almanac in CHINESE IS A REAL PUZZLE /; Don't Relieve This . Co and I ///c O/fc . // The Carnegie Library \lmanacs is Almanacs, usually read by ladies and the followers of Grier. l>?it one arrived at The Scout Office this week that, to us. looks likr it can't l>?* read b\ anybody. J|t printed pages hav?? the appear ?rce of spattered ink ? look just |,ke somebody had spilled ink on rich one and slapped it with the [aim ??! the hand. This Almanac is written in Chi rf?r. published at Shanghai. China. In Rev. H. (J. C. Hallock. w ho is a rii?Monary *o the Chinese. It has |efn presented the Carnerrie Lihrarv ? it max l>e seen. The follow ing letter from Mr. Hallock accom panied the almanac, ans is self ex planatory: C P. O. Box \o. 1231. Shanghai. China. Feb. 8. 1929 n Fditor-: 1 have written you several times ?n?l sent you paper idols. Now I sm sending you a copy of my Chi r.r?e Christian Almanac and will -II \ou a bit about it. It is in tfluc Chines* stvlc with the pages double because Chinese paper is thin. The paper is imitation Chinese paper. It is bound In hand and on the edges at the folds of the paper as a:e home books. ^ ou should begin to read at t end ? back of the book and read down instead of across and from right to left instead of from Satsuma Oranges Some 30 years ago a resident of thn ?S? iiuli coast secured F. MN .({, k.f 0 a tWff, Ch?;~r fs-hion - " others w hat vou read. Y?u may '???iL lliis is all backward hut the Uunese Hid it first yo ,hev w||| hat our method is all backward. I 111- h,?,k .,|| ovpr Q,;,,., in more than ten thousand places ;ons. anli-foot-l>imlin? and anli-opitmi ar ' iele-. and nies-ajies shnwin" the wax of lif?* and also much jreneral i information. T requested ihr Traet ] *H?cietx if. publish il. The\ printed j i.OfW) copies and. against m\ adviee. I "|i;trnrr,| f i v#. rents for it. selling but ,2.000 rnpies. After si\ month- I j risked ihem to l#*t me sell the re^t al 'two cents. Knowing the I k? would he l*?fl n niheir hand-, t li?- \ rrn** ntcd. I easilx sold all. I lirjr e?! thai next year all be sold al two ecnls. (.an t d*? il. t li**\ e??nt 2.000 copies: fix ?? , rents is often a dax's wajre in China. II I jret ads that you ran sell at l\*? rrnts x\ ill you do so?" es." I told 1 hr hn.000 eopies. Th?* nexl xear I xvas home j and onlx 1 I.OCXt were printed. I h** i.e\t xear I wa*4 hen* again and 73. < K l( I wee: needed, the ne\l 131.000. I he next 101.000 md finally 300.000 were require*!. This Almanac made ) tli*' name of Hallock fanxn s: hut I est of all. it made our Sax iour known in thousands ??f place*. Please l?iil my Almanac in your library so that all x\ho ran max read. Tor se\e*al xears past ill** sad ua-. that h as made so mam 111 i I ! HjJ'"' :,l 'he hands of liir I I trilling war-lords, has greatlx a
  • 1 >1 lo ihr cost and difficult) of print 1 ins!, and to the difficulties of busi ness men. so that ads arc much more difficult to obtain in sufficient Milliliters. Not onl\ this: but the 1 c sta! iKt.lcs in man) provinces have hern made impassible because nf fighting and bandit-. So the M inanae's publiralion and distribu tion have had to be cilt down great I): but we wail for belter times when I hope even greater good ran hr done through ibis instrumental il\. Pra\ for peace not onl) be cause of the Almanac: but for llie sake of the innocent little children who inevitably suffer more than others in wars and fightings. I have a special place in mv heart for these little Brownies as 1 have about 800 of them in my Ragned Sunday Schools. Through the help of kind f fiends .-t home 1 gave more than !!00 "yaller" kiddies a fine treat on Christmas day. We had a tip-top time! Kindest regards and best wishes for a Prosperous Year for ve". Your, in Christ's glad service. I Rex. I H. G. II A I. LOCK. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart-felt thanks to our many friends for their kindnesses shown us during the sick- 1 ness and deaths of our dear son and daughter. Mav Heaven's richest blessings re pav them. MR. and MRS. R. F.. CARTER,! and Family. | ynd an roar order* for H KODAK FINISHING | inil <.cncrnl rhotocrapric Work. (inrun frtd 24 hour Smlc*. fft nlwu wll Kodak Films. See our Mountain View* And in H'wfern N. C. Prlrrn Rirtit ,, WOLF CREEK This is "inauguration da\,. and I now make the assertion that there will not he a single hank in the] I nited Stat?*? open it- doors for i I business four months from toda\. Ii ; ' will l?o the Fourth of July. Mrs. V A. Morgan and daughter, j Mrs. Josie Garren. \isited relatives] | m ar Isabella Sunday. I Mr. Willie (irax . who has bought ! the \\ m. Hyde old place, passed J I through our section Sundav. He is I moving his familv to their new home ' in a few days. So much rain last week made the i road;- through our section tlm worst I thev have been this winter. j 1 1 seems that the hurt Master Jack ' j \\ e^tmoreland received to his knee ja few weeks ago is to leave him a ' permanent eripple. Mrs. Myrtle Moore who taught ! the public school here a few \ears j ago. visited friends here last week. The Rev. J. H. Chastain. of Hot '?on^?*. oreached at Macedonia ehujrch ! Sunday. Oub farmers have been nnable to do e\en ;?n\ ?rardening on account of so much rain. Hilc\ Morgan savs that he got three baths la>t week. \\ c had three da\s rain. Deputx Sheriff B. H. Harris exe cuted two warrant- last week and along with them received quite a bit ?of criticism, but such, is the lot of me doing his dut\. Get behind the wheel and get the facts r , , 50 Prices SERIES 116 W?f?' - - $1220 toll* Coupes ? - tliqsiolli Sport Car - $ 1 225 SFRIFS 121 Sedan* . . $1450 fo $1520 Coupes - - $ 1 mm to $ 1 4 so Sport Car - fi U5 SFRIES i2?, Sedan* - . J 1 fi ? s to $2149 Coupe* - S 1 Bfis to Si 87 9 Sport Car* - $1929 to $1950 These pneet f. o. h. Buick Fac torv. *penal equipment e?tr?. C ootenicnt term* cin he arranged on the liberal G. M. A. C. True I'n iKtnt Plan. Drive a Buick ? then drive any other car ? let the comparison rvin you to Buick! SESSOMS MOTOR COMPANY ANDREWS, NORTH CAROLINA GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SELLING OUT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! EVERYTHING GOING AT WAY BELOW COST! HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS CONSISTING OF ALUMINUM, GRANITE AND STONE WARE, BOWLS, CUPS AND SAUCERS, PLATES, MIR RORS, TOILET GOODS, HATS, NOTIONS. First Come - First Served Sale Opens March 6th and Closes April 1st M. HOUSEWIVES DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THIS SELLING OUT SALE. IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Slocumb's Variety Store MURPHY, N. C.