! - ' Animus ICnrals \lr. P. B. IVrebee ieft \rti thi- week on a L?u> 1 ii?" ? trip t" Cretjis!"?ru. V t . Captain Frat:k >wan left ^ ednes da\ of thi- week for Portsmouth. Ya.. w here he w ill receive treatment in the I nited States Marine Hospital. Mr. \ Mr. J. \. Mar tin. h is the understanding, that this marble business is to be run for three months with a view to aseer taining if it will pay. It it pays din ing that time, if is to be enlarged .ind made into a larger business. Mr. H. \. IVw -ir made a btisine ? 'rip to A-heville t-. latter part of tin* past week. Mr. J. I. I ?: i**t? '1 has tendered his -'?signation as a meinl?er of the Board of Mdermen of the Town of Andrev.-. Mr. Bristol was reeentlv elected a member of the Board ??! Trustee- and 1 a : ? I aside his ??ld i- :? for the new one. Miss Hall, one of the teachers in the Andrews s?ho??| who has been away in Spartanburg. S. f? li nearly two weeks on aeeount of the serious illness ,,f her father, return- 1 ed W ednesdav ??[ this week and re- | sullied her duties in the school. i Supt. \. B. (~oonih- ??f th?' \n ? u> school left Andrews for Hal h on W ednr-dav ??! this i*e**k. Mr. ( omhs goe- 011 business in runnec t' n with hi< -eho? I ii-iti?'- in \n ilrew Vttornev Ralph Moody, of Mnr j?ii\ . v\;?- in \ndrev%- on Monday ??f this u??*k on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bristol and son and daughter. ! dwin and Ma:-* A lire, and Mrs. \. B. Chandler, i m Sundav in Franklin, a. C.. visiting friends ami relatives. Mr. J. B. Snead on last Sundav night had the misfortune to have hi* artomobile burned up. Mr. Snead ua- foniinjr home from a trip and just as he got this -ide of Grannv Squirrel Gap the fire began to eonit up all around hi- uear shift ? he ran his car ???i the side the ro;i,J -o ! that the door otfi that side eould not he opened, and th-n found that the i apparatus for holding ?"ips prevent- : ed his opening the door on the other -ide ? he then had to open the uin-i dow in the door and ?rawl through. , Hf f?'li and hurt hu bark and -ide. Hi- car v\as totnllv burned. Mr. Sflle:.-. ??! I lav Coutitv. wa a v isitor in \ndrew-s on Fuesdav of t!?i- week. Mr. Bailey. ediUu of the Oierokre j Si out. u;b a business \isitor in \n drevvs on Tuesdav ??! this week. 1 Rev. \V. H. Ford, pastor ?>f '.in* Nndrews Bapti-t C.hureh. left Sun dav afternoon for Canton where he will < nndiH't a two weeks revival i oetinir at the Baptist rhusrh there. H ere it is ? ? ? A NEW FRIGIDAI1 at the lowest price in Frigi daire history ? ? < and equipped with the Cold Control Tnly* 195 Dmlirrrmd complete plugged in and t corking in your hnmr. (I'rry ro*y terms if you prr/cr). And n cabinet which adds brauty to any kitchcn ... ail ma chinery completely cncloscd . . . built of steel with a perma nent Duco finish. ..and with the added value of a seamless porcelain enamel lining, as easy to clean as chinaware. 4 cubic feet food compartment; 0 square feet of shelf space. HERE is the greatest value ever offered in the history of electric refrigeration ... a new Frigidairre at a price so low that no one need delay any longer. And it has every essential Frigidaire feature. It even has the famous Frigidaire Cold Control . . . the exclusive new Frigidaire development which enables you to regulate at urill the time re quired to freeze ice cubes and to make possible dozens of new desserts that require extreme cold. Stop in and see this latest Frigidaire development. You need Frigidaire. Now is the time to buy. See this new Frigidaire today ...in our display room. WALTER E COLEMAN Dealer MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA NEW BUS LINE BETWEEN MURPHY AND ATLANTA V new bus line ha- just started , operation between Murph\ and \t lanta. Ga.. h\ wa> of Copperhill. Tenn.. Blue Ridge. Canton. ami Marietta. Ga.. w 1: i? 1 1 i- owned l>) the Carolina-Tenne?-see-Geoi'gia Bu> Incorporated. The busses a scheduled that two lea\e Atlanta daily tor Murphv. and two leave Murph% dail> for At lanta. The corporation owning and op ? rating the bus.-es. is a Murphv coii eern. and was ineorporated in North (Carolina. The incorporators aie I. S. Kvans. President: l\. L. Lanee. \ ice President : and C. W . Savage, Seeretai \ and Treasurer and gener al manager. The company was in corporated at a capital stock of >25.000.00, with $6,000.00 paid in. I he main office ??f the companx i- J Murphy. C.. I he schedule of the busses tcen tr;f1 >tandai-d time) follows: Leave Allan/a. A. \f . Atlanta. 6:30: Marietta. 7:05: W oodstock, 7:35: Holl\ Springs. 1 7:50: Canton. Ji:05: Rail Ground. !per. ?J:55: Talking Rock. 0:07: Kllijav. 0:37: White Path. 9:52: Cherrv Log. 10:07. Blue Kidge. 10:22: Copperhill. 10:52: Duck town. 11:12: Murphy. 12:27 Leave Murph . A. M. Murphv. 6:30: Ducktown. 7:45: ( -opperhill. ?>:0.">: Blue Kidge. 8:35: Chc?rv Log, 8:50: White Path. 9:20 j Kllijav. 9:20; Talking Rock. 9:50: Jasper, 10:02; Tate, Id: 12: Nelson, ilO:l9: Ball Ground. 10:26: Canton. 10:51: Holly .Springs 11:06: Wood Mock. 11:21: Marietta. 11:51: At lanta. 12:26. Leave Atlanta. 1/. \tlanta. 3:00: Marietta. 3:35:! WITH THE CHURCHES | BE A BOOSTER )i \ on think vour church the best. Tell Vm so! H you'd ha\e it lead the rest. Help it grow ! When there's anything to do. Let tli: i always eounl on you. V* . II ?! good v. hen it is through. Dof! t \ i ?U klloW If xou're used to giving knocks. Change your style: II i row bouquets instead t \nd a smile. When a stranger from afar (!omes along. '' him who and what \??u are ? M.:ke it >t:ong. flatter, never bluff. Tell the truth. for that's enough. He a booster, that's the stuff. Don't just belong. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SOUTH DIRECTORY P;i?r? - ll?i\var?J ?' Pow- II : ltOXKIt ?( I *TKIV.\KI?? Chairn.an B. W. r.rar District si* ?ar%-. j. tiny .... Harry fain Tfasurpr . . V. C. Hyatt1 ?: ? lie S.-. r-t;,.. V- II Klktnn W. A !*.. .V. .1 J V. Noil Davi'I-M". li r: It. M Fain. ?*. K ? r J. H M. Call. Mrs K I: N.r J A Kii'baril?(*H. 11-- T. .1 Sw-r.l. Pianist M*s Henry Axle*- 1 nt r anist Mr*. I^l?* Lf Cfii.ir Plmir'*' ? Mr.-. Harry P. C'>?it?or Supt' Sumiaj Soho'l .... K V. \\>av?*r ru-;.)?r' XV. M <_ . Mrs. I" li. Nfirwll | "?Vn:iir Kp*? ? ri*' I ? .a- :? M:ss fur- hn Ftalley .Iiir?-->r Hi ? r'h Mi?? \>!a ||:i-l):?n Sundav -< hool at nine forty five, Mr. k. \. Weaver. Superintendent. Morning worship at II o'eloek. "The \ttraetiveness of Christ." will be the subject of the sermon h\ the pastor. Tin Kp worth Leagues will meet at -i\ fifteen. \t the. evening hour of worship, .-ex en o'clock. the Kpworth leagues will ohsexc the Kpworth League \n niversarx Day. This will be one of the most interesting services of our ?bureh. Vm are invited to woiMiip with us and to sec and bear our x< iiiig people in their work. FIRST BAPTIST CHI RCH Janes I.eRoy Steele. Pastor Smday: \. M. I'ihlc Sdioul, \.?ah Loxingood. Superintendeul. Morning worship at 10:55 A M Sermon in pa-tor. "\\ by I Relieve in "Once Saved. Mwavs Saved.'" Junior. Intermediate ami Senior I. V P. U. at 6:15 P. M. Iw.-ning evangelistic service 6:55 \ M. Sermon b\ pastor. "Why 1 fVlicxe in Heaven."" Monday through Friday, training classes for young people's unio'v '???ting as follows: 3:30 P. \f. Ju niors. tnpghl by pastor. 7:00 P. M. Woodstock. 1:05: Holl\ Spring?.] 1 :20: Canton, 4:35; Halt Ground. 5:00: Nelson. 5:07; Tale. 5:14; Jasper. 5:24: Talking Rock. 5:36; Kllijay. 6:09; White Path. 6:21; 'Cherry Log. 6:36: Blue Ridge. 6:51 , Copperhill. 7:21: Ducktown, 7:41; Murphy. 9:00. Leave Murphy. P. M. Murphy. 1:15; Ducktown. 2:30; Coppefhill. 2:50; Blue Ridge. 3:20; Cherry Log, 3:35; W hite Path. 3:50 Ellijay, 4:05; Talking Rock, 4:35; [Jasper. 4:47: Tate, 4:57; Nelson, 5:04: Ball Ground, 5:11: Canton, 5:36; Holly Springs, 5:51; Wood stock. 6:06; Marietta, 6:36; Atlan ta. 7:11. POULTRY PRICES 1 The following prices will be paid! 'for poultiy at ear, Murphy. N. C., I Tuesday, March 20lh, by the Faim- j .?r's Federation by the arrangement I of the Smoky Mountain Mutual Ex change: Hens, heavy breeds, lb 25VzC Hen?, light breeds, lb. 24c Broilers, under 2Vb lbs., lb. 37c Cocks, lb. 12c Ducks, lb. 20c Geese, lb. _ 15c Turkeys, lb. 25c Eggs, not over week old, doz. 20c | Cases furnished fanners and eggs! | packed at car. ? ? Intermediate?, taught by pastor, Seniors ant! adults taught by Noah Lovingood. Everyone invited. Fifth Sunday night. Union service df Presbyterian. Methodist and Bap tist churches. Sermon to be preach ed bv Dr. Anderson. We are export ing a great service and will have a warm welcome for all who come. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIRECTORY ri."t.T J- P. Ando'ton DUVfONS chairman J. B Store? ? AT Vnuchn. B. w. Slpe.' H. s. Miller. R. S. Parker. El.DRRS Chairman Jno. II. Di.lard K. A Davdsnn. J*?-k Hall. M. W. Bell CV-V . .f S-sMon . Jno. H. Hillard Oh* - T.oarter . . . . . . Mrs. C. \V. S.ivasn pianist .... Miss Anne Graham Anderson Sunt Sunday S? ho? 1 . . Jno Tl. DillstM P'ix W??ms?n's Auxiliary. Mrs. c V.\ Snva-o Pres. Christian Endeavor .... Anne. CandW SERVICES OF THE WEEK Sunday school at KMX) A. M.. J. I H. Dillard. Superintendent. Teacher? of Bible Class. George \\ . Candler, 'jack Hall. Sr. Morning worship at 1 I o'clock. Subject: " \ 'fw Heart," Text: Ezer. 36:26. Evening worship at 7 ?> clock. Sub ject for evening discourse. "Th?* Desert and the Garden,** Tert Isaiah .r"> : 7. The Christian Kndeavor Society v. ill meet at the church at 6:30. B. \\ . Sipe. Leader. \n unusual good attendance was noted last Sunday. We Impe the parents will remind t lie- children to attend. Choir practice every Wednesday ! night at the manse at 7 o'clock. \ cordial invitation is extend?vi to all to worship with us. jXNOW Your South | \ and be a Partner ft \ ???//! its Growth ? ? ? EvanFv n??, Ind., rnc c " the important termin; I points on theL&N. System. ha.? a r'-'pulution of over KXi.HOO, pro bably tl;ct.ird larc -t city in the State. From a manufacturer! g and business standpo*. it is ea-.-ily second in vol ume and value of it a productn. Locatt ' at Evansville are ?36 indus tries, p v j'-;ng a great variety o? naanrf u i..xJ and processed articles, whoso value in 1927 amounted to S 3,1.",0,C< ). Mora important in volum? nnd val. arc grain products, furni ture and nctv .onoi, trucks und mo tor vehi :c bodice, grsoline engines, steam s'v vrl3, dredginf? machinery, packing house p .s, ittfant foods, molt prod-.. . -,ars, brooms, loco niotivo ? ? aaughts, clocirical machin ery-, elect: 5c and gas refrigerators, crockery ? sva~e. -."ambers* earthen v'3 re liv.d fiLi-.-irrs, hardwood lumber, agricultural implements, bri^k, struc tural iron, etc. Evansville is the operating andtraf' fic headquarters for the St. u)ui? and Henderson Divisions and branches, comprising nearly 500 miles of rail road. Loc ated here are the large divi sion shops of the Company. The L.&N. R. R. normally has between 2,300 and 2.400 employees in all of its depart ments, who live or have their head quarters in this City. These employees are paid approximately $1,200,000 an nually, all of which is spent or invest ed in Evansville. The L. & N. R. R. operates into and out of Evansville daily 30 freight trains and ?2 passenger trains, with extras whenever the movement of business requires. This passenger service has had a great deal to do with making Evansville "Tho Metropolis of the Tri State Territory." The L. & N. loads out of th? City daily solid merchandise cars to all of the principal terminal cities in the South, Southeast, and West. These are handled in through freight trains, giving less than carload shipments the came expeditious move ment as on through carloads. The L. AN. R. R. has been one of the most potent influences in developing and building op the industrial and com mercial interests of the City, its steady strides and growth are reflected in the advancement of Evansville. It is an in stitution of which we feel justly proud. In substance, the L. & N. is a very im portant part of the foundation of our City. (8l|Md) A. P. EBERUN, Secretary-Manager EVANSVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE