WOLF CREEK Mr. J. I!- Harper. of Isabella, was a waiter here Sunday. ci a I families and parts <>f fatu j|?., took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. liilri Morgan Sunday. It looked like a frame-up. Iml they discovered it to he a pood place to eat. Prof. I . R. Isacc. Kducat ional Superintendent of the Southeastern Conference of Seventh Day Adven lia's of Chattanooga. Tenn.. visited (he rural school here about the mid dle of last week. He spent one night in mir midst and left Wednesday on ill,, noon train for Raleigh. \. C. Mrs. A. E. Cloep has been verv iirk for the past several davs with "flu. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burger report the arrival of a fine baby girl Sat urday afternoon. Man) moves have been made in our section in the last few days or ureks. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Simonds with their familv have moved to the Ixk-I Simonds place and his brother. Pearly, with his family, has moved from Hothouse, Ga.. to the house he vacated. F? E. Morgan with his fam ilv ha* moved to Hot House to the Harlev Golden place and Riley Mor gan is moving into the house thev vacated. "Prof." C. Z. Price, of Murphy, was a visitor here a few days ago. There is a petition out to secure a "singing" school for him. PERSIMMON M(?t of the farmers are petting busv with farm work. Mr. Charlie Stiles and son. Clay Ion. visited Rev. W. I). Hogsed on Sunday. Mrs. Delia and Sarah Stiles visit ed Mrs. Carrfe Beavers Sunday. Mrs. Sarahs Jane Cearlev who has been very ill is better at this writing. Rev. Fred Stiles will preach at Persimmon Creek church the fifth Saturday and Sunday in this month. Miss Lyda Stiles visited Mrs. Sa rah Jane Cearley Saturday. Miss Deloros Stiles has gone to Murphy where she is employed in work at Quinn's restaurant and is earning $20.00 a week. Misses Vernie, Vesta, and Esta Rogers spent Tuesdav night with Misses Zinnie and I^elia Hogs?d. The Henry Ford Trade School was started Oct. 26, 1916, with* six students. At the beginning of this year. 2.750 were enrolled. Boys are taught to he skilled woikers at the school. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY 8PRCIALT1RT BKITTAIN AXI.KV BUILDING ""We Phone 1M Kr?. Ptmne 10? MURPHY, N. C. WE OFFER $100.00 To any one who will use Padgett's Indian Herb Juice and fail to get re sults we claim for it. Indian Herb Juice has given satisfaction to all who have used it for twenty-flve years. We recommend Padgett's In-i dtan Herb Juice for constipation, ^digestion, rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble, and has proved su preme for high blood pressure. For ?aleat all drug stores. SOUR Stomach iodic* **4 constipation !r?,u?iUy o| ud to Ml . but , Dr. , 22rt, r^lef. of sour La natiobaiiy no?n ?? Dr. Thacher's Syrup WWcfc nUtiwi tour stomach and kindr?d aymp {"?ta U. <*xr w.y. ??c .ndlliO ??*?? sold aad gnaranUod by PARKER'S DRUG STORE MURPHY, N. C THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL I is by tram. The safest. Most com- j fortablc. Most reliable. Costs less. ! Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding , greatly reduced fares for'short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ; LEGALMATTERS ; I xoicth Carolina. I?:u.ui\m (oi'.vrY. in Tin: srpt:r.? Plaintiff. > VS , ; J G Situi herland. W. t.?. Palton. ) l>dl? Patton. S. I'alton. H T. > . Hicks. i:ir?l Atlanta J..hn ??. Airheart) ; Gertrude Airheart. Martha. Airheart.) Dew it Pitton. Martha Talbert. Lis- ) I ne M Thompson. Mary C Wh?tak'*r. > 1 IS. IV Grant. an?l th? unknown h?-irn ) ? t law of T. M. Cox. Jr.. ? i lohn H. Sotuherland. .|.-< ^ased. and > {John I'aHon. (In-eitml. by their ne\t I ? r i?-n W I'alton. of Hobhinsvllle. N C. > Defendants ? NOTICE: The :i bov? namnl I ? ml all other parties who have paid taxn* on. | or who hold certificate* of sale on. or who ii;ivc or claim an interest in. or lien upon, the real property th<- subject matter of this* action. will t;*k? notice that an action entit ? I as above have been commenced in th? Surwrior ?"??tir" ...? Graham Copnty. North ?rollna. to foreclose a lax sale certificate duly issued by in>- sheriff and Tax Collator of Graham County. North Carolina for the delinquent tax1* for the year 19C7. which lax sale certificate is. own?xl and held bv the plaintiff against real property in Graham County. North Carolina on which staid t?bi'r Kth. 1892. tyrant registered in ??f fice of Iteuister of Deeds Graham County. March ::rd 1*93. In Hook "G" of Deeds on jiusn .171. im the waters of lluffalo San t?*etlah and Die Snowbird Creeks. In District No. 0. DKGINNING on the N. K. . orner of a tract iHinhanol by Itonjamin Martin. N.?. 530 and runs K. P.2? pole* to a poplar: thenec N. crossinir Itee Knob Hidve at 5 'S !?>le: ?hole distance 1*1 poles to 4 Spruce Pine ihenc* N. 70 K crossing lluffalo Cre>-k at ' |h?K-s. 320 poles to a chestnut. thence N. I crossing Upper's Mill Creek at 13't poles and ? rossinu the divlilhiK ridite between Duf- | falo and Santeetlah Crtfks at |hi|?* whole distance poles to a spruce pin.- on the south bank o! Santeetlah Creek: thence up said Creek as it meanders to a maple 17*> |n?1?*s als?VH the month of Hob Creek: thence S. 1 12.3"0 poles to a buck-ye; thence S. loo IMi|e? to a beech; them-e S. 10 W. <57 poles t mountain oak; fhence S. :? K M* index a Iwecli; thence K to the lietfinniu. That said als?v- named defendants and 1 saiert.v. and said defendants | and said unknown pariy or parties aforesaid j will further take notice that they are reuulr- I ed to appear l>efore the Clerk of the Super- I tor Court of Graham County, at the Court House, in Itobhinsville, North Carolina, on the -'2nd day of April. l!?'-':?. and answer or d'-mur to the complaint of the plaintiffs, ami then and there s) up in said action their ? l.iim or Interest or lien upon said als?ve de scrilieil real property upon iwtin of lieiiu: for ever burred ami foreclosed of the same. or the plaintiff will apply 10 the ...uit for Hie relief demanded in sal. I complaint. This the -1st day oi March. 1?L'M. A. H. COLVAl'D. 1 ::.T-4t-rbs, ? Clerk Superior Court. Graham Co. NOTM'K UK SKKVItK OK SIMMONS |?\ I'l lU.H ATION. NORTH CAROLINA. ? iltAIIA.M CoCNTY. IX THK sri'KKIliU i 'ul ' KT IC. I:. Slaughter. i l'laintiff. t/| V?. > J Southerland. \V. ? ?. I'atton. ? S s!te yatton.-9-SrRtt88. Hr?. i 1 Dillon. .Mrs. X. K. I ilmstcad. Mary i Miik*. Hlrd Adam*. John I*. Air- i heart. Gertrude Airheart. Martha ? Airhfiirt. [H>wii( I'atton. ) Martha Talbert. I.ixxie M Thompson. Mary i' Whltaker. It. I* Oram, ami ? the unk.iuHn heirs ai law of T. M ) CuK. Jr.. ili'ifii Hnl. John II. Situ- I therland. tleceanwl. anal John I'atton. ? ilwfMjieil. by their next friend or ? or ISuardlan adlitem. John \\*. ? I'atton. ?( ltobbinsville. ? Defendants. ? Tile Defendants will lake- notice thai an a< lion entitled an nlntvi- ha* Iwen commenc ed in the Su|M*rior Court of Oraham County. North Carolina, for the purpose of forvclux ini: a tax wale certificate for the delinquent taxes on T8S arrest of land in Oraham Coun ty. North Curolina. in Diat. No. 9 in Cheoah township. on the waters of West Buffalo and Santeetlah Creek*, listed for taxes in the nam*- of Southerland. I'atton * Cox for the year 1527. The summons was ixxunl In this action on the 12th day of March. 1929 and return aide thirty days from the date of name. The defendants will further tak?- notice that they are required to appear aiMl answer the eomplaint of th? plaintiff which has been filed in thin action with the Clerk of the Superior Court of the Maid County within the time required by law or the relief demanded therein will l>e granted, This March 21. 1?2?. A. H. COL.VA11D. Clerk Superior Court, j <22-4t-rhs) Graham County. N. C. NOTICK OK PROPOSAL TO SKI. I. POKTIOM OK THK COt'NTY FARM. The Boa rd of Commissioners of Cherokee County will receive sealed bids for the pur chase of a portion of the County Kann. used in connection with Ihe Home for A^e-I ami , Infirm of Cherokee County until ten o'clock < A. M. on Tuewlay. April 2nd. 1929. the sale I to l?e for cash and the riirht is reserved to re ject any and all bids. The bidder shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price in cash, uimn acceptance of his proposal by the Hoard of County Commissioner*, and the remaimler upon delivery of deed. The land proposed to be sold contains 9 1-- acres, more or less, and adjoins the Wells Farm just outside of the Incorporate limits of Murphy. N. C.. and is described as follows. Beslnnin* on a culvert nn State Hiuhway N'o. 10. and runs South 29 10* E. 530 feet to Valley River: thence up Valley Hiver as it meanders 35fi feet to the mouth of a dilch. corner of the Wells Farm: thence up the ditch with Its meanders and with the line of the \Ve||s Farm 1227 feet to State Highway Nn. 10: thence down State Highway No. 10 S 48 W 1025 feel to the place of l>e?inn By W. A. Royd. Clerk. TRl'STEB'8 8AV.R OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed Sept. 1st. 1?27. by J. W S. Davis and wife, and H. E. Davis and wife, and the partnership of Davis Pharmacy, of Andrew*. N. C. . to the under -.irv-l trustee, conveyln* ?h? land hereinaf- J ter dew-ribed as security for an indebtedness ? >( $1770 55. there beinc due ?>n said mdeb twin's- at this time the sum of $*70.55 with interest. and the holder of the notes referred to in said deed in trust having requested foreclosure. ? default having le?en made in the Payment of said debt, the undersigned will ?>n the Fir -? bidder f-?r cash, at Kleven O'clock AM. central standard time, at the Courthouse dtmr in Murphy . for the purpose of satisfy ing said indebtedness, the follow in?: described 1 .nd. to-wit : All of that parcel or tract of land m the Town of Andrews*. North Caro lina te-inc I-ots Eishteen. Nm?t?en and Tw?nty conveyed by M. K. Coitad and wife to J \\*. S. Davn md II K. I ?a ?< d'.ituc liu?i ness un>tpr the name ?>i Davis Pharmacy. I and duly r-v* r ir. Deed I!u?k 7."> at Page ? 5*5. and being the property whereon is now situate the dwelling house occupied by said J W. S Davis. In sild Town of Andrews. Th? deed ?>? trust above referred to is regis tered in the office of Register of Heeds for Cherok??> Couniy I >eed liook 'J 4 at Page 194. | (30-lt-h> FRANK S ill LI.. Trust.-. ! I ?efault NOTH K l?K THI HTKH's S.\ ?.??.. made . hi rn.Miifni <>r | .adebtcdnos* sirur?l bv that certain deed i -.1 trust to me as Trustee f??r W. |\ Morris | ?> J. I'. Kitchen. Trusts, anil Mrs Walker | H.im?r < Widow I. on the 14th day of I>eeeni- j 'i?*r. 1925. and recorded in th*- office ?if the j ??^ir-ter of Deeds for Cherokee County, in j I'link 93 of iJeeds of Trust. Page -51. I will. Wider and by virtue uf the pnwr of sale vested in m?* l?y jut id deed of I rust, and ut the request of trie cestui :cue trust, and for the purpose of discha ruins the secured said deed of trust. proceed to sell t.> tlw hiuhi'xt bidder, for cash, a; llie Court House door, in Murnhy. Cherokee County. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. on SATURDAY, APRIL 15th 1929. the following descfil?ed land, to-wit: I. vine and IwinK in said County of Chero kee North Carolina, in Valb-ytown Town ship. on the watershed of M? I. -Hands Creek, in Cherokee County. N. C. . Imumled and more particularly ilescribed as follows: I5K ING that part of the following tracts and grants that lie on the waters of Mcl?ellands Cr-ek as follows: Tract ?551. Crant 29??; Tract ii5r.4. Cunt 2961. Tract i.5:tH. Grant 2!K2: Tract m;5m. Grant 29x5; Tract ?;?&?. Grant 298 fi: Tract ?54Jt. Grant 2964: Tract 4412. Crant I Trait 4 41::. Grant 2?*4; Tract eed 4 for Cheri?kee County. N. C.. ref?r -nc? beinc made to said deed and record of i the same for information as to the tan bark I and riichts reserved in said deed. living the ?tamo land and nremlse* conveyed to John | I 'at ton by The Champion Fibre Company 1 by deed dated December 24. 1921. and re- I ? ?tiled In the office of the lient.-der of Deed* for Cherokee County. N. C. In pook of Deeds ( SI. Page 45. This ?h .lav of March. 1929 UCFFNKIt CAMl'|-.i:i.I., frustee. I trunks. l*arker . Smith & Wharton. i \ttom-ys at Uu. Greensboro. N. C. (32-4 1 -I fe) IMTKII STATUS OF AMERICA IN THE DISTRICT C?l KT OF Till: UNITED 8TATF8 FOR TIIK WKSrUK \ DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASIIK- I VII. I. K NO ? .HI AT I. AW. FNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) V. ? 25" TI Arrp* of Ltml in ) t'hfmki* C?>untv. N. C.. > .1 S. lturrell. ?*t a I > Arre? of Lan>l in ? l ? 'hernkw C tunty. X* C.. ) !?'. S. Garrett. et ;il I NOTICE T<> ISK PURLiSLKlJ TO ? Dorothy Davidson. Charlotte. North Car olina. Elizabeth Blythf. and husband j FUytlie. P.loiint County. T i>nw*??'n ; *j?g heirs j at law of Virginia P.. P.nker. nnd husband linker, whose name* and addresses | are unknown: and all person* whosoever. I owning or claiming to own any estate. lien nr intere*-' (.i* any kind or diarai4*r !?* -n-i | to the premises desrrilted in the i**tlti?in in i thin c.iusm; Vol* WII.I. T\KK NOTICE that an action entitled as almve has I? .-n mmmenred in th* District Court of the I'nlted States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Ashe ville. for the condemnation of certain tracts of land described In Exhibits and "A-l" of the oetition filed in the altove entitled procwdinc. and known as the .1. S. Rurrell and K. S. Garrett tracts of land, situated in Cherokee County. North Carolina: the J. S. Rurrell trait No. 35?? Mwinn part of grant No. "t"7l Cherokee County. North Carolina, and <-nntt?ining according to survey 250.71 acres: and thf E. R. Garrelt tract No. 3S7. Cherokee County. North Carolina (being part of grant No. 2477) containing according to survey 203.50; fully descrilied by metes and iKHind* in said proceeding: the said lands having l?'en selected hy the Secretary of Ac riculture. with the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission, and found necessary for the purpose of carrying out an Act of Congress of the United State* ap proved March 1. 1311. being Chapter 1Si>. Page 961. Vol. Statutes at Large, as amend ed l?y the Act of August 1?. 1912, 37 Statutes 2fi9-20ft Chapter 2S4. Ami the said non-resi?lent defendants above named, and all persona whosoever owning, or clniming to own. any estate lien or inter est of any kind or chara-te:* in and to the premises deacrllieO in the petition in said proceeding, defendants named as aforesaid. WILT. FI RTHER T A K K NOTICE that they are required to appear in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina at Aahevllle. on the 22nd day of April. 1929. and answer or demur to the petition or complaint in said proceeding, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said petition. This notice is issued hy order of Court, di recting that publication be made for six (6) successive weeks in the Cherokee ScouC. a newspaper published in Cherokee County, in the Western District of North Carolina. This the 12 day of February. 1929. (SEAL.) J. Y. JORDAN. Clerk United States District Court. By: O. I.. McLURD. i (28-ftt-JyJ) Chief Deputy Clerk. | V NIT ED STATES OF AMERICA . IN THF. DISTRICT COURT OF THF UNITED | STATES FOR THE WESTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHKV1M.E. NO. AT LAW United States of America ) V. ) llS.S.ftS Acres of Land In ) Cherokee County. North > Carolina: Hiawassec Lumber ) Company et al: 47.09 Acres ) of I .and In Clay County. North > Carolina. J. J. Wood, et al. NOTICE TO P-E PUBLISHED. TO: The Hiawassee River Lumber Company, a corporation of Knoxville. Tennessee, and J. J Wood and wife R. E. Wood, of Young Harris. Georgia; and to all persons whoso ever. owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or interest of any kind or character In and to the premises described in the petition in this cause: YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that an action entitled as above has l?een commenced in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Ashe vllle, for the condemnation of certain tracts of land described in Exhibits "A" and "A-l" of the petition filed in the above en titled proceedings, and known as the H la ctases River Lumber Company s lands and the J j W tract of land. situated In therokee and 1*1* y Counties. North Carolina The II,: River l.umi?-r Company * lands. art* ... r._ 7 ? 318-1. 111. IV r.-l * - 1 ? . situated In Cherokee Coun ty. Ni-i'' '? C;?rolin.i. an?l containing .!? res. and the J. J Wood tract No. 113 Clay County. North Carolina. < ontainlng ;i- ? ??I'lin : to soi'.vy 47. .'iTfs; fully deserib ?'?I l?y ni-tes end bounds In the petition filed .n said proceeding: the said 1 tnds having ; ????> s?l? |eil by the Secretary of Agriculture, wuh the uppntvul of the National Forest iCMvrvHtfon Commission, nnd found necessary f1. Vol. Statutes at l..nt" as* amended hy the Act of August 1913. 37 Sl.'itUt-* ISJ-J'MI. Chaj?ter ;vi. And the said non-restdeni defendant* jlNjve named, and all persons whosoever own ing or claiming to own. any estate, lien or ln ! t'-restt of any kind or character in and to | the premise* described In the petition in j?nid defendants num^J as aforesaid. 1 WIM. FCRTHER TAKK NOT1CK that they | |ni>? required in appear in the I u strict Court I \>'( the I'ntted Slate* for the Western Dln [ tri. of North <":ir?dii?a at A*henrllle. on the I '.".'n I day of April. IHL'J. and answer r?r de vour to th- iM*ntion or complaint In said pro | "wtinz. or the plaintiff will apply to the !? o>irt for relief demanded in r>.t i<1 petition, j This not |ee Is issued hy order of Court, di ' r' Ttint that publication l>e made for six (S) I | successive v."',k? in the Cherokee S*-out. a I : newspaper published in '"herokce County and I ! circulating in Clay and Cherokee Counties. I North Carolina. respect ively. in the Western | ' District of North Carolina. , This the S ilav of February. 1939. ! fSKAI.) J. Y. JORDAN. Clerk Cnited States Court. Ry. O. L. McLUKD, /-<-M-Jyj> Chief Deputy Clerk. NORTH CA It' >1.1 N A ? CIIKltOKEK COUNTY, j IN RK I'l T.I.IC COCNTY HOSPITAL ELECTION .\t ?? regular meeting of the iioard of Com missioners of t'lierokee County held at the ? ourt house in Murphy. N. <" the 4th day of i Max ii. 1939. i? I*?lng the first Monday in said month. the following proceeding* are had: The following petition signed hy more than i wo hundred freeholders of Cherokee County ha vine heretofore been presented to the ltonrd. tow it: ' "To the i'ommissioner* of Cherokiti County. Murphy. North Carolina: The undersigned citizen*, tax payers and resident freeholders of Cherokee County. ? would respectively request your Honorable Hoard to levy an annual tax for the estub ( llshnient and maintainance of a public l.os I pita I at a place in said county to lw? hereafter 'selected by your Honorable Hoard and the amount of money prono*ed to be expended j the maximum amount Is hereby requested to | U. the sum of Thirty-five Thousand dollars; ; it i-ein*: understood by the undersigned that I ?uk? Foundation will donate or itivp to the I said County for said purpose, an additional sum of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars, which i said board, the question of establishment of ! said public hospital shall he submitted to I he j will allow for huildim; said hospital the aum I of Seventy Thousand Hollars: It is further understood hy the undersigned I that upon the filing of ihi* petition with the 1 qualified electors, and that should said elec : tion carry, the tax to be levied under such ( clcction shall not exceed one-fift* enth of one I per cent on the dollar, for the erection of said | hospital. The undersigned understand that I t >*ik?- Foundation will, upon erection of said I hospital, contribute to the tun in la inn nee of | said hospital the sum of One Hollar a day | ! for each charity or free lied maintained in su id hospital. Ke*|iect full> submitted" Which said |?etition is signed hy more than two hundred person*, who are found as a fact by this Hoard to lie freeholder* of Cher okee County. i And at the meeting of tlie Hoard of Com missioners held on the first Monday in I >e ceuibeer, 1938. an election was called In be held on l he 19th day of March. 1939. to as certain the will of the electors of Cherokee Comity upon the said petition and the propos al iii reference to a public hospital; And whereas, at the meetini: of this Hoard held on the first Monday in February. 1939. an order was entered post|**nimr the said election until the 38th day of May. 1939. and It Is now deemed proper to set another date for the said, election so that any doubt which may exist as to the sufficiency of the adver tisement of said election may Ih* removed, and the electors of the county have an onisir tunity to express themselves at the itoll* in reference to the said petition and the propos al to levy .t siiecitil tax: It is now ordered by the said Honrd of Com miss loners th:?t a pt?rlfon If held . t f\'frj \;i(lnc plai-p in I'hemki C.-unty ..n Tuesday. Uim 11th day of June. !$;). at whi? ? . J . - |h? MUinlion w hrlher ..r not ? ?. of I'h-'nikw thr-n'il) and by its -rnir lanly ?ha!l levy ij;ion the assessed prop -it y i.f ("liirokf'' Couniv -i i t* not ex ceeding one-fifteenth of one 1 ? n*. <-n I he do| l:ir for th?* imrchu^ of f ?l p'tate. for hos pital t>ur>-.s*!i. for III-.' i-onstruction of hos pital )>iilMine? .iml for in ? rtmining tbf winv>. ? ?r for either or all ?>! <1 Tiurpowes. for a | .if riot ?"S'-wdin^ thirty yH.ir!- The Amiint to !>?_? oiniriliutixl l?y Cherokee Coun ty t.inanl* th? pnr< )i tse ??r establishment of said hn?|iital is1 not t-? ??????? ! thirty-five thou ?n?l doll.ir>. To t! "Till that said election may |?< li??M as pro- ided ly law. It is ordere?l * i?'i t a n?-\v registration of the viilprs of Cherokee l onnty tie l:a>l ?t ea? h voting pr rinot in t'herokee County. Tli>* registration Imoks for the purpose of r?vlHleiinK tho desire to %'ote In said t?!? tiun shall l?' opened on the fifth Sattmlay jirece^dinc t h?" day of elation and ??{?i*e T?r registration on the second Saturday prwswllnt; the flw tion. an .. ? Ye*. For a levy . S. Runstdl and I). W Whistenhunt. Andrews, South Ward. Registrar. Mrs. It. A. Pewar. Judges. Frank Dristol. W. T. Forsyth. Burnt Meeting Hous--. Registrar. Mrs. Nora White. Judges. R. I! Kinit. and Kollin Whlt tnore. t'naka. Registrar. G. F Unse. Judges. (1. J. ('row and Major Partner. Rolling Springs. Registrar. Will Mintz. Judges. Drew Davis and Frank Ahernathy. Rrasstown. Registrar. J. B. Martin. Judge* I.o^ ar Mason and I>illard Carringer. CuiIhthoii. Registrar. (>. <3. Anderson. Judge*. l? w. Shields and Arthur Collins. Kbonerer. Registrar. James Mcltae. Judges. Fair Sneed and .lessee '. "mphreys. Grape ("re?'k. Registrar. (!eo. Kogers. Juilges. Zack Ramsey and Ridlin Carter. Hnngingdog. Registrar. Roll In McDonald. Judges. Waiter Dockery and Fred Davis. Hot House. Registrar. John Newman. Judges. T. T. Johnson and Harlev Golden Mh.>nv, Registrar. W. F. Hill. Judges. Arvil Williamson and Kdgar I.edford. Long Hidge.. Registrar, IV B. Morrow. Judges. Willard Graham and Fred Whitner. Marble. Registrar. James Rrvson. Judge* Arthur Palmer and Brum West. Murphy, North Ward. Registrar. Geo. Hemhree. Judges, K. C. Mnllonee. and J. W. l.ovingood. | Murphy. South Ward. Regintrar. R. C. MattoX. JuiJges. Wm. Katnsey and It. R. Ileal. Ogreela. Registrar. tS. J. .lohnson. Ju?lges. Walter Martin and Kmest Stiles I'earht n*e. Registrar. G. F llendrK. Judge* A. D. Taylor and Henry KllioJt. Shoal t'reek. Registrar. I.etlia Wood. Judges. O. IV Taylor and Walter Anderson. Tomotla. Registrar. J. S. Keener. Judges i J. T. Hayes rsnd CJ. O. Stiles. . Topton. Registrar. Mrs. llruce King. Judg* ! ea. I>. B. Wright and Bud Nelson. Vest. Regi?trar. Will Curtis. Judge**. W. M. Brendle and Clay Allen. Fpper Beaverdam. Registrar. J. T. I?o.-k ery Judges. J. I'. Farmer and ? ?. F. Smith. Walker Sehool House. Registrar. .1 W. Kllpatrick. Judges. ?!. M. Kvans and J W. Kilpstrlck. Wolf < 'reek . Registrar. J U. Hyatt. Judge* W. I., tiarren ami John Morrow. It Is further ordered that registration and ! poll hooks he provided by the Clerk of this ! Board for each precinct. J. W. S. DAVIS. Chairman of Hoard. i Clerk Kx-Officio. ' W. A. BOYD. june T Get behind the wheel and get the facts . . . . Just Drive ? Just take the wheel ? then you'll know why Bu'ick is winning more than twice as many V buyers as any other car SERIES 116 Sedans- ... $1220 to $1320 Coupes ... $1195 to $1250 Sport Cars . - $1225 These prices f. o. b. Buick Facto terms can ' SERIES 121 SERIES 129 $1450 to $1520 $1875 to $2149 $1395 to $1450 $1865 to $1375 $1325 $1523 to $ 1 590 1 f. o. b. Buiclc Factory. special equipment extra. Convenient be arranged on tbe liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Pita. SESSOMS MOTOR COMPANY ANDREWS, NORTH CAROLINA