Japan on his private yacht. J. C. SJocumb. James Voung, Vt orrthinprt'W s i pri vate secretary, Harve Elkins. Jessica Vanderpool, Worthington's neice, Mrs. Ralph Moody. Togo, a Japanese Politician of high rank, Mark West. Geisha Girls in Kokemo's tea gar den. American girls and men, guests of Mr. Worthington visiting Japan on his private yacht. Officers of the Club are: Mrs. C. W. Savage, President; Mrs. E. C. Mallonee, Vice President; Mrs. H. S. Parker, Secretary; Mrs. Ralph Moody, Treasurer; Mrs. J. W. Dav idson, Accompanist. The program committee is as follows: Mrs. Henry Axley, chairman; Mrs. E. C. Mal lonee, Mrs. J. W. Davidson and Mrs. Henry Akin Dickson & Company Buy Murphy Bonds R. S. Dickson & Company, of Gas tonia and New York City, were suc cessful bidders for the $35,000.00 street improvement bonds of the town of Murphy on the 21st, the bonds bringing a premium of $700, with interest at six per cent. There were five bidders for the bonds. The printing of the bonds, secur ing of legal opinion, passage of the act, advertising and all expenses in curred in selling were also paid for by the buyers, which amounted to some $350.00, making the premium in all $1050.00. The bonds, it will thus be seen, brought 103 cents on the dollar. The bonds were issued as street improvement bonds to take care of the outstanding indebtedness of the town which was in the form of notes past due, most of which represented money expended for street improve ment. J. T. DOCKER APPOINTED J. P. FOR BEAVERDAM TOWNSHIP Mr. J. T. Dockey was recently ap pointed Justice of the Peace for Beaverdam Township. The appoint ment was made by Governor McLcan and Mr. Dockery was here this week in the interest of assuming his new duties.

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