and Ge i gi Ra lu ay matted "i!-c W, ma..*^ VI;; I of Andrews 1 i .v:\-ti the Woman's Chi: f . urs '.y ;> i i t their play at the i auditorium on next i r. sday 2 -'-r t ? >.t o'clock. The ad mis - will o."c and Joe. The pro s' t .<? d:\idei equally between tiio two clubs. Mr-. J. A. Mor-ran and Mrs, P.!\ retur? v 1 Saturday mtrht a or scaving a few days in Atlanta CULBERSON SCHOOL NEWS (Omitted Last week) Eg C JL.3ERSON SCHOOL HONOR RCLL FOR SEVENTH MONTH ?v on i Grade: Florence Col. ins. I.t'lh ( I rude: Edjjar Ba'dey, -Mag- j ?_??? Belt4 Kisselburp, Clarance Collins.' - ; : ti: C-'iu-i--: Ella Frances Hawkins.; .v-venth Giade: Kdith Shields. I.i. > Grade: f *11 Collins, Glenn? Ellis. C' 2vzcr. Schools Individual Drink ing Cup Problem Solved V". .. I cam.- here tw.? \vars ago o v ?? .r.jx the many ;-ivat school p; i \s I had t fa ce wa- that of a ? ? >iy met'ul i.f .-ap;.!yingr drink i: W'tcr t the individuals. After; c? * ;it;i ti?>rr wth the teachers we decided to introduce and encourage t\ ? uso <.f individual drinking: cups. The pup 1 and patrons were asked to co-operate in puttirsr this plan across. c- t- u t ;<> see Mr. J. A. . ? Is -??? :r. th- i vir They ic-i rt that Air. I ? v r. ?: as :av?n . !.- as the-}' e':yi.:v:. I . Murphv ? attcr.dir.^ ..r: yhere )ie ? ..-:-;ie- ir. .. of Gat - Ada Mae P V'i.'I j ; . ? ? . I;-: 1 ? . > - ? ' . ? : i : . v I ! . Dextei W. V, ?? V," inesday in Aiurj hy in atti ria upon matt r u'.'. uu. v 1 . i" li-Teno.. < j any. \Y. D. Whitaker motored i<? Ashe uu Tuesday ?Bis week. Capt. Waync Walker of Troop D. N". G.. X. G. was in Murphy the first of this week on business. William Cover has been at home for several days with his poiftiib. He was called home on account of the death ??f his ir rand fat her. The response to the request was fair 1;. good but at the 1 st this plan was a vi'i-y annoying thing. In spite of all tl at could be done hy both the teachers and parents it proved to be ir.efftcfivc. Some of the pup Is would forget or lose his cup. many thru mistake would get their cups n ixed, many would trade cups, while many would borrow cups from desk mate, etc. etc. Well, it might be said that sanitary drinking was a complete! failure. When I v-anie back this year 1 hadn't yi _ forgotten the drinking problem o!'1 S I b gan to think and to think fast. 1 was aware of the hearty response ?f ti e parents in putt ng across all that I had urdcrt6ok for the good of :i '"t the year before, i thought, we 1 t: v y enme to my assistance last year and I believe that they will again Vnyvay we will not give up without a trial. i called the commi tec toget: e: ?v'*.1. the o.: e teaci er? t > meet for 'iseuss or. of ti e current needs of the ? <??>! the day c f school. We met M7TTT TT 'V A O A TT\ vVllnuL 1 vYkRNLNu A Ked Licking Fiame ultoots o*-t from under y -ar You have your wi.e, yo,:r r.ot'^er, a:.d .-oildreTi ov.i for f rJd<*. Yo'ro ccll ;'!!t -'rorr? a or -ity ? n hn r v rem the neare:! :*urrr. H - . . ? your asv; ci'.- ; ^ .r? s ? you can't do a thing to stop. '.Se fire ? you're ucky if you gei your family safeiy cvi of the car. What woi . d you give r>r a hardy Fyr-I*yter g.sher tirt ?? ouSJ s?v.ift Lhis fire o * in a ' - -v se.-ond*? rour car ir?ay b_- .rsu.ed, but what "rc you going to do right now? g3j*^ss AXL ?v Representing the I yr-Fyter Co.. Dp.yton. Ohio Approved cxtinguisl.ers of all fcr Your Car ? Yo :r Lu Ir.ers ? Your Home PHONE 73 MURPHY, N. C. and an interesting: discussion ensued ura^h many problems were disc us ed. F .'at that wasnt gett ng us any hire- There tad to be action. So * introduced the question of solving : e n linking problem ar.d suggested that we have a box supper the fol . -wine Saturday night t- raise money ? purchase a sanitary drinking foun tain which wouid only tost aoout -J '.00. The suggestion was accept <i ar.d we began work, advertising, t^ .. to: bv.\ supper. When Satur r cam... the house was tilled ith ! tO; le and we made the sum of -J.T" uui of the boxes. 1 then or ? ; t" . foanta n wl.ich cost some nin-i vf' -S22 ar.d thjs had a nice .t ; u\ addit.o.iul ~s.oo.ts io. ty. N. w \\v h.r.v the .. .n: t&ry drinking: problem solved. The a.e e. ~hted with the idea of iaving a fountain and of _- ':ir.c: :id of troublesome indiv dual t'nlri.ig cuts which was so hard to ..t*p up with. 1 wt.uid suggest tPi.t .? tea. i. - v. - ar^ a uoyeu \v;;L individual m? this piar. j as I ! elieve that in most instances . .e tta-.-hv* v .i '? i ? , interested ti.o v.'vi ft*.j <_* >?: ti.c ci-mmun ty in v.. they tea- :, a. ?; ?i ?w to the .. 'it1 and p.-: that we are inter red by taking an a.aive part in both - Scr. am5. Church c-s weli :> every unit t v. that makes iot h uphuiid.r.^. . : t. e oi.imunity that w.ll re ( relation in tturn. In fact, I ? ieve that :i ey x. *.ct it i.f u:- "f a r' ght ovuht ? for it is the r har arnedm >ney -?> of rach r. ith. : 'Rowing > iist o: pur .-} ; ~ v. s made f >v e er n v past two years by way of do ? . .i e? . . v.. ? h I wish t t it the community a J v~w. v v?i iti umaM| j . i' la. u< . i. v-ai. map oi U. .. v - ail na.y .. .. v . an iaa.> w a. A., \Va:i , . .uroj.e. En \n iopedia - \ This year; Sa .i a ; king foun tain and cooler, Wino.? .. curtains i:.r two rooms, ?'? new . . attractive . olumes of Li rary 1>.?.k>, a out 5l? volumes of i?.-? i\ ; uoks which have 'U'.i v .xici .? .iiivtl ui aora^eu t ? ? tr.e ih'aiy by thfjj n:tront< pupih- of the community. Yours for better school and better school spirit, FULTON THOMASSOX, Principal. 3mCiiES'f|?s DIAMOND aKANO ... rfgi) [V 2 ' RS | A [ES TER G A i Rr.D and //A with BIue<y> Injr of your Vy ills, rf.u a V \.k ?"ir l'm-rist for CHI-CHES TER 5 J1A.\*UND MR AND PILLS in Rr.D ?OLD metallic boxes. seated with iibhon. 1 iEE no other . Buy c trurrlit a.??l tik for Cill.CllUS. >IAMO>'? II ia> l? PI I.I.N, f?r twentT-fivo ye;?r* rp-a? ?!???'. B^^t, Safest, A' ways R - liable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Bilious dull feeling "MY old stand-by is Thedford's Black-Draught ? I have used it off and on fdr about 20 years," sa>*3 Mr. W. S. Reynolds, of R. F. D. 2, Arcadia, La. "I get bilious and have a bad taste in my mouth. My head feels duIL I don't just feel like getting around and doing my work. I know it isn't laziness, but biliousness. "So 1 take a few doses of Black Draught and wht n it acts well, I get up feeling L^e new ? 'full of pep* and readv for any kind of work. "I can certainiy recommend it." In case of bil u ncss and other disagreeable conditions due to an inactive liv-'r. Black-Draught help3 to drive ...v? poisonous im purities out o: system and tends to leavr- ihe organs in a state of normal .lealthy activity. Black-Draught is made entirely of pure medicir. -I roots and herbs and contains dangerous or harmful minenJ dr :gs. It ran be safely taker by e veryone. Sold everywhere. Price 25c. : s ? - JYi Telephone Service improves- while Calls increase THE addng of thojsands of new subscri bers to the Bell telephone system In North Carolina last year has greatly In creased the value and scope of the service. This growth is reflected In the Increasing number of calls handled daily by the oper ators, who are responding cheerfully to your needs and maintaining quick and courteous service. In North Carolina, alone. It Is estimated that the operavlwg forces handled more than 174,013,800 originating local calls and 2,729,100 long distance messages last year. This was an average of 628,780 local calls and 8,260 toll calls per day; an In crease of more than twelve per cent over the previous year. That such an enormous volume of oalla Is handled, day In and day out, so efficiently as to win general public commendation, la due to the loyal efforts of 936 highly trained operating room employes who serve you. Your considerate co-operation encour ages the telephone workers In their deter mination to continue the high grade aervio* to which you are accustomed. MORGAN B. SPEIR, Carolines Manaqer SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIBRA FY i-! A f ternoon.* Tuesday, \Win? xl*y Thur?J8\ i . Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Sarur<1;i v. from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P M Friday from 2:00 p. m j ::u? p M JOSEPHINE HEIGHWAY Librari t? Teacher (to pupl>: \V; ai > - . nationality of the two men v.lo ?? companieri La Fayette to Ar.:eric ?*. . Pupil: Two Polanos. Teacher: Xot two Folnncs. b t Poles. Pupil: Well, ii* that's t' ? v ' ?? - call the people in m Ho'lan*! Holes! Don't Get Up Nights Nature's Darker Signal Re.icve'i n> Tenth Man. Wants Others To Know. J. L. Church. Uoivllle. Tcnn. "Hail to fret up lo to 1- tune* each ni^V Burning wd* ::i::.o?t u:. ? juble. Pa..- i much bloo?i an. I jk:-=. II no Inciting re milt- urtil tukimr l.thiauti huehu (Kel? lt-r Formula.) I !? el J |*r cent hotter. XI v f r i? :ul^ sav 'How murh better you ' Will tell or write my experience to any one." I.iT i iateil Hik-ju cleanses the bladder a* rv??iii tio ihi- bowels. It i? not u put.-nt imdicine. The formula is on the bottle-. The tablets cost 2c ea^h at ijr-'su nor.?. Keller Laboratory. Mevh?u> ic.-burK. O'uo. R. S. PARKER, Drug Co. You Notice the Difference Instantly We simpiy quote owners when wc ~ay tl lit Hodge Bro-hers new five-Leering crankshaft, together with other '"mprovements an r.ouncea a? ? he sarre time, has literacy revolutionized the per ci Do:"ge Crothers P/Iotor Car. In Lert, rex" "ity r rJ smoothness peve r Celi\ er_, , yea wi.l go Tar up the price scale to find it3 equaL / -! .l the fcest lest of that is per sonal experience ? which we will be glad to provide at your convenience. r r MOORE, DEALER lOi i ennessee St. Phone 37 We Also Sell Dependable Used Cars OansD EracTM&RS MOTOR CARS

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