The Leading Weekly New, paper in We., en North Carolina, Servin, a ,arge and Potentially Territory in thU s?,e vnr i'MK XXXVIII. MIMKTB . ,.,,11 J icrruory in UIU Stale _ - __ MLRl'in. NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 .927 =* ? ? 5c COPY? n.60 PER YEA! DAIRY PICTURES ARE BEING SHOWN IN THE COUNTY Cream Station Established in The Martina Creek Section This Week Pnity pictures are being shown in t?n county this week by County Agent ]; \V. Gray in co-operation with H. K. Kurnham, Raleigh, of the Dairy division. North Carolina Department 0f Agriculture. l pictures are educational, cov er the dairy industry and its side lines, hops and poultry. Mr. Gray reports that the pictures are being enthusiastically received, and large crowds have witnessed them at each showing. Mr. Farnham also delivers a lecture on dairying as a part of the program. I This week also witnessed the estab \ lisb/nent of a new cream station at W. !f. A bernathy's in the Martins Creek section. This station will begin taking up cream on Friday, August 19th. The establishment of this station will act as an inducement to the peo 1 pie of th*> Martins Creek section to begin to sell cream in small quanti tits with a gradual increase, who oth erwise would not take the trouble to bring to town small quantities. Some IS months ago a cream station was established at Brasstown. The first week, only 43 lbs of cream was re ceived, but now over 1000 lbs are be ing r .Ived weekly, and provides 0?*' *->urce of revenue for the peo it section. It is planned to t -mi another station in the coun ty eithei this week or at an early date, just where the county agent could not say. Ai\. and 1200 lbs of cream is being shipped out of the county at present, and it is expected this amount will be doubled in a few months, as the dairy industry in the countv is ! b; ,...iiuc io expand rapidly. The lighting and power for the pic ture machine used in putting on this dairy program in pictures is being furnished by the Asheville Delco Light company, under the direction of Messrs. Kite and Green. Mr. Hays, Swine Extension Spec ialist., of the Department of Agricul ture. was also in the county this week, looking over the work recently done with the hogs of Mr. J. H. McClure. While here he planned to begin co operative feeding of other herds ef swine in the county. There will be a Sunday Sehool Rally at Ranger ehurch on Sunday, August 14th, 1927. Program in the forenoon and speaking and songs in the afternoon. Everybody invited to come and brinj^ then* own lunch. F. R. CARROLL, Chairman. Mrs. C. M. Sneed, Mrs. W. A. Evans, Lizzie Evans, N. O. Kilpatrick, Committee on arrangements. Miss Mary Frances Camp, Director of County Organization of the State Board of Charities and Public Wel fare, of Raleigh, N. C., has been spending the last few days in the county going over the work being done by the County Welfare Depart ment. On Monday, August 5th, ^Hen Miss Camp meet with the Board ?f County Commissioners and the ^oard of Education she expressed to the County officials her appreciation for their corporation and for the re sponse that the people of the county k*ve given to the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moody returned from Bvyson City Sunday where Mr. Moody has been attending court. Miss Cecil Bcckham, of Atlanta, is *P*nding sometime with her friends, *r- Ralph and Miss Mary Beal. Mrs. W. H. Griffith has returned fr?tn an extended visit to Indiana and Pennsylvania. PEACHTREE Mi. and Mrs. ( arl Sudderth and Miss Lois Witt, of Miami. Kla.. are visiting relatives hero this week. Mr. and Mrs. Law son Simonds and laughter. Nelma. of Ohio. are spend ing seme time with Mrs. Simond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crisp. Miss Mabel Thompson spent the week-end with nomefolks in Hayes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bascomb Lovingood and little son are visiting relatives in Athens, Tenn. Mr. Jeff Moss, of Spartanburg, S. C. visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Abernathy, Mr. D. S. Puet and Mae Sudderth. of Marble were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Humphry and daughters, Mildred and Wilda. of Oklahoma are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Humphrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sudderth. Mr. and Mrs. Van Davis and family of Marietta, Ga.. spent several last week with relatives here. Messrs Ralph and Paul Mirk, of Chim ney R< ck N. C., visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watkins and family and Miss Nellie Hendrix mo tored to Blowing Springs Sunday on a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arrowood, of Marble were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Witt Sunday. PATRICK Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wilford Burger and baby, of Hayesville, N. C.> are visit ing friends and relatives in this sec tion. Mrs. Noah Picklesimer and baby of Lenoir City, Tenn., are visiting Mrs. Tom Picklesimer and family this week. Misses Notia and Mae Chapman, of Oak Park, N. C., were Patrick visi tors over the week-end. Mr. A. L. Martin, of Murphy, was visiting the schools in this section Monday. Mrs. Noah Picklesimer and oaby of Lenoir City, and Miss Lula Pickle sinier were the guests of Misses Ger tie and Julia Led ford Monday after noon. Messrs John and Bent Picklesimer contemplate fixing: the Shearer school house spring Tuesday which is in very oar: condition. The Sunday School at Shearer school hour.#? is priwres?ing nicely. Let's everybody come out and make it better. The revival began at Liberty Sun day, August 7, conducted by Rev. John Brendle, of Ducktown, Tcnn. We wish them a very successful re vival. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of Vests, attended services at Liberty Church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Marsha] Dehart of ML Olive was a visitor in our Sunday School at Patrick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen and three children, of New York, are visiting Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller. Mr. Marion Thompson, of Oak Park passed through this section Sat urday enroute to Mr. P. H. William son's of H'&wassee. BATES? LOVINCOOD Mr. F. O. Bates and Mi>s Bertha Lovingood, both of this county, were quietly married at Robbinsville Wed nesday, August 3rd, by Rev. E. \V. Mills, pastor of the Methodist church at his home. This announcement came as quite a surprise to the many friends of this popular couple. Mr. Bates is the son I of Mr. T. N. Bates of Murphy, form er Sheriff of Cherokee county, and 1 is manager of the Bonita Theatre at Murphy, and is well and favorably known throughout the county. Mis. Bates is the charming and title 1*1 led daughter of Mr. a:d Mrs. George Lovingood, this county, is a graduate of the Mary I'. Wiliingham School at Blue Ridge, (la., and the Southern Short Hand and Business University, Atlanta, (la. SI .- taught for a number of years in the public schools of the county. Their many friends are extending best wishes for a long and happy ife. They will make their home in Mur phy. LETIT1A T. S. Hunion and family visited Poley Flowers and family Sunday. 1 R. O. Taylor's baby has been very sick but is better now. Mr. L. P. Payne is on the sick list present. B. H. Clonts made a business trip to Turtle town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Taylor, of Turtletown, Tenn., spent the week and with homefolks. Crops in this section as* looking the best we have seen in years. Newton Land and sons, of Farner, Tenn., were business visitors in this section Monday. Several of the citizens of tnis com munity are attending court this week. WEHUTTY School began here July 2oth, with 7\4i?? He!er. Har.::!t;,r. r.r..! ?.!U Alice Bryson, of Andrews, as teachers. A large enrollment is reported. Misses Edith and Kula Hall, of Duck town, Tenn., are visiting: theii aunt, Mrs. W. F. Hill. Mr. Otis Led foul has returned from Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. I. M. West and Mrs. Marshall Uehart were Murphy visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Burrell, of Una ka are Wehutty visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. ! < irlie Pack, of Akron, Ohio ha\ been visiting his father, Mr. Lee Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson, of beav erdam arc the guests of their son, Mr. W. H. Johnson. Mr. Fred Hill left Sunday for Far nei, T^nn., where he will attend the Lynn Bauchman Memorial School. A revival meeting began Sunday at the Liberty church. Rev. John A. Brendle, of Ducktown. Tenn., is con ducting the services. MARBLE Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Palmer, of Ak ron, Ohio, arrived last Saturday to spend their vacation with homefolks. Mr. J. G. Raxter, of Charleston, S. C., was greeting friends in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barton and family spent Sunday with their dau ghter Mrs. R. M. Hannah, of Rob binsville. Miss Vaul Adams, of Murphy, is spending the week with her cousin, Fillie Jackson. A number of people from Marble are attending court at Murphy this week. Our pastor, Rev. Algia West clos ed a revival meeting at Red Marble on last Sunday, baptising six. Mr. Frank Walsh, of Peachtree made a very interesting talk at the B. Y. P. U. last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mulkey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Adams, in Murphy. Misses Irene nd Catherine Cuth bertson, of Almond, N. C., are visit ing their aunt, Mrs. R. D. Newman, this week. WOLF CREEK It was a much needed rain that fell thoughout our section Sunday af ternoon. A barrel and a tub was stolen from our section last week. It looks like a case of some one making: "moon shine" whiskey. Mr. \V. I.. Led ford and son, Wal ter, made a business trip t?. Murphy, i last week. Mr. J. M. Simonds and Miss Cath erine Si:!!v. t II with miiiic other asso- i ciatcs Irft here Sunday f??r Murphy ? on a fishing: trip. Several of our people attended I the Singing Convention at Salem j Church Sunday. Three classes en teed the contest for the banner, the same going1 to the class from Postell. Mrs. Myrtle Moore and Mr. Bass Col lins from Culberson, and Mr. Flvin Harper from Copperhill served as judges. The score was close, with the three classes, two of them tied and the other won by one point, ac cording to the decision of the judges. The people of the Salem community are certainly to be commended for their hospitality, as they certainly spread a bounteous board, and the large crowd present showed their ap preciation of it by helping themselves It is not a situation to be desired but a novel one nevertheless to see a dozen or more automobiles strar l ed because of mud and the failure of the front ones to go along on a narrow road. Such was the situation Sunday afternoon as we all returned from the Singing Convention, It hail Come a rain and had gotten the toads very muddy and we all had some time getting in, although no accident be fell any one. . It begins to look like work will soon begin on the Hot House road. POSTELL School is progressing nicely at Shoal Creek under the management of Mr. Ernest Allen. Mr. Jim Rose, of Unaka, spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Allen. .Miss Ethel Kiipatrick visited Mrs. S. A. Stiles Friday. Mr. John Mason made a business trip to Dr. G. M. Youngs Friday af terno jn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen visited Mrs. Aliens' brother and sister. Mr. Tom Linderman and Mrs. Callie Bur gess, at Violet, N. C., last week. Misses Ronnie and Posha Heaver from Suit, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Craipr. Several of the men folks fr*m our section left Sunday for Murphy to attend court this week. Mr. Walter Elrod, form Hender sonville, N. C., visited his prand panents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason Saturday night. Mrs. Rebecca Allen visited Mrs. \V. M. Ramsey at Murphy last week. Mrs. Carrie Elrod and children, from Ducktown, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Jane Mason this week. Mr. John Swanson visited Mr. Riley Kiipatrick Sunday. Rev. S. A. Stiles and family at tended church at Mt. Olive Sunday. Rev. Stiles filled Rev. Beavers ap pointment. Miss Lillie Brendle was a visitor at Postell Friday afternoon. Mr. Hedden Stiles made a business trip to Ducktown last week. JACK VOYLES DIES SUDDENLY WHILE SWIMMING Had Been Diving Across Stream And Died of Over-taxed Heart, Is Physician's Diagnosis Jack Yoyles, about fifteen years old, Min of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Voyles, died suddenly Friday afternoon while in swimming from an over-taxed heart, cuu::td by diving and remain ing under water too long in a succes sion of diving feats, according to physician's diagnosis. Jack and several companions were in swimming in the river, when he was performing a diving feat and crossed the stream in twenty-two sec onds. and immediately tried to break this record several times without wait ing long enough to get his breath suf ficient^ before trying again, and it is believed this overtaxed his heart and lungs and caused his death. After making the trip across the stream under water several times, he succeeded in lowering the record to 22 seconds. According to his com panions, he stood up in the edge of the water and remarked that it was hard work, and began to sink down. They picked him up and placed him on the bank anil began working with him and sent for medical aid. Jack died in about fifteen minutes, and shortly after the physician reached his side. Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon at 2:110 in the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor. Rev. T. L. Sasser, and interment was in Sunset cemetery. He is survived by his father and mother and three brothers and four sisters. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Vaughn, of Lin holn. Ark., are visitiny home folks, Mr. J. M. Vaughn and sisters. Mr. Vaugn's last visit to Murphy was 41 years ago, but every day he is meet ing old friends that he used to know. BIRCH W. M. Stiles h attending court this week as a juryman. Verlin Green is visiting friends in Georgia this week. Mr. A. W. Green and family. Ml. and Mrs. O. I*. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mashburn, motored to Blow ing Springs Sunday and enjoyed the good cold water for the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Payne spent Monday night with A. W. Green. Mr. G. G. Stiles of Tomotla spent several days here last week buying cattle. Mr. O. C. Payne made a business trip to Andrew^ Monday. Mr. John Hall, of Murphy Route 2, accompained O. C. Payne to An drews Monday. Quite a few of our young fouks have been attending the revival at Persimon Creek. Come correspondents and lets have that good old picnic. I want to sug i gest a real nice place if you all want a place close to Murphy and presume you all would as that is about the center . The place is just below Mr. N. E. Dockery on the river, fine water and ideal shade, so now what say you all on the place, we must get busy on this and make it a worthwhile day for us all. There will be a Masonic and Sun day School picnic at Shoal Creek Church, Saturday August 20th. The public is cordially invited. There will be speaking, singing and other exercises. J. F. WOOD, M. M. LE!#FORD, G. M. YOUNG, Com.