The Leading Weekly Newspaper in We, tern North Serving a large and Potential! y Ri VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 12. y Rich Territory in this state MURPHY, north CAROLINA FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2S. 1927. 0, dopy? J!. 50 PER YEAk FIRST LYCEUM NUMBER TO BE HERE NOV. 3RD Edward Reno, Expert Illusionist, to Demonstrate Magic and Mys tery Extraordinary The first number of the 1927-1928 Lyceum course is to be presented in the school auditorium on Thursday evening* November 3rd, at seven thirty o'clock. There are five num bers on the circuit this year, all be ing engaged through the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. The numbers in clude Edward Reno, Magician ; Roy E. Bendell, impersonator and reader and interpreter cf life; The Blan chards; the Garden Sketch Club; and the Three Musketeers. The first number is the Magician Reno, who is hailed as one of tile best in his profession. He has been a magician for more than thirty-five years, has traveled in every part of the globe and is constantly inventing new things in magic and illusion with which to mystify and entertain the Reno the Magician public. Mr. Reno is scheduled u> ex ecute more than sixtey tricks during the hour and a half program to be presented here on November 3rd. Reno's running fire of comments over his tricks is about as amusing as the tricks themselves, say those who have seen him in action. He uses a number of pets in his enter tainments and he allows the chil dren to play with them when not in use. He also has members of the audience help him with his various tricks. Among the many bewildering tricks performed by Reno are the follow ing*. He takes a lad's watch from a lonf of bread ??hcs it