SUMMER CAMP ENROLLMENTS ARE COMING IN Janr> M. I ittle. < olonel ??t Infan tr\. I Mat' - \rn \\ instt?n Salem . ( .. ? ? ha> rharge ??t ( ,itizen>' M:1 a \ I raining <*a '}? Lnr??Ii i{- ! t* - state aninuir that - ? ? opening "i the M. T. < < j-.ii-T: ..ii Man h 1-t. hi^ offi .? !- ? ? a i I \ . . i ? i i : ; _ a bti-ier ptece. I - : ' -t " ? - ef f ? !? j re being n:adt*|S|? familiarize everv y i?u: i ;; m iij ghe -tat'- with the ??p ? unities offered by Oi?e camps to ? : \ i '? evident ( ool idge's son. nd ? - ? ? - thirty-two state c--\ ? rn ? - have att? * ? I r-*:i the-*' camp i t J ,l ? -if- ! men from e\er\ waik of lii". The\ ail ha\e had an ? r: < ? l: e and a- in the past whrv j'.'-v r.iine together again next -un ? r the* will eat. drill. pla\ and lunik -'tii- b\ side. Origin artif Mission I ?-?? *??pS were in. i _uated bv Presided and tr?' the di rect descendants ??l t h?* pre-war Plattsburg Camp ori?rfiiated bv the lat* < General W ?????!. Thev have been -por;- '- '! and endorsed I ?v our la-t four Pp-id? nts. !?\ leading ? hureh men and educators. bv the Vmerican rede afion of I.ahor and bv manv other prominent < itizen- and organ izations. Physical examinations dur ing the war indicated that nearly h. !:" tr*i~ *rei ? ? r the enuntrv were pht*i< ally unfit t for a moVdM* training, under healthful HATTIE PALMER NOTARY PUBLIC AT THE SCO! OFFICK Models of Pari s . .??p heir 6?Aury ey using ?*h? UEMO^ CLGAtVSING i CR.CAM E. I . TO\VY>()\ Ml Ki'lll. V i . j Got Up in Thu Morning Feeling DIZZY "I began to guffer with headache and bilious ness," says Mr. John C. Maione, of Buena Vista, Ohio. "I had a hurting through the middle part of my body which seem ed to come from indiges tion. I would get con stipated, and then feel all out of sorts. I would get up in the morning foe ling dizzy, and everything I ate would diaagree with me. -Someone aaked me why I did not try Black-Draught I found it to be Juat the medicine I needed. When I feel a apell coming on. I begin by taking a doae of Black-Draught, dry, at night. I continue to take ft for several dan and in a abort while I am feeling Ana. It i* all the mattfliM 1 need." Coata only 1 cent a doaa iFOKD-ft ir Far CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION. llUOUSNXSSy T701CEN whe BMd a twlo ?Aeold take OarduL Za um ?r?r (I ] ?iirrotmdini:?i. \?>uns men from all walk-. ? f life mii a common basis of ;:;alit\ and l>v supervised athlrtics. drill and instructions in cit ?/en-l ;? t?? develop them phvsirallv ml i rail). i?? promote a vvhole - ?me re-pect t ? ?r discipline to teach J th?* \alue of team work, fit them for leader-hip in peace- or war and im ? up??n then . t li?-i r obligations ' responsibilities. Military training i- not the pri .11 \ . ?bje-rtive- "t the . amp- and ? \ are [dared i :id?"r the War De rtii:?*rit h\ (lonnre-s onlx bee au.-e - ?!:e ??ne existing asenc\ with the ? per-? ? ? ? ? ? I and because ! i ! . i : v training !- ihe m???t effec ' ??"?.ir - wit!: ?. : h !?> a? ? omplish ' ? :? i? ' ~n?n f- ?r w!-i- !i the camp* e\ ^ : ? an t?? < r - of these camps _ xernment ? ?xjvise provided you \ i.' request early enough. ! ???llinents i? uaT i month later - \?-ar -.1 \ i . I. 1 1 ? ? t have as much l" " ? e t ? ? t'mnk l!-?- r atter as was the ? la-t \ear. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM LEGAL MATTERS '"'?I ??*.?!??! \\ ? 'IIERt ?KF,K'NTV S." UK -IT I -.Mi" ? ? \ TV HOSPITAL BLE< -v '>????> ? ? ?' ?,r.?k?1 ?"*?>unty heM j?t t h ? > ? -t* ?n >! irph- N ?" tlx- Uh d:?> ?? IT -'TIS firs?f . 11 th- ,.r?? ?. hu- red ft.-hol ? "h'-* h.-tvlns h-"^ l--n !>r?-!tpnter?:?.r<--> ? ? :??*>*. t:?\ paycrii ?? Hoard -'.y j?p -;t\ lor the I - r l r nt:? ir f a s>uldi< U?#~ . .*> m-? f ?1 munty ( hereafter i ?? ? If "?ir.'iM* lto.?r?l .inil th?- ! ? ir.t v l>? expen ...,rc "il'T*' I ?.y th'-' und-rtduned th;it I ? ? i K *? F.a?ndut i< ? will . : Thirty-' Thounan-: l*ollart?. ?h:? ! Iiiihm<'nt ? * ^ jviJ.Ui- h?! Dollars: | I: further unr> i?ned ! upon the film* of thin t*>titlon with th* ?-It- a nil ll::. t fhould said ?de< ? ?:??-? ? irn the t.iv : I ?? levied under *u? h i-!ri ri..n s ill n?>: ? v ?? ? ne-flft?enth of one ? .n the ? : ? ? i ! . ? ? the ??ra tion ? said - ? I The uTl' rs.cnf-l un?ler*t tn-1 that l?uk- I", ?inflation wiit, tijM.n **re< inm of said : . t : . 1 . ? ontrihute th- maip'.ainame of - ?... . ! the mup ? >n?* I?oll..r day ? i i r i ' ..r I'-: n . ' ti t .. i n-'l In [pet ?' S of n u -x--*djn? thirt> \ The I Amun: to ?.n; : . :?ute.l hv t'her' Coun- ' iv towards the purchase l - not to ?v- *?-.l thir:y-ii\e thou-! s ind d,oll:?rs. To 'he - rid that w??d election 1 m.?v hcM. - pr..vlde?l !?> law. I' I* I?rd?*r?~l i nt-w rfi:.>t ? :t*:or of th** m ! ?'h?r..K*"e County '? had e:n-h v?>tinir pr?- | BABY CHICKS From the l>eM strain? and flocks of the country every week. These Flocks are selected, mated, ted. housed by and under personal su pervision of County Agent C. W. Tilson. who is working strictly ac cording to the States* plan of Baby Chick and Poultry work. From these Baby Chicks you will get hens that will lay and pay. The Sylva Hatchery is working cooperatively under the directions of the Farmers Federation Chain Hatcheries with the same old Hatchery man in charge of the machines. Located just out of Sylva on the Cullowhee Road in a new Incubator building. Careful attention given all mail orders FARMERS FKDF.RATION HATCHERY Sylva. N. C. Phone 0903 jcir^-t in ("h^rokfr County TlM vm ?' ! ? fvr lh? purpe ? ' ? - ?!- of -If.': - a- t ? ? - ? w 1 ? second S i Tur pre -- j i nd t tie sa :? I - - - ' ' " *" I ? ? shall 1- Uel' pu~> : ? " " ? - ' - < - ? ? n- tion vf - .**"v , Chrrokrf The llof (t> i '?? ->s follow 9: [] V ? anil ~~ No. : 1 it? Murp! \ f - pre. ? ? rh el*- t ? n to t? ,n?l th " This or* ? ?!:?' ;m.| 7. ? Vie ? ? - 1> ? ? ? aTl'l .ill i.t ???- ' ?' ? ?5 her SMI fnnlwr in . ..n< .. i>Ii- .' t beret. 1 ?H N-rM V . Judii-, I> - KJ ith W |>_ !*.:-? Sleetln,; H ? r i R-.--.sti an-! M R. ?-:* | BrawH?w?i. (Ceei? f M ? ; - . ? M i mhi afM Dillard Currit -? ? I- V." sh . : ... .... ; ? - i:i?"n?-zer. Resist rar. .i:t m4? \Z- l: ?' * !-? - I I " Sneed ;?n?l Jess* e t n.;-l..?vn ? Creek R-slstr-.r. ?> ? ?:? -? ? j.ije-* Ttiu k Ra *1 -? K-.ll n ? ? ; M.tnc ne-li.i;. R?*c -? I; . \1 l>or . ,1-i.iffey W.tlter I?-?k* ..r. Fred l?av-.,. ! H. I House. It - fir - John N>wmi 1 ? u-'vej,. T T Johns- -r - H ? l.-n :. -rty. Resist- ? V. t" M '! I - \r.-|j Williamson tTds.i I.e.v r ? I l.-nsf It:dce ll- >.*??? )'? i: M J wise*. Willard Hi . ? Kred Wl,:r-r Marble. Resist r James Rryw J U'lu* " Arthur I'alnw an ?! It -U - W* >? Muri'hj North ** t ^ :*x r . ? :*??' IHenibr.? . J unites. '* Ma lionet*. and J. \V. I.ovin?e??od. Murphy. South W:,v Res ? r:ir R, ? Judses Wi !; ? .-I R. 1: I--. ? ?i?re..t.>- ? ; .1 .!? il:n?. .r. ,l:|. -? - Walter M.-rfn f- ? l'i >i htr0<-. Re*:i'T ?: I' II- ' >. A. I? T. - lor anil II- rr Klli..i: 1 fjeek. It-e * ? I. !., U'?.l. : .1:1.1^, ?? I*. Tav;..- ? W.i :rer At-.l-r-.i. T>>?'?otl 1. Reclstr r .1 - K- ???n*- J - ?I T. Hayes ar?l <1. .Iu-lKes. .1 I" nil ?? K Smith. \V;?lker Schmil IKj? R-->' s <; m t: --is . -.I j \v. J Kilt'atri? k. , Wolf 1 'reek Ret: -:r.r .1 R. ll\:i?t. .'uil?e!? v." I. Clarren at- J .!??!: M-v-w It is further uni-r- 1 tli.?* ? - irist r.i ti?-n ami ?..|| I took s pro-. tl- CI.*: k -i tlii* Itoanl l?AV|S. < 'ha: 1 man ??: ? ? "lerk Kx-<>ffirlo. W A ItoYH June T Till STI K'S SAI.K OF RKA 1. KSTATK I'ursuar.t to the j-ower of sale contained In t ? ertain <1??? ? I of trust executed Sept 1st i " *-T. by J W S. Da via and wife, anil H. E. I ?.ivis and wlf-. and the iv?rtn-rshlp uf Davis Ph irmary. of Andrews. N <*.. t.. the under ^n.-l tr?.>?t?~. conveying the land hcreinuf ;. -r dew riiK-d as security tor an Indebtedness ? : $17 70 55. th--r<' heins .iu? on said indeb tedness : t this time the sum of f>7?>.55 with i'ter?st. aid the holder u( the notes referred ,11 .-ail deed in trust havins re?iue.ste.l ! ' ' ? ? >*?:-* -def iult bavin* bew m*?N? in tl-? 7 t > ! ,-nr ?: t. th" undersigned wil! . -n -- r" ""** Apr;!. 11?2 ?_ - -H .it Klf\>n O'clock \\* . ? is* *;> at th- C? ? ? - a.-. North Car-? l:n ji * - Nineteen and ? - M K Coa and wi'f to VC S. r? IN - . H <:--intc busi r. ur ;-r tfae r -r.e !Vtvis Pharmacy. T5 at Page " i ? : re ' 'e J - p~r- w hereon :* now line n ?? by said W ? - ? f Ar,' '- .vs *? - - ???--! to I* n *!? - off ? ? - - * Deeds for i--: ?* - .it r.?*- 1 ">4 '30-4t-h> FRAXK ?< HILL. Trust N* - hAviri Halm* ... . . - I MIlli -nil* ii) \MKKI< \ IN I III. I'l* I Kt( I 4 OIK | lt| 1 II I I N | | | |? ** I \ 1 1 ?* i hi: I ill ?i?ii kn pi^. TKI< I III MlKTII i \ Kn| IN \ \, \slll \ II | I NO \|| tw in < : ? . N'.tp'f: ?t Lumber C . Tenne? ?- ?. Harr +Vff. ? -ill P^Tjc?.nj? tthnHO I.: . . r._- ? xn any of ;,ry kin?! ? -r character ir. tv ;??? - r -?.? in the p-tstion V< ? \V I L.: \KE NOTICE that an action . i..i? Im-h ? onun>-ne.-.i in the I1 - ? : ?' :rt th- I'n t?*! *t ? ?'??lint - North Carolina: T; ?? II- ? I:iv#?r I,uml?-r ('unnnny's n-- I ? < lartx :? 7 > ::|-.| n. ' ' I \* n.! 1" >itu.if-.J in C*h?.Tokee C'nun N rili I'ainllna ..n.l ???ntalnini.- II" an- 1 til* .1 J \v..?.d tra.t No. nr. ? 'lay r..un!>. North Carolina, containing i-.c-' ? '??in- mirvey ?: ??!? :'ully ?1-m? ril> ???! . - in* alii! li.ilin- ? -?!ii _ the raid landu havins ??en *?-?! l.y the Secretary of Auin ulMr-. ? tii-- j>jti >\ a 1 of the National l-'orc*t , Innervation Comniintiion and foiind nece*-?.ny th- purt?o-"* "f i irrflns out an Act ? j" <* n^ ot : li" : Mtatfx a| iit'-s at l..irv". amended bv th?? Act Au^u>; l". I'.'l.'. 27 Statute* , Chapter - ^ ? I \n?l the m id non-resident defen?-t:Tion in tw tvl I I r- o< ??e*?|Mire?l appear in the IHstrtc: Court ? ? th? Cni'cd States for th? \\.-si.*rn Pi? ? ? t . : North ?"ar?din.i at Arhevill-. ..n the dav i?f April. and rmwt or de mur to th?* |>etition or complaint in said pro ? -e-dinu. or the i>lain:l(t will apply t onler of < "ourt . d | r?-. tine that publication !?? made for mk ; *uti ?-*si v.- n the Cherokee ."m-'-ut. a newspaper pu> bsli?l in Cherokee County and ' i ir. ulatnm in i and Jlierokw* Counties. \.ari>tini?- : ?"iht iv*!?. tn tR" \V~v- # ? North Carolina. ? ^ M- * '??>* of Ktbrmry. 19c* ? > K A I . ? J Y JORDAN <1-*rk t'nitf.1 State* ? -.ort 7*y. O. I- McLfRf. ? i Chief Deputy r]..j( in rut' MATTOI ??* m fi rt tion ov Till t?t l>TION OF VOTINti AID n* \ ( Ol Nn HOSIMTAI. TV..- -?*' cAmty Commissioner* hav. . je? > d that the date heretofore ; x J.J - .< rna> n?>t be suitable. m th^j ?. ?r.ih-r the month of Marrh and the ? i.]- i>n<:iti<>n of the roads at that ? h i* Will |?;ev??t the n- ,.nS :rs ? to hear the matter , .Jt. ^.1 pr<> and eon. ! : ordered by the Board that the *i * and th- same Is horeliy post pon*d held ,.n the last Tuesday in May. ,'m_ th<* 2?th day of said month. - further ordered that th- resist- ...,n \ - ? > i ?; t ion Iv op--ned on the : '-i, ??'.ire - id election and kept ..... ? ? an required by law. in th-.. r_. - ? .rn???r o:.|er regarding said ? l-rl ?? rr: ?Si fled and in other r?N|xvt.< ?hw * l? A copy "f this resolufi. -- ? ? :w? published in the Cherokee >? .? a ? 'rjwi Record once a week : ? ? I tve-V-? ? T \V. s. DAVIS. T'-'ird County Commi.?< \ BOYD. ? : ?? < l-rk to Board. i mii i? ?t v r? or America 1 j I ?>j?t hi* i ? im k ? OF TI1K I M i \ i> "TATIS KIR T1IK WESTI RN Dl-TKu r or NOKIII < AKOI.INA \T ASHI - \ ' I I F. NO ;r.o IT I nr. ? ? .- ? - or AMERICA > V t "1 \< of L'i nd in t . ? ... N C . ? J. S Burr-11. -t al V ... - >? \ r-- ? ?? lutnd in t ? - ' "t.unty N C. > K S. fJi?*-r?*tt et ai > N? "TH'K T?? BK !TBF..S|.i;t> - TO ? !???* 'hy I ?a \ i-on. Charlotte. North <"_r? Kl ./.t'rHi Hlythe. and husbnnd t -"! > r t . ? Jf. ????>* county. Tennesst-.-. the > ?? -s of Vircinia B. Baker, and hu.v1 .r i I!jk-r. whose names and nddr- - en ? rknc?n; and <11 pcrwins whosoever. ? f,r ilaimlnic to own any estate. :,-n ? ?r of an> kind or <-haracter in nj ??? t he t>r?-Tni*?-M i ii-menred in tK>s t Court of th* l'nit?1 for the \\ . -loni I?i?itri?-i <.f North Carolina at A>h?* | \ !!? for th n?)emnntion of certain traot^ ' "f land d.-s< ri?>ed m Rxhibitn "A" and "A-l" ? ' h?* j ???.tion l tled in th-- entitled j i.r. ? ????! i nu ; 1 1 1 ?3 know n as the J. S. B'irr-*1| ml K S ";; rr?>tt tr.1* tn of land, situated ia '"h?-roke?* Co?ir-'> Ni.rth Carolina: th?- J. s. i:urr?-tl Tin ? N\. 'Jx-inc part of grant \.. 1 77 > Ch?-?..k ?* County. North Carolina, i-oiitainin^ a<-> ordlnjr to survey 2S0.7I i ,!i .ImTil>eir ? n '"I" !mI i >. th<- S?M-M-tary of Ak ". -I-.- with th.- approval of the Nati?n.?| ; Forest Rfs-iA ation Coinniljwion. and found n?-..?arv f..r th.?- purjH> " CoiiBr??s? of th" 1'nited Stut-s at> -! M t. h 1 It'll. l.:nir Chapter 1-0. I ^ ?o~1. Vol Statutes nt l.arne. as am?rnd I.-I tv t h.- A. t of \ii--u-t t?' 191:. 7 Statutes Chapter \**d th*- sa id non-resident defendants alK.vs nam-'!, and all persons whosoever ownlnc, r ? la ' minK own. any ?ut i'" lien or int? r I ..t . . 1 1 >? kind ?' ' hat mi and to the i ....... i' ju ril-'d in the iietition in said pr.we'-dinu , ear in th?- District Court of tli.. Cnited State* for the \\"e-?tern District North rnlina a; Ash'-vllle. on the JJnd i> of April. l^X. and answer or demur to th.- |?etition ??r ida'int in s.?id priM.eeil'.n?, <.r the plaintiff \\ : 1 apply to the Court fur ; ? 1 ? deinunded in ?nid petition Tiii- noti'-e is issued by order of Court, di r? t.n- i?i it publi<. kee County, ia ; the Western District North Carolina. T1:.S the 1.' day February. 191*9. ? SKA I.' .1 ^ JORDAN. !C1 ' k T'ni-. d Stales Idstrirt Court. l:> n I.. McLl'RD. -, i Chief Deputy Clerk. THE NEW OAKLAND ALL AMERICAN SIX PRODUCT OF GKM.KAL MOTOHS - Thm Coupe, $1145 * Body by h'ioh Investigation proves that ;t has no equal at its price More for your money. More beauty, luxury and style. More balanced power, speed and acceleration. That's what you get in the New AU A m erica n Six ... A blanket statement . . . but just stop to analyze it. Investigate . . . learn what the New AU American provides ... It is enjoying ever-increasing popularity. Simply because investigation proves that it has no equal in all that it offers at its price. rrir*?#f MS fIS7i'o.k.Fomtimc. Miefc. , pl*u cMiwry chcrfM. Spring HyA Shock Ahmorh^m int*udtd in fat prim. Bumper ? and rw/?iui?r guards nt rm. Chock OuhUnd r Uwmmt handKmf chorgmm. Goncrml Motor* Tin** ? ? 01 ?2a D. & D. MOTOR COMPANY MURPHY, N. c.