Atti>r?ros ICnrala Mr. William Arnold. died sudden ly at his home in Andrews on Tues day morning of this week. Mr. Ar nold was down on Mondav and ap parent 1\ was feeling fine: Tuesday morning he awoke his wife and told her that he was gone ami with a smile on his faee he passed into the beyond. Mr. Candler, father of Mrs. f.. B. Nichols, of Villa. Rica. Ga.. is visit ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.. R \ichoIs. Miss Iredell Ki'/ht. mint of Mrs. A. B. Coombs. who with her tv.o {Treat nephew-. Charlie Brown. Jr.. and Lloyd llofler. aftei having sprnt several weeks with her niece. left last Friday for her !iomc in Beleross. Mrs. (.. !\. Tarkiagton returned last week after having spent several weeks in F.lizabeth (a! v. \. visit ing hMr father and ?nother. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferehee. Mr. B. If. Mint/. ?.f MM,!". va? a business visitor in \ndrews on Mondav s with her son in Atlanta. Or. Wells, oeulist. of Blaek Moun tain. N. ('.. was in Andrews on this past Saturda> and Sunday. Dr. \\ * lis is serioush considering mov ing to \ndrews and practicing his profession. Mr. \. W . Ahernathv. Sheriff, was in Andrews on Tuesday of this! ui'.-k on business in eonneclion with his offiee. . i Mr. I?. ( Moon*, of Topton. N. (' . u \f*drf*WS ???> \fniu|;iv Wednesday of this w?vk on business, i Mr. 1?. C. \ndrew- made a busi peis trio to Havcsville the latter part of the past werK. Tin* m,m\ friend* of Mrs. Billie T?ovd ('olh-tt will learn with plea sure that she i< a\ - > ?? Wednesday ? < f ilii-i w?-ek was in fiobbinsville on business. M'\ O 1 T. T ?l I it? w-'-' in Svlva i?t? l.-'-t Thursda\ on professional busi- 1 ness. WITH THE CHURCHES SERVICES OF THE WEEK METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH Dill! < TOKY Pastor . Hi. ward P. Fowill 1IOAKD OF MMVVKIIS < tairman It \V CSrav ??i*trn-t Steward - . . K. V. We.nvr gi.retaiy . . ... .. II. rr. lam Treasurer ... I*. f*. Hy. tt Rect.rdint? Scrr^tarv . Mrs. II. Klkii - T \V. A x 1? y . H. A. Akin. J. "W". l)avnl-..;i. Nell I)avids..:i. H H !>?'ireet res.? Mrs. Harry P. Coop, r Suirt' Sunday Si hool ... K . V \V>-:?\or i Presldt-nr \V. M. ?v . . Mrs .2. I '? N- rvell I Senior Epworth Lr-avue ? MIm Carolyn Pa11?w Junior Epworth Left rue Miss Ada Harshaw J Morning worship: Bishop War ren A. Candler, of Atlanta, will speak at the 1 1 o'clock hour ami dedicate our new church. Evening service at the usual hour, following which Rev. C. M. Pickens, presiding Elder, will hold the sec ond Quarterly Conference. This is the first Sunday of the ? BISHOP WARRKA \ CANDI.KR V rn Sl'K \K \T nKI)IC M IO\ M. K. CHURCH NEXT SIM) \Y i Continued from page one) lias his . la-s. He joined ill'' church in lftfifi. Air. W . M. Mingus. Mr. John Rec tor, and Mi^ Victoria Mingus were manv time- "The Faithful Few t?? ?Worship at praxer meet ins?. Mr-. Rector is -'ill with them and remains faithful .it the age of *?0. Following are some of the names of tlie oldest members of which thev have anv information: William Ale ronev. Johnson King. Mrs. Hctti** SjSSCielland. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. King. Mrs. Avolinc Hyatt. Misses Victoria and Addie Alingus. W illiam Minsi's. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. \zlcv. J. C. Axlcy. Mrs. Celia Moss. Mr. and Mrs. 1*. C. Hughe-. S. \\ . David son. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Br y son. Mrs. Anne Weeks Akin. Andrew and Mark King, Pleasant and Sam Henry. Mrs. Caroline McClelland Manches ter, Fulton Henry. Jack Alingus, Joshua Harshaw. Eucene Rowland, XV. P. Rhea. J. \\ . King. Mrs. Eliza beth Rhea. Mrs. J. II. Hennesa. Air. and Mrs. H. S. Havnes. T. W. Coop er. Dr. R. F. Mav field. Harvey Dav idson. Mr*. Celia Brittaio. Mrs. Kathrine Maunev. J. F. Meronev, Mrs. Turnhull, Dr. and rVirs. j. *7. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Rector, Misses Emily Temna. and TTcsfrr Hector. James and F.llwrt Rector, Mrs. Caroline Dains. and Ben Po sev. all deceased. . u.. uvecasea. The following have been members for over f>0 vears: Mrs. Sallie Mar tin. Miss Bell Patton, Miss Mary Rhea. Prof. I?. E. Maunev. and Mr. F. H. Hyatt. Thev are still with the church. Mrs. B. F. Mayfield and J \?'iir ha\e worshipped at home.! and tin* people <>l the town arc most ' rordiall) invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIKKrTORY Pastor J. P. Andt-rson I)F_\CONS ' ? 'l.:iii ni;i*i ... .T. P. St?>r?-y .F \f. v.uu-lin. P. W. SIIW. 'K. S. Miller. H. , S. Parker. i:i!?F.KS "'halrnmn Jno TT. Dl.lard r.'. I?.?vdtHun. Juck Hall. M. W. Poll. ' ('Irrk of Si'ssiun Jno. H. l>ill:ird I ''lmir Leader .. ... Mrs. C. W. Savace i 1 latitat .... Mis* Anne Graham Anderson Sum. Sunday Schixl In<>. H. Dlllanl j it.'?'H Auxiliary. Mrs. C. W. Savage j Prt-s. Christian Endeavor .... Anne ?*andl?-r ! Sunday school at 1(1:00 A. M.. J. If. Di'lard. Superintendent. Teachers |o? BiMe Class. George W. Candler, Jack Hall. Sr. We will worship with our Metho dist friends at both services Slmday, i this being the occassion for the ded ication of their new building. I sual Services during trie week, and on Sunday January 20ih. Mrs. A Hie Bell have been members j for mere than 50 years and are still | with I lie ehurch. Mrs. Elmina King, age ?m?. and | Mr. E. A. Savage, age 91. are the oldest members of the church living. Mr. Pleasant Henry was ('lass Leader in the old ehureh for a num ber of years. Prof. Mauney remembers a ser mon preached in !??(>.>. (>."> years ago. b\ Presiding Elder Frank Richard son on "My Childish \otions of Heaven." Mr. Pleasant Henry and several others practiced some "Old Fashioned Methodist Shouting " dur ing" this sermon. I nder the leadership of Rev. Howard P. Powell, the present pas tor. who has been with the church since November. 1927. the church lias been wonderfully strengthened both numerically and spiritually. During this short period of time, a I Mtlle? more than a year. 61 additions j ! have been made to the membership. | thp new church paid for. the Sunday | ? school attendance increased, and the' ] service of the church to the commu nity and section continues to ex pand. and the church is now one of the leading religious institutions in this section of Western North Caro lina. At the service Sundav morning at i 1 1 o'clock. Bishop Candler will ; speak and dedicate the church. An effort will be made to get the Bish op to remain over and preach at the evening' service, but in the event he dosen't another visiting divine will sueak. Following the services in the evening. Rev.' C. M. Pickens. ' r?c c! Mjr Elder **or this district, will hold the second Quarterly Confer ?ence. I OFFICERS GET TWO STILLS AND QUANTITY BEER Past Feu ? Days Proves Costly To Manufacturers of Contraband Spirits In Cherokee The past few days have been rath er cost I \ to the manufacturers of whiskey in the county. Officers captured two stills and poured out several bundled gallons of beer and I some whiskey. A third distilling place was found with enough mash |f??r '>()() gallons of beer, but on this occasion the still was missing ami a diligent search failed to disclose it- hiding place. All three of the -tills were found in the Grape Creek section. Oil Fridax night of last week. Deputies O. C. Davis, Sam Capps > and Bol> Graves located a 20 gallon outfit near the mouth of Grape Creek, confiscated the still and de stroyed about 500 gallons of beer. The furnace for this outfit had just been erected, the officers stated, and a small fire built in it to drv it out. Evidences showed that it was just getting read\ for operation when tlies found it. \o one was at the place and no arrests were made. In Bea\erdam Township Sunda\. Deputies Sam Capps and Bob Graves i came upon the site of a still in be low Ogieeta on what is known as the \\ Intromit property. Thev destrov- 1 ed enough mash to make 300 gallons I of beer. the\ stated, but the still was missing. I lie furnace was there, and thev searched the \ ici^jty for the still but to no avail. Mondav night Deputies Davis. Capps and Graves surprised I wo men operating a still it) full Mast about J a half mile east of the Ogreeta -ihonl house. The officers app:oached to with-' in about ten feel of the still before thc\ were discovered. Some pos- | sum hunters were oil the ridge above ! and the operators were very cau tious. One of them discovered that some one was approaching close, and held a bin torch above his head. When the officers were discovered, he threw the torch to the ground, veiled, and took to the bushes, fol lowed by his partner. The officers gave chase, but in the darkness and not being familiar with the lay of the land, the hlockaders succeeded in making good their escape, but not however until thev had been rec ognized. The outfit was in operation in full blast. The still was full of "singlings," and real corn liquor was running from the "worm" into a gallon demijohn container. Only about a quart had been *'rtinH The officers confiscated the outfit and destroyed about 300 gallons of beer. EZZZZ, THE AD MAN A5RY BlCkTElJKCOP SEZ, SIIJ3E HS PUT IU THAT A0AS3UT FSESW LAID FARM EZGS. HIS HEUS UAVS 6SST.J COMPELLED TO LAY Tii'O E ffil Pzrzp v/EAeu, to he?p omens fillbd} Guilford County farmers are us ing native shrubbery to improve their home grounds. Many homes have been beautified ^lis fall by such landscaping. County Agent C. A. Sheffield of Davidson County has been appoint ed assistant to the director of the agricultural extension service at State College. f ( RECRUITING AT ASHEVILLE FOR U. S. ARMY POSTS According to William F. Ryles, Recruiting officer in charge of the Asheville recruiting station, enlist ments are now open and being re ceived for the following places: Field Artillery at Hiawaii T. H. Field Artillerv at Fort Brasnr. N. c. Infantry Fort. Benning. Ga. ( Infantry Fort, Molntre. S. C. SUIT Mr. Lucius Pieklf*simer has gone *o Telli"o Plains. Tenn.. where lie has a job. M?ss 1 *?ora Hickcy has ?rone to Akmn. Ohio, where she intends to , work a while. Mr. Benjamin Beaver has gone to Ohio for work. Our school resumed work De<\ j 31. and everything is moving along j nicelv. People h?n? are verv sorry to '-non- that Dr (r. M. Yoiinsr and familv are v v ill with influenza i and nnei:monia. AT-. R. Keenum. wife and thee dauch^ers. emne home Fridax after noon from Marhle. I nrle Sam Denver who wa? striek- : en with r>ara!*sis recently, has im- j i>?-oved somewhat. M*v T. P. Hiekev. one of the Board of Commissioner. attended *I'e ;r?ml;??* meeiinjr 0f ||?? Board at , Murphy. Tan 7th. Fred. ' iluou"'i Suit Saturday onn j ?heir w;i\ to Murphv. ! | Mr. Oi^rlie ^ occl has be?n ?n I '!'?nosp(l for several days with in I fluenza. The Mc\ahh. Pearl and | \T??tfio Lou li.ive returned to Copper- ^ '.III *o school p^?r spending the j l*rtlidr?-Q he-?? w-Uh their mother, j Mrs. Rosa McXabb. Mr. Andrew Thompson has been rfuite ill for some days hut is im proving now. Mr. Th*?odo? e Beaver had the m?s- ^ fortune recently of getting his faith- | ful dog killed. Mr. W. F. Stiles is talking of sell ing his farm and eturning to Gas tonia. Mr. and Mrs. Polev Allen so^nt Christmas day with Mr. and Mr?. L. F.. Collins. TOWN PROGRESS TALKS The merchant who runs his s?tore as he did 25 years ago is going to lose out in this day of progress, when the demand for the new stuff is so strong. But instead of resenting the more ex acting demands of today's shopper, the wise storekeeper welcomes them as opportunities and is out m from leading the parade with every innova tion that comes along. He Hikes a day off frequently and spends it in city shops and wholesale houses, studying the market and observing methods of stimulating trade with nov elties. and attractive tfore ana show window display. These things, when adopted in his own store, all bring do! laro into the modern merchant's casii register. Rust is costing American farmers $150,000,000 annually, which would make a nice little pot of relief. Oh, where is your idle machinery to night? Philip Lutz of Catawba County produced 1 13.1 bushels of corn on one acre this year at a total cost of $49.70. Report of lh*' Con*/ ft ion of the BANK OF Ml'RPHY At Murphy. North Carolina to the Corporation Commission at the Close of Business on the 31 day of December. 1928. RF. SOURCES Loans and Discounts S332.522.21 Overdrafts 3.17 j United States Bonds 6.750.00 | Banking House 2,035.00 1 Furniture and fixtures ... 950.00 , Cash in Vault and Amounts ? Due from Approved De pository Banks 36,524.96 [Checks for Clearing and Transit Items 4,81494 Due from Banks (Not Ap proved Depositories) 2.416.33 TOTAL 83JW5, 016.61 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In S30.000.0tt Surplus Fund 15,000.00 I ndivided Profits (Net Amount) 2.293.89 Other Deposits Subject to Check 101,443.06 Cashiers Checks Outstand ing 4.951.66 Time Certificates of Deposit 1 Due on or after 30 Days 232.323.00 TOT \ I S3R6.016.6l STATF OF NORTH CAROLINA. CO( NTY OF CHEROKEE. A. B. Dickey. Persident. W. \V. Hyde Director, and Abe H. Brown, Director of the Bank of Murphy, each personally aopeared before me this dav. and. being dulv sworn, c;"'!i for himself, savs that tho fore iroinar renort is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. \. B. DICKEY, President. WALTER W. HYDE, A. H. BROWN Directors. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 9th dav of Jan.. 1929. (SEAL) L. E. BAYLESS. Notary Public. My commission expires 10-26-29. Report ol the Condition ol the THE CHEROKEE HANK At Murphv. North Carolina, to the Corporation Commission ? At the close of Bvsiness on the 31 dav of December 1929. RESOURCES uuans and Discounts S130.269.00 Overdrafts 521.63 Furniture and Fixtures ... 5.900.17 Cash in Vault and Amounts Due from Approved De pository Ranks 66,430.67 Checks for Clearing am! Transit Items 5.960.05 Cash Items (Items Held Over 21 Hours > .... 900.2ft TOTAL S209.981.80 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In S17.500.00 Surplus Fund 50(1.00 Undivided Profits i \i-t Amount) 1,875.07 Demand Deposits Due Banks _ 637.80 Other Deposits Subject to Check 120,928.91 Demand Certificates of De posit (Due in Less than 30 Days 67,670.11 Cashiers Checks Out standing; 869.91 TOTAL S209.981.80 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHEROKEE. .1. B. Storey. Cashier. G. W. Candler, Director, and J. W. Davidson, Direc tor of the Cherokee Bank, each per sonally appeared before me this* day, and. being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. B. STOREY. ? Cashier G. W. CANDLER. J. W. DAVIDSON, Directors Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 9th day of January, 1929 (SEAL) FRED G. DICKEY, Notary Public