| PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND f f ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN V J A V I Murphy and Andrews | QUICK SERVICE AND LIBERAL TERMS | NO ACE LIMIT. AMOUNTS FROM $300. UP t | % ?!' por pu|| Particulurs CaH on or Write HARRY P. COOPER Murphy, N. C. iocal And personal Judge ' *d Baker, claim agent for iht* la-tern Band of Cherokee Indian*. ami liis secretary. Miss Glad\ s Fowler. were here this week. Mr. E. >. Miller, and daughter, Miss Catherine Miller, returned this wtvk fro \f lanta. where Mr Miller has I***'" taking treatment at Black man's Sanitorium. Mrs. S I . \\ itt. who has been spending the winter in Miami, Fla.. I has arrived and will spend the sum- 1 mer months uitli her son. Mr. Wal- ' tor \\ itt. ol Last Murphv. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christopher I returned Sunday from Atlanta, I ilrre they had been visiting his par I fate, Mr. a d Mrs. \\ . ( Ihristophei . H Ju>i received car load Soy Beans. | I nmoth Yellow $2.50 per bushel. I Ma moth Brown $2.00 per bushel. J ICane Seed. SI. "it) per bushel. Ill . . 10-2t-d.) I Mr. J. I! Wood. Division Passen- ; I \?fi he Southern Railway ?Sysirni. w >ffices at \sheville, Ham! (.its 1 1- k?! \izent (). Wilson. Ii>! \she\ille. were visitors in Mur ?p!n last Saturday, where Mr. Wood Bras interested in finding out what ?effect tin Southern Schedules' Hli.ni on tl e raff ic <>t ilii> section, Hand how tin - lited i!i?- people. 9 Mr. Sjmi' j- Christopher, formerly ft of t propru tors <>1 i mer Hrantili- establishment here, has a | sition and is traveling) B a G< c ? mcern. It is under- , ? Uk.i : is territory will be north B" ! i. Western North Carolina! ^hnn East I'ennessee. He will con- J Binue to make his home at Murphy. ^EOMING ? "Ben Hur," one of the B Grid's greatest stories. Bonita B Theatre. .Murphy, N. C., May 25th B and 26th. .Matinee 3 p. m. Don't i | fail to see it. I ... j ABERNATHY'S stomachic AND APPETIZER The Wonderful HERB Tonic Kill be found at Parker's Drug . pore, Murphy, N. C. My friend* W you are bothered with the f?l~ ; |?w'ng troubles it will pay you to I*' some of this medicine: Stom trouble, had blood, chronic or boils, rheumatism, lost petite, white swelling, T. B. of 6 bone and all general rundown .-ndition* of the system. Many l^ple have bee*t? wonderfully J^ised through the u?e of this ^rb medicine. Manufactured by I J- H. ABERNATHY & BRO. I Andrews, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moody spent several days in Atlanta last w eek. Mr. Gentry Hall, attorney ol Hryson City, was here Monday. \l a meeting of the stockholder* of the Conaheeta Country Cluh last Monday night. \\ . \\ . Hyde was elected president: C. I\. Tarkington. of Andrews. Vice President: Harry P. Cooper. Secretary : Dr. Kdu. K. Adams. Treasurer. These officers with 1). Witherspoon. G. \\ . Hills and C. K. Hoover, were elected to act a directors. A committee was appointed to draw tip constiutinn and by-laws which will he adopted at a meeting subject to the call <>f the president, at which time man\ questions will come up for discus sion which every stockholder will be vitally interested in and officers will urge that every stockholder he present when the h\-Iaws are adop ted. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood) an nounce the birth of a son on Ma\ llth. \\ WILD- Some good sound corn. Will pav s | .25 cash per hushel. IMCKKV I KKI) CO. Messrs. Lakes Martin. John Dax-I idson. Charles Dickex. Granville Ratdiff. and John Bayiess spent tlx- j last week-end in Xtlanla. Mrs. T. \. Holder spent the week end in Asheville with her daughter. Mrs. Henderson Daniels. FARM IOK SALE W aeres ??f land 6 miles west of Copperhill. Tenn.. three room dwelling, barn and other buildings, good young orchard, plenty of spring water. About 5 acres in meadow land rest in woods and cleared land. Write or see T. M. LOCK. Cop perhill. Tenn., Route I. Box 35. (41-2t-pd. ) Or. \. B. Adams attended the re rent State Medical Convention at Pinehurst, as a delegate from the Cheroket County Medical Society. Mrs. A. K. Dickey returned Mon day from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. \\ . T. Smallcv. at Macon. Ga. SWEET POTATO PLANTS: Porto Rico Early Triumph Japanese ^ ams. Nancy Hall, for sale. $2.10 per thousand, postpaid. Shipped an\ where from Max 10th to July 1 .?JOHN FLOYD," Vests. N. C. ( 39-4t-pd. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Murray and little neice. Imogene Si. John, re turned to their home in Habersham, Tenn.. last week after spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Murray. M rs. Herman Murray returned the first of the week from a week end x isit to relatives in Shelby, N. C. Miss Hattie Axley returned Thurs day night from a > isit of several weeks xvith her sister in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Dickey announce the birth of a son on May 14th. xv ho has been jriven the name I pow ARE How often docs that friendly question find you full of pains and aches caused by kidney, liver and bladder troubles? Keep your health while you can. Begin taking Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. Hardy Hollanders have used this remedy for over 200 years. In sealed boxes, at all druggists. 3 sizes. Look for the name >n every box. rou TODAY? \A Edward Brittain Dick?*\ . i Mrs. T. L. Sasser and little soil lelt Tuesday for a \ isii t ? ? relatives in Brookhaven. Mass. I Mr. and Mrs. 1*0111 Palmer an- I nounce the birth ??l a - >? on Max 13th. Mrs. C. W. Candler is visiting rel ative: in Sylva this week. Ixev. T. L. Sasser. Mr. !. M. Ston er. and Mr. lialph Moody are at tending the Southern Baptist Con vention at Chattanooga this week. There will be a c lass singing and quartet singing at Peaclitree com mencing at 1 o'clock promptly on Sunday. May 27. LIBRARY HOURS Afternoon* Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M Evaniogi Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturda> from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGHWAY, A SAD ACCIDENT On the lib day of May Walter Gibson had the misfortune of get ting his house and corn crib burn ed. Walter was on the action at work: his wife and boy were in the field planting corn: the other three children were at home. The little girl. Cordie. was fixing to iron and also getting their dinner Just being a child, she I bought she would cook dinner on the fire place she put loo many chips on the fire at one time. \ sparfl caught on top of thehousc and before she found it. it was beyond con trol. The neighbors rushed to the fire but too late to save any thing. Tliev are left without clothing, home and rations. The feed in the corn crib, a nice two seated buggy. farming tools and machinery were also burned. The estimated h?>- is two thousand dolars. W alter and his are fine neighbors: tliex alway> worked bard for their living and treated everybody nice: were count' cd among our best neighbors: lov ed by all who knew them: Walter and 1 1 is wife and their lour child ren?one hoy 1 years old: one girl 12 v ears : one girl 1 years: and one girl 2 years.. So all who reatl this please tend er \our hearts and let us do some thing for God and man. Send them clothing, money for iooil, anv thing they can use in the house. His wife is mourning for her things that she will see no more. \ 1 1 who know Walter Gibson, who live far away and read this, please send him some money. His address is: Murphy. V C. . Route 2. We can't put him tank just like he was but we can help to lift the hurden a whole lot if we will just think and then do. Let us all do that which the\ will he* thankful lor. Anything or any aniout you want to give will he appreciated. Lord, do tender every heart that everyone will hip some. Take up a collection among your neighbors and send to them for they sure need our help now. The Lord will bless all who give to those in need. A Dear Friend ... Butter may be k?*pt hard without I ice by setting the dish in which ill is containrd in cold salt water. l)o| not allow the water to come over | the top of the dish. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Rattle Creek physician says, \ "Constipation is responsible for more misery than any other cause." But immediate relief has been found. A tablet ealled Rexa'l Or derlies has been discovered. Thisi tablet attracts water from the system j into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food waste and causes a gen-j tie, thorough, natural movement; without forming a habit or ever in- ' creasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a liexa'l Orderlie at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c to day at the nearest Retail Drug; Store. ? I DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY SrFCTALTlSl RRITTAIX AXI.KY WII.DIXG Of flie Phone IS* Re*. Phone 106 j MURPHY, N. C. Andrews Local I*. I?. h'reiMf w ii-i a business \ i> itor in \shevilh on Monday of this j week. j Mr. and Mr<. Gil?*s M. (,ovor and j i son, \\ illiatn, spent several days the j first of ( lii^ week in Asheville. j i Mr. S. K. Co\ or was a business visitor in Hayes\ille during the first i of llii> week. Mrs. D. If. I illitt was in Ashe- 1 \ille on \\edne>day <?f tliis week. ! Mr. \. 1>. Coombs who lias accept ed the position ??f Superintendent of I the Andrews School came to An I drew s 011 Tuesday of this week and will spend several days here looking over the situation. Mr. Coombs plans to move his family about the first of August. Mrs. I). S. Russell and daughters. I Mrs. ("holey Tatham and Mrs. C. S. Johnson made a trip to Asheville on last Saturday. Mr. C. It. Tarkington made a bus iness tri pto liryson Cit> on Wed nesday of this week. DR. Mat M? Braver and wife and little son. Hi I lie. and Mr. Fred Mc Brayer. Vttorney of Hutherfordton \. C. were visiting in Andrews on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. T. M. Worthe\ spent >ev eral days the first of this week in Atlanta where she was purchasing for Worthey's Woman's Shop. Mr. J. C. \ngel who was killed j in an automobile wreck last Sun | da\ niMininj! near Ela. V C., was buried in Andrews cemetery on Monday afternoon. His funeral was p reached b\ Rev. W . H. lord. Pas tor ?>f I In* Andrews Baptist church. Mr. I.. A. Wood was a busines visitor in \sln*ville the last part of this week. Mr. R. 15. Horsburgh and son of Vsheville were in Andrews onSat turdas ??f last week. Mr. Horsburgh came on business in connection with his owning properly here in I town. Mrs. G. B. Hnhlitzcll lefl Tuesday morning of Newport. Tenn.. where I she will visit friends and relatives for several weeks. Messrs. C. H. Jarrett. J. A. Mor gan, H. M. Whitaker and J. H. | Christy went to Svlva on !\iesdav i of this week to meet Mr. A. B. i Coombs who lias accepted the posi 1 lion of Superintendent of Andrews 1 School. I Mr. W . 1*. Currier went to Chat tanooga the last 4 >f the past week I and returned to \ndrews on Tues day of this week bringing back with him his wife. The\ have rented the Dr. Mat McBrayer house and are go s ing to go to house keeping inline j diately. Mr. W . T. Holland was a husi 1 ness visitor in Murphy on Monday of this week. Permanent relief from work and worry Constant Protection to Health & 1 See the newFrigidaires at our display rooms, espe cially the new Tu-Tone models of exquisite beauty. See the cooling unit which converts any good ice box into a Frigidaire at surprisingly low cost. Al! Frigidaire prices are low, and payments can be arranged to suit your budget. F. W. SWAN j Andrews, N. C. Sylva, N. C. FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT - OF GENERAL MOTORS FERTILIZER We Hare It! THE FAMOUS V-C BRAND Made by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, in several different grades. V>u feed yourself, your cows, chickens, pigs and Fords with good rations-? so why not feed your crops with some of ow GOOD V-C FERTILIZER DICKEY FEED COMPANY JT. S. DICKFY. Manager. MURPHY, X. C.

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