Che Chernfttc S>cout 7 hr Oi -'in n! \lurphv at/ ( l,,'ritl.f>r Cm ' ' . ('arnlitta. PUBI l-H'r '? I \ I RY KR1D \Y ( \\ . BAIl.K^ Kiliiiir-Man.nT Mr*. ( . \\ . I', i i.rte I >1. B. W. >IPF \ iah- Kd. Kritri' i i ;? -i. 1 !? .- at Murph*. \.irt( ? i ' *:ul ? la ? mail irrl<-r \ I ! Mar. I, 3. 1879. ib>oripi is >n r vifs i Iin-OKI I i <>l \TY SI .50 M?nth* 75 F... : V ?; - _ .">?! OUTS! ! ' ??;??? )KF' 1 Ol \"n ' ? 1 . I M .Til OOOOOoOOO O SEEN THROUGH o o THE WINDSHIELD o OOOOOoO?? \t . Jill-- _ a'ior- zMitis: up. V i ? 1! t . i. ? 3?_ S 1 J I ? -tHH-t. ?ttjl- - il- MlpJM l . 1 '.VI ! ! ... >-??? HJ ? ?\?T tilt' liai-k ' ? ? l.i ? i I f n I ? I : j; null i ? If-. \ w ?ifiian .li jjin-. in llu* l lout-r Lianlfii. I i?'l? I Fiiv. Workman tin iti 12 < himne\ ro?k from if'iiain- < t l?u:ii?*?l ? i w ?*I 1 i tiir. Small .rirl tlir ?u inir ?1i 1 1 at a small ho\ . tandiii!T in the coi??Jv? Tun !>????? - pullintz i plow and Sw - 1 l" i 1 1 - 1 ri ! t . . ? \ alley Ki\*r . I - ridiirj harnessed mule^. Sto. e : :?? ?t > i 1 1 i r ' l! on V ?< ??!s box. Woman cutlimr wood. r.t,n ? : - i'*!! I!i.- an ! ;!? ria\ not < nn - ;i iple ? a -??. we wea;< everlastm _-l\ -riling something I i< ral. When von ,-k t ? t a ai-e. a day ??a. !.i\ov 4.1 ? , ? 1 1* \ . ? .[:r m>l do. and -ah?man-hip i> getting hini to I I \i , ? - iieltiir.' otliPi peoj I' I II I \K voiir ioun ? a ! " -t I ? ? i' pi ? > 1 1 whieh to in\? I heir nmii'-y I a hu^inrss. 'an onterprin . ! ?! r?*al estat**. in?'r?-handis?* or anv ??i tho-f tiling that will 1 a t ? ? i : 1 1 y l?< ? < '( ?\IM I \ I S \ I ( SM \ \ SU 1 1* i? <|oinp tho-f til in u that will iiit ! 1 : < ?? tin in to d that will keep them I roni doin- :!. , ^o art 1 'ili'-inan o: a -ahswoman for th?' plan* where yon live. ^ on ar? work in -j 0:1 a eommission hasis; \on net paid a?< ordimr to what \ on il ?. and v 011 will ;_?t pai. more parks, elr.. whieh are hound to eoine a> a result of SKIJ.IMi \atisfaetion \ ou net out of doin** soinelhinjr for the ?rood of all something that \ou know. \ou ought to do. I > i-oine; there will alwa\> be eitii?s and towns, but heeau^e your town has \o douht there will he "sto'e keepers and "elerkr> for several \cars| alwavs been, as lar as yoii; are eoneerne*!. that is no reason -win it will ? ontinue t?? I ? It ma\ l .MSI' throunhoiit \mir lifetime, as a sickly ? it \ . a tired town, xanisliini* \illa '?-. or eallous eoiumunit\. but without prettinjr sold on it vours"!f. and without* -ellinir it to other*. b\ \011r ever\ aelion. word and deed. \oii; eomiminity ( \\\()T keep up to and ahead of date. Don't let your eommunit) net behind the times. Do ^(>1 !! part. Il ill he |!i-t as modern, ru-t a> \LI\I. as \ oil will work to make it. Tlii* Town Om-tor \ rl ?? 1 . ?mr i?f n *?>ri?** nf fifl>-t\M?. i- |>ul?li*hi*il l?y Ti c flii'roK ???? ^??>ul in ? un;?iT 1 1 witli ll?f Muriiliv l.ion? fluli. l'n|?> rixlit. Tin* Town lloctnr. All rielit* < l r?|iul?lii;ilH?ii. wholl) ?r in |uirt. rr*rrv?il. \ ma n wearing a black derby u.-ilkin" i !??* ? ro ? tie- wiih a pipe in | l!u: -outin in corner < >? li i- laee. jSk .-rou.l ?f |m.?? an*.! ?!r!-. riding j in i Chevrolet r;u with the top torn ! off . \ 1m?\ and vi.l by the side of the ! ? ?a< I fixing a puncture. \ man. bo\ and ? i ? ? ir walking j I around in the field. OPEN LETTER TO COUNTY SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Murphx. \. March 18. 1929. | I )ear ( .?? niinitteeinen : 1 am sending tli> letter to all ' i committeemen of tin* count \ te well organized, as provided by the law: but this organization ean [ not be effected till all vacancies in ! the \arious boards of the counts i have been filled by appointment by the County Hoard of Education, j This will be done at th^ f i r-t meet inir of the Board in April, or as soon thereafter a- is convenient. V soon a- can be learned what the legislature has done affecting j ihe duties of the committee, if any-, tiling, and as -oon as your board can be completed by the board of ; j education. I think we should have ;a meeting of your committee, rela- j 1 live to the employment of teachers, ??are aiul protection of ilie school !-iii!?!iii_: .mil piuimils fuel and all needed repairs. These facts should i l??- ii .nl ayaUaliie f??r the Konm of; I .duration*- use in preparing ihe Mi\ budget. ^ ?>u can render valu able s?*r\ in* along these lines ? I urinir I he next >ixt\ days. I util ihese mat ters ha\e been attended t ? ?. I should like |o su-gest that all applications for teaching positions he received by \ou and held for the consider^- j tion of your entire committee when it has I ?????? i completed and f 11 1 1 \ or ganised in the manner p. escribed by the law. I?\ having your sincere attention and earn* --t co-operation along the lin?> mentioned ahove. ! feel that better 1 *?- 1 : Its can he secured lor all llu* school- vemeiit of your school. \s soon ;;s ii i- convenient for you to do so. \ should like to have sug gestions 1 om \ou as to whom von think would make good members on your comnittce. If this information an I"- in -ny hands to present I" the Board at its April meeting, it will greatly facilitate the matter of com pleting the committees of the counts. Please read this letter carefully and hand it to other members of the committee for their consideration. Sincere! v vours. V ],. MARTIN. FOR SALE ? Part or all of the "Bobbie" Hyatt tract of land ly ing South of the State Highway on the w aters of W olf Creek. 3 miles Kast of Isabella. 21 miles , West of Murphy, and (> miles East of C pperhill. containing one water Grist Mill, with plenty of j timber and agricultural and pas- j ture lands. My age with no chil dren to heir it is reason for sell ing. See. Rev. F. R. CARTER, i Culberson. C., Route 2. \ THREE PEGS t en// or /v thru: acts /'n^entcd by MURPHY GIRL SCOUTS Friday Night, March 22, 7 :30 P. M. J.r- \ .? .1 -five. ri?h. < uiiu \\ oodfin Posev \ Ku??h**l > ?. 1 1 ' ; \ . uli?- -re- i ? romance in lift- Marx Weaver The Three Peps: M a . . I >? > ! -lusiir (irare P.ukcr M:idse. deli ? . !?? i< ?? iltli. >\\< *t ?li-p? ? i 1 i on l.dna Pa I Ion i' ? .1 ? : i 1(1 I- A?- ? ! he - I' ?pp\ Mar-jaret \\ illfispoon I -h ? ? 's Mai * Y\ itherspoon - i Mildred \kili : - ? H.. 1 1 I inilie Pewee^e A ! - !'..!? ' ?? f ? il\ S eston*> f-1 ined friend of Grace Wills Bell~ \CT I 5 . ? : ? Mi - Westoi V Morning. \( ! . " : iv. i'.o W< I; 'it. Twilight. : 111. > ) V '/'>/> l.i !>i?> \ i i'h \ makes an arrangement to adopt a - ' ?:.!"> it . i I I'-nds to a ' i' ilal'le *Yom* ? ' I ? i . i ! '? - ? ;? ?; :i? I the kimllx la 1\ mothers alt three. One turns out i - -a? ?: i' in : v.ail. in fart. the pla\ i- rapid ? ? j ? ? ? ! i v. ' ' ' 1 1 ?-! i en h ??f iliaraeter and virtue n il ph. wi ' ? ? : ? !. I e|? -un-nt v. ill iill the house with roars of iauvhtei. ADMISSION 15c AND 25c / HtHUitlf it\ nn:rl, M r?/ II . /). ToilllxUI Murphy Bakerv & Cafe lift. til 1'rlre Small or Family I. oaf ?*' I. irct* ?ir I'ulman I.oaf ...... I""" I'liiin Kollt. Ih?r. 10r I'arkor HuUhc HoIN. I?o/. l'ir HU SI I l)\in I.. M. < KARMA. I'ropt. Ml Rril\. -V C DICKEY'S FEED PRICES Spoil I >11 rt Oats (5 Bu. Bags! por hap sl.25 W'hito Food Oat*-. por hag 3.75 (lorn. V?. 2 While ??i ^ I? ?w Per Bushel 1.40 Ku 1 1 O Pop Serateh Feed por owt. .'5.00 I nil O Pep Starling Ma>h per ewt. 5.00 (". S. Moal uollow 7'. ? per hag 2. 10 ; C. S. llnlU. por hag 1 .00 1 > I iio (low Shorls. por hag 1.75 Pure Soft \\ heal Bran, por hag 2.25. Flour iFamilv Paten I per !>!?!. 7.25 Lard. lb hucko!. j>or hisrkot 1.20 \ 1(?' . \rid. 200 11? bag, per I ?;?ir 1.75 \ .-i. 10-2-2 U'.om Fertilizer por hag . 2.50 Wo ha\o other Fertilizer's at roa- ' s? suable priees. Carr\ full stock all tho time. (iahhage Plants. Frost Proof for oon running an aooount with lis please remember that after this date it will 1m* eash to all on evo^Ylhing i we soil. DICKEY FEED CO. Ml RPHY. N. C. Somach Trouble If ?ras. d\ >j>r|?sia. heart burn, bloating. sour stomaeh. and poor di grstion make \?m miserable and gron? hy. ami mail) foods do not airnv w il!i yon. \\h\ not make the binle.x. 15 minutes test? Diotex is i- harmles* to young or old. \et works with surprising speed. One ingredient ha* the remarkable pow er to digest 3.000 times its own weight. Don't give up. Get Diotex at anv ding store. !\u it to a test. Mon ey baek if \ou don't *soon feel like new. ami able to rat most anything. ()nl\ f>Oe. ? MEMORIALS'- iN ?GEORGIA vMARBLE R?'gal Blue Marble ami High Grade Granite. Call and see Samples. SWI MONEY Murphy Monument Co. Flionr IS MurpliT. N. C. EASTER EXCURSIONS WASHINGTON D. C. MARCH 29TH, 1929. HKTi KM\G: Tickets i 1 1 !>?? good returning on all regular trains Crescent Limited trains 37 and 33) so as to reach origin. si starting point before midnight of April 3id. 1929. ^KL: Cherry Blossom Time in Potomac Paik, Rainbow Fountain in Lincoln Memorial Pool. Capital. White House. Washington. Monu ment. .Mount \ ernon. Public Buildings. Art Gallery, The Zoo and many other points of interest. ROUND TRIP FARES Murphy si 5.00. Andrews $15*00. Marble >>15.00. Topton SI 5.00. and equally low fares from all stations in Western North Carolina. SPECIAL SLEEPING C,ARS Thru sleeping cars for this occasion on NV?. 12 leaving Asheville 2:30 P. M.. Friday 29th. No baggage will be checked on these tickets and no stop-overs will be granted Call on local ticket agent or addres.- the undersigned jor further in formation or pull man reservations. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent ASHEVILLE. N. C.