PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN Murphy and Andrews QUICK SERVICE AND LIBERAL TERMS t ? NO ACS LIMIT. AMOUNTS FROM $300. UP v For Full Particular* Ca". on or Write KAJIHY P. COOPER f 'u >hy, N. C. WITH THE CHURCHES 1 s METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH DIRFCTOKY *t?r Howard P. Powell j ISOAKII Ol" STKH'AKDS irmun . . - K. \V. Gray is?t ri?*t Steward . K. V. Wcawr r-t.iry . ... Harry Fnln iiButi-r . . ... P. <". Hyatt ?iinlinc Secr.-tury . . Mrs. li. (i. Klkms W. Ax !??>-. R. A. Akin. .1. \Y. I>av l.lsoii. fnl Davidson, II. E. Mi<k?-y, I{. J|. K. 1-Iuovrv. .!. H. McCall. Mrs. K. H. N?r. | II. J. A Kii-harrison. Mrs, T. .!. S\vor<l. WellM. jmist slant IMnnlPt it- plrK-tr?f? ftii-i- Sun?la> Si h<?i?l ? al??n? W M. S. .. i?.r Kpworth Loaciii lor Epxvorth Leami . . Mrs Ht-nry Axl?-y | Mrs. I>nl?- I Mrs. Hurry 1\ CNwmm r I K V. V.v . Mrs i: li. N ? ? . Miss i*.iro|\n |lail< ? . Miss A?1 i llarsliaw ' Sunday School nine forty-five. , K. V. Weaver, Superintendent, j Morning worship at eleven o'clock, j jermon by the pastor, subject: God's j 'aim upon the whole life." M.*. Osepoff will play at the morn- | service. Senior League at six o'clock. Junio.- League at six-fifteen. Evi ning worship at seven o'clock, pinion by the pastor: "Mrs. Lott, be Background Looking Soul." I JACOB FARNEY ABERNAhiY ! Lena Abernathy Claik" p i/s the tllowi tribute to her father, .la b : arney Aberrathy, whose sou! marching on. ! Hi- passing occure-.l in community which he was born and reared and which he moved with force and jiflucnce. He deserves more than ordinary i tiro. I cing the type of lv.nn not |mommon in the south a generation For colds, grip and flu take :&ds TRADE MARK REG. Relieves the congestion, prevents complication*, and hastens recovery. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIKKCTOKY Pastor .1. 1?. Arul'TMiin I1HVCONS Chairman .... .J. i:. Storey M. Vnuuhn. AV. Sir- . J-:, s. MUl-r. It. S. I'ark?'r. i:mh:hs CI '.i irm ? n Jno. II. Dlllard ??:. a I ?;? vilw.n, Jjifk Hall. M. \V. I!.-;;. CJ'-i'k of J;?/j?j?U?n Jiik. II. I> l|:ii<] Choir !.? :-?l?>r . . . . Mrs. C. \Y. Savage Pianist .... Miss Anno Qrahiim^nil'Tson s.iri. Suniliy S<*hoi?l lii". II. Dillard Pn?. Woman's Auxiliary Mrs. It. W. (Iray Pr?s. Christian Knd?av??r .... \nt??- Candl- r Mur. Christian En<lc-a v< r .... llryan W. Slue Subject for 11 a. m. "Rc'ation Val- | ut'S." ? Text: I Con. 3:21-22. Subject for 7 o'clock p. m. "Paul's Review and Preview ? Text: 2 Tim. 1: <>-S. The Christian Endeavor Society will ( meet in the church at 6:30 p. m. On next Sabbath in offering; fur1 Foreign Missions will be made com- i "lying with the General Assembly's request to observe the week of Self- 1 Denin*. A cordial invitation is extended tin : ublk- to attend the services at this church. ago. Of distinguished ancestry, bring r. defendant of General Morgan 01 involutional y fame for whom the | town <?i" Morganton, X. C., wa.- nam ed and a kinsman of John Aher nathy the fanu us Scotrh surgeon, J disoverer of the anericm. lie was edurated at the old Hay- 1 rsville Aadeniy and the Louisville ' Medical College. While yet a lad be fared forth and | rode the plainh of the West as a dat 1 e herder. Well rememberd are the he related of life in the don | ramps when the evening lamp wa lie. Like a soldier at the front, he j died in his armor. The torch thai he bore can not be quenched but will appear attain, a brighter flap:t. A delighted companion, widely in formed, a lover of nature, a man ef literary taste and talent. Xo one who ever knew Jacob Farney Aber natby will forget him. WANTED j You to have your IlrmHtitrliinr and Plrot ' ' Fileine ilone at tin* SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE Murphy We furnUh rot Ion Thread NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Notice is hereby given that the Motor Ve hicle law will be enforced, and attention is re spectfully called to the following: Speed limit within the business district, 15 miles per hour. Speed limit within the residential section 20 miles per hour Two headlights. No cut-outs open, all cars muffled. . One rear light. Attention has been called to these require ments heretofore, but motorists have been rather careless about complying with the State motor vehicle law, and notice is hereby given that the law will be enforced. This February 1, 1928. ? A. A. FA IN, Mayor. 'ANDREWS LOCALS Mrs. Stella Agleiser has returned to Andrews and resumed her duties as a toacher in the Andrew school. Mis. Agleiser during the holidays had an operation for the removal of her tonsils. The Atb'etic Association of An drew tool: a negro minstrel to Mur phy 011 Tuesday night of this week. They report a good time and a gootl house to greet thim for this show. The many friends of Rev W. H. Ford, pastor of the Baptist Church will loar.i with pleasure that he is doing well after his operation for ap pendicitis in the Georgia Baptist Hospita'. Mrs. lioone of Waynesvi!!". N. C., | is visiting her sen. J. M. Boone. Messrs. J. A. Morgan, .1. M. Boone and I\ H. Tiliitt were business visi tor* in Murrlhy on Friday of last week. Little Settle Anna Tilli't, o lugh ler of Mr. aiul Mrs. 1). II. Ti'lit:. was ill during the first part of this week. Mr. John Nelson of Topton was a business visitor in Andrews on Wed n? sday of this week. The teachers of Andrews School are planning on putting on a play t . r the benefit of the school 011 the J'.h of February. Mr. W. T. Moore left Monday for N'ushvi'le, Tenn., where !?e i"..-is 1 ?. r ad contracts under the Tonne* ee Hi?;h .vay Commission. Mi. Fred Reagan who lias !von fur over a year in Florida ? ? >.im . 1 : 0 .ih hotel work returned to Andrews a . w days ago and is now enga&vd a clerk at the ?lunaluska Terrace. Mr. Genld Walker, the younge st ron of Mr G. 15. Walker, has relin ijiushed his position in S: .minah, Ga.t ami is going to make his hinc with his mother in Andrews. Mr. Cross Georgv of l.'iltimore, I Md., is spending a few day in An- 1 drews. Mr. George i*5 visiting hi - young son who niakt. his home \vi;.h j his aunt, Mrs. Arnold. Rev. Mr. Reid, President of Syl a Collegiate Institute, preached 1: st Sunday at the Bapti.-t. Church in the absence 01' their pastor, lie v. W. H. next. Sunday at bothwy-j RZY>. Ford. Mr. Keid wis again on next Sunday at both services occupy the Baptist Pulpit. Mr. T. M. Worthey has moved and is now occupying the new Presbyter ian Manse on Cherry trect. Mr. A. Hall Johnson, Attorney of Asheville, N. C., was a business visi tor in Andrews the latter part of last week. Mr. Af'en Fisher who is staying with his father and mother here made a trip to Chattanooga, Tenn., last week to spend the week with his wife. Mr. Fisher is preparing to en ter Otten soon and during the period prior to his entering he is remaining with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fisher. "Do You Like FRESH VEGETABLES? Get Them at THE PROGRESSIVE GROCERY Kale, Beans, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Tur nips, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, We carry everything a Grocery Store should have. If we haven't got it we will get it. Just phone 73-J and see how quick your order will be delivered. J.W. AXLEY & SON Murphy, N. C. Extra Fancy CALIFORNIA DAHLIA SEED Plant Dahlia seed and raise plants that make beautiful flowers and full grown bulbs first year. 40 seed $1.C0 200 seeJ $3.50 100 Seed $2.00 300 Seed $5.00 Guaranteed to make plants equal to best of Dahlias grown from bulbs. R. A. DEWAR Andrews, N. C. BACHMAN NEWS I Mr. E. Me. Hyde hns been very i sick a few clays, but is improving I wo are glad to say. Misses Edna Blaleek and Kate \*e.;t spent thc weel:-.nd at home. | Mr. John Smith, .Jewel Mason and Marion Morrow went or. a hunting expedition to thc? Tellico Mountains labt week. A'though they caught j nothing they repored i\ nit e time. j The weather ha> been very cold ' at P/nchman but is moderating some , at present. ! Mr. Fred Hill ami W'llard Bryant ; made a call on Mr. and Mrs. U. F. j Hill Sunday. They reported a nice I time and a big dinner. The weather didn't prevent some of the boys going on a walk yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Long of Copperhill visited their sons Sunday. Mr. Bill Hamby visited home fufks Sunday. Mr. Harry Underwood carried out an interesting program in Christian Endeavor Sunday night. Master Jr. Morrow spent the eve ning with Ollie Crisp and Lucile I McDonald Sum. ay. A few of tli' -tudents looks pretty drow.y on a? it of not having: any coffee for breakfast. Miss Gra: e West is visiting homo folks at present. Winter's Colds and Chills Th/c ,v H j?vy DurtJens c?i the Irvidneys* /""lOLDS put extra burdens on our kidne\ \X hex: the kidneys slow lip. impurities remain in the blood and are apt to make one tired and achy with headaches, dizziness and often nagging backache. A common warning is scanty or burnings-^cretions. Doans Pills, a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion of the kidneys and aid in the elimination of waste impurities. Are endorsed by users everywhere. As fa your neighbor I DOAN S :"?;f A STIMULANT DIURETIC S& KIDNEYS Fbsier-Milburn Co. Mfg Chem. Buffalo. NY. BUY THE WHIPPET PROVEN (SUPERIORITY NEW LOW PRICES New Low Price Reduction New Low Price Reduction Cabriolet $545 $200 Cou'pe $535 $ 90 4 Door Sedan $585 $'40 Roadster $485 $210 2 Door Sedan $535 $90 Touring $455 $170 Prices f. o. b. factory. Wilys-Overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. E. C. MOORE, Dealer MURPHY, N. C.

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