WITH THE CHURCHES Improved Unifo-m International "?on K H. KIT/WATKK. U-U . I'ean . lUbl ? I: .i .'us-of ChicaKO.? rti V.'w -pat . r l-nl?r>.? Lessen fc.* ? "ny 27 - - 1 WICKED KUSBAND;.!?M P. I i ? PugUhed. . T(.'1V- C W. k<4 Hup b.is.dll ? ? i\T ! KI'IAT:*. NT> SMNIOR TOP I ?r* ? F.nr Wu'.i <_;o.i. \\<\ V ; PEOPI.E \\1? Al>CI/T TOP IC ? Ti.?- Misuse ?? National Privilege. ' Demanding the Fruit of His Vineyard (.Mark 12:1-12). 1. Ti ? :.:;m (v. 1). 11. ?? certain 111:: u who planted the vieynrd i* < ;? ??1 Himself. 2. Tile vineyard (v. 1). T - ? ;ais Israel (See Isa. J?:l-7. Jer IS. N>:S). i ? I. .1 wont i?. particular pains to i ? this nation separate. He be >?? w.-.; ji.-.Mi inr favors upon it. 3. T!:o husbandmen (v. 1). 1 ? were t lie rulers and teachers of Isi i.cl. cvrn n ? n hers of the San hedrin. They were the spiritual gu ides of tile pe< ; ie. 4. Ser\:.nts s?-: t i>t the fruit of 'he v ,*ar?! (vv. 2 r?). Tlies-' were tin* various prophets whose ? sent to the nation. Tiie ma I '? uient and rejection of the prop' ? are fully ^et forth in the riptur lh?- W( 11 -l>elo\ i ! son sent (vv. C-9). Tin - ? ? : t ? re is the T.ord Jesus <"' ??'.s ? ? 1 1 1 y , !n| l??-loved Son. II** ?ata< into their midst. Tli*-: r punishment (vv. 0-12). Jesus now ;i -k?*d theiu for their own verdict upon such villainous insrrati tude. II- to-- the place of a judge and pronounced judgment upon them eii the basis t.f their own verdict. They net only rejected the kingdom, but the S"ii who was King; there fore th- i in was taken from them and _ \e ; ? a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. II. The Sen of Man Coming in Glory .^1'his i< part of the well known Olivet diM-our-e. It gives a pro I lietlc view i t the course t?f time from it*. uttf"; are Just before the crueilixloi; to the seeond advent of i i.rist. Two _ ..at facts are before us in this pr- : hetic utterance, the destru tion i Jerusalem and the sec ond coining o? t 'hrist. The one was near. havii ?: io-n plaee within forty >? :u*s of the crucifixion of Christ; the ether is still future. The order of events as outlined are: 1. Moral condition <>f the world during Chris:'* absence (vv. 1-13). 1 his | ictu '-s the present age a ad 'he result of preaching the gospel. In tins age many shall come saying. "I am Christ and shall deceive iiatny." There shrdl be wars ami ru ji.' rs 4?f wars. Nation shall be pitted :.g:!inst nat on ami kingdom against kitijrdom. with earthquakes in divers places, accompanied with famine and pestilence. The witnesses of Christ | shall be persecuted and arraigned be- ' fore rulers and kings. Brother shall betray brother to death and the fa- j the: the son. Children will rise up against their parents and cause them j to be put to death. The preachers of .the gospel shall be hated for Christ's Take. 2 The days of the tribulation (vv. 14-23). In this time the Antichrist will ap- j pear according to the prophecy of Daniel. So severe will be the perse cution that except the Lord shorten the days no flesh could be saved, hut for the elect s sake the days shall be shortened. 3. The great advent (vv. 24-31). This shall be preceded by great physical disturbances in the world. The moon shall he darkened, the stars of heaven shall fall. "Then shall they see the Son of Man com ing in the clouds with great power and glory and He will gather His elect from the uttermost parts of the earth and heaven." 4. Instructions In view of the com ing of the Lord (vv. 32-34). The day and the hour of His com ing are unknown to man. In view of this uncertainty we should watch and pray. III. Warnings. Kunning through the thirteenth chapter i.s the exhortation to take heed. In teaching the lesson it would be well to gather them up in their order. L 1. Take heed against deceivers PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IUKKCTOKV J. P. Mid'-rson % hn. I?. \\". S.; I". S. Miller. K. K1.I?KK> i ... .In" II. Pi'iard 1 ? v.! ? J.,? k .V \V ::? ! i f . Jni). II. lMllard ? r .. .. Mrs. ?\ W v.iee Ml*>- Ann- ?5r. \ri.l r .11 :'?! hoe 1 .. Jiv. 11 ! ? : r.l n - ' ? v Mrsj R 'A" fir v . iii Km! T,V(.r .. Anne ?'u.?!!-r : m 1 tn !? :? v,.r . . l:rv ,r. W. - ' - ?*- N'liMul ;il a. m. I. I ) . i ? ii. Supl. I hers ? ! 1 ?i l? ? M ? Mr. ?a?'k Hal! and Geo. \\ . * 11 ? in the church at (?:!."? p. I in. There will he no evening services ,i? m will attend tin* coinmeuremenl - ? ! \ v *?< at the school house. \ corcl ial invitation is extended ihe public to all the services. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SOUTH DIRECTORY H. war.) V r..wi'lll HOARD III' STEWARD* ii It W. Gray ? Stew :i ? . 1 K. V Wc.i v?-r . ... ll:?rr> lain ' r IV C. Hyatt ? : ? . Sei-r?*tar> Mrs. II C. KIkim* V w % It. A. AkiTi J. V." I ? ; . I'.tvKlston. II E. !? W.y. It M Ka.n. I V. .1 li M. < Mr- ! : I \. f. J. \ Richardson. .Vr- T. .1 Sword. \\ elln. if! . . Mm II. nrv \\lev " ? Mr.- I'.!. I.. !'. it \ ou are not attending else where. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Tin pastor will preach, using the subject. "The Baptism of The Holy Spirit." There will he no evening worship in our church. We will worship at j the school auditorium for the ser mon t< the graduating class. Prayer meeting each Wednesday) ? \eiiiu_ at se?en fifteen. This week . wr h; one hundred and two pres- ! ??lit. I lie Mibjcct for the service! next Wednesday night will he, "Sa tan as an Angel of Light.'' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DIRECTORY j Pastor .... .. T. L. Sasger | 1>KAC(?NS Chairn ..O H. Cop. J. M ' ? ? rn?*t t . .!. M. ? loner. W. Christopher W. A Elliott. A. K. Dickey. 1 Treasurer A. I... Martin Ch-rk CJ. H. Cope l'innist Mr.*. J. W*. Davdson | I Supt Sunday School"""..... Noah Lovinjiood I Prescient W. M. S. Mrs. T. S. Evans Presidt-rt Senior It. Y. 1*. V Nora Lovinnood , I "nan. t.il S.-or etary . . Mrs. Kalph Moody , Director of Choir Miss Mennice Payne , Huildint; Committee. M. Wofford. Chair I man. '. A. L. Martin. SUNDAY SERVICES j Sunday School 0:45 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. B. Y. P. U. Meeting 6:00 p. m. j Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. SERVICES OF THE WEEK Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7 :00 p. m. | Choir Practice Friday 7 :00 p. m. Women's Missionary Society 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2:30 p. m. \ . (v. 5). 2. Take heed to yourselves (v. 9). 3. Take heed against the time of I , the Lord's coming (v. 33). j The one command to all is "watch." | The Cross and Discipleship The cross is the pattern of service | and suffering for the disciples of | Christ. The great demand of Jesus ? was and is for people who can suffer. 1 It Is of no use trying to get the cross out of discipleship. They go together and will, until the world has been re j ' deemed. ? Charles Brown. An Active Faith I Belief is the acceptance of a map. ! Faith is the taking the voyage. ? Rev. J. H. Jowett, D. D. i ARE APPOINTED j NEW COUNCIL COMMITTEES | I (Continued from pase 1) quires pedestrians to cross the streets , at the comers and regularly marked places, violation of which carries a fine n\?t to exceed The ordi nance against discharging firearm prohibits children under 1< sears ??l ag? from handling or di* barging firearm* in the ? itv limits, pi ires the respon-abilit\ upon tin parent <>t guardian, and if i?* oenalty tor \ iolation carrie- a fine ti\e to twentv-fi\e dollars for eat !i and e\ery offense. Clean -up II \ motion *s adupte tth. in clusive. . ? lean-up we v. when the people tit the it .1! a-K"*! I" dean up then premise and pile rubbish - ? : : * ? !i '? for the str' ? ? 1 \tniii - i ? e. and it i? hoped ili i ? -:ti ? - ** '?! enter 'icarlilx :nl'? !Jtij| jii? "iit i i ??r , tier to mak* t ? ?\> ? ? - n? .it aitd al iraei i\e .IS i >? - ! !?? l ? the ? \e . tile tourist a- x ? 11 i This we^Ktlv II' I> irisi < lamp, ju-t llixer. is hein-j ? learn-.: ui? and put ? in a more sanitarx ? ondition. for use of the tourists who wish to camu in or near town as thcx pa-- through this summer. This ramp was last I year equipped with toilet*, water' and lights, and a speciallx built, cooking shed for the accomodation of the traveling public. It has al- ( I read\ l?een the source of much faxv , j orahle advertising and publicity to ; | the tow n. Iiaxins been used last ' j summer by hundreds of people, and no doubt will prove l?> be a popular j o\er-night stopping place for hun ! dreds of other*- thi* summer II nr on S peril in f: The police department has also been instructed to close tin* net tighter on speeders, with reference j to observing the speed laws oi the | state w ithin the business and resi dential districts. The two deaths recently has caused the conscience i ol the couununilx to assert it ! self, and numerous protests have been registered with both the po I lice department and the max or and council. I lie snecd limit in the bus- 1 iness district is l.> miles per hour! and in the residential section it is j 2( miles per hour. The attention I ol driver- is called to these speed limits and warning given that they will 1m en to reed. Mavor Cooper staled that thcx were not going to be hard or unfair on anvone. but WATER REDUCES BACTEfilA COUNT Investigators Show How the Moisture in Paris Sub way Cut Do-.vn Germs. MOISTURE decreases the num ber of b.t.-! riu in the air enor:.u;i!^ French scien tists counting n " ? > i the air be fore ami ait. r a : :ir? ? air gathered up near tl I ' Messrs. A. Sap tory and \i t ; 1, s found 3.800 . n ? at p. m. and 16.01)0 it i:. ? > ? <>a a dry daj . Sinii' :rlv i : j :ii subway alter the racks lit! ! :i sprinkled thor oughlv ou!> 41o t.-ria were found to tin* cu'?ic nu-: r while two hours later, when t !:?? tr; ;ks were dry. the Investigators discovered 6S.UOO. Taking advantage of such .findings, officials of many com nudities are ad vocating more generous sprinkling and in many instances have applied calcium chloride to road surfaces to lay the dust. That chemical, which in itself has high germicidal value, absorbs moisture as well as killing germs. LIBRARY HOURS Afternoons Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGHWAY, SUBSCRIBE NOW thai I lit laws ??l I hi* Slat** uith rofornio t< incur |m naled towns hail !?? hi* ri'-jHTti-il anil olwrvi'il. LEGAL MATTERS N1 TICK OK y.\?.K l!> \ it ? . ? ti ? in :?n illm-ii1)) t ? ? t h? ? UDilorc fr<>m t * ? . - SuiM*rlor i*??urt of Ch??nk.?- ? Vuntj . in lit- ? >-f W. T. KIxIhm vr ? .. V.tlli \ Itivri1 Triiilini: r :i At! I ' "fc* .-I,.-, k . , N" !?. t \ . TI,* nn um!*TKii,'<)ii| >?ar from tin* date f t - noli-** will l e i i.-nM in ,, havlBj e tn ? "r ttw T"?rs??t-5 ln?l< ' make imiiint - !>??? i'tor ?.r th 1 i5:s.' ?T< >lj. ? ? -.j lit; i l ' MMI "lilMIMll lt> -| itouftJ Ml K !i L .it th- lr.t-r - lYnn**** j ?villi Ihi' I ?i : i?- K?|Uitr-: fr-tn ..n.- iTirr, i tl !? *M- W" ilk t'? ! Il? ill 1 1 ? - ? ;ho .n, .-f V-.ll-v Htv.-r \v. ? a ,h tV f , > 'i n ? .???? from on- i ..i iii? i , J i i.. ??tli'-r .?t the .ft. [ .-ll? ' with lh" I'W li< ? ; .-.j. : -r lines as in.;y h? r? ;ifti. U- rrj?rt?< J ! il'.rvi : .???in on- jn-int t.. . i-n-,?T , ^ i i ul'lit Souare. Makes Lift] Sweet i For seven generations the Natiodl Household Remedy of Holland fcrk&l ney, liver anti bowel troubles has make life brighter for suffering moil women. Begin taking them today notice how ouickly your troubles vanish. At w! lirug-^isls iu 3 sizu. J. L. ROWLAND Fire Watch Repairing Prompt Attention to Mail Orde?* Repair* Jeweler Ardrews, N. C. When the Pontiac Six was first introduced less than two and a half years ago, immediate buying enthusi asm was aroused. The pub lic accepted the statement of General Motors and Oak land that here was a new car offering six-cylinder value never before enjoyed at such low price. 75,000 Pontiac Sixes sold in 1926 established a world's record for a new make of car. Sales for 1927 carried the total of satisfied Pontiac owners be V - a Successful Six no w winning Even Grai " yond the 200,000 mark. And now, even if its un rivaled value could not be proved by comparison with other cars in its field ?even if its superiority could not be demonstrated by scores of advanced features com bined in no other low-pric ed six ? even if all its claims to leadership were based on generalities ? you could still buy the Pontiac Six with complete confidence . . . for 200,000 buyers can't be wrong! 2-Door Sedan , $745; Coupe, $7 45; Sport Roadster , $745; Phaeton, $775. Cabriolet, $795; 4- Door Sedan, $825; Sport Landau Sedan, $875 1 Oakland Ail-American Six , $1045 to $1265. AU prices at fcuXory* Check Oakland-Pontiac prices? they include lowest handling charge* General Motors Time Payment Plan available at minimus* rate. D. & D. MOTOR COMPANY i J. W. DAVIDSON, MGR., MURPHY, N. C. PRODUCT O, \ 1teiirj??ue?y GENERAL MOTOR. SIX