NOTICE OF ELECTION At a special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy, North Carolina held on April 5 th, 1927, the following reso lution was unanimously passed: "That the regular annual election for Uie election of a Mayor and Board of six Commissioners of the Town of Murphy. North Carolina be, and the same is hereby ordered held on Tues day, May 3rd, 1927, in the Assembly room of the Carnegie Library, in this manner and during: the hours prescrib ed by the Australian Ballot Law. "'For the purpose of holding: said election J. W. Axley is hereby ap pointed registrar and ordered to keep the registration books open for the purpose of registering all persons en titled to vote, and who were not reg istered and did not vote in the last annual Municipal election. At the store of J. W .Davidson during the legal hours from Saturday, April9th to Saturday April 23, both inclusive; and R. H. Hyatt, Jr.. and Lowry C. Hill are hereby appointed judges of said election. "It is further ordered that all can didates for the offices of Mayor and Foard of Commissioners must hand their names to the undersigned Clerk not later than six o'clock, Thursday evening. April 28th, in order for the r names to appear on the regular bal lot. B. W. SIPE, (35-2M) Clerk. NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN TH ESUPERIOR COURT H. F. NELSON VS. J. B. PHELPS. Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS This cause coming on to be heard and it appearing to the court that a j cause of action exists against the de- 1 fendant in favor of the plaintiff for the matters stated gin the affidavit in j the sum of $1100.00 and interest; And it further appearing that the j defendant is not a resident of the State of North Carolina and th(. he i canmt after due diligence be found within the State; and that the court has jurisdiction of the subject ?**tters i of the action ; and that the defendant has property within the jurisdiction of the court ; i And it further appearing that a warrant of attachment has been is sued by the plaintiff against the de fendant, against certain property in Cherokee County owned by the de fendant; Being ttll those certain lands de scribed in certain deeds from the fol lowing parties: John B. West and wife registered in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 132. John A. Tatham, registered in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 136. Lee Watkins and wife registered in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 136. John Nelson and wife registered in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 140. Harrison Nichols and wife register ed in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 143. Champion Fiber Co., registered in Cherokee Co., Book 96, Page 240. It, is therefore ordered considered and adjudged that the plaintiff be allowed to publish note of said sum mon and warrant of attachment in the Cherokee Scout, a newspaper, published in Murphy, North Carolina for four successive weeks, giving the style of the action, the names of the narties and the purpose thereof and j requiring the defendant to appear at a time and place therin mentioned to answer or demur to the plaintiff's complaint. This the 4th, day of AprU, 1927. P. C. HYATT, Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee County. (35-4t-pd) By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust made by L. A. Corroil and wife I?.ura Corroll to the unders gned trustee dated April 1st, 1924 and duly regis tered in Cherokee County North Caro lina in Book No. 74 at page 461 to which reference is hereby made and default having ben made in the pay ment of the notes secured by said Deed of Trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has becofe op erative and demand having been made upon me by the holders of said notes I will, Saturday, May 14, 1927, at 1:00 P. M. (one o'clock P. M.) offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the temporary courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina it heing the door of the Carnieie Library in said town of Mur phy the following described lands and premises in Cherokee County, North Carolina, Murphy Township and de scribed as follows: Beginning on a pine stump the North West corner of Fred and Wade Carroll land on the waters of Grape Creek and runs westward to a black jack, being about 50 yards from the beginning on the leading ridge, thence a westwhrdly direction down the ridge With its meanders and marked line to a Spanish Oak in the Worth woods and W. N. Marchburn line, thence south with the Woods line to the pub lic road, thence with said road on eastwardly direction to la small White Oak on the bank of the road, being a corner of Fred and Made Carroll land, thence a northwardly direction with a rail fence to W. L. Wood's line was a small pine on the point of the ride, thence eastwardly with the Woods line to the beginning contain ing 15 acres more or less. This 7th, day of April, 1927. L. E. BAYLESS. (35-4t-j) Trustee. NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust made and entered into1 on the 24th, day of May 1926, by P. C. Edwards et ux to D. H. Tillitt, Trustee, which trust is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C., in book No. 93 page 455. I. D. H. Tillitt, Trustee, will on the 18th, day of April, 1927, at ten o'clock, A. M., (Murphy time) offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Murphy N. C., the fol lowing described real estate: Being a part of tract No. 31 and adjoining the South boundary line of the corporate limits of the Town of Andrews. Beginning at a stake on the West bank of a road; and runs West 134 feet to a stake on the bank of a branch; thence East 129 feet to a stake on the West bank of said road; thence with said road 115 feet to the beginning. Be'?* all of that parcel of land conveyed to the said John Ellis and wife. Flora Ellis, by Sam R. Ammons and wife, Jane Ammons, by deed dat ed April 26th, 1922; and also con- 1 veyed by W. T. Forsyth and wife, i Zp na Forsyth, to the said parties of ! the first part, the same bearing date of November, 9th. 1922, in book No. 79 page 322 to which deed reference is hereby mad*v Dated and posted this the 16th day of March, 1927. D. H. TILLITT, (33-4t ) Trustee. NORTII CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT R. B. Slaughter VS. Cherokee Company. Cherokee Titnl?er Com pa ny . Tri-County Lumber Company. Joseph R Walker Trustee and Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore. NOTICE OK PUBLICATION Th - defendants. Cherokee Compa n y . Chero kee Timl?r Company. Trl-Countv I. umber Company. .!o???ph K. Walker. Trustee, am! Mer> an'.ile Trust and Deposit Company ? ? f Baltimore, will take notice that an action entitled above has been ( nmniencfil in the cuiirl^r <*..????? of Cherokee Count v.ind sum mon therein duly luaued; that the purpose ui said .n ti"n in to foreclose tax fa le certificates <-n Hi- lands lying in Cherokee County ?!?? wi'IIhiI in a certain deed from Frank L Speak nta n. toM.rce C.. Shriver and William I.eeroy \ 1 1 otTri-County Lumber Company ilated January :'"ih 1 2 " . and reiiftered in the of- . ti. ? k-irister t' Heeds Cherokeo County . North Carolina in Hook No. ??ys" pane et hoij. to which reference is hereby ma?le for more particular description to the amount of iis. ihio which sum the plaintiff will have de clared a lien on said lands and ask for a commissioner to sell same to pay said indebt ed ncss. That the saiil summon is returnable on the .'-til day -.f May 1 L' 7 . at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty: and the said defendants are hereby noti fied to appear at said return day or days thereafter nd answer cr demur to the com- i plaint which will be filled in the office of. the ?*"b-rk Superior Court of said Superior Court. This the ISth day of April 1927. P. C. HYATT. Clerk Superior Court. Cherokee County (36-lt-s) | NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust made and entered into the 5th, day of October, 1920, by A. L. Coxey to the undersigned trustee, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C., in book No. 72, page 516, I, J. W. Walker, Trus tee, will on the 20th day of April, 1927, at the courthouse door in Mur phy, N. C.. at ten o'clock A. M. (Murphy time) offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Lots fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in block three (3) in the Town of Andrews, Cherokee County, North Carolina in the subdivision known as the West Andrews as designated on a map made by Valley River Trading Co., dated Oet. 2nd. 1920 which map i is registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C., to which map reference is here by made and being the same lots this day conveyed to A. L. Coxey by Val ley River Trading Co., to which deed reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Dated and posted this the 18th, dav of March, 1927. J. W. WALKER, (33-4t-w) Trustee. | NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed Trustee, by the execution of that certain Deed of Trust, dated March 6, 1926, and recorded May 12, 1926, in Book 93, Rage 436, of the Records of Desds of Trust of Chero kee County, by J. B. Phelps, Trustee, to J. Dat Smathers, as Trustee for the benefit of the Champion Fibre Company; default having been made in the payment of the debt and inter est accured by the said Deed of Trust and evidenced by the notes therein mentioned, so that the power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust be came operative; and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trustee, in compliance with the terms of the said Deed of Trust aforesaid, to advertise and sell the lands de scribed in said Deed of Trust, and hereinafter described, according to the term of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy te debt and interest thereby secured, and the cost and expenses of the sale. NOWT THEREFORE, I will on Monday, the 9th day of May, 1927, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Cort house door of Cherokee County, in Murphy, North Carolina, offer for sale, and will sell for cash to the last and highest bidder the following de scribed three (3) tracts of land, situ ate lying and being on Turnpike, Har ris, Raider, Math'son, Coldfield and Canada Creeks, and other streams. tributaries to Valley River in Chero kee Cou"*-* North Carolina, bounded and more particularly described ias follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a chestnut in the West line of Tract No. 75, Grant No. 4004, about 40 Poles North of the Public Riad from Andrews to Topton and runs; thence south 2 decrees West 153 poles to a holly; Thence South 88 degrees East, 80 poles to ? rock; thence North 2 decrees West 49 poles to a hickory; thence 88 de grees East 333 poles to a mountain oak; thence south 2 decrees West 70 poles to a chestnut; thence West 3 poles to a chestnut; thence South 2 degrees West 160 poles to a white oak; thence North 88 degrees West 207 poles to a chestnut; thence South 22 decrees West 50 poles to a stake; | thence South 88 degrees East 52 poles to a chestnut, corner of No. 4004; thence South 22 degrees West 200 poles to a chestnut oak; thence Southwest 18 poles to a black oak; thence West 16 poles to a chestnut; thence South 70 degrees West 26 poles to a mountain oak ; thence South 45 degrees West 67 poles to a I hickory; thence Suulh 3 degrees Er.ft 21 poles to a black ofck; thence South 50 degrees West 75 poles to a black oak; thence South 62 degrees West 50 poles to a black oak; thence South 50 degrees West 35 poles to a hick ory; thence South 64 degrees West 30 poles to a chestnut; thence North 60 degrees West 25 poles to a black oak; thence South 80 degrees Wrest 55 poles to a chestnut; thence North 39 degrees West 30 poles to a stake; thence North 85 degrees West 14! poles to a stake; thence North 64 de grees West 85 poles to a pine; thence North 31 degrees East 110 Vs to a Spanish Oak; thence South 88 de grees East 164 poles to a black oak; thence North 2 degrees Elast 54 poles to a stake, north side of Public Road; thence East 16 poles to a stake, thpiu'p North 73 degrees East 37 1 poles to a stake; thence Nort 60 (te grces East 57 poles to a stake in Har ris Creek; thence down Harris Creek with the meanders about 50 poies to a stake and near the Southern Kail road same being North ilegiees West from the chestnut BEG. :,.NIfcG CORNER; thorce South *8 degrees East 79 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 2,200 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Boir nr~t of tract No. 70, District ! No. 7 bounded and desribetl as fol- 1 lows : BEGINNING at a stake on the public road leading from Andrews to Topton, and on the West boundary , line of Mrs. C. C. Wright's tract, where *he now resides, and runs North with her line 33 poles to the Southern Railway at a stake; thence westward with urc i?.w zt the ern Railroad 26 poles to a stake on the bank of the creek ; thence a South east course up said creek with its meanders 43 poles to a stake in the aforesaid Turnpike road; thence in an eastrely direction with said road 34 poles to the BEGINNING, con taining six (6) acres, more or less. The foregoing described two tracts of land are shown on blue print copy of map furnished by Hans Reese Sons, Inc. to the Champion Fibre Company, i with the following endorsement there on: "Land at Rhodo, N. C., Scale one inch ? 40 noles, J. C. M. V., January] 1913'' ? showing the location and de scription of said 2200 acres of land, | more or less, and which said six (6) acres, of land, more ot less, and which said map is delivered with this deed to the Champion Fibre Company. THIRD TRACT: Being the boundary of land recov ered by the said Hans Reese Sons, Inc.. from Henry McAden, et al, by judgment and decree of the court en tered at November Term, 1917, of the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty, N. C., in the suit entitled Henry McAden, et al, as plaintiffs, vs F. L. Davis and Han* Rees Sons, Inc. Ref erence being had to said judgment and decree of the court for descrip tion of said land. A part of this boundary of land lies inside of the first tract, above described, and a part of it lies on the outside. This conveyance is made subject to certain reservations *?"d rights re served by the Champion Fibre Com pany in a deed bearing even date with this Indenture, conveying to J. B. Phelps. Trustee, the lands hereinbe fore described, reference bing here ( made to said Deed of Conveyance for th purpose ot giving notice of the res ervations and riKnta reserved in the said Deed aforesaid. To all -arsons havine* :-terest or desiring to bid upon the said lands at said sale notice is herebv "-'ven to be present at the time and place above | cited and lodge their bids with the Trustee. This 6th day of April. 1927. J. BAT SMATHERS , (35-4t) Trustee. | TELL IT & SELL IT NORTH CAROUNA, Cherokee County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT THE BANK OF MURPHY VS O. C. DAVIS AND WILLIAM P. PAYNE NOTICE The defendant, 0. C. Davis, in re spect of whom service of summons is desired, will take notice that an action has been begun against him and his surety, William P. Payne, on the 29th day of March, 1927, for the recovery of the sum of $536.20 to pay a note dated December 5th, 1925 at sixty days and signed by said de fendant, on which $51.09 was credit ed on January 14th, 1926; that said summons is returnable in the office of the said Clerk in Murphy on the 7th day of May. 1927, and that said defendant is notified to appear and answer the complaint on file in said action, or the relief prayed will be granted. Said defendant is also notified that a warrant of attachment has been is sued in said action and is returnable at the same time and place, said sum mons r.nd has been levied upon a Heht of about $500.00 due by j. B. Mul key to said defendant. This March 30th, 1927. P. C. HYATT, Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee County, North Carolina. (34-4-t-bm)^^^^^^^^ Id Self Defense, Rid Your Body of Poisons! Charlotte, N. C. ? "For the past year I have been using Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel ? lets for constipation, and have received very satisfactory re sults. I shall alwayg keep a supply on iiauu and will always recommend them to any person needing a good remedy for con stipation." ? Parks A. ^Yandle, 1015 Pegram St. Constipation is a dangerous thing. Overcome it! If your druggist's supply of Pleasant Pellets is exhausted, send 30^ to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce will give you medical advice free, too, no matter what your ailment may be. y CHEVROLET, Tr?r*tporfti?u ? features of the worlds most popular gear-shift truck. Chevrolet is the world's most popular gear-shift truck because it offers, at amazingly low prices, scores of quality features not found on any other haulage unit in the low price field. Included in this list are numerous recent me chanical improvements of the utmost importance, such as ? AC oil filter and AC air cleaner to protect the motor from excessive wear and to maintain at its peak efficiency the smooth, effortless power for which Chevrolet's motor has long been tamous. Other new fea tures are an improved transmission and new gear-shift lever; a new and more conveniently located emergency brake; crowned fenders; a new radiator of greaier cooling capacity; a new 17-inch steering wheel ? and even bullet-type headlamps to give a distinctive touch of smartness! If you want the utmost in commercial transporta tion combined with true economy, come to our salesroom and see the im proved Chevrolet Truck! -too ^*680 1-Ton Truck with Panel Body |JJ 1 -Ton Truck ?? /> Chassis with Cab Olv with Stake I -Ton Truck $iQJ- H-TonTruck$lAg Chassis jyD AU price, /. o. b. FUn? Mick. ttwITlhS I'"-"*"? 1-Ton Truck Complete with Stake Body $ ?" Q o.b. 680r"n" 'Mich. The famous Chevrolet valve-in head motor has been made even more dependable? with even great er operating economy. Heavy, extra-leaved icml elliptic ipringr- ?ft parallel to the fram e ?effectively cushion the loaJ and chassis against road shocks. The rugged Chevrolet rear a*le possesses abundant strength and stamina for the heaviest duty? giving faultless perform ance under every condition. A modem, three - speed transmis sion provides proper gear rati os tor maximum power under every condition. X ?? low prices, Chevrolet'* delivered pricee handling and financing charges available* DICKEY MOTOR CO. A husky, 6" channel steel frame I* a contributing factor to the lon| !?*? and faukless performance of Ch?^ rolet Tracka. SALES AND SERVICE QUALITY AT LOW COST