?HNG LAW NTERPRF.TED IN TWO WAYS Say You Can Fish Without Li cense and Some Say You Can't ctation of the new fishing by the recent peneral as | > cents to have divided the fol- j Isaac Walton throughout fcnty. The law is a state wide and some say you can fish li ense and some say you I However, here is the law ? r own interpretation upon it: KIN'; TO THE PROPAGATION K<-TION OF CAME FISH IN .??UNA AND PROVIDING : thi:uefor. ,1 \?<*rmbly of North Carolina il<? j . ;< It hr.I! be unlawful in I fa- , ?? <-irollna for any person eith president of the State to L . ?? nubile frpsh-Wiit -r stf-am-1 f the State with r?-.-l or ?I or l?y caitln: with lln< i.'ni'rlption, without :"irst as hTi-lnaficr ptovhic.I. ' ? turp??w (if thi<( ri'-t nnv ? fish undf-r an?l l?y vlr -r?.i II !??? Ii?! 1 -i ;i | f j? \??li r? ?1 . ? i . t ? ?! stinn with lit Pod n?oi (i l- ' . |.nrj>o#e of this n?t any : ? . ? n to any Clerk of th?? . county within th?* ??rcl.tia. .ill of whom nr>- I tii ism** fishing licenw a* I t l>i.-< <'"t. or to the State j r. Assistant Commis |':i ?' or In?|>?'lr<i- author- ! I M'ries Commissioner t" j and the presentation j that fie Is a bona fide i ? te of North i '?> rolina. :uent of a license f?-e of ' the u s?* <?!' the State j <"li-rk "t tli- Siwriot I Warden. I?? entitled to t?'li ! h - t red to tut a "resident 1 .us.-" -.vhi< h will permit j li In th?? ? otinty In which i ly resides. i lie purpose of this -t any' itlon t<> iny C!*rk ? ?? any county in the s;at?* i i . of to the Stati- Flshr-rlf? V^vistant ? otnlnissioiH'i s or r Warden authorized ly t li?- ; t<> issue fishlnji license* and ii of satisfactory proof that 1 i' :tle resident of tin- State of shall, upon payment of a I two dollars, for the use of I nerios ? "oliitiiission and a 1"? j ?r the use of Clerk of Superior ? r fir Warder, l?e entitled to a ' |i . i- referred to as a "resident j thine license" which will permit the i h in any of the public fresh ?Witu- streams, ponds or lakes of I :> Y the purpose of this act every I kith< i/ ? ?nurd to a?e. upon appli< a |:n\y ri. , of Superior Court in the f > St Fisheries Commissioner. As Ji. nei-i. or any Warden or ?utb?irir.ed l?y the Fisheries Goth" Pit r ? se fishing license. and the] lisfnitory proof that he the State shall. u|M>n pay- I I it t>.* dollars for the use of the [ Fi.*' ? Commission, and ten cents | ? Clerk of Superior Court, ii.len, who may issue such J .'.??I to a license herein i "nonresident State llshim; li- | '11 permit the licensee the public freshwater t ish - 1 pri.i-i l - or lakes In the State. Ml l enses shall be Issued en J and supplied by the Slate - ion. the cost of which shall I any fun. Is. that may c-me | i the State Fisheries Com ? lie .sale of fishing licenses this act. The license shall a?e. occupation and residence and the date of its Issuance, oiitu In the signature nf the ami shall authorize the person nam* prtrn in til cases where a. resilient ? oun nought to fish in any of the frtsl.w -,t streams, ponds or lakes cuun- . in which the applicant per or in waters hounding or under the restrictions and existing laws or the rules * of the Fisheries Commis ? year, the date of which Is | n. In all cases where either I nonresident State fishing li- ) hid from ?the I -njx loner |Dr:*? ,1 i,, r thi* nan ? ic Ikvn | B i ?Wly n-- 1 er.t the ? ? |llr?npi>i- . rpsulatl.ii durinc thj ilw.! then fi-Jent or 1 is lmu ?> . the license shall also con if.r M-naLure ct the licensee and shall '?rix* tt: tierson named therein to fish ?>' <-?: the public freshwater streams, lakes . f the State, or in the waters tdjacent thereto, under the re ns an ? L n-nuirements of existing laws ratal i r\j regulations of the State Fish C.irami- : .n. during the date o* which frib*-,i thereon. All licenses issued un ?ad Lv \irtue of this act shall become rtlf '.li!: ??-first day of December next "K the -late of issuance. The licenses -tmtrun ,K>ich other information as the Commission may re?iure. There he issued with each license a bearing tjhe license number which worn in plain view at all times fishing. The license button should be ^ by the State Fisheries Commls p:?id Tor out of the funds that may ? iQto the hands of the Fisheries Com frc.Pi the sale of fishing licenses 1 under this act. 1 All Clerks of Superior Court in J l^rtous unties of the State, also War-, bisectors or Arsistant Commls *hc issue fishing licenses, shall keep \ CvT* -to t>e s"PPbed by the State Fish I ~"*iss:r.n, a correct and complete rec I r '"inresident and resident State f'shin^ licenses issued by them. :-.me an<l place of residence of each in E. whom a license shall have been ?cMn i collected from each ? ' Rui.-t l>e enteretl in this book, r ,K>?k shall l>e opened at reason L- _ "s for the inspection of any official. one .nnected with the State Fish ^>mmis-*ion. ? Kvery Clerk of Superior Court Carolina or any official connected a KSta,r Fisheries Commission, who F art" " ' '>nse under and by virtue of Lk ' f . y!"''l- <n the first day of each to State Fisheries Com r "mpleted list of the fishing 11 '*> i|ra durir.s the pn-cetlln^ 1 1^-v.f. ' ' ,hc names and addresses of ^ o-' , ,'*s ,n,l the amount collected from -W J!?nKS tf> be furnished by the State Kr nirn'*sion" The fu'5 nmount co'" I the ten cents fee for |urt ?? -nse issued, must accompany each fee j unj, r ' ,* ^onej-s collected and recelv t-rtt al!n,l hv virtue of this act except otn- Clerk of Superior Court brain* hereinJ^efore mentioned tuinj 'S enses, shall be deposited in _by Cha^* tho State Treasurer aa provid rn be - - P?bUc Laws of 1925. and Won in"!? hy the State Fisheries Com ? im|)ortant work of propaga llM ^T?teV.tlns Kame fishSln the State ?'?'on Af na and in carr>-lng out the fcc. 1, act. No person shall f lahr^. provid 1 tlif PATRICK The Sunday School at Shearon School house is progressing nicely under the management of Rev. Andy Prince. ? # ? Miss Lula Picklesimer was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ethel Pickle gimcr, Saturday night. * * # Mr. and Mrs. Uuy Eller announce the birth of a son on March 21, which was given the name of Gol man. * ? * ??Ir. and Mrs. Lester Danner and children of Copperhill, Tenn, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dobbins and children of Farner, Tenn., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pickle simer and family. * * * Messrs S. G. Baines and Jack Banes of Swain county have returned after visiting friends and relatives here for the past week. ? * * Mr. Arthur Adams has purchased him a truck. * ? * Mr. John Picklesimer and about eight hands went and hauled rock and filled some very bad mud holes near Mr. E. E. Ellers on the Farner road Saturday. It was impassable for a loaded wagon or car to set over * ? There are a lot of cross ties going in to Farner now but the inspection is so bad, looks like they will have to quit. * * * Rev. Hamilton, of near Turtleto?vn Tenn., will preach at Shearer school house the third Sunday in April. WOLF CREEK ( Last week's letter) It now looks like spring is here and our farmers are getting ready to plant. The peach crop is practically all killed, but there is promise of a large apple crop yet. * * * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will A?n hurn, Sunday altrnoon a baby. * * Mr. Bob Henson sold his rental in terest in the farm of fcht Rev. F. R. Carter to Mr. Frank Brandy of Isa bella, so, Bob moved to Tennessee and Frank moved into the house va cated. # * ?h Several hundred dollars damage re sulted from the fire over the Tallent Drug Store in Copperhill last week, mostly from the water used to ex tinguish the blaze. ? * * The Rev. P. H. Char; tain preached at Macedonia last Saturday and Sun day. # * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis visited relatives in Blue Ridge, Sunday. ? * ? Mr. A. G. Morrow was here Friday of last week, collecting taxes. FOR SALE ? Full blood S. C. White Legrhon eggs for hatching. $1.00 setting. Leave orders at J. M. Ston er's Store. Mrs. Bertha Ellis, Rt., 2 Murphy, X. C. (33-4t-pd) ed herein In any if the public fresh -water streams. po.idi or lakes within the State or abounding or adjacent thereto. unless the license hereinl?efore provided for l?e kept about the person of the licetuwe >ir exhibited U|Hin the request of any official charged with the duty and responsibility of issuing licenses and enforcing the ti*hing law. No person shall fish as provided in this art in any of the public freshwater streams, p.n.ls , or lake# of the State unless the license hut ton lie at such time continually displayed on the outer garment in such manner that the license figures are plainly visible. Pro vided, that this section shall not prevent any owner or tenant of lands in Guilfcrd Coun ty. or any person when accompunied by the owner, or having In hia pose ss ion the writ ten permission of the uwuet. from fi-t'ting in streams at such points at t!.c streams may run through or along said lands. SEC. 11. No person shall alter, loan or transfer any license authorized by this act, uur give any false or misleading informa tion to any official authorized t > issue li censes In the application therefor. SBC. 12. This act shall not l?e construed . to repeal other laws not in conflict herewith ' for the protection of fish. SEC. 13. The State Fisheries Commis sion shall have the power on petition of the County Commissioners from any county for good cause shown to extend the provision ox this net to other methods of taking fish., in cluding the i*?\\er to require a liccnse fee therefor: Provided, this Section shall only apply to trout streams. SEC. 14. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall l>e guilty of .i misdemeanor and shall on conviction bo fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. The provisions of this act shall not be . onstrucd to apply to the old method of hook and line fishing: that is. to those who nsh only with ordinary reed or wood pc-le and line with single baited hook attached. SEC. 15. The provisions of this act shall not apply to persons who fish only in pri vately owned ponds or lakes: or to any one who fishes only on his own land; or to any such sounds and other waters and streams of the state as do not. In the judgment of the State Fisheries Commission, require to be stocked or replenished. SEC. 16. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act ar* hereby repealed. SEC. 17. This act shall be in force from and after Its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this 2nd day of March. 1927. subsoGMnow WOLF CREEK Mrs. Ruby Talbot tand twa children left here several days ago for her home in Seattle, Washington. * * ? j Some of our citizens had to attend I Recorders Court on Monday. # * * The heavy frost of last Thursday | morning killed most of the peach crop ! and did some damage to the apple crop. * * * Sunday was a good day to "flivver" or at least many were out at it. f. * * Two of Mr. W. A. Burgess' broth ers, Oscar and Arthur, with their families visited him Sunday. ? # ? Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Long and children, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis Sunday. The Singing School being taught at New Union by the Rev. H. M. Hal low this. week, is being well attended The District Singing Convention is to be held at Macedonia church the fifth Sunday in May, and our community Are You "Toxic?" It IsWell,Then, to Learn the Importance of Good Elimination. Functional inactivity of the kidneys permits a retention of waste poisons in the blood. Symp toms of this toxic condition are a dull, languid feeling, drowsy head aches and, sometimes, toxic back ache and dizziness. That the kidneys arc not functioning as they should is um.cu shown by scanty or burning j passage of secretions. Many readers have learned the value of Doan's Pills, stimulant diuretic to the kid neys, in this condition. Users every where endorse Doan's . Ask your neighbor! DOAN'S p!?s Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneya Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y- i & 'A'"' I wants to make a good showing. | ? ? * Mr. James Henson has been very sick for several days. Mr. Theodore Ledford, while in j the Acid plant at Isabella, one doy got severely burned with Acid, about the head and face. He is stiil unable to see out of one ey. Why Does a razor pull? A dull blade. Only m super-Keen blade gives a wi per-shave. Tbe Valet AutoStrop Razor is tbe only razor tbat gives you a super-been edge for ercry sbave. $1 up to $>$? Wet Atfo^Strop Razor ? Sharpen* Itamlf 1 SOUD CAR LOAD PIANOS CONING THEY SHOULD REACH US THIS WEEK. IN THIS CAR WILL BE BALDWINS, ELLINGTONS HOWARDS, HAMILTONS A ND MONARCHS in Grands, Uprights and Players. All of these pianos arc made by the famous House of Baldwin, manufacturers of the finest pianos in the world. Their factory has a capacity of 31.000 pianos each year, hacked up by a capital stock of over 814.000,000 So you see, you can make no mistake in buying a piano made by the House of bald win, as each of the pianos above are made from start to finish by them a:sd arc guaranteed to give satisfaction. You are invited to come and see and play and inspect this wonderful line of pianos. We have them from S400.00 to $1,000.00. Liberal terms can be arranged to suit you. Nothing so soothes and saiisfics the emotions of the human mind like music, and it has been proven that the piano is the basis of all musical instruments. W. D. T0WNS0N EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE STO\ ES AND RANGES PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS "The friendly store uhere your dollar buys -a lot"' ?< iMi iltfci y?i iMi iMi i ?f iMfi itm im "kfl W W* w- iif i.r i r w" ' w" '-w" ? i V -

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