Legal matters i BONO ORDINANfK P.HSRD BY thk board or ai? or TUR TOWN or ANDKKWH. N. C. He it ordained br the hoard of aldermen of th. town of Andrews. N. C. 1. Bonds of the Town of Andrews ahull bo nistied in the aicresate principal sum of Thirty Thousand (130.000) Dollars for the purpose of conictructlnji or reconstructing tb?> surface of roads, streets or highways in ^aid town of bituminous concrete laid on a tjolid foundation. 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and collec*ed. 3. a statement of the debt of the town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection. i . This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after Its first publication unless in the meantime a petition for Its Mubmissllon to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Act and In such event It shall take effect when approved by the voter* "f the town at ftp election as provided In the Municipal Finance Act. The forefjolnsr ordinance was passed on the ninth day if September. 1927 and was first p-!i>li?ti>*d m {he sixteenth day of Septemlwr. i;. ; Any action or proceedinn quest inning j ? l validity of said ordinance must l*j com- j induced within 30 days after its first publica tion. C. P. WOODWARD. (?i-.'t-tofa) Clerk. | NOTICK OF FORKOOSURE OF KWI. KSTATK MORI UAGK Fiy virtue of the Authority contained in a Real Eatato UortfAKe and execution to the und'-rslgned N. K. Dookery and S. W. Lovln gixni on tho 14th day ot January 1921 by G?.rKO Palmer and wife Letitia. Palmer to I m s:uro a Note for the Hum of S1S3.00 of even I date being due January 14th 1922 with in I t8T60t from date until paid in which they I conveyed the following hereinafter set out I and described real estate. I It 1>eing Lot Number 12 of Duke Land and I Improvement Company Farm which is re- 1 B dried in the office of the Register of Deeda ? 0f Cherokee County. North Carolina, ad H Joining the lands of A. A. Fain and the I Tgvt of Murphy Rei?orvolr In Book No. TS , ? on page No. 291. Default having been mado ? in tho payment of said Note and tho same 1 ? beinK past due and unpaid the undersigned ? |fortt;ageees will hpII tho above described ? land at public auction sale to the highest ? bidder for cash at tho Court House Door in ? Murphy between 12 o clock noon and 1 o'clock I P. M. on the 14th. day of Octol>er 1927. to ? satisfy note and cost of sale. 9 This 1 3th day of September 1927. ? N. E. DOCKEHY. and 3. W. LOVINGOOD H Mortgagees. ? (6-U-mc) By J. H. McCALL. Arty. NORTH CAROLINA ? Cherokee County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ELIZARETH ROSE. Plaintiff Va A. J. ROSE. Defendant NOTICK OF MKRVICK OF NOTICK OF ACTION AND SIMMONS BV PUBLICATION The defendant. A. J. Rose, will take notice that a summons and an action entitled as above hna been commenced against him in tho Superior Court of Cherokee OounLy. N C. and the purposo of the said action ia to ob tain a Divorce from the bonds of matrimony on Statutory ground*. The said defendant will further take notice that he is reauireii tr- appear at the office Of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. N C . in Murphy. N. C.. on the 3rd day ot November. 192? and answer or demur to the complaint bow on file in the offioe of th<- Clerk ct' the superior Court of Cherokee Onunty. N C ' the plaintiff will apnly for Lfv. ret?ef i- - m?nileij in the complaint of t?v- plaintiff This 14th day of 1927. P. C. HYATT. Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee Count > Mt'Jhmi) North Carol n . SA1.H OF KNITTING Nil. I. MAC.HINKK^ . RTC. Hy virtue of a writ of Ven K* issuing j from the Superior Court of Cherkeo County i in tho ease of Murphy Real Bstatt Company I v* Oaklano Knitting Mills. Inr the under* signed Sheriff of C'heroken County, will on Monday day of October. 1927. at twelve o'clock noon, sell at public auction to the blithest bidder for cash. the following de acrihf-d personal property heretofore levied i an by him by virtue of a warrant of at- ! Uclimcnt to satisfy a demand of the Mtir j?hy Ileal Estate Company for the sum of *1773.43 with the further sum of $89.00 | taxes and with interest on said sum of 13772.13 from July 1. 1927. until paid, and the coat of this action, described as follows, to-wit: All tho machinery, equipment, stock. He.. of Oaklane Knitting Mills. Inc.. th?;r. and now located and being in the building o: the Murphy Real Estate Company on :? k>t adjoining that ?>f Mrs. Rose Patton in , tho Town of Murphy. coasiltttiK of forty five sew ins kibbhitteK. sixty-eight knitting machines, one folding machine, four desks. 'We safe, one adding machine, three filing cabinets, one olectri; cutting machine. "lie hand cutting machine, ore generator. one J? If. p. Motor, one 15 H. P Motor, three ?witchboarda. one time clock, two pairs plat form scales, ten lockers, a auanity of belting, shafting, pulleys, tables, conveyors, yarns, finished goods, goods in process, and all oth I- t?erty. devices, implements, machinery, tools, arid appliances of every kind in said toollcJ'- bflongiiiK to said -Oaklane Knittinc MilL- 'qc.. in ordor to satisfy said jodgtneut. Tt, September 12th. 1927 D. M. BIRCH FIET-D. f<-ose of the saiJ action be ing to let the plaintiffs into th?^ possession at tenants in common with W. P. Mauney. of the mineral interest in and to Tracts Nos. 10'i and 108. in District No. of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, and for an accounting to the plaintiffs as tenants In common for the sum or sums received by W. F. Mauney from the State Highway Commission of North Carolina, for rock or' stone quarried from the said lands by tho said State Highway Commission; :hat the said W. P. Mauney hav ing died pending the action, and before final termination thereof, his heirs at law have been directed by the court to be made parties to the said proceeding, of whom said Mrs. W. A. Ingram :s one. The said Mrs. W. A. Ingram v* therefore 1 required to be and appear before the Clork of tho Superior Court of Cherokee County, at ! office in Murphy, N. C.. Superior Court NOTICH OF TRlSTra'S SAJ.K OF LAND By virtue or the authority and the provis ions. oC a Deed in Trust from W. J. Nix and wife Lttha Nix to V. L.. WilsOn (Trusts:) for R. A. Wilson ??n the ::ist day ot August 1925 to wcuiri a note for the sum of S400.00 dated August Itlst. 1923. due August .list 1927. with ? i?er cent on tho same from date registered m the office of the Itegister of Deeds for Cherokee County. N. C.. on the Slat day of August 19S6 in Rook No. 74 on page No 521 of Deeds of Trusts. Default having been made in tho payment ot the said note ac cording to th? terms of (hp same and the same being past duo. th?? undersigns! trus? te^ will *-'ll at public sale to the highest bidder for - ash at one o'clock 1* M.. at the Court House door in Murphy. Cheroke Coun ty. N. c. . ??n the ?:th. day of October 1927 1 the hereinafter described property (? onveyed to jteiUP' t?e said note*. Tb" land Nnd Sneed anil runs N .:>? K - r-iss ing the ?:r? ??k and road to a Sassafras on tn? l??int of ;i ridge. then with the ridge ??? . Sprciiinh Oak SappUng on th?- main ritige: then with th- top of the ridge to the Rom line:' then with Rnw lin- to the top of the ridui- , between McDonald and Sncetl . ib*n with top of the ridgo to the beginning, containing :tcre.-; more or less to satisfy xaid not-- and i ei- rued interest an. I cost of the bale This 3rd day of .s<>pi?mbor 19-7. V 1. WILSON. Trustee. ! (5-4t-. By J. H. McCALL Atty Stale of North Carolina. rtidrftkw County. IN THE SUPERIOR COITRT Henry G. Miller vs. 5i. E. Miller .Not ire of Sen lev of Suiuhmms h> PuUicuiinn The defendant. M K. Miller will take nut ire ( that an action entitled :is above has b?-en c??ni? nienced in the Superior Court of Churokec County. N. C.. ani the action is for an :U?- ] aolutv divorce from the bonds of matrimony on | Statutory grounds. The said defendant will ! further take notice th:?t she is required to [ appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court ot said County in the Court I Housti in Murphy. N. C.. on the lMh. day! of October. 102? and answer or demur to the | complaint in the said action, now on file In : my office, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the r^liet demanded in the complaint. This 30th. day of August. 1927. P. C HYATT Clerk of th-? Superior Court Cherokee U-at-pd Cot?uy. W C. NUTICK OK KNTBY NORTH CAROLINA- ? Cherokee County. i To W A Boyd. Entry Taker for Cherokee I County : Th" understsned, M. W. Cell, of Murphy, | Cherokee County. North Carolina, enters ?.nd | lays claim to the following described pie?e | Fine Watch Repairing Prompt Attention / to Mail Order Repairs I I J. L. ROWLAND Jeweler Andrews, N. C. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN Murphy and Andrews QUICK SERVICE AND LIBERAL TERMS NO AGE UMIT. AMOUNTS FROM $300. UP For f?U particular! call on or write HARRY P. COOPER Murphy, N. C. or parcel of land In IWv?r(Ur Township. Cherokee County. State of North Carolina the same being vacant and unappropriated land, and subject to entry, viz: In District No. 5. BEGINNING on a Hick ory. the North ISuat corner of No. 4 4 and runs North to the State Line between North Caro lina and Trnnesse: then with ?ald State Line with it* meanders about 4 50 poles to a stake North Wwt corner of a former number; then S. 32* W. with the line of said former num ber to the beginning, containing by estima tion 150 acre?. (Signed) M. W. HRL.I*. Entred this 31st. day of August. 1927. NORTH CAROLINA ? Cherokee County. Notice ia hereby given that a warrunt of survey will l?e Issued for the above de^rlbed hind on the 3rd day of October 192?. *f there it* n? protest filed in this office aKaintt sai 1 entry. This the 31st. day of August 1927. W. A. BOYD. Entry Tak?r For Cherokee County. North Carolina. (4-4t-b) NORTH CAROLINA ? Cherokee County. SI PEKIOK COl RT G. J CROW. A OMR. . OF WALTER THOMP SON. DECEASED. vs LiGE THOMPSON. W. II. THOMPSON*. I STEVE THOMPSON. HEIRS OK EMMA I ESTEP. AMNDA EVANS. AND CARRIE] M'lORK; MARTHA JANE P.CIC AND I ANV AND ADJ. OTHER HKIKS AT l.AW OP WALTER THOMPSON. DECLARED. NOTH'E The defendants a?K>vr named will * . no* ice | that .i suminonx in the ul*?vt? entitled action i whs ls?u>il ueainNt said ' >n the J J'Jn-1 day of AukusI. 192". by *li- und-rsiBn'-d. ri'tur ? ibk- Itefore him on l> tolsr ? ? 1 _? J T ; ! tli?- plaintiff by prui*T petition -n rny j ! office seek* to soil the following . land ! of Walter Thompson. ileCMseil. l y tli?- | latter at the time of his death. r ?. - pur- i i pose oi nutkitiK asset* to pay .!? i puin- | ! tirr's intestate, to- wit: Two tracts - land adjoining, lyinic in Beaverdam T ? ? ? ?? Mm prising about rtl 1-2 acres mountain land, ac- I quir>-d 1?> K. P. Thompson aoni? v-r:?. Said defendants will take ' notice that they art: required to -.n -r and I answer or demur to said petition ? my of I fiee on or before the 3rd day of Oc? l^uT. i or the relief demanded by plain* will b. granted. This Auirust "2nd. 1921. P. C. HYATT |4-4t-c? Clerk Cheroke?- Superior Court. NOTICE OK S.U.K NORTH CAROLINA ? Cheroket ? . inty. li> virtue of tho provisions ??t in Trust from Dr. T. P Bribes and wr. Candia HriKcs. to Clarenco Hendrix. tr?i for B A. lireedlove. dated Nov. s. ]'?_? murine payment of a not- for d?i. F-bruary ' h. 19-7. registered in the office ? . th-? Regis ter of Deeds for Cherokee County n LV;?) Rook No. 90. pa?;e 71. Default having be-n made in the payment of said not- th? under xisnrd trustee will sell at publU iale ;i?. the court house door in Murphy. Cherokee Coun- i ty. on Saturday. Oct.. 1. 1327 at >n? o'clork 1*. M.. to the hi phest bidder. fo? ash. the following lands, situated in Dam Township. Cherokee County. N. C . viz lt ? V\ A. M< ? and wife Florence McOee on the 27th day of January 1921 to th? undersigned trustee to secure a certain Indebtedness due the Citizens Bank of Bryson City and whereas default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and the Citizens Batik of Brv son City having called upon the unders'uned trustee to exercise the authority vested in said trustee by said power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned trus tee will sell at public auction at the Court House tioor in Murphy. Cheiokee County. North Carolina, the following described prop erty on the 24th day of October 1927. for cash to the highest bidder at 2 P. M. To-wit: Said tract of land lying and be ing in Valleytown Township. Cherokee Coun ty. N. C.. and described as follows: Beginning on a large chestnut oak. the Southwest corn er of No. <166. and the Northwest corner No. 6316 and runs South with the west boun dary line of No. 6316. 218 poles to a stake en the North boundary line of No. 86. thence Bast with the North boundary line of No. 86 and 90. 174 poles to a rook, the North east corner of No. 90. thence South with the Bast boundry line of No. 90. 41 poles to a stake, the Northwest corner of the Jones entry No. 8447. the Kast with said line 9?; poles to ;i stake in said line, then North 269 poles to a stake in the North Imundary -line Of said 6316. then West with ih-: North boundary line of said 6316. poles to th' In-Kinninfc. containing 392 7-> acre* more I'-HS. This lan.l will Ik* sold to satisfy ;? balan? *? of Indebtedness s* -cured l.y said deed of tru.-t of SI 12 This the 19th dry ,,t Scpt?ml? r 1927 <7-4t-cb> A. M. KHYK. Trustee. NORTH ?'Ai:()I.INA nHT..kA. MARION THOMPSON AND WIFE. JES SIE. AND \V. B. NELSON. ADMINISTRA | TOR OF I*. E NELSON. DECEASED. AND THE RANK OF MTRI'HY NOTICE OF SALE Ol l,-VNI? I t'nder am! by virtue of a jun|rt of Chero keo County. North Carolina, th? undersigned. Commissioner. will, on Monday. October 24th at II o'clock A. M.. off. r for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, it the courthouse door in Murphy. North Carolina. th?? follow in : ilowrlN.ti two tracts land, situate in Shoal Cn?k Township. Cherokee County. Norih Carolina, and more partieularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a chest nut oak. N. W. corner ol Thompson's :to acre I lot. and runs about N. II E with Thomp *? n" lino ?;v poles to a post ??nk: thenee N. 50 \V. K3 polos to a rhowtnut; th'-nce N .15 E. poles to a hickory . th. n W. M N ^2 poles to a black oak; then N. !? \% loo poles to a spanish oak; thenee N .1* W in indes to a pine. Steames corner: then N. *5 W. r.s poles to a t *ost oak. the Ray corn* i . thence S. 4"i E. 10 poles to a post o;tk stump; ! thence S. 4 5 \V. 50 poles to a s'.ak". war the original beeinnint: <.f the old Donation Survey; thence S. \V. ri decrees variation. 197 poles to a stake In the West line; thence with the sold line S. 75 E. 124 t poles to a hickory, a former corner en the Edna White line; thence with said hn?- N. To E. ?? poles to a black oak. ?*orii : ot No. 1152; thence with line of same S 15 E I ;0 Poles to a chestnut oak near the Jones Trail: thence with the meanders of the rltigc N. .".0 E. 160 poles to the Resinning, containing 3N6 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on ? chest "ji oak. N. W. corner ?>?" Tliomi's?n-> thirty acre lot. ami running xouth 30 \V. with th | meanders of a 100 pol?-s to a chest nu ' oak on top of a mountain: thence with th? ?aid mount-i in as It mwindera S. ( W. 2" | imle.i; and S. .10 \V. IS pole*: and S. 40 K i li? [k>1iw. and 19 E. 10 ph rner l>y a dred dated March I lor;-. 1 924. In i ror'!. m- - with the judgment al?ov rec ? ?1. sa. i tract* ?t land will lie mild -p j Thr., the I >'h ? : . i v of S-r.temh-r 1927. KAWTt MOODY. j i : St m? Commissioner. [ NOTICB OF ADMINISTRATION ON KHTATF OF M. K. COZAD Th>> undersigned hereby Riven noticp that !th? has Qualified ax Executrix of the Bxtat* of M. E. Coxad. and all per^on havins claims against thw .said estate are notified to ?xhilil( them to the undersign'-'; ox???utrix of the said estate within twelv< monthH from th? 2:ird day of September. 1927 or this noticH will I* pleaded in bar of re oov??ry thereon. All powons indebted to the said mute are requested to settle with the utir tho Estate of M. K. Coeari (7-Ct-w > Andrews. North Carolina. I Lettuce planted in September will i furnish succulent Heads by Christ mas. "jtenew Y our Health by Purification Any physician* will tell you. that "Perfect Purification o? tho System is Nature's Foundation of Perfcct Heilth." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that aru undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of ('alotabs, ? once or twice a week for .several weeks ? and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotalu are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family pack age. containing full direction*. Only SS cfc? At ttiy drug store. (Adv.) your car needs tins Present-day traffic conditions call foC* extreme engine flexibility. Unless youff' car is capable of lightning-quick accel* e ration or long-sust ainedpulling powcf on hills, you are driving under a hassslU icap and a hazard. - With Esso in your tank your motor ia instantly wide-awake, alert, respon sive to the slightest touch on tha throttle. Power is intensified. Vtbra* tion ceases. Knocks fade away. Driving becomes safe and pleasurable. Esso is the highest grade of ant?-knod| fuel obtainable. Give it a road Ml, Form your own conclusion.