Amdlrews Locals Ind Mrs. J. R. Rice, of Rich Fa., were in Andrews on Tues jthis week. Mr. Rice is con [ with the Federal Prohibition nent. Tillitt returned last Friday from a trip to Camden County, pone he attended the wedding sister. Bess Sanderlin Tiflitt, lllip P. Gregory which took last Thursday in Portsmonth, ? Boone, Jr., and Harry Dewar aday for Georgia Tech where ill attend school during this | W. Walker motored through to am on Tuesday of this week, ook with him his son, William, |Johr. Scronce who are attending ol at Duke University. Mr. Walk Jrill meet his wife in Durham and |rn with her the last of this week. Walker has been away on a j to Buffalo, N. Y. and other nor points where she has been vis- ! relatives and friends. The Directors of the Andrews j Building & Loan Association gave a picnic last Sunday afternoon at Blowing Spring. Each of the eleven directors took his wife and in ad dition invited two others. Those of the directors present were: G. B. Hoblitzell and wife, C. H. Jarrett and wife, D. H. Tillitt and wife, F. S. Wilhide and wife, W. W. Ashe and wife, J. W. S. Davis and wile, J. F. Bristol and wife, L. B. Nichols and wife, W. T. Holland and wife, D. W. Swan and wife, and Z. L. Whitaker and Miss Orm. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Whitaker, Mr. OWL CREEK Mr. P. T. Kcphart died at the home of his son, September 13 and was buried at Old Hangingdog ceme tery on the 14. Mr. Kcphart was 77 years, 8 months and 28 days old at tho time of his death. He leaves a widow and five children to mourn his death. Mr. Joe Allen is doing some nice saw milling on Owl Creek at pres ent. Mrs. W. R. Dockery and Sundy Milton, of Marble visited Hanging dog cemetery this week. Mr. J. S. Dockery, of Owl Creek has been very sick for the past few and Mrs. R. C. Andrews. Mr. and ! Mrs. C. R. Tarkington, Mr. and Mrs. . John Sessoms, Prof and Mrs. J. G. j Allen. W. D. Whi taker with Miss Wil- 1 liams. Robert Brown with Miss Up- 1 ham. Bruce Bristol with Miss Aline | Edwards, Mrs. Stella Aglazier, Miss Hester English. A delicious lunch I of weenies, salads, sandwiches, dress- ' ing of various kinds, coffee and other good things to eat were served. Work is being pushed rapidly now to completion of the New Presby terian Manse "which is located just back of the Presbyterian church; also on the new home of Miss Elea nor Cozad which is located in the W. T. Moore subdivision. The local Lutheran congregation have started their now church build ing and are progressing very nicely with its structure. Their church building is located on Main Street just on front of the Carnegie Libra ?jy J. D. Russell returned to his home in Lynchburg, Va., after a weeks visit with his parients, Mayor ?and Mrs. D. S. Russell. Lionel Adams has returned to the University of North Carolina where he will graduate next Commence mont. Luie Adams left a few days ago for Washington and Jefferson Col lege where he is a member of the faculty of that institution. Miss Edna Scrone left a few days ago to take up her duties as teacher in the public schools of Henderson ville. days. Mr. Andrew Kephart has been do ing some sawing for the past few days. BOILING SPRINGS Rev. A. B. Smith filled his regu lar appointment here Saturday and Sunday. He preached two very in teresting sermons. A crowd of young people enjoyed a bean stringing at C. C. Mill's Sat urday night. Mr. Edd Mundy visited his parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mundy. C. C. Wills and William Odell were Additions and rmlacexsssU to too Soothers Bel! Telephoae Syaten tola raw *U1 coat aon than t29.7S9.OM. This la oh of the largest tetoffccM eonstrnctlon programs ever undertake* by thia company and follows an ?im diture ot (33.I2t.SM far aimilar parpcaea daring 1U(. The new plant la designed Mt oly to ?net the needs of today, bat to pcortoe facilities to care for the growth of the near future. pleasant callers at A. J. Davis* Sun day. Mr. Jack Davis, Jr., left for Young Harris, Ga., Sunday where he has employment. Neariy tvery dairyman in Gaston county either has a silo or will biuld one soon. Stave silos are most com- j mon. CHRONIC COUGHS CAUSE COMPLICATIONS New Elixrr of Creosote and Other Healing Agents, Called Glyca Pvna. Stops Worst Cough in Few Days ONE BOTTLE GUARANTEED Now you can be free from the wracking torture <>f a hacking cough and protect your system against the deadly complications that follow per sistent colds and coughs. Glyca-Pyna is guaranteed to relieve i your cough or you pay nothing! Just! think ? a bottle of this wonderful | preparation, elixir of cresote with ! soothing, healing agents, may be the | means of restoring your health. Those 1 whose systems are run down and ' wasted away by a persistent cough j find Glyca-Pyna not only stops the cough, but builds their strength and ; adds pounds of firm, healthy flesh to j their weakened bodies. Glyca-Pyna i penetrates, carrying the powerful germicidal effects of creosote into the system and arresting the germs. Get a bottle of Glyca-Pyna from R. S. Parker; it comes in 35c, 60c, and $1.10 sizes. If your cough is not quickly relieved, and if you are not delighted with results, your druggist will refund your money! No more nights of torture, robbed of sleep by a wrenching, tearing: cough ? Glyca jmj&P Pyna will ?top it quickly you to fret a full nights res ? < Advt.) J Refreshing Shaves You want smoother, better shave*. Shaves which give a soft, youthful ao rea ranee to your face. You're tired of dull, rough-edged blades which pull and scrape. Here's the remedy. VALET AUTOSTROP RAZOR. A raieir and stropping machine combined. Providing a keen, smooth* edged blade for every shave. You will lose that morning grouch and enjoy shaves that leave your face soft and smooth. \41ety4uto-Strop Razor Sharpens itself GUARANTEE Wr wish that every n?u?r of a Valet Aur-virpop Razor bm constantly enthusiastic. Should anything happen to your* after tin?r it* perfect service, hcjxI it to u? for re pair or replactnent. If yonr strop in not h> rood condi tion ? return it fora new one? no charve frr c ither wn-ica AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., 656 First Ave., New York, N. Y? ran outstanding feature of the most Amazing Quality in Chevrolet History The COACH $595 2i?Z!?* 525 ...*625 *695 asss-.-^is UZZr*}*745 WToo Track $395