Attftmna Eiirals Mi-s \da Mar Pruett, one <>f the* teachers in the \ndreyv- school, is slow I \ m'utcrinj: from an atluck of pleuri-y . Mi- Pruett plans to assiiini' her duties as teacher this coming Monday. Mr. Dock Birchfi?-ld. brother of K\-Shcr iff IV M. Birehficld. died at hi- home U lnei-n Andrews and r??|> ton ..II last Monday afternoon. Mr. Birehfield had the flu and then it developed into pneumonia. Mr. D. H. Tillit was in Murphy on Monday of this week attending court. Mr. 0. M. Trull, of Marble, was a business yisitor in Andrews on Wednesday of this week. S. K. Cover and I*. B. Per cbee were in \-he\ille the last I fie Mission Hospital. After being there a few days. the\ operated. The ! hab\ is in an ineubator and doing ! fine and Mrs. Davis* condition is all that could be expected under the cir cumstances. Ma\or D. S. Russell continues -=i<-k at his home. He has not been out of his home since the fourth day <>i Deceml?er. Capt. Frank \Y. Swan was in franklin. \. C.. on Wednesday of t)ii> week meeting with and taking June i with the Franklin Rotary I Club. Mr. Swan was sent as a del- j ?irate from the Andrews Rotarv ; [Club for the purpose of discussing with them the advisability of once each quarter having a union meet ing of the Rotarv Clubs of Andrews. Franklin. Sylva and Waynesville. Rev. \Y. H. Ford and wife and children made a tript to Atlanta on last Thursday returning to Andrews on Saturday. Mr. J. \\ . Horn, deputy sheriff of Andrews, was in Murphy on Mon day of this week on business in con nection w it h his office. Messrs. I^ee \\ atkins and /. L. j \\ hitaker wese visitors in Murpln i on \\ ednesday of this week. and his patient. It was a nasty cut. and required four stitches. The lit tle hand was cleansed. "Are you a Boy Scout?" asked the doctor before lie began to use the needle. "Yes. doctor," was the polite rc | ply. "Wonderful." said the doctor in a quiet tone, "how brave Boy Scouts j ! are.** And h?? took the first stitc h, j The little fellow set his teeth. "Bu he didn't cry none," whispered one .of the ambulance driver in admira tion. as hp observed from the side of the cxpiiess car. * ! "Do vou know, l\e never known ! a Boy Scout to make a fuss about a little pain. Just as brave as brave can be, Boy Scouts are," quietly ' mused the doctor, as he took the , second stitch. The suTgeon kept commenting on j the perfect courage of the Boy Scouts, and the fact that this bov was showing him that he hadn't been misinformed. And in this tacttul manner he completed the work. Meantime three little fellows, with their chins in their hands, watched the work of that sharp needle as it was moved by skilled hands. One ot the bovs was ready to help in ad justing the sling, after thorough treatment had been given. "He's pretty weak, you know, floe tor." one remarked as the patient was again placed in the little red NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC On and after Friday, January 25, all Fresh and Cured Meats will be Cash on Delivery? YOl'R BL SIX ESS WILL BE APPRECIATED GULLEY'S MARKET Phone H.2 MURPHY, N. C. HAVE VOI R PAPER DELIVERED THE ATLANTA JOURNAL or THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION YOL R PATROMAGE IS EARXESTLY SOLICITED NELSON HENSLEY PHONE 1 10-J MURPHY. N. C. wagon, preparatory to setting out for home. "But you was brave. Bill." com mented the smallest of the little ' company. "A Hoy Scout always is" was the i terse answer of the wounded lad. ? I II I. //. P.-T. A. MET LAST FRIDAY EVENING The Murphy Parent-Teacher's As sociation observed Daddy's night, in connection with the regular monthly meeting, Friday evening January 18, in the school auditorium. A shdrt business 'scission was held. Mrs. J. H. Hampton. President, pres iding. The meeting was opened | with prayer by Rev. J. P. Anderson, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Minutes of December 6 read and ap- 1 proved and roll marked by Secre tarv. Prof. B. . Sipe explained that t he pictures to be shown each Fridav evening in the school auditorium, are loaned by the State Department; the Association being asked only to pay transportation. A certain per cent of the proceeds realized from the showing of these pictures will be given to the Athletic Association: the balance being used by the Par ent-Teacher's Association for some needed equipment or improvement in connection with the school. A small admission of 10c will be charged each individual but fami lies will be admitted for only 25c. Mrs. S. M. Henshaw was welcom ed as a new member of the Associa tion. \ count of parents present gave ? the attendance prize to Miss Emilv i Sword's section of the fourth grade. | Mothers of other grades will please I take notice ? Only two grades have . had the attendance price during the | school year: Mrs. Margaret Bell's section of the third grade having won the prize for September and Oc tober, while Miss Sword's section , has retained the prize during i\?? vember. December and January. Of the seventy-one members on roll, only eighteen were present to enjoy the first showing of motion pictures. However, several visitors and a goodly number of students were in attendance. Pry or to the business session, the "Life of Alex ander Hamilton," was shown while the crowd gathered and as a conclu sion to the evening's program the folowing pictures were shown: "Tom Sawyer," in four reels and a one 1 reel news picture. The next Parent-Teacher's meeting will be held in the school auditor ium Thursday afternoon, February J 7, at 3:15. Ds?th CistiiaaS Mrs* Elizabeth Teague Mrs. Elizabeth Teague, ago 83. ' died at her home in East Murphy, j Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. I Mrs. Teague. for the past 1 1 years I has made her home in Murphy with ; her daughter. Mrs. Ida Passmore. The funeral was conducted at j M;frhle. X. C.. Wednesday afternoon , hy Rev. Howard P. Powell. The jl hody wa slaid to rest in Marhle , eemeterv. ! i DE AVER-COOK Mr. Paul Deaver, of Culberson, j C.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ( Doavor. and Miss Millie Cook, of i Culberson, V C., daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. Tom Cook, were quietly , married at the office the Southern j States Power Company on January j ? ? f ' -* ? 22, Justice of the Peace, T. N. Bates ! officiating. For colds, grip and flu take alotaLs trade mark reo. Relieves the congestions prevenU complications, and hastens recovery. WITH THE CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH DIRECTORY Pastor . . . Howard P. Powell nOAKI) OF STEWARDS Chairman R. W. Gray | District Steward K. V. Weaver I &.i'i.-l-ry Harry Fain | Treasurer .... . . P. C. Hyatt | Rect-rilinp Secretary . . Mrs. II. G. Klkins T. \V. Ax lev. R. A. Akin. J. W. Davidson. Neil Davidson. H. K. Dickey. It. M. Fain. C. K. Hoover. J. H. McCall. Mrs. E. It. Nor *?11. J. A. Richardson. Mrs. T. J. Sword. I Pianist . . . . Mrs. Henry Axley Assistant Pianist Mrs. Dale Lee Choir Direct re** Mrs. Harry P. Cooper Sunt* Sunday School .... K. V. Weaver President W. M. S Mrs. E. It. Norvell Senior Kpworth Leapue . Miss Carolyn Bailey Junior Kpworth League . Miss Ada Harshaw Sunday school at nine forty five, Mr. K. V. Weaver, Superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. "The Obligations of a Christian," will he the subject of the pastor's sermon. , Ep worth Leagues at six fifteen, j Evening worship at seven o'clock. The pastor will continue the study of the disciples speaking on: "Si mon, the Enthusiast." Our Second Quarterly Conference will he held just after the evening service. You are invited to worship with i2s at all our services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIRECTORY Pastor J. P. Anderson DEACONS Chairman J. B. Storey J. M. Vaughn. B. W. Sipe."E. S. Miller. R. 8. Parker. ELDERS Chairman . Jno. H. Dl.l.-ird E. A. Davdson. Jack Hall. M. W. Hell. Clerk of Session Jno. H. r?illard Choir Leader ... ..... Mr*. C. W. Savagn Pianist .... 111m Anne CJraham Anderson Sum. Sunday Schoi-I Jno. H. Dillard i'rM. Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. C. AV. Savage Pres. Christian Endeavor .... Anne Candler SERVICES OF THE WEEK Sunday school at 10:00 A. M., J. H. Dillard. Superintendent. Teachers of Bible Class, George W. Candler, Jack Hall, Sr. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Love for Christ." Text John. 21:15-17. Preaching at 7 P. M. Subject: "The Multitude"." Text: Matt, 9:36. The Christian Endeavor will meet in the church at 6:30 P. M. B. W~ Sipe. Leader. The Communion or Lord's Supper will he administered at 11 A. M. A full attendance of the membership is requested. A cordial invitation to all to at tend all services at this church. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for the kind ness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our belov ed wife and mother and darling ba by, Vincent. We especially thank Rev. Aljrea West and Riley Lunsford who conducted the funeral services. May Cod's richest blessings rest up on vou all. A. !.. Mr HAN, T. H. DAVIS and family. r~~ The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Store) on Friday afternoon at 2:30. A majority of the members were present including Mrs. C. W. Savage. Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Bell, Mrs- Gary, Mrs. Witherspoon, Mrs. Alston, ~ rs. R. II. Hyatt, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Brown, of Andrews, was a \isitor. The subject for study was "The New Brotherhood." The hostess served delightful refresh ments at the close of the meeting. 1 EAT OUR MEATS FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE! Good, fresh meats are essential to every well-balanced diet. All the meat we sell is rigidly inspected ? when it is placed on sale by us you may be sure it contains no impurities. Delicious cuts of meat that will make every repast a banquet, at very reasonable ^ilccs. juai jii v c us a trial ? for the sake of your health and palate. FRESH AND CURED MEATS JOHNSON'S MARKET . FARM FOR SALE I have a farm of about 132 acres I would like to sell. Two good houses, one five room house and one three room house and good out buildings and good barn. The land lays rea sonably well and is a red mulatto land, suitable to most any kind of crops. We grow tomatoes and beans for Stokeley Bros., pays us about $60.00 or $70.00 to the acre clear and is located 2x/2 miles from the Stokeley factory at Tellico Plains and lays on the Pallappy Pike. Anyone being interested can write me and I will explain everything to them or they can come and look it over. W H. C0PPENGER TELLICO PLAINS, TENN.