WITH THE CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SOUTH dikectoki Paator - - Howa'd P. Powvll Ito \ K I > OF STM\ A lil?S Chairman H- W. Gray District Steward . K V W??vtr Secretary llarr> ! Treasurer . . 1' 1 % H> ? ' Itecordinr Secretary V~* II ?!. Fli;i* T \V. A *???>'. K. A. At- " ?. J. W. N-il Davidson. II K .*> ? K M I C. K. Hoover. J. II MiCai! Mrs. I' !'? N *ell. J. A. Richard??on. J!'* T ' Sv ???' Pianist .. . .. Vrn Henry \?l-> Aualstant Pianist Mr*. Dal* L Choir Plmitr? Mr*. Harry P. Onop r Supt' Sunday School ... K V W>av I "resident W M. v IT I! N ?? Senior Kpworth L<-airt>f M Carolyn Pinl Junior Kpworth I.eaitue V ? Ada II * ?ha? Sundav school at nine fo*"t> fi\. Mr. k. V. Weaver, Superintendent. Morning worship at 1 1 oYlork. Tlu> lviaii liw i i r ? subject: ''Power For Witnessing.** The Kpworth League* will meet at six fifteen. Evening worship at -? ven o elock. Sermon l?v the pastor, subject: "James 1 Fit* I .ess. * You will always find a welcome !?> worship with u?. ANDREWS AND MURPHY CLUBS IN HANOI KT (Continued fr??ni page one) readings. The I .ions interpretation of the "Two Blaek Crows." b\ Mrs. Nora Cobb White and Mis. Maida Mallonee. was one of the real hits of the occasion, the wit and humor l>ping enjoved at the expense of a number of those present. The program was interspersed with numerous stunts, such as a ba loon blowing contest In'tween the leans and fats, an illustration of mule sense and co-operation. Three songs. "Smiles.** "Carolina,** and "There's a Long. Long Trail.** were rendered in unison at intervals on the program. "Smiles*' and "Caro lina*' being rendered hv tin* ladies s-ingitig ar.d performing with their PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIKKCTOKY Pastor J- !'? Anderaon . DEACONS t'hairm.in . J . P Stow J \r. Vaughn. B W. Sir*. ? S. Miller. R H i'arkor. KI.DFKS Thairman Jn" " P- l ?r>! 1 K A Pavdaon. Jack Hall. XI. W !???'!. i^lprk ??f Session Jn?. H. Pillard ? < !? :r LemH-r Mrs C. W. I'ianlsl . . Mia* Anne Graham Aml-rao* j Surd iv Sch SHE .. - i> m c..u r,. 1 IIUUIIKi. Ul ? - .??. I i - discourse. "Paul's Heavenly Vision, ,f Acts: 26:19. The Christian Kndeavor Societv | '!! meet at th ? church at 0:30. B. [ Yi Sine. l.eader. Choir practice every Wednesday ? ' t at the manse at 7 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended t?? all to worship with us. tambourines, while the men did their bit upon their minature band in struments. The banquet proper was served in >i\ courses, and thf management. M:. and Mrs. Chester, certain Iv liv s Sam Cover Bill Currier Wiley Davis Roger Dewar Luke Ellis Clyde Jarrelt Will Mor: ??w Teddy Nichols Frank Swan Howard Tillitt Mae Oden Florence Willa Elizabeth Daisy Sara Olive Olive Clara Jean Mary Rosa Claude Tarkington \ ema Four Lonesome Lovies Percy Ferebee Lions George Ellis George Cope Bryan Sipe Mercer Fain Pete Hyde Bill Bailey Virgil Johnson Ed Adams Ed Moore Harry Cooper Weaver Gray Dennis Barnett Harve Elkins Jerry Davidson Joe Story Joe McMillan Connie Holder Howard Powell Sid Pendlcy Don Wilherspoon Margie Ernest Hawkins Sallie Lionesses Julie Leila Lynn Zelma Wilhelmene Winnie Julia Lilla Fannie Rosa Carmen Helen Bessie Emily Annie Nan lola Eunice Iowa John Sessoms j One Lonesome Jungle Roomer Ze; i hitaker Bill \\ hi taker ? Teddy Bates Animus Morals Mr. I*. B. Fcrebce made a business visit S? > Waynesvillc and Asheville during the first part of this week. Mr. 1). II. Tillitt was in Asheville on Monday and Tuesday of this week on professional business. Mrs. S. \V. Black, of Bryson City was in Andrews on Thursday of this week and while in the town held a conference with Mrs. I). H. Tillitt in connection with the Roman's Club Work in this section of the State. Hay ward Dewar died in the hos pital in Raleigh on Tuesday of this week from the effects of an opera tion for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Dewar reached Raleigh early Mon day morning and were with him till the end. His body will reach An drews at noon Thursday, and the funeral will be held from the Meth odist Church at two-thirty, and burial will be in the Andrews Ceme tarv. Havward is survived by his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar and one brother. Harry, end two sisters, Alice and Sallie. Quite a few* of our town folks were in Waynesville on Wednesday of this week attending tlje hearing l>efore Judge P. A. McElroy in the Power Plant sale fight. It is report ed here that the judge ordered an other election on the proposition to determine the will, of the people as to a sale of the plant. Mr. Davis returned to Andrews on Tuesday of this week after having been to Farmivlle, Va., to burv his 1 ilt lo infant girl. Mr. Davis reports that his wife is doing as well as could he expected and that she will soon return to Andrews. The many friends of Mayor D. S. Russell, will learn with pleasure, that he is now able to he out after having Det-n confined to ^ for nearly two months. Mr. Robert H. Brown who at t)a lest term of the Court in (Jherola recovered for the injuvy sustain^ by him while working for the Pho,. nix Utility Company, of Hartfoni, Tennessee, has purchased the for, property of Mr. W. A. Hyde. Mi Brown is planning to build him , home on this property and then h go into the chicken, hog and rattle industry, and also to raise all kini of vegetables for market. Messrs. M. W. Bell. Ralph Moodr and Howard Moody, attorneys of Murphy, N. C.. were in Andrews oa last Saturday afternoon appearing in the trial of State vs. Zeb Henson. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Ford and two sons, were in Murphy on last Sun. day where they went and took din ner in the home of Rev. Steele, who is now pastor of the Murphy Baptist Church. Mr. V W. Aliernathy, Sheriff, was in Andrews on Tuesday of this vv>rt attending to matters in connection witK his office. Mr. D. H. Tillitt was a business \isitor in Murphy on Wednesday o[ ibis week. Auxiliary Presents Interesting Program The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Churoli met with Mrs. J. P. Anderson, at the manse, Tues day afternoon. February 12, 1929, with Mrs. C. W. Savage, President, presiding. A very interesting program on Foreicn Missions was conducted by the Foreisrn Mission Secretary. Mrs. M. W. Bell. Each field of Foreign Mission work was represented by a member of the Auxiliary. A very enjoyable feature of the r?ro?rrnm was n duet : "Onen Mine Eyes." by Mesdamcs C. W. Savage and R. S. Paiker. \ social time was enjoyed at the close of the pro?*ram when the guests were ushered into the dining room where the hostess served a delirious salad course. COMING to the Ronita Theatre Monday night. Fehruaiv 18. Farl Johnson and his Dixie Entertain ers. (ll-pd) STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 per week and expenses. Man or wo man with rig to introduce POUL TRY MINTIRE. Fureka Mft Co.. Fast St. Louis. 111. It. ONE APPLICATION KILLS THE ITCH ??T.. ?rV. in liquid form railed ? v j*.|irtrnt?n th.- hkin r?? iiir t:ito cvrry rrrvire and wrinkl. I ?rr?.> ili-Mtmys I In* itch mite. It "Th? In l'-Ut*1-XinK thp ? ion in umi:t1!y Muffirirnt. (let 11 bot (.?? t fxl:i y from your ilruk'cist or ornt ? r, ??uhl t. j uu for .->? rrnta nor bottle. PARKER'S DRUG STORE Murphy, N. C. 1929 Superior Whippet Could you expect more of an automobile than the Superior Whippets offer. Low prices, Quality Beauty and LJnequaled Eco nomy and Performance . . . . E. C. MOORE | ? 1