PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN Murphy and Andrews QL'ICK SERVICE AND LIBERAL TERMS AGE LIMl T. AMOUNTS FROM $300. UP Lr Full Particular* Call on or Write HARRY P. COOPER Murphy, N. C. " local and personal" Edited By Miss Sarah Cook and Mrs. J. V Conley of |tree ha\e just returned from , pleasant vacation spent mo uith tl ? ir sun and family ^rh Ohio, Michigan and parts pnada. I w. and Mrs. Don Conley and liter. Sarah Jcanee, of Ann Ar I Mich., returned to North Car u itli their parents for a few I visit. i [5. J. H. Slider. Mrs. Rohen P. and small daughter, Eva J have returned to their home in fcta. after a stay at the Regal; John Rules* left Saturday 0. ^BAtlantj where he will be the for a \\e? k of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3 Ellen H\de of Andrews was lest last week of Mrs. G. H. |rs. D. C. Bryant, of Dalton. Ga., ? guest of lier sister, Mrs. Grace ?er. I and Mrs. Harvey Hughes,! I Mrs. M. J. Black and children i Atlanta. were the week-end guests Ir. and Mr-. S. D. Aiken on Val River Ave. >. J. A. \\ ales, of McComh. . i> the jzuest of her sister. Mrs. |L. Sas>er. Mrs. W. A. Knight. of M< Comb, Miss., is also a kt of Mrs. Sa sser. Ili$$ Carolyn Bailey entertained a 1 of her friends Tuesday night at J home ? in Terrace Ave. Games, lte?t> and music furnished the en lainment for the evening. Those Isent were: Misses Aline Richard . Leila Posey. Betty Kate Me ats, lVarle Taylor, and Mrs. tv Ferguson, Messrs. Don Cog F. I>. Gibbs, Clarence Fuller, ' Clark and Ben Goforth. Miss I i Post \ won first prize in the Ite.'t ami Miss Pearle Tayloj won t hooln V most delicious ice \va- >erved. r ^ ??I'* I-ee was hostess to the' Ur^ nicht bridge club. Be re-iular members were: M v Norvell. Mr. and Mrs.j ?kil. .t:i?| Mr, Berzunza. Miss 1 '"M Maunev won high score I ,af,i2 a,ul Mr- McNeil for men. '? I dit< ?t : Please allow me space t?< thank ! main friends for their kindness, ring my daughter's illness and ith and for the many beautiful >ral offerings given by both white; (I colored. Mattie Sanders. Misses Betty Kate and Rub\ Mc Combs, Mr. Dale Clark and Mr. Hugh Brittain motored to Robbins villc Sunday and visited the big dam at Santeetla. ' Miss Minnie Davis and Mr. Ralph Adams of Grandview, were the guest Monday of Miss Mary Akin, on Fain Street. ! Mr. Clifford Shaffeitt and Mr. \\ ill Morris, of Athens. Tenn.. were the guests a few davs this week of Mr. and M rs. Neil Davidson. | Miss Elizabeth Smith of Raleigh. | who has been the guest for several days of Mrs. J. R. Storey, left Wed nesda\ for Montvello. Ala., where she will give a series of lectures at the Alabama State College for Wo men. Miss Dorothy Cooper, of West Palm Beach. Fla., is the guest of Mrs. Dale Lee. I Mrs. Hendrix and Misses Louise and Ruby Hendrix of Bull Ground. |Ga.. are the cuests of Mrs. Hendrix* I sister. Mrs. P. C. Hyatt, on Peach tree St. Miss Katherine Thompson was hostess to 4 tables of bridge Tues |day night honoring the visitors in the cit v. The visitors present were: Miss M ary Norvell, Miss Louise Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr Donald. Mr. and Mrs. McNeil. Mr. Berzunza and Mr. John Brittain. Other guests were the regular mem bers of the club. Mrs. Hoover won high score and Mr. John Brittain won the booby. Miss Carolyn Bailey will leave : Saturday for Montreat where she will attend the Bible Coiference. While there she will be the guest of Miss Con iuite Dix. ? H Mrs. and Miss Mount, of Knox \illc. Tenn.. were the week-end guests of Mrs. Mount's aughler. Mrs. W. M. Fain, on Fain >t. Roaches li\e in colonies If you set* one you know there are main Roaches are loathsome ver'nin. Pro lific breeder*. There are medical au thorities who declare seventeen dif ferent diseases are transmitted hv roaches. Roaches niti-t he killed. Spray FLY-TOX into crack-, crevi ces. around water pipes. faucets and other plumbinsr. Simple instruc tions on each hottle (blue label ? for killing roaches and ALL house hold insects. INSIST on FLVTOV It is the scientific insecticide devel oped at Mellon Institute of Indus trial Research h\ Rex Fellowship. FLY-TOX is safe, stainless, fra grant, sure. Easy to use. ? Adv. TREAT HER OFTEN to a glass of our pure, whole some and delicious!) refresh ing soda. Immaculate atten dants. courteous to the last de cree. will serve you. And you will have a wide choice of the most favored drinks for quenching your thirst with keen enjoyment. Suggestions ga lore await your choosing. I PARKER'S DRUG STORE 39 The Rexall Store Murphy. N. C. EDDIE, THE AD MAN KID CAW THROU/ A 8UU1H OP UAU06IUS UUDER ASHED AkID NOCODV MISSES "THEM, BUT LET A CARRIER. BOV TBV "TViAT U/ITH HIS BATCH OF UEWS PA?ERS AM [J B.'ERV PATROL OVJ HIS ROUTE WOULD HOLLER,'. MORAL- ADVERTISE WHERE VOUR AD Wa =!E READ CLASSIFIED ADS <Hie Cents Per Lin* * Per Insertion. Minimum Charge 25c Cash Paid for hite and Chest-' nut Oak Ties. Pine Poplar and (Chestnut wood. Carry full line of groceries and feed. Located in leaver Store Building near Murphy Mill*. -J. B. Mulkey. i5l-4t-jhm. I FOR SALE. ? Complete sel of the Encyclopaedia Rrittannica. bcau t if nil y bound in morroco. in per fect condition, at a bargain. For further information apply to The Seoul, Murphy, N. C. (l-3tacl.) LOST. One log chain about ten feet long. Reward if returned to Murphy Service Staoion. Murphy. N. C. ' (lt-pd.) NOTICF. TO FARMERS.? See us for the f ol lowing seeds: Hairy Vetch. Crismon Clover. Rape. ? Cherokee Hardware Co.. Murphv. I \. C. (lt-c.) IFOR SALE CHEAP:? 123 acres good land, good house and barn, on good road, plenty fruit, near school and church. Good terms. See or write. M. P. SI MM 111, Route 5. Sweetwater. Tenn. 2-lt-pd. Mr. Clifford Stiles of Persimmon Creek, and Miss Venter Loudermilk. of Murphy, were happih married | Sunday. August 12th. at the store of Mr. T. \. Bate-. Mr. Bates per forming the ceremony. The young people are members of prominent families of the count) and have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happ> life. Mr. W. A. Henry, f Cross An chor. S. C.. who l:i- been visiting ; friends in Murphv * -v the past sev eral weeks, will !? n> next Tuesday morning for Slat?>n. Texas, to make his home with hi- son. He was for Jmerly janitor of tli- irt house and . has many friend- 1 who are .tl wa\- glad to see hitr. Vihile here he had hi- Scout < anged from 'Cross Anchor to Slat< . on renewal, and said he wanted The Scout t?? he sure and come for it was a part jof his li\iiig. The following invitation has been sen i out and the publi- i> cordial 1\ imit^d t?? attend. T! occasion i exported to be an ?-ii ?yable one: You are cordially invited t?? at tend a novelt\ dance tt Fain ? 1 1 Building. Murphy. V>rth Carolina. Friday evening. Xugust. twenty, fourth. Nineteen hundred and twen tv-eight. Music b\ Reid Tuell and His Six Troubadours. Best in Ten nessee. 9:00 to 1 : $2.00 per cou ple. Chaperoned. BACK COPIF.S SCOUT WANTED. I All reader? who have the issue of The Si-out ??f Juh 27th. would H?? the management a favor if they would return them t?? this offjVe. We haven't a single i--ue of tliat date and haw rail- from our adver tising representatives for several copies. The rails we have sent out in the past have been r?>pond?*d to ? <?enerous!\ and we will appreciate ( every response to thi^ rail. Aimdlirews Leesfe \Ir. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols and little son, Lee. Jr., ha\e been spend ing several days .?-? Sparta. N. C.. visiting the parents ??! Mr. Nichols, rhey are expected back on Friday >f this week. Mr. Swift Hooper, Jr., <?f Win ston-Salem. N. C., was a business visitor in Andrews <?u Tuesday of this week. The Dedication Services of the Methodist church here was held on last Sunday. Rev. T. M. S mat hers who was pastor of the church here when it was built and who now is stationed in W inston-Salem. V C.. preached the Dedicatory Sermon. Presiding Kldcr Tucker was present for the service and received the church at hte hands ??f the Trustees in Dedication to the Lord's Supper. It was a very beautiful and impres sive service. Miss Alene Purdom. <>f Florida is \isitisg friends in And news. Miss Purdom formerly lived in Andrews with her aunt. Mrs. C. Cagle. and is a graduate of the Andrews High School. Rev. J. I?. Church, pastor of the Methodist church returned to An drews fin last Saturda\ after having held a two weeks meeting in Mt. Airy. Y C. Mrs. A. B. Chandler and daugh ter. Sarah Ruth, arc ^pending some lime in South Carolina with relatives and friends. Rex. \\ . H. Dendy, pastor of tin* Presbyterian Church made a trip Sumhn a week ii^r? ? to \lahama to attend ihe marriage ? ?t hi- brother, Kev. Marshall Dendv. Re\. Mar shall Dendy and hi- bride came to ?\ rid reus tli** fir-t ? ?f !;i-t week and spent a portion of their honeymoon, leaving the last c?f the week f < ?r Asheville and oilier points in \\ t'v tern North Carolina. The \ndrew? Coif Course i- now comph te ancl numbers o! the mem bers of the club are to be found on the course* enjoying tin* frame. Mr. W . W . \she was a business v isitor in li'>hl?ins\ ille on Monday of thi- week. Mr. ind Mrs. < Ihde H. larrctt and two children, Sarah Evelyn. and Clyde. Jr.. spent the week-end y\ illi Mr. Jarretts parents at Dillsboro. Mr. C. V. Hoblitzell was a husi ness visitor in Asheville on Monday of this week. _____ ___ Dr. \ incent Orr of Robhinsville was in \ndrews on Monday of this w eek . Mr-. U. \. Dewars sister. Mrs. Skinner, and two children of Flor ida. arc socridin*; some time in An drews as the pruest of her sister. Mrs. Williams of Asheville is \ i itinsr her sister. Mr-. W . W . Ashe. Her son. James, has been in An drew- f?.r several days visiting his aunt. SEX I) IS VOIR ORDERS FOR JOli PRIXTIXG. ANNOUNCEMENT Wc wish to advise the < itizens of Murphy, \. C... and vicinity, of the opening of one <?f our pop ular CASH and CARFO Stores at \ alley Hivei \\enue. Murphy. N. C. ^ ou are rordially invit wherc konom ?| to \i-it and inspect this New Store. RULES ? FLOUR A & F' FAMILY OR SELF RISING 21 lb. Bag 48 1b. Bag 98 lb. Bag $1.05 $2.05 $3.95 CERTO, Bottle 30c SUGAR LB. 6ic 25 "** $1.57 100 "'"s $6.25 JAR CAPS, Doz. 27c COMPOUND 2 LBS 25c 4 LBS 65c 8 LBS $1.15 JAR RINGS, Doz. 7c SNOWDRIFT LARD, 2 LBS 43c 4 LBS 79c 8 LBS $1.49 | MASON JARS 80 90 1 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE " 37 1 WESSON OIL'" c"" 27c c- 49c | CORN FLAKES 2 ' 15c ^Atlantic & PacificSf.

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