The Leading Weekly Newspaper in Western North Carolina, Serving a large and Potentially Rich Territory in this state ! JCXXVIILXo. 39. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA 1 HID AY. MAY 0, 192" VOLUME XXXVIII. No. 39 5c COPY? tl.60 PER YEAB laundry CO. IS INSTALLING NEW EQUIPMENT Larsjer Machines Necessary To Take Care of Increased Business Of New Industry Tin Murphy Steam Laundry Co. is i:: -tailing: th's week new and lamer machinery to take care ol' th? in creas?<i 1 .usiness which is coming i > its doers, it was stated the other day. The n<\\ equipment consist- of a 15 hoi. ' rower boiler, steapi ircner. steam i >tr, larger washing ma chane. j n i drying machine. Thi equipment began arriving last week and is h' - installed as fast as i" comes in. it was stated that the company would be able to take care of around two thousand dollars worth of busi ness per month now, and is enabled to give twenty four I ?.urs service. Kcsrulnr routes and schedules are being* worked out and will be estab lished f??r gathering and delivering laundry so that customers will know when to give the work and whan to expect its return. Tin' new industry will establish route > to serve Murphy, Marble, An drews. Topton, Robbinsville, Blue ! Ridge. Copperhill, Blairsville, Young Harris. Hiawassee, Hayesvile, and in termediate points. It is the plan ol" the company Co establish these routes and schedules regularly so that farmers and others living along them can avail themselves of the ser vice. The company does all kinds of vcork- wet-wash, dry-wash, linished wotV, dry cleaning, mending, etc. ? in | fact a'! kinds of laundry work. * Re, '!y the company 'purchased . the;: >erty and buildings occupied oy it. This company is composed of I | local v and local capital, and pres- j ' ent n ations point to its permanen cy a- i Murphy industry. It was incori < rated the first of the year. The officers aie: I)r. Edw. E. Adams, President; \V. Gathings, Vice President and General Manager; B. W. Sipc, Secretary and Treasurer, with K. P. Hawkins, R. W. Gray, H. G. Elkins and W. M. Fain as direc tors. brasstown savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The Brasstown Savings & Loan As sociation closed its first year of busi ness on May 1st. Tht3 Association was organized one year ago under the laws of North Carolina, ehd has had a very successful year. There are now sixty-one members. The total assets at the close of the year was $552.49. Twelve loans have been PTanted for the purpose of buying registered cows, pure bred chickens, buying fertilizers, buildings, etc. This Association now has the largest num ber of .Junior members of any Asso ciation in the State. The Brasstowfri Association was the first ever organ ized in Western North Carolina. It has bee a great help to the farmers, as well as being an incentive to the young people to save. It is here to stay. We predict a great future for K? and hope to see many others spring Dp over the country. Those interest In organizing their community should take the matter up with Miss & M. Berry, Supt., Savings & Loan Associations, Raleigh, N. C. CRAWFORD-JOHNSON Mr. Jewel W. Johnson, of Camel, Ohio, and Miss Elsie Crawford, of ^naka, were married at the office ?f the Carolina-Tenhessee Power Co. on April 30th, Squire T. N. Bates Performing the ceremony. ^Irs. Johnson is the daughter of and Mrs. J. H. Crawford, of Una ka, and Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. aT>d Mrs. U. H. Johnson, also of Una ka, some of the best citizcVis of our county. The young people will make their home in Ohio, where the groom tas a position. Their many friends ^'ish the pathway of their married ife strewn writh many flowers of happiness. Nation to Relief of Mississippi Homeless More than 300 dead and 200,000 homeless are in the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio valleys as waters recede on the most destructive river flood the nation has ever known. Sccrctary of Interior Herbert Hoover has been assigned by the President to personally direct all relief work as the nation contributes funds. 'Upper photo is an airplane view of Green ville, Miss., under 20 foot of water. Lower photo a typical tcut city which now dot the highlands, Sl Louis to New Orleans. MOTHER'S DAY A Proclamation Issued by The Govcnor of North Carolina North Carolina has put the seal of legislative approval tin Mother's Day, which occurs each year o:. the sc - ? nd Sunday in May and call* f??r . i.rovmiiiaiiuii by the Governor re questing: its proper observance. F? r nie. no duty has been more pit nt than the perform.Viee of this obliga tion. In annually proclaiming this day 1 have not only complied with the statute but have experienced a sense of solemn satisfaction in being able thus to add my feeble tribute to the greatest ol all human beings ? Mother. Mother's Day this year falls on May 8th, next Sunday, and I hereby issue my proclamation, setting it aside as a day on which every North Carolinian is urged to pause and pay reverent homage to the woman who bore him, whether she still lives or has passed to the Great Bteyond to join the innumerable throng of Moth ers Triumphant. If she still lives, wear a red rose in her honor and show her some special attention; visit her, write her a letter; lay your heart as a tribute at her feet. If she has passed, wear a white rose in her mem ory and resolve to let this emblem of purity inspire you to nobler liv ing in the future. There are many les.- it: the oh- j scrvance of Mother's uy that it would be woil for each \ karn, t-'e greiiWn of tbi>- ? ? the i; . .-;;n j of love. Kvery ^??r a< r ski-d h< r ! own if t* that life r . the earth, :Vd i an> ve taken the fear ol deaih out '.he Kails 1* j their loved one? '.v triuiup ant entry into "th-.t 1 ? n. ule with, hands, eternal in the ia-avens." They have blazed the to nobler liv ing on earth; they have pointed the way vo God abavo Therefore, let us all render to motherhood the hom age that is due it, each making an in d'vidual applicati<{ ; of the meaning of Mother's Day. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hive hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Seal of the State of North Carolina. I. Done at our City of Raleigh, this the 2nd day of May in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty seven, and in the ?*ne hundred and fifty-first year of our American Inde pendence. angus \v. Mclean, Governor. Lust ? Gold and Flesh ? The Motive This pair Henry Judd Gray and Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, charged with the brutal murder ? by beating, chloroform and strangling of Albert Snyder, partially deaf husband of the woman, as he slept in a drunken stupor, now face a jury in New York in a case which holds the atten tion of the nation ** 'he motive, it is charged, was lust for gold ? Snyder's insurance,? and undisturbed. love. Both have children. Greatest Marathoner 1Autqc?.ctcq 1 Clarence Detnar, veteran Boston printer who has won his tilth Hub classic and in all nearly 20 marathons, is conceded to be one of the greatest ol runners. Right now, he* keeps fit hy daily running 10 miles u and ? work, as he aun:> (or the Olympic acxt year 'OAK FARM' TO BE PRESENTED BY SR. CLASS Comedj-Drama in Three Acts With Specialties Eel ween, on Friday May 13th On Friday evening. May 13th, the Senior Class of the Murphy High School will be seen in "Oak Farm," a Comedy-Drama in three acts with pleasing specialities between the acts, this is the annual senior Clayy Play and is ^n event that is always looked forward to with keen interest in the spring. It is expected that this will be no exception. Because the days are growing longer, the play will be gin at 7:45 instead of seven thirty as has been the case of most pubdic events at the school auditorium dur ing the year, stated school officials. All who enjoy a story abounding in the essence of picturesque home life with its joys mingled with disap pointments, will be pleased when they see "O^rk Farm." Cal Hendrix and Ruby McCombs represent the sacri ficing father and mother who mort gage their farm that their son, Don ald (Frank Ellis) may attend college. Bla^ie Haney takes the part of the village postmaster, who is a heartless deceiver under disguise. Helen, the sweetheart of Donald, is characteris tically represented by Catherine Mil ler. There is a rich vein of humor run- 1 ning throughout the story, which is played by Glade Lovingood, Lloyd Hendrix and Rilla Belle Palmer in the love affair of the old doctor and the professor as rivals for the hand of the bewitching old maid, Miss War ner. James Williamsdtn and Jessie McClure, comedy characters, are quite a joke in their youthful love-making. School officials are anxious that the word be spread abroad and that a good house for this annual event be on hand at the school auditorium on Friday evening, May 13th. A small admission charge will be made to help defray some of the expenses of the school during the year. A. A. FAIN TICKET IS NOMINATED IN MAYOR'S RACE Majority Given New Mayor Of More Than 2 to 1? Take Office Thursday Night The ticket headed by A. A. Fain won out in the election for Mayor and City Council held Tuesday, by the lamest majority priv^n any one ticket in Murphy in several years. The majority jjven Mr. Fain was more than two to one. Votinjr was rather light in the nomine , oniy a? out 1 -r,0 votes beiiiR < ast up to noon, but the afternoon :< vity was i >nsiderably livelier. A r.< tal ?>f about 450 votes were cast out ?'f ??nu registered. The l^ow Mayor aad Council took t lie oa:h <?: office and a -sinned their dutii ?- as citv f:.thor< Thursday niirht. The official vote follows: For Mayor A. A. Fain 300 For Co*.snc:lmen D. Witherspoon ... 282 K. (). Christopher . . 273 J. \V. M< M llan 2!?9 Dennis Harnett . 248 A. M. Simonds 276 W. P. Payne 253 Foi- Mayor W. M. Fain 144 For Councilmen H. G. Elkins 136 <;. \V. Ellis 191 ;j. \V. Thompson 205 E. K. Adams 189 w j C. K. Hoover 101 IE. P. Hawkins ? 153 RUSSELL WINS MAYOR'S RACE AT ANDREWS D. S. Russell was elected Mayor of Andrews in Tuesday's election ov er his opponents, W. M. Bradley and Dr. J. E. Tidwell, by a large mo< jority. W. D. Whitaker led the tick et for Aldermen. Soon after the polls opened. Dr. Tidwell withdrew from the race, it was stated. Those elected as city fathers for Andrews for the ensuing year were: D. S. Russell, Mayor; W. D. Whita ker, W. T. Moore, W. W. Ashe, and T. J. Bristol, Aldermen. REPORT ON THE BRASSTOWN CREAM STATION During the past year Fred O. Scroggs has conducted a Branch Cream Station at his store. The first shipment of cream was collected dur ing: the first week in May. This ship ment weighed 41 1-2 pounds and brought $3.14. The last week in April of this year closed the first yers record. During: this week they shipped a total of 308 pounds, bring ing a little over $35.00. The total shipped for the year is 5912 lbs, and brought over $630.00. They are now shipping around $125.00 worth of cream each month, and the business is growing each week. The above amount represents so much money that would have been practically wasted had the folks not had a market of this kind. This cream does not come ^n from persons who are in the dairy business, but from farmers who have a small surplus. At present there are 20 persons bring ing in cream in quantities from two pounds up. This cream is brought in on each Tuesday and Friday and is shipped promptly twice eeach week to The Carolina Creamery at Frank lifi. The checks for the farmers are mailed from the creamery, and the farmers are now getting 47 1-2 cento per pound for their butter fat.

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