I Will '!? ApP''cd Toward Liquidation of the Indebtcd B"'5. f ii-imc and Foreign T.lission Boards and Other B'*51' "institutions ? Sacrificial Giving Is Sought r. largest single ex ftrisuna* ??*1> offrrir- tliat TPr been eoosht by ar.y do jyon in America, the South-1 Oor r^ntkm Is asking , ihurches affiliated with it to I |f ? cash thank offering at, ipproachiDg Christmas season ' LOOO.OO0. The proceed 3 will I pptied toward the retirement! iry debts upon the Home and ! m m?lnn Ifc^rds and several j ajencwa of the Convention. ; iW&ed ot approximately 1,000 are now owed by the g Southern Baptist Qonven boards ar.d institutions, these htrin* ju-v lmulated over a per l^vpril years because the reg i^ceipta from the churches have een sufficient to maintain the of the various institutions as ided a tew years ago when the fces wero supporting missions! IflMVOlences more generously they ar- today. A portion of total ind< btedness is bonded OR. GEORGE W. TRUETT of Dallas President Southern Baptist Convention does not hare to be paid this . but 12,000.000 represents im iite demands upon the boards institutions, hence the call of Convention to the churches to this large cash sum through icriflcial Christmas Thank Of ig. Orer against these debts, erer, ara combined ass-<*s of ?0.006 lading chs anJi tor the large s5mns gift are I)r George W. Truett of Ikallas, president of the Southorn Baptist Convention, and members of tlie large Executive and Promotion Committees of that body. Business Men Give Liberally Indicating the manner in which the Baptist business men of the South are responding to the call for the Thank Offering, a layman in one state has agreed to add $100,000 to the fund if the Baptists of the South generally respond to the effort, while another business man in another state has announced an unconditional gift of $50,000. Un der the leadership of Dr. J. T. Hen derson of Knoxville, secretary of the Southern Baptist Brotherhood, an effort is being made to enlist all the large Baptist business men of the South in making big gifts to this effort. From this .source several hundred thousand dollars is i expected. \ In its appeal for the success of this cash offering, the Executive | Committee of the Southern Conven tion is asking individual Baptists throughout the South to join in giv ing sacrificiallv to this purpose through the elimination of unneces | sary giving to one another and mak ing their Christmas gifts to Christ and his causes instead. The proceeds of the offering will be distributed among the several Convention objects upon the follow fing basis: I Foreien Missions ..................60 % Homo Miw.ons .22'.i'r ttrlief and Annuity Hoard V Kducaton Hoard 2 *7c Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 5 % Southwestern Seminary ? 4V4"c ISaptist Bible Institute SV New Orleans Hospital .............. 2 % W. M. U. Training School 1 % American Baptist Theol. Seminary.. TOTAL IM % The raising of the full $2,000,000 j objective, it will be seen, will pro vide $1,000,000 for the Foreign Mis sion Board. This, according to Sec retary Rav, will make it possible Cor that board to pay its entire indebt edness, reinforce its American mis sionary staff to its former standard, restore the ?00 native missionaries who were dismissed a few yean ago for lack of funds, re-open two hospitals and 235 mission schools, r? build the Christian literature program and send out 150 trained young peo pie who are anxiously awaiting an opportunity to engage in missioD service. Similar advances will b? made Is every other department of Souther* Baptist work in the event the ffeU amount of the offering Is raised. [LETTERS TO SANTA CLAl'S Warne, N. C., Dec. 5, 1928. Santa Glaus: ? rill drop you a few lines to Christmas is drawing near, ild be glad to shake hands with Claus one time. I would en- ( iuiiiing to Murphy to shake i s with him. I am an orphan | and orphan children hardly , get anything for Christmas. I t are five of us. two boys and girls. Our father is dead and rr crippled, can't walk a step, rould b<> pleased with most any ? ^e haven't enjoyed a Christ since our father died and our mother hasrTt been able to work and buy us anything. Dear Santa Claus when you get to Warne postoffice you can inquire for McKeechan's. I sure wish you would come so I will close hoping you will come to see us Christmas. Yours truly, Ruby McKeechan, Warne, N. C. ! Rt. 3, Murphy, \. C., Dec. 0, iy28. ; Dear Santa Claus: ? , 1 want some candy, a toy stato, a | jews harp, some stockings and an , orange. I want a picture of you to ? i NEW I frigidaire Make her days more j pleasant with this new Christmas gift - F. W. SWAN ANDREWS, X. C. SYLVA, X. C. at (?member \our \ isit. I an) 10 vears oK!. ^ ours willi love. Cecil Timpson. 1 . 3. Murp1'*. . ?... 1), , . Ck \*m. Dear Santa Claus: ? ! am twelve vears old. I \\ ? ?n 1?1 j like for \ou lo brin? me some ran- i ?ly. a string of beads and a tov ! ?wist watch Christmas. ^ ours affectionately. Flora Timpson. P. S. ? Look for a big red apple in my stocking for you. Culberson, N. C.. Dec. 8, 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? I am a little girl four years old. i I go to school at 'the Wolf Creek ) school. I am in the primer. My 'eacher's name is Miss Gentry. I like her ver\ much. 1 have tried to be a good little girl the whole year. I would like to have the following presents for Christmas: an apple, an orange, a doll, a dress, a pair of bloomers, a glass, one of your pic tures, a pair of hose and a pair of -hoes. I hope you will be able to bring every good little girl and boy present Christmas. From Winnie Verner. Murphv. \. C.. Doc. o. 1928. H ,-.r Santa Clans: ? I want \ ? ?i ? to brinjr me a rap bus to.-. some fire crackers and if von please brinjr m rsonie eand\ and oranires. And Santa Claus nn moth er needs a new pair of "love*. She Snt' I Suive ! ?? *? -i i a ?o(k1 bov. ^ our little friend. Julius Roberts. Murphx. ( .. Deo. 7. I92?'J. Dear Santa Claus: ? Will you please bring me one bo\ of fire crackers and a little gun. I want a tedd\ bear too . don I want a wairan this Chris! tnn< cau^* I al ready have one. 1 have been a jrood little boy this year. Your little friend, Mark Roberts. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want you to please bring me a ball, toy train and a pair of cloves. My sister wants a doll that says Mania and a ball, and my little brother wilts a ball and a toy car Your little friends, J. E. and Evelyn Moore. 237 Peachtree. Murohv, V C. ? w Murpbv, N. C., Dec. 10, 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want a big doll and a piano and a stove and a set of dishes and a wrist watch. Lydia Plernmcns. Murphy, N. C. Dec. 7, 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want a doll and a carriage, a ball and a bed and a blackboard, a little pino and a broom, tea set, a trunk, some candy, apples and or anges. Love, Edith Hall. Murphv, N. C... Dec. 7. 192?. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want a big ball, a box of can dy, a little car and a tool box and a scooter and a pistol and some or anges and apples and candy. Don Bruce. Murphy, N. C., Dec. 7, 1928. Dear Santa Clans: ? 1 am a boy. I want a football and a ball and one of those little nnrnle bells and a little rar. I want some candy and oranges and apples. , Love, J John Jordan. ] Murph>. N. C.. Dec. 10. 1928. I want a doll carriage, a little pia no. a toy set. please bring my moth- | er a new dress and brother 3 pair 1 of gloves. Your little friend, Jincy Dockery. Murphy. N. C.. Dec. 10, 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want you to please bring me a doll, a doll carriage and a teaset. Bring mother a box of candy. Bring j Leonard a tool box. a cap ami a ball and some candy and some nuts and fruit. Your little friend, Gladys Parker. Marble. X. C., Dec. 1928. Dear Santa Claus: ? I want a big dool that can talk Will you give it etaoin shrdluuuu and walk and say Mamma. Dear Santa, will you please give it to me am' my little brother Jaek wants a ' little ear big enough for him to r i?l?* n he seven year- old. ^ our friends. Dorothy and Jack Craig. Murphy. V < - IW. (?, 192a Dear Santa Claus: I have been a good little girl for ! soar and now I want \nu to i-omc to see me. I Want you to bring me | r. little doll, a doll trunk, a pencil I , 1928. Dear Santa (ilaus: I will rutin* t?? s?t' Mill Monday, Tuesday || dre-*er. a ! real wrist wateli. a .-lory book ..ml a by low. W ith love, Mildred Gentrx. Murphy. \. C.. Dec. 11. !92tt. Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a pair of gloves, a doll dresser, a box of candy and a box of water colors. With love, Mel ha Bruce. TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ? For cash, we are offering reduced prices on all classes of merchandise during the holidays. I will sell SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, UNDER- j WEAR AND GROCERIES, TOYS AND ] ALL CLASSES OF MERCHANDISE AT A ] GREAT REDUCTION Come In and See Us Before You Buy. N. W. ABERNATHY General Merchandise MARBLE, N. C. A MERRY CHRISTMAS A.X D A HAPPY A F.W YEAR TO ALL OF MY FRIE\DS AM) CUSTOMERS.