LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS 12 J Wamut Si.. X1urph>. Y i . Dee. 11. 1928. I )?\tr Santa Claus: ! liave been a good little bo\ and ! hope \ou will < onif to >ee me tins v ear. bring me a to\ airplane and a -*?*t ol box, and a ponv. 1 ur little friend. I Jimmie Davis. Murphy. V < . Dee. 7. 1928. Dear Santa Clan-: Please -end me one litt 1?* hand l a j. Ms air*' i> 7 xear>. I go s?h?M>l and am learning to Orow. I lease .-end me a box of ( rayon?. ]i> i i|m\ some randx and I will hr. ot: so proud. ^ ??ur liiltle friend. (iladxs Mingers. i \?ill thank you deal >anta i.lau>. M\ address i- Murphx. < .. r??ut? Murphx, V ( Dee. 7. Dear Santa Claus: Please .-end me a little hand hair. ! go to M-hoctl and am learning to diaxv. -?'nd me i l>. M> age i- 9 \ear| ^ on max -end me snine randx t ? ?? ? it xon i ? an .i tul I would he oh so proud. \ ? ?ui little I riend. i elia Mingus. 1 v II thank you. .'--at ? ? I ? 1 Nmta ( l ui-. Mx addrr? i- Murphx. V r?'ii! ??. Murphx. \. ( Dee. 10. 1921!. I >ear Santa ( '.lau> : I nil little .ill just l??ur x.\u old and I haxe l??n<* rurly hair that ha- i n * x ' ? !" heen l???hhed. 1 am writ ing to lell x . >u what 1 want you to hrinj me l??i t '.liri-tmas. I wan! just 1< >1- of things, hut most ??; all I want a rurly headed chdl that r in ".ix mamma and ? an g?? t?> j >leep. IMea>?- bring a little lied for. her t to eat. I think you are a good Santa (llaus to bring the lit tle box- and girls so many nice things. I still have Reene and Mae and Kate but poor Bonnie Joe is broke all to piec es and I don't know where in the world Ollie is. Now. dear Santa Claus. I mu-l sax good by. %'":ii little t riend. Wilie \ and Walker. Dear Santa Clans: shrdiu etaoin shrtffis crr.fwyp eiaoin Yours truly, John Louie Harbin. Murphx. C. Murphy,* Y C.. Dr. . 10. I92S. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want a coaster wagon and a cap pistol and an air rifle and a dump !??' ??u a letter to lot you know what I want. I want some ranch ami oranges and nuts and out* d?*li. 1 would love t?? have all you have t?? -pare. Your little girl. Bell Hughe*. IVar Santa ("Ian-: I will write mui to le* \ou know what I want. I want some oranges and ? aml\ and all you ran give me. I want a doll. \erdie Hughes. Dear Santa Claus: ? 1 will write you a letter. I want sonic t?>\s. I want a wagon ana soim to\s if I ran get them. Jamr-4 Hughes. Murphy. Y ( . Her. 9, 1928. Dear, Santa Claus: i want a hall am! a ear ami a pool table and an airplane. ^ our little bo\ . Cecil Crisp. \ndrews. \. C.. Dec. 9, 1928. IVar Santa Claus: ? \\ ?? heard \ou were going to l?c in Murpln. We sure would like to he there ami shake hands with you but we have to go to school and thought , we would write you. |I) Marie am 10 years old and Lorerv* O Veare old. \V-? would like for you to bring us J doll that ean walk or sing and a t??\ phone. a pair of beds and a set of dishes. We hope you will not forget us this year and remember all the oilier little ehildren that you didn't _!?*i to v i>it last Xmas. From Marie and Lorene Patterson, Andrews. N. C. Havesv ille, V C.. Dee. 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? 1 am little boy seven years old. I want \ou to bring me something a bo\ would like, and I have a tiny little brother, please do not forget i him. Put it on my Xmas tree. His ?fame is Charles. ^ ' Good-bye Sanli 3 I Cjl Murphv. \ r r. 1 Dear Sanla <:|aUs.. _ 1 I "ant wagon andjw want a tram o? Irad Ties, oranges and .andy j and a jack in a hox. 1 Sheridan ]* Murpln. \ f n | Dear Santa Claus? 1 I want a ear and a ?arj. cap p.stol and airpl^ J Jact I ew Features of - Qrhe utstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History - a fix in the price range of the four J Everywhere The Outstanding Chevrolet is bein" Hailed, as a spectacular achievement in advanced design, because it embodies the greatest array of improvements ever offered on any automobile of comparable price. Here, for example, is a marvelous new six cylinder, valve-in-head engine whose design represents over four years of development and testing on the part of Chevrolet and Gen eral Motors engineers. It has numerous advancements typified by a non-detonating, high -compression cylinder head ? gasoline pu:.ip with filter, and automatic rocker arm lubrication. It provides performance the like of which was never before available in the low-price field ? marvelous smoothness, tre mendous reserve power and sensationally swift acceleration ? all with an economy averaging better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline! Herearenewand improved four-wheel brakes unsurpassed for silence in operation, positive action and ease of adjustability! Here are marvelous new Fisher bodies introducing a new oriler of beauty, smartness and luxury. And here, also, are other features by the score ? each an impressive example of auto motive progress ? each contributing to out standing performance, quiet operation, long life, ease of control and economical ownership! We cordially invite you to visit our showroom and secure complete and detailed informa tion regarding this great new car, which will be ready for delivery beginning January 1st. Advance Showings The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History is being tlitpiayed i:i a series of adirunce showings, the lust of which are in the cities listed below: San Francisco, Dcc. 8-1"*, Civic Auditorium, Lark in Hall . . ? Cincinnati, Dcc. 8-14. Hord Simon . . St. Dcc. 8-1 Arcadia Ballroom, 3515 Oiive Street . . . Atlanta. Dec. lH-22? Auditorium? Armory . . . Dallas, Dec. 18-22. Adolphus Ilotcl* Junior Ballroom ... Portland, Ore., Dec. 18-22, I'utwic Audi torium. The Roadster . ....525 The Phaeton. . ...$525 The Coach ....... 5 ^ The Cou pc . . 595 The Sedan 675 The Sport Cabriolet ........ OV J The Convertible ?? Landau / $ r* r\ Sedan Delivery ... ^>^3 Light Delivery $ a r\^\ Chawfe 4U0 I'i Ton $ ? ^ w Chassis 5 45 1 H Ton Chassis $ f r* r\ With Cab O50 Chevrolet'* nr? ?ix>cvtinJer, fullv encltwcd valve-iivlicn.l cnsin? ha* i high .otnpr?sion noii-drioaaiina lu-ul. Ik pi*ton displace ment ta 194 * u. in. juJ it Jcvclops 40 H. P. at low engine ?pceJ. An automatic accelerating pump results in unusually swift in clrrj tion. a* well as i;re4tcr i^twlins economy. The new chrr.miura plated radi ator. lamp standards and rims, and one-piece lull crown fenders are (vpical fine car lectures of (be Outstanding Chevrolet. Newly designed 4- wheel h rakes, ?afe ? positive ? -quiet. On the Indirectly li^htrJ in*r? mer.t panel arc srtiu|tftl all coo trol?. including thf \*.?ter temper" ature indicator and iheit-praaf Hlectro-lov k . The adjustable driver's wi In all closed model*. Thi? hnnp ths clutch and brake pedal* widiia proper reach for all driven. ISi Efhh e rJ Marvelous new hodir* I't Fi?h?r are an outstanding feature 01 OH Outstanding Chevrolet. Other Outstanding Features of Advanced Design and Equipment MOTOR New Fix-cylinder motor, \al ve in-head type, fallv enclosed. New automatic lubrication of rocker arm mechanism. New fabric camshaft pear. New heavier crankshaft stati cally and dynamically bal anced. New hot-spot manifold. New AC gasoline pump with fiber, replacing vacuum tank. New type AC -air cleaner. COOLING SYSTEM ^ New type thermostat cooling system control. New electric water tcrapeiv iture indicator on d*?h. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT New two-beam hen Jlamp* wiA foot button control. New prismatic headlamp 'I**** New theft-proof Flectrolock. New semi-automatic spark co?" trol. CHASSIS New self-adjusting, single pi*1* dry disc clutch. New smooth 3-speca trsnr mission. Jf New solid shaft type steertnf column. . New flat type, slender ing wheel. K^, New and more complete - mite chassii lubrication. Murphy, N. C. quality at low c o S Dickey Motor Co. All priccs f. o. b. Flint, Mich.