Report o? tlu* condition of* ~ ! THE - XNK OK MURPHY at Murphy North Carolina t?? the' corporation Commission at the close of business on the 3rd da\ of ()ct?> hei. 1928. RKSOl RCKS L??ans and dis* omits >318.12o.~:> Overdrafts 288. 1 * ' I nited States Bonds 6.75?>..lO Bankinu Hou-* 2.075.0' * Furniture and Fixtures 1.053.1)0 Cash in valut and amounts due from approved de positors !?.o V Checks f ?r clearing and Transient item- 3.710.27 ts ! -? \I 6.734.08 Capital >t?M k. paid ir: s3iUH>0.00 Surplus fund I ndixided profits i net ami > (>.040.54 Other dep. .-it- Mil?je? l to Chck 112.851.44 0ep? ?-i t - di.e state of North Carolina and any official thereof: secured 20.811.93 Demand eertii i> ate- ?>| de posit 'due in le? s than 30 da>si 228.966.75 Cashier*- ? h k- outstaiu inir 3.083.42 TOT \l >06.734.08 State North Carolina. County of < Iherokee \. I ?. I)i?key. President: Walter \\ . !l\d?\ Dis ????tor: and \ 1 ??* H. Bmwn. |l3re<toi. ?.| the Bank ?>l Murp!:\. e.t?|j appeared hef on* me t!:i- das. and. heinji dul> sworn, earh fo2 hi: r -??If. -a\- that the i or?'ii'oinji report i- true to the he- 1 ? I In- knowledge ami belief. \. W. DICKIE. President V II. Brown. Dicertor w \i;n.u w \\\ Di;. oirec. Sworn '? and -ul?s? r ? ! ??-*! Iwforo Hie tlii- I 2th d:?\ fti Oetoher. 1928. ? !'?. HIM.. Notary Public ? -eal ? M\ Hoiiitni--ion expires Nov. 25th. I ">20. oi the C.otniilion oi Mil i lll KOkl I IIWK \T Ml UIMH. NORTH C\ROl IV\ Hi T11K r.ORPOR \ti>>\ com M1s>I?N \t tin- ( "I Biisinc? ? on the ?lst <|a% of CMoUr. 102!?. RLSOl Wi I - Loans and I >'.-? ? m r il- > 1 J? ? 1 1 Oxerdraft*. Furniture ami Fixture- 5,9<M>.1. Ca-li in vault atul amounts <1 u?* from approved de positor) bank> lo.l I7.5.> ( '.h*i'k> lor cleaihu and transit items 1 .519.61 ( a-li items litems h?'M over 2\. hours 1 JlV'.JIS TOT\L -i:r?.."o().:v? 11 \mi.iTirs Capital stork paid in - 17,50'MiU Surplus Fund ??M.tM) I ndivided prof its < net amount I ? 192. ' I Demand deposits due hank- 1.572.30 < )ther deposit1? ?ubjet I .?heck ' 81,692.54 Demand certificates <?l de posit l due in less than 30 days) 74076.00 Cashiers checks out .standin*: 3.373.28 Rediscounts 500.00 Kills Pax aide 5.0tK).00 T( )TAL S 1 85.506.26 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COL" NT Y OF CH EROKEE. J. B. Storey. Cashier. K. A. Dav-j idson, Director, and J- W. Davidson. Director of the Cherokee Bank, each personally appeared before me this c!a>, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. B. STOREY, Cashier E. A. DAVIDSON, Director J. W. DAVIDSON. Director Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 11th day of Oct, 1928. J. H. McCALL, Notary Public. My commission expires 2-2-29. BRASSTOWN Honor roll of Brasstown School: I First grade. Weaver Hogan. Fifth Grade. Blanrhe Srroggs. Siui; Orade. Rert Hogan and Ho\t ' Waldroup. Seventh Orade, Bob Scroggs. Enrollment during the month ofi September 34, and an average of : 29.10. \ The fifths sixth, % and- seventh [grades plan a chestnut hunt to one , j soon. More and more children should l>e given the opportunity to , so on picnics and view the forests and nature at this time of >ear. I'ncle Bent Mason has heen very low for the past two weeks. There seems t?? In* an epidemic of flu 'jo ins over tin* country at this time of the year. W a\ ne Carringer. hus driver for the Brasstown High School pupils, came home yesterday after having driven the pupils to Murphy. He was : feeling had and complaining of a headache and cold. \\ e hope he dot-sn't have pneumonia. Mr. Fulton Cunningham. Mrs. ? < unniniiham. and Mrs. Cunninghams >ist?*r came from Services Sunday and toi?k diner with Mr. Sam Car rinserV \Na Mr. Ba>< Duvalt and ian:il\. ol Oiiden. took dinner with them. Mr. Herschd Piatt and family. Mr. Harve Carringer and family, of < *i:den. took dinner with Mr. Howard Hall and Mr. Henrv Cor-, ! inner Sundax. mitk i: or su.h (MiEK of TRI <T V. - .-n rr : .-h ?!.[>* rtf March. V. I - J ?? ? A'.: :??- Lu- -IS - X?- lit- ! 1 ' f i-t : i :h?? un l rs!?n-<! Trueie-1 f >r - ? ? ? - *????:? ;r.i j ?? ;.;i yn.- nt < f " ?? ? ?iv:- : ?? .liars ?i rlu- if. ?;<v r. ? ?= .1 i?l d ? ! tr?*t the : * ? ? ?? ? ? i. -. ?!. \vl . . ? * n r? :*i t: ? ? !" The iWister ??* I' ? <?; ?? ? nry. N rth ?\?roi - i. r !: >k ??I" th"T.-..T1 " -? 1 t? f i ?! ?1h*.1 .if trtjv, f? ? ? irt house l?. I'J .v < \.n?r > N ? ? : ? ? .v. \?v.?- :.ii r- - M !.,? !, r. th- \v;. II?:. v lands < .1 I'arr .i: W. ? ? it ? ? Ill- U -? t! N W ? ? * ? ? N.. 1?; ..r T- ' ? ! i M- . r un* \v!?h th?* line ? ? -.i " I*r*-- 1 iptl n No : !?"- or 7*" : N i: in. \\*. ?? Is.; to ; I ? > *T \\ 115 lH.l-s t.. ?. H. k -rv ? i-r." | \ 1 . N T?h 1'" ? :?-* to a B: l- 'K I th-n. - n rth . . K. ? !>??>- I< a | ik-: :-.-n s nth t'lUhx lievinninft. This Ortnli. r 11. I. ?: UATI.Kss .? ' Tru>-? mitic i. or sai.i ot i \\n 1 Itv \:r:u- ? f the prov -.n >?:" :? ?i ?????I in . ?? f,..? Thoir. - .nd h'ls' nd As. j ThotwiiHapted St- t-t . 2 2 1 'J 1 9 . and r led ?1 of f ih- IJ-cist.-r ??? for! Ch-rok ????? on s-s ? 73.1919 in IM j 1 : l: X... To page d.-:\?ult having ? ???n n U' in t-avment o? tVie ?l*?l ?i ?.??cur- i i in.-'. <iu<- t.? t!i>- is ? nk Murpi-.y of I ? r.ur Fort> dolla ??- . due by not.' oft that date wih int-rest : ??tn !:?!?-. the un ? -iun?-l Trust ?*?- will ?..r s-.l- to the 1:. l.i.Mo,-. f ? ? I ' ? .->: .1 t>. urt lli :? in Xlurpl ?_ ''livroK-- <"oi?nty. N '""?? Oiu- ? .1. k P. M.. oil >' t-.-l I > . N.?vemlv-r ? V.-JX t!.. in* l..nds situate ir; !??? I. iu>- Township. Cherok.? <*ounty. more par. I t.iul.itlv dewr.i'i* 1 :i f?l^v.s; FIRST TltAfT on rf -? ..f llot !?<??>?? frifk. :. i ;..!n5n? the lands of John I I Vi.l P.r-.a-r, Bud Arp. .line Walk- I er. .1. B Fain and others. . ? ?ntaining S5 a r.n . . si* I known as t In - William Prime land. more | P t ? t :? ulat ly iJ''S'v;li. <1 by d???d re. >?rd' d in Book' N".. pave .n ihe ..ffice of the Ken-. .>'??! . 1 >eeds ??!' ?"*ht-rokee Colinty. SEo iN I > TRAt'T: On the V. iters of Hot- I lh?ns? '"reck. ? as ioUows- BEGIN, j N ! N < I on a hickory. near Prince" h fer.<>-. and. ??tins N 1 '"'i poles to a nmall 'h.-stnut; then 1 ! \\". 10" polos to a P'?st ami pointers on the top ? ? :i ri U--. S. 1 ?' ?? r-ob^ to a stak- : th-n j E. I poles to the beginning. containing ?? 4 . a< res. more or less; deed to which is record ; ???! in Hook No. 14-11. pane 2:'. I an.l - 1 L\ I office Register of Deeds of Cherokr. ty. Til I It I ? TliAi'T ? on the wat-rs of Hnt ] house Creek. BEGINNING on a stake on , th?- top i if a small ridge at .ir near Cooper I Prince's fence. and runs N. Tf> \V. 1 1 o poles I i ? a chestnut oak on Jones' lin?-: then 'with sa ill line K. SO pol?s to a chestnut oak j on Mti.l line; then P. 104 poles to a large Spanish a.ik on the line of a former sur. ve.v ; then with said line W. 54 poles to the lioginning. containing 50 acres, more or less. Said three tracts containing in all 21ft acrt-s. Said sale will i.e made to satisfy the bal ance due on said notes in the sum of $2?>?>.50. This October 10th. 1 'J2S. ' 0-4 t-leh> L. E. KAYI.KSS. Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA. '?HEKOKKE COI'NTV IN THE Sl'l'EltlOR COURT KATE RRTSON. PLAINTIFF vs. WALTER J. PRY SON DEFENDANT. NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice, thwt an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County North Carolina and the purpose of the action Is to obtain an abso lute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on statutory grounds. That he is required to personally appear before the Clerk of the Su|?erior Court of Cherokee County. N. C.. at his office in .Murphy. Cherokee County. N on or before the 12 day of Novemlx>r 192S. and file an answer or demur to the Complaint now on file In said Clerks office (a Copy of which Is in my office for you) or th- court will irrant the relict demanded In said complaint. This 12th day of October. 19?*. P. C. HYATT. r*lerk of th? Superior Court of Cherokee County. N. C. 7-4t.jhm.) J ID I CI A L SALE Pursuant to authority and direction con tained in a judgment duly rendered in the Superior Court of Cherokee County in the case of Sylva flreeoe vs. W. A. (Jreene. the undersigneii will on Monday the 29th day of October 192S. at Ten O'clock A. M. . Central Standard Time, at th" Courthouse door in Murphy. ?*!! to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, all the right, title and interest which the said W. A. Greene. defenJant. has in the following deariibed rea! ?*s:ate. to.wif FIRST PARCEL ? In Notla Township on wat-rs of Beech Creek, in Cherokee County, adjoining the lands of Calloway. Bak??r. Stiles .md others kno^'n as part of the land sold by G. W. to H. A. E>?hart? Be ?innin? on a l*r*e xp'intfh oik. <?outh direction - * htarkjacV n-ar j n top ..f a r *outh SpHnijih Oak ? : XV StiVv:^hMi^l ?* fouthirMt ! ?** w :th saM with i the line .?f t? \V to ? r-H.k i-rni-r of J XX Stile*. .-r - in w**t direction with th* lin? of A W to rt rn?-j? inrn?r i ?> .i ri>Ut< . th?-- ? - ".h direction with an old I n? N > < . 4 1 ?< stump n?*ar ?n old | h ti!M? an>l or:; '? ?' -rn-r N ? 41. and . run* west dirt. - ? -mi'. I-' 1-J t?? a ] k oak t?u*h ? n-?rth 'lsr?*?ti??n to at- ; . r-ip . !' a ridn rne?- of j -? . ww: dir?*?tion with j .?? r- a l?lat k ? ik. them* I . nnmt ? ?rn?T 5<? ?? r??* | ??-mrrtbed in ?!?*???! from . Ma llone* t ? XV. A Given'- 29lh Mat. h j It*' ?r? ? of IWli'lfr * "11 rock t-<?rn?r XV. A t_5r?*?*ne ni-a nd-? s of *.i w*?t <li ration r le** 191? !? r fhrr.k-? 1 n*f#ri'nr?> ?-ed l e i It. .ok at paKf to *anie for| SF.CWD PAT.t'Kli ? In Notla T inn l.imls !???? ir.nintf ..n a .1 s XV t - direction with . ..n . '?rn*?r of I. :? Po*t ?ak ? 'i~e ITI'I nieand- : d:ret-tion \vi*h ?? k oak; then tin- and miHiani'' i pin#: then, l.n- j?. pol?*> to - ? r le**. AI*o i *itit l-ush In lin thai tiBe about t nal rorn^r; s.\ ? n ? ? j i pole - ? > -? dire* t ? y with th ? : T I i ; >,i or |o>> Als?.? a . r.-l run* north w. - direction 1. w?u:h .ir?~-tion ? I : r? - i<?n 1 : ? ning 5 it-res ? ? iw ilcm riliwl XX". A. Urncn. ? hi' h deed i* du ? of deed I '?-? I t??>k *? ?> a ' 1 ?*' " made !?? mi: ?*. r. prion. Th I .?* St-|'t-nil'??r I ker and other*. ?? hank of Sandy i;?p ? ner and run* a west j J *. I ? 1 ? .; t ? n stake | .. - t i?-n? ? N 9 1 t?'dt*.? I I ? 'i n< -?? - i*t w .th I *-i'lK?? i -out S? poll** J ?ltre*'tl< Ih.Vs to a vlth marke?i 'I r? ti(i*i with u.ii < t a (kihtiuk o*t o r h \? :<i thf lm?* ??f ] i.?hi*r: thou ? nor* -* 'I l n*' pit: .?f r ? ? f th?? al ?>ui 1 ^ Tit. - ?- | - nnlnu on .i i-o?i,..;ik I ? - to > riHk them? I in tr-IJL-h) <"?TH ?'AK??!.|n IN THE - N ? ?T ' ? ? WITHKKSIM. \ \ - !:? ?-rt I. aZCr A. I "at".-! I ? '?'1evs?.ti Krmii Vi .1 T\ |.o : l. }.:? r-lt XX*. N. %?!? J.'liiison. N i.-h'N-.n ?: ?atierson, tJerf M. ? iii.i. JoWrtis and hu xnr;- i;ud-. i J ? .? r.i-t, thon.?i - To l>>-if ,'iri.riu. < on- j !??>". Th?*j*-? ttaa tK j fr.?m ?X*. ?<' t. -. j i."'vkv <? HM.r. Commlvsioner-Trust^ ? ?in I'KK!' :i:OKKK OOl'XTY 'SI OH'ItT. M X*' INS i! if-' lie fiit liti-il. mini" *? ; .? II oth.-r !. : ? ? *???1. an-1 i: \*n-!.mtic. The aU.vrt n ? ? r t-r*?in Pear :iilki*-r n l MuHltan*!. . ?- n lUfj. ? *har Ik* ; I "a t in lfor:<t:o ; ? > '.iim'II" I 'a tier non xi.i i i.-:ir?>- Johnson, j, ">"*'? and Sadie ? , l*att?T?so!i. I ioril-.n ' ' >n llut<-his?tn. I I^eola r.tiduorl ? K It -rt- Mrs. j, hn-I.un-l .1 T. ?!-"f iluth G ir rlson I i ' l>on. iin'i Torn i Tom 1':itteri>'in, I ?? ? t J. T. Patterson, j >n. ?leo*-:iMed, de- 1 .?II:' ?? P.ol "?n. rt T.. I trrson Kettv. B!:ini?3f i'JWs.m. ^Horatio Patterson, iMsie fat?r*m J. Tyl?r ??*?? -rju|' can.firs TV.tkrson Itfifthnrtft. W N. , Johnson. Mftfcarvt J?M9<)n. H-^'Johrj^on. Nel- 1 j son Johiftwa. Sadl* JoVMon K^r. KiHsn-* \V. Patterson. Gordon I'attprMp. C#rtrw!e Tat teroon Hutchison. Charles V iiod*fr, Huth Garrison and husband R. <*"? Garrison. ami Tom Hampton sometimes called Tom Tatter, j son. and all other heirs at law of T. J. Patterson. deceased. and U L.. Patterson, deceased, are hereby notified thr.t an action entitled as above has been Instituted in the Superior Court of Cherokee County by thi alwtve named plaintiff and aicainst the ?al<t i defendants. the purpose of which action Is | t-? have the plaintiff declared to i>e the owner of the following described lot of land in1 Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina in fe? simple, anil to remove any claim or claims of the several defendants in and to ' , fhe mma ; c!oU?i uivn tin* title Of the | plaintiff, and to exclude wholly the said ? !??! fnoantu troni anjr title or interest therein, the said lot U'ins particularly described as follows: In the Town of Murphy, rsorth Carolina, on Valley River Avenue. beinie the corner lot 75 fate N K "f the 1? Mayfleld Brick Store House and bounded and more particularly described as follows: Tart of Lot No. 5 itesinninc on a stake on Main Street ? Valley River Avenue. 75 feet froin the cornel* of t*-e Iten.iamin Mayfield Brick Store llouse I.o*. and runs N" !*. with said street 25 f *~t ! i Valley Hivi?r Avenue; thence wtth the said Avenue S 40 K. I feet t?- a twenty foot ? alle> . th?n> ?' S. W. with said alley I'j f... ? t-? ;i stake, corner of t he ,t T Patterson lot; thence with the lino .?f the said J. T. Tatter. M>n lot to the lieKinnin< And th?? s;?id named defendants. and e'ich of them are hereby notified that th?w are , required to at the office of. the nn- , ?lersiuned Clerk of th>* Superior Court* ?' ? cnerokee County, it the c.?urt Hous<- i-j { Murphy. Nor-": Carolina. on the lith day ??f | Xowml>er. 1 or within thirty day* ther-. , after. and answer or -lemur to the complaint n??w on file Jn the said action, or the pluin tlff will apply !?? the court for the relief therein prayed This 0? tolier 11th. 192*. i- C. HYATT. Clerk "f t'-.e Superior Court. Cherokee ' ? unt>. North C:irolin.i t7-4t.w.? NOTICF: SVl.K OF VAI.l Altl.l. KK.Al. KSTATK. I'nder and ??% virtue ? a certain deed of i *'usr nvi.lo and e\.-uti-d l?y A .1 tio^ers a no June l r_-e c. Maun- v. Trust-. . - ?? . "l ? I . 1 of trust :* recorded : ti Tile office the Register '?! I Cherokee Coun i'y. N. C.. in k N>?. ??? pace ir: default 1 i \ ? nir I ?????n made In the pa>me*9 of the ii. .,;ries> th?Tel-\ -? ??ur.-d and demand for s liav'tv.- t? en in:. ? to satisfy" said Indeh- j t ? ? : tie - s J - C M.uiney. Trust- will ? *; t ???? 1 : h . d.i> Oi ? . .! .? t at tor ? ' M 1 Murp!.v Time ? .? the . <.ut t ! :n Mutphy. N. c. <? er - .? ?!? to t?.e hitf'.es* ' ? T .ash the follow im: ?l trnct of land '? :..v.ii._- ... T .| - ? .l..l,n l!n !shaw. J. ' T ? ' ?? >. Tl.e cti.n . ? ii. v l-V !o ? ' 3i;> and ? s and b .unded :.s follow* II ???- V:li I "reek it Cherokee c,.u? fv |N' ??'? h Citro|in;i Vur- v? nsl.ip :n Jus I ' ? N ? ? ? T: t N * J ; T . (!mi " N- ? 1* } ? lining ?iii ? ? i -t . rj. N \V cortifr >t" N .7 .?>!,: j ;in?i >\ ? ?> ? of No, j7 Mast 1 |Mde? t.. ., ? t r : 1 k-?ry. th- N K < or ii.? ..j" \',i L'7: thenie North with the line , ( N" ':l and t?? a chestnut oak i he s R. corner of No. 41<>2; thence with the line ??? 'XJ- We9t Jactf# S K coror ?f f? *1 North -10 poles to a hl-k.?y M N??. 19-0: them* with that'll,!'* '*? 110 pdes to :i chest ? Mrn^r of ' *4 ? themv \*irh the line of *ai,i ? ( **"1 -J poles t.? a . hostnut ???.rn^r ?# "r\4i*l and <>n the line of ^09 then.* *1 South Hrt poles T.I the x \y p ,b 711': then with that I ff Rant 1 vf1** ^1 nd <**? th? N k ? nnm ,f -^| ? :*.h said line S 5 d-sree* w ?? " *1 pine oti the lin?* of \ ?-.. , ' Wn | to the li?ttlnnlne ,?? " '1 or ?e*s. \ K*c**pt about lfi .. ?..< that c t ?J deeded to J. \\ ltowla: : .in,i , *41 dM dud. Ami beln? the land . onveyed to a ? I urs and wife. MagKie Itowrs bv c ? ' erts and wife. I-111'" V.."-ru, u lLl ' Ami Snrt. 192? ;.n.| ? .. ? JJ f the Register of Deeds ,,f OwTobTrJ North Carolina, in t-ook So. 7, ? ^ which reference is he- .by ma.^ ?> Hated anil ported thts the li?th j1T J KUHt. I92H. T *[ (?;.4t?gcm. l r.K^IWJE C. SUtxJ NOTICK OF SAl.K OF I. AND BY UrnS Under and by virtue of the ??.. vW given in that certain T>eed in Tn?* Jlfl l>y Lewis Calloway and wife. JfcaJT?? way. and Florence Ja-kson. to tb? signed Trustees. to s- ,>r- certain Jl ness therein mentioned .rhirh 11*4 4. is dated October ISth. 1327. and r*w! the office of the Register ?.f Dee.!?ofg >ke* Coun'v North '"ar-dina. in book U pa?i? 235 of the deed record* of said c* And dtfault having Wen made |D M if said Indebtedness. and oil notjo, ? >d by law having l?-en ulven and ty? not having been n ? ?f the notes mentioned in sai.] D^.1 -,f ^ liaving demanded th- land th?->:5 J 1 ioned he sold tc satisfy the lndebt???tJ| ?urd thereby, taxes and costs: 1 We will on .Oonday Hie I5th d?y <t j 191*H ar 12 o'clock M. sell t.i th? i>idder FOR CASH, at the court hou*3 n the Town of Murphy. North Cardial he following deacrile-d property, to-trn 1 All that certain t?i?- parcel ..r l*t Cf J iltuate. lying and being in the Town rf | ;?hy. County of Cherokee, state nf \j "arolina. and more parti: ularly de?rihi] follows * REOINNINO on a s-ake at the rc-il nter?=-*< tion of the N. -r? >? marein ..f ?.-j, h:il Avenue (now f'herry Street) t ; <t tnaruiR of Street, nri -* hen-- with the North 1 -Kin of IV. -.-J \venii*> or Cherry Str. Kint 7* f-?- j stake, corn -r of l,ol No. thence Nac4? Ha lln? nf lot No 1"3 f""t to ) o [hence West ss feet t'1 ntake la tb? ! u-irtiin of Valentine Sti -- thewe *i: -;.ist margin <-f Vsib-nitn- Slreet 115 :-t he point of WiiintiiT : And ?-e:nj ill 5? ... . ?; land ib-scrll-ed -> ' fror in and wlf- to .b-nn:e fall-way a-1 nl ...... .1.1. k. dated 'V- T'li f I>of ^ and -1 - l:??5 iac*l ? f th? 1 record* of l"?? * ds I'.t Cheruk<? \y Ncth Carolina. The sale ?'f s -'d 1 ? ' ? lie msfle to ? ,sfy sain indebtedness i * 1 1 ? ' e>* , tlM | This ICth day of AUBIP>! 15fV 1.KW1S 1\ HAMLIN Breva-.i N r. JNO. IV HIJI'WN. r-S?-lph > v? * for New Equipment NEW engines and cars purchased by the Southern Railway System since 1920 have cost $80,000,000. The 364 new locomotives, 31,000 new freight cars, 266 new passenger train cars, which have been added to South ern equipment during the past eight years are an indication of the extent of the improvement program that has been carried on steadily for years. The Southern, as a consequence ot such large investments, is equipped to handle the great increases in Southern commerce which are coming with the progress of Southern agriculture and industry. And as the South's growth contin ues, the Southern is constantly antici pating the needs of tomorrow by planning ahead today. i 1 I ? v - The millions of dollar a spent in the South each year by the Southern for maieritJa supplies, and new equipment provide a atrong stimulus to Southern prosperity, m OUT RAILWAY Laid in a network across the South; linking together nearly ?very important Southern com munity, the Southern serves thai territory east of the Mis sissippi and south of the Ohio ?nd Potomac as perhaps ro other area of equal extent is served by any single railroad system. E RN SYSTEM THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH

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