Some Biographical Sketches Of Grandma Beach's Life Is Told i; ! i !?pj a i Iv 4i tin tin ser ? I the ma. f eu won ! mi* I I he whir learn inp i chur< iurnii ami - and 1 linn - aim . ... rdial in\ italidr to ? mi- l?i i ? !n hand- f r i 1 ? Ishak-. g-aiidma IVaeh ! her seat the ? oil . i ? - ~ed t*> the front atid irafl ?r and hn t ?i?*i ? hand-. Iierv-eh es it> live d'H-r : < !??.!' r rinu ' ? ?'iii \l |! ??? I in I f !? ?-?? v.?' in -j i: ,-pirit. am! (?tand II jii-t a iVw moineir-. ?.is'hei rave \ ? *r the ? p -ne; ik. <-r a ii< In. i -aid. i lifted up i n -pirit. and me think ??f th? iddfij ? immI It. meet lit i ? ? l?>r xili'jred to walk part of ali ?nir side of ' ?i and I I I ''-I imied hn ah> ?ni i which I knew she ' l\ respond. >! ? told .id nrei*edin?i the -ermon tlii? hirth of < hri-l - t ? mvi *t?? I i eadiriL- -I e "^he -tart* d in tell ? e htiildim: of Bethel I lo leave hei at her I ay reed to eome M t time at her home. K < oni-eniin-j olden ... U\ e? i and 'j i ?t I w -. S<? I lmr-da\ nifi! 1 * ? I w out !< 1 1 1 * ? i hot n.l ? ?l .1 lew iiiln <-t m i hi I ree? ?**d hrii'l l\ ? ^ 11 /if lit' Hftrl. IliiiL' me she injr of her ?iirl ( ? mnt v . and ima^ir ti??n tin* over when -he ' ars ;i!in. She -i h??. .| durinu I airninp: I ow n il inc- of two " She had l ? * i ' ? creek -? v ! ' !? ?< to -ehnol. and re. v i- '? ?' dangerous when ? ked her il .-lie r.aek sPei '?-I inn -he re* I i e,;kon I did. ami I :: ? books ti ? this n . Afd here." I ?! 1 1 in-t ? -|>r! n in\ urand ! - Hilde -he BMHMhMMHmBMBHBI fi -l hoolc -he ever irehased from hook containim: e. i r 1 v adventur < lur Sax inur. in in Macon and is the old ' t in :.?;*! \ of eijillt chil dren. Her father w%s a Ray, a rela Mis- Rav. of Haves- j C. ii ? ?olher was a De -I aii nf Mr. T. D. I)e I'H'mer .er< hant and citizen j -ville. \. (". Her prand- j ||.:v di'-r in \ -he County.1 yfatlc: :V ref- was a Bap- 1 ?tir oril???N fnr lk FINISHING raprxr Work. <iur:in- I We hIm Nfll l\ <ni i k f J'r Moii'iiuhi VIpwm and N. <. i'rirn* Kiclit JCE CRISP ru-turrov \i?r n. c. mStritis ? I j/cre's Tom Relief tVtRY MCRn'.NC and MC?T TAKE r.Thacficrs<7 ^ xe<2etable SYRUP grip le i ? .wrrful" hun ?lathrr IK* \ isr f??uib* l '?ii she va il iixr ?losr to : thai these I heart. and sh?? began lo seek divine guidance ? : 1 . i ! . i ? ii ? s.isk-. She ? ?- . ' ? shr w a I i\ inn I'. if In '."is re< o\er\ n 1 i. 1 lit f I ?: . i!i i ? ; 1 i sisters and "1 was d wn in l rove a -hort li-t : 1 1 1 1 ? I : i tin- ! pravinj: and ? ??i\*ssin? m\ -in- \hen suddenly hrn- -lion- .i jlit around :nr fj-i'in hea \ - S 1 1 ? ! narvelous love i- I had ii ? ? irnrrd was in n hosom ! ' aiidma. "I?ui I did ihiI !?*ll pr d ? of i( sti m\ i ?! ii i'ii lo t}?- hon- she -aid. I asked h?*r il -!? daled ill i - e\peri l?? ! ii ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 \ i ? ? ?? and -In *aid t' >1 >lu* did. i ? 1 1 r ua- not quite -lire ? f 1 ' ? ? i i ; ; i ? i !..? .1 .it after \\ ai d. Mr-. I??-.h|| I i.i - I !-n married I w ? I !:- ' -I t i : I rllll Jones. ? i brolln ' I Ja? k ? <! Riehard I ? ' ? >f >1 ? >i , ' . \ ( . She ?-a- i ? ' i rr icd !<? I - l?ea? h tin* ser ? ?nd linn . and I" ' ? -ii i werr horn n 1 1 h?>\ J. >hn ami Wade. I l.r ? i : ! Mi -, lov a Green. Vi stmastei of Hrasslovvn. Mrs* \fi* .-n i >. |i - . . I I " i .i \ . < -a.. and V i - I - \|e< 1 .i ? ? . - I ! l\iso. Te\a-. /?if": If ;; <lnn ./*< Death ' i ran < ! ? ? . i l.dd of !]<?: first hns i ,it;. I*- v hi--} was ran -?'d h\ nn? 1 1 n ! |. -em - In ha\e heeil .? . > "fd ? In ? Iralh : ? ? u h.i I -In* related. Ih told liis wife !i>- would vvtSji her much longer. Mrs. I'- .M !i l??ld hi". >he ?' ( --t*d In* was MM il>l\ isjakrT : 'i! hr in-i-trd liial hr \ i i ?_ I t . Or S:inda\ ahout wr?-k hr J 1 1 ' ? ? his ? ' ? ? 1 1 h In* v ated lo go lo Mrs. Br aril's < uisin I or din in"-, ilslnnmh In ' ( . hr >: Irrl ini: w. l! f.ii- srxrral (Ii: Shr told hr i hn-ha;! ! l!i. I shr i: . Iit'l think il h?'?a i?? jggi hi" ? - j>! ? ijis'-'inir that t he v Mr. Innr- >add! d ilk. 1 .. Mi I >**;!' 1 1 * ?t ? ?ti liim. I ? t ? ? lord \antahala river ? i ? a < lit' ?<*. v ? tliev 1 1 ! ! t lied ill L up at the river, mid took en now Hi < >>". it was just lilt! wav- to her cousin - li en. I 1 1?*\ had not been ihric Jons \\ 1 1? ! her hush. mil wanted t<? iro baek ln'int'. Mse i ? Id him that thev had not been then" i ? til a >hort while, and slit- thought t ! 1 ? ? \ ought to sa\ until after dinner. as thev were going to have chicken. Mr. Jones replied that he was verv sick, and would have to go to l?ed there if he didn't go hark home. Thev went hack home at once, and (".rand ma stated that Mr. Jones was never out after he took his hed. They tried to get a doctor. but the rivers were swollen, ami docors lived a long ways off. Thev were eontempla: in?* on getting old Doctor Killian ah'" Hayesvillo the night of Mr. J. lj| death which came unexpectedly, t .j |H Mrs. lieacli savs. "f was in great trouble for many d.?vs, hut I didn't fail to prav on. One evening when I had been out w orking and w - j verv tired. I was overtaken with ( much grief. That nizht for supped I could scarcely eat anything, and | sat up a while. About an hour l>e- . fore dav I lav back down to see if j I could sleep, and I was apparently in a trance before 1 could realize > anything." continued Grandma. "I dreamed that I was carried to hea ven. and there I saw people passing out and in the gates around the throne of heaven, and the Son of Man silting on His throne. 1 fell' at the feet of my Saviour, and He had compassion on me." Grandma , thought. '"Rut those saints the lu ^ told me I would have to go ha?;,OUfi the world and endure tribu1 pf . ni and trobules for a little while uiitj/ "ni then I could come hack," sh j } ni pathetically. She has never jjJO J" ed her conversion after the t jr ^ Plenty of Wild Meat . , They had plenty of wild ly a)J;| 1 j eat when Grandma was grov >he told the writer that tin without wild meat o The^had plenty of I venison i -at. One morning wlien -he W as g. ;l i? to !IlilI sllC came Uj?"!l three deer in the road. 1 he\ ran into the M forest. One won , ders how I ncL' Johnnie ( r.iw!,,r'l < <ml?! k ? I -*> ummn wild turkc\. deer and otlu ? wild aniiaalShut il :>e conic' ?? f"! i - t ?' under- when w. < t nsider the ph-nteoi:-ue.-s of" wilt! :;mie we used I" iia\e in 'host' da*.- \ud how we youlit; peo loin to have da\s like those to I iro (ivcr. lo w? ? ^ e-. as far an th ? painting and sporting is concerned would like lo have thos" good old 'daxs hack. I?ut those old panthers r-eu-aning and roaming around our hriiscs would keep us closer at night ! am sure. < ? inchna told of her father and grandfather Dewecse killing hear . i ove their home on the mountain -:de. 1 11" don treed the old mother ?? ar ;rid two euhs. Her father shot tin' old hear. hut did not kill her. and Ih i *_? : andfather took out after ?ne of tin- euhs as il ran off. \\ hile he wa- L'one :i ft*?r it her father had to !. ad and re-load his old Hint lock rifle and keep the old mother hear fi'-m caling him or his dog. He 1 uoiild first punch thp hear lo get it lo turn on tlie dog while he would I ave a ehanee to finish loading, then -'.art in the other direction for a step ? I two. hut the hear would presently it. rn toward him. the dog nailing at th? hoar's feel everv jump. Finalh | he mil .i heavy load in his mm. and fired a deadh shot into the bear and !? 1 led it. Her grandfather got the - ul ? hear whi li did no| run. (Grand ma stated thi old hear weighed be tween four and five hundred pounds, and the < uh about Iwo hundred pounds. s<//f /'anl/trr Kt'l/tu/ \gaii . her grandfather had start ed to the mill one morning when liis little dog ran a panther up a locust tree a'?o\e the road, hut he did not have hi- gun this time, and he could not imagine what he woold do to .keep from heing eaten up. II*? ho! i irred to !n- wife io In iug his pun. ? lit* mis-understood him. ami starlet I !with llit* a\c ! i : told her to hr ing the ??'in and 1 ? *= e the ro; id all lie wax. V -he < ? ? : : ? ? ? 11 there wa* another pantlu 1 ran i' ro-s the road and took I < ? llt?- i! nntaiii side. WIi m vJn- -i t!i? Mi. Drwet-i' told hi* wife t.> ? ' "V.- him ??n tin* ? "Mini tin side and watch him kill tlit? panther. Grandma -aid her grandmothei -jot I- Inrtd ;i large tree awa\ on top cf 1 1 1< * ridge and watch ftl the killir:: of tin panlher. Her ? randfafluT took aim at the pan thers head. ami at the crack of the* ?mjii out il came. I he\ measured it from the lip ??l i*s tail t? ? tin* end of iis nost* and it was eleven feet long. Grandmas uas well aequainted with < ?!? I 1'iifle George Crawford. I nele .Itihnnie Crawford's father, j Slip also know- Jimmie Crawford, a brother to I nele Johnnie. lie was drowned ill his fish pond, hut the\ , nevi-r knew how he t ame 'o go into I !??? water. She said his clothes were 1 found ? ?n the hank of the fish pond. Grandma is kind and good to all. and loves for people to come and see iicr. W e should go n?or? ??ften I arid heat her talk. I am sure \t" -??:? I ! not alwa\s have oar old pec l ? l? ? !?? \isit. act! we should go every ' chap**- iv.. have. There max he per-] -onal acquaintances in Clav and Cherokee Counties who ought to pav i Mrs. Reach a visit ami comfort her I in her la>l day- here on earth. I II.I.KRS Proper housing i> one of the most important factors iu poultry keeping See that hens are protcett>d from winter draught*.. ami thcx'll repa\ l?\ laving eggs \ou can turn into winter profits. I lie farmer who will profit in the fill ni'e will |hi? ane wll ? 1 .'times I hi* cost of pi 'I?. ? 112 ci'p st??? k. V national hatchery or. i<. conducting a SHUMH) p ? onb -I on "Win It Pa\> C .hii from a Hatchery. 1 tails an* available from ' ? A 1 ditor, T< >"? Third National i ? in.. Davton. Ohio. Fort\*oi jui/ ?v an* ? ?ffercd for a 500- word i? iter. w it li $.*>.01 M) as first prize. Rust is costing American lirmei annuallv. which would make a nice little pot of relief. Oh. where i< vour idle machiner> fo n iiihl ? Managing poultrx for profit isn t tlie easiest thing in the world, hit it i?. ;? possibilitx on most every farm if proper methods are used. Good <tock is the first essential to a prof itable farm flock. '.Hatch: ry Chicks For Greater Profits." is the slogan <?f a national hatcherv organization whose mem bers are pledged to fair dealing with customers, and better chicks through improvement of their egg sources. V. Proper feeding is half the battle when it conies to getting profits from the poultrx flock. GARAGK FOR UFA P. Good floor and in first class condition. Rea sonable. Sep James Palmer. City, Phone 127. (2t-pd.) i WE OFFER $100.00 | To any one who will use Padgett's Indian Herb Juice and fail to get re j suits we claim for it. Indian Herb Juice has given satisfaction to alJ who have used it for twenty-five years. We recommend Padgett's In dian Herb Juice for constipation, indigestion, rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble, and has proved su preme for high blood pressure. For sale at all I'.nur stores. Jot Economical Trautportotie n m iJeyond all Expectations j -say those who have seen the Out stand i n a Ch evrole t o of Chevrolet History -a Six in the price range of the four J The Outstanding Chev rolet of Chevrolet History has now been seen and inspected by millions of people in every section of America ? and every where it has been en thusiastically hailed as exceedingall expectations. Everyone anticipated that Chevrolet would produce a remarkable automobile ? but no one expected such a sensational six cylinder motor . . . such delightful handling ease . . . such marvelous com fort ... such luxurious Fisher bodies . . . and a fuel-economy of better than 20 miles to the gal lon ! And no one believed that it would be possible to produce such a car in the price range of the four! If you have not already made a personal inspec tion of the new Chevrolet, we urge you to do so at your earliest convenience. We are now displaying these beautiful new models ? and we cordially invite you to call. Roadster ? . ? ? *525 .*525 The flucton . The COACH Thm Convertible Landau . . . The Coupe . The Sedan . 595 $675 s725 Sedan IVliverr ^595 ^ m* x-v ? * ^"iWiverr ^595 &S*^.$400 Thr Sport S/Ar Cabriolet U7J All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan lHTonChauii s545 1 HTon Chassis < ? _ wiih (Jab 650 Read what these lead' ing automobi le editors said after seeing and in the new Chevrolet Six ? "In appearance, perform- ? nnce and mechanical nicety the new Chevrolet Six pre- | sents actual values far be- Ji yond its pri*:e range." ? Hazcn Conklin | New York World "Aside from beauty in body I lines and attractiveness in finish, the astounding fea ture of the new Chevrolet Six is its powerful and flexible motor. One will have to go far to equal the h:gh performance of this new Chevrolet in general road and traffic use." 1 ? Leon J. Pinkson San Francisco Chronicle "The new Chevrolet is a triumph for volume pro duction. The car at its price is one of the greatest achievements ever recorded in the automobile industry. Its beauty is a treat; its riding comfort a new delight and its performance a real sensation." ? Ray Priest Detroit Times "St Louis motordom is tremendously enthused over the new Chevrolet Six. Personally I have never seen the public so interested I in a new car. The factory should be congratulated on the truly monumental en gineering feat it has accomplished . * ' ? Robert Henry Hall St. Louis Post-Dispatch le in and See these Sensational New Cars ? Now on Display 'ickey Motor Co, Murphy, N. AlITY

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