Htff rt- ? mT The Leading If'rrhlr \ VOL XL NO. 1(1. rutrnper in IT'etlrrn Xnrtlt Carolina. Covering a [.arpe and Potentially Rich Territory in Thi ? Slnt Ml RPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, MAY 10. 1929. V COPY ? $1.50 PKR YKAH ssas COOPER named! MAYOR IN THREE CORNERED RACE1 Three Members Of Old Boor,/ Re ? 1 Eleeted and Three New Members A 7 anted Mavnr Harry P. Cooper, incum- j bmt. was rwlfted mayor of Mur- 1 pkv in Tuesday's election liv a 111a- ! jorit* of 29 votes over his two op ponents. \\ . M. Fain and W. M. Ax |rv. while three members of his board of aldermen met defeat and three members of Fain's ticked were named instead. The members of the board of aldermen serving last year and reelerted are R. B. Ferguson. J. W. McMillan and J. A. Richardson. The three new members named are A. A. Fain. V. M. Johnson and W. S. Dickey. Virgil Johnson, running on Fain's J ticket, received the largest vote pol led. while \Y. S. Dickey, on 'he same ticket, received the next largest vote. The official count of the votes follow s : For Mayor llarrv P. Cooper. 231: W. M. Fain, 135: W. M. Axley. 70. for Commissioners V M. Johnson, 280: W. S. Dickey 274: R. B. Ferguson. 265; A. A. Fain. 259: J. A. Richardson, 249; 3. W. McMillan, 235: G. W. Cand ler. 200: E. C. Moore. 185: C. M. Worford. 126; W. J. (Bill) Adams. 114: C. R. Hill. 170; Wm. P. Payne, 74; J. W. King, 70; B. R. Carroll, 43. NEW EQUIPMENT IS RECEIVED BY POST OFFICEl Mr. A. B. Dickey, Postmaster an nounced this week that a number of new machines for expediting the work of the local post office had l*en granted to Murphy by the Post Office Department oif Washington, D. C. The equipment includes one electric cancelling machine, one Remington typewriter, one Dalton adding and calculating machine, one automatic parcel post scafc, three stamp cabinets and one new 8 oz. letter balance. With the exception of the elec tric cancelling machine all the new equipment has arrived and has been set up and the cancelling machine ? expected to be installed sometime this month. This new equipment *?? granted to the Murphy port of fice because of the heavy work war ranted the new and better equip ment, and the employees of the of fice will be aided greatly in expedit ing :he work. Mr. D. S. Russell and J- VV. S. Davis, members of the Cherokee Road Commission and County Board Commissioners were in Murphy on Monday of this week attending 'he meetings of their boards. Mr. Ralph Moody, of Murphy, was in Andrews on Saturday of th*8 week on professional business. WISDOM BEGINS WITH MOTHER BY ALBERT T. REID MOTHER O" MINE! If I we:e hanged on the highest hill. Mother O' Mine. O Mother O' Mine! I know whose low would follow me still. Mother 0' Mine, 0 Mother O* Mine! If 1 were drowned in the deepest sea. Mother 0* Mine. 0 Mother CT Mine! I know whose tears would come down to me. Mother 0* Mine, 0 Mother 0* Mine! If I were damned of body and soul, I know whose prayers would make me whole. Mother (V Mine, 0 Mother 0? Mine! ? Kipling. SLOCUMB GETS GUESSING AWARD J. C. Slocumb, of lvluiphy, re reived the award of $5.00 offered by Hampton Brothers to the one guessing nearest to how long it would tak?* for Midway Lake to fill, and Davis Rirks received the second award of $2.50. Mr. Slooumb's guess was 64 hours and Mr. Ricks' guess was 65 hours. The lake was 63 hours and 20 min utes filling. It was closed at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning and water began pouring over the dam at 12:20 Monday night The guesses ranged from forty hours to 1200 hours. The heavy rain cn Sunday morning and night greatly shortened the time. FOUND:- ? One left-handed catcher's glove. Owner can have same by applying at The Scout office and paying for this add. I "" CHRISTY ELECTED ANDREWS MAYOR J. H. Christy' was elected mayor of Andrews in Tuesday's election in i four cornered race, winning over D. S. Russell, Dr. J. E. Tidwell and H. H. Hyde. Four members of the board of aldermen were also elected, and one member of the power and light com mission. The vote follows: For Mayor J. H. Christv. 155: D. S. Russell, 102: Dr. J. C. Tidwell, 95; H. H. Hyde, 21. For Commissioners L. B. Nichols, 276: W. W. Ashe, 258; J. W. Porter, 223- W. D. Whi taker. 186: D. F. Mehaffey. 172; P. L. Robinson, 165; L. O. Coldwell, 137. For Pouer and Light Commission E. A. Wood, 252; Jno. A. Tatham, 48. CIRCULATION DRIVE MEMBERS AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION MRS. T. P. CALHOUN, Murphy 116,500 MISS GENEVA LOVINGOOD, East Murphy 115,000 MISS MENNICE PAYNE, 103 Walnut St., 116.000 ' MRS. G. W. ELLIS, City 115,500 MISS NETTIE HOUSTON DICKEY, 202 Hill St 116,500 MRS. D. V. CARRINGER, 428 Hiawassee St. 114,000 MRS. J. V. BRITTAIN, City 114,500 MISS HAZEL BARTON, Marble, N. C ' 117,000 $50 EXTRA CASH PRIZE FEATURE j OF CIRCULATION DRIVE THIS WEEK Close Race Develops As End Nears ? Hard Deter mined Efforts Must Ee The Slogan For Those Who Hope To Win I Register If You Want | To Vote In Hospital ' Election Tile rrpistrntinn books of the oountv open Saturday, Mav llthJ for thi* registration required in llie election of a co'unty hospital. | The hooks will l?c open at each polling precind, and an entirely new registration is required. If 'von don t register. you can't vote., j Every man and woman who ex Ipect to participate in the election ! must register regardless of any j j registration heretofore. Don't wait until the day of the "lection and then say you didn't I know a new registration had been [called for. McL^ampbell Elected Mayor At Marble Roy McCanipbell who is employ ed by the Southern Railway Com pany as agent-telegyapher received the largest vote that was ever given a candidate for the office of mayor. Air. McCamphell is 32 years old and has been in the service of the Southern Railway Company for twenty years in various clerical po sitions. Mr. B. E. Robinson is connected j v ith the -firjn of N. W. Abernathy &j Co., and is an energetic business man. Mr. B. B. Palmer is is farmer and business man of Marble and uncle of Sheriff N. W. Abernathy of this county. Mr. Algie West is a minis- 1 ter of the gospel and a man who is looked on as an upright business man an?? Christian gentleman. Friends wish the newly elected officers a successful administration and that our town will be benefit ted through their official acts. The leturns were as follows: For Mayor Roy MeCampbell, 55; J. H. Mintz 11. For Aldermen ?? B. E. Robinson, 43: Algie West, 32; B. B. Palmer, 32; H. L. McHan, 26: J. W. Dockery, 25; A. L. Mc Han, 21: C. M. Trull, 17. J. H. Mintz whose name appeared on the ticket for mayor, withdrew | from the race. MAUNEY-LAURIA Miss Eva Nell Mauney and Mr. N. J. Lauria were married at West minister, S. C., on November 20, 1926, by Rev. H. M. Merritt. pastor of the Methodist Church of West minister. Mrs. Laui ia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mauney. She is a graduate of the Murphy High School, and also attended N. C. Col lege at Greensboro. She was sten ographer for Wofford-Terrell Co., for many years. Mr. Lauria is the son of Joseph Lauria, of Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated from Pennsylvania State College, 1923, with B. S. degree. He is now connected with James D. Lac cev, timber and land factors of Jack sonville, Fla. They spent their honeymoon in Eastern North Carolina, and will make their home in Jacksonville, Fla. Those attending the wedding were Mrs. Herman Elliott, of Murphy, M. M. Calloway, of Savannah, Ga., and Harry Moore, of Philadelphia, Pa. The wedding of this young couple came as quite a surprise to their many friends who extend them best wishes for a long and happy life. T!v? prosper! ??f having their sub scriptions yield surli a p eat vote value this week and with the added nl 'ruction of the >.">0 ca*h prize is bringing home to each and everv worker realization of the good tilings whieh are to come t<? them, now within a ver\ short while for their aid in helping to boost The Scout's Circulation list. And with one eye set on ill" $50 extra cash prize and the ofhci* on that beautiful shinv new Pontine Tudor Sedan the Drive jmembere :ire "combing" the entire field for those all important sub scriptions so necessary lo their suc cess. A veritable harvest of votes can l?e gathered this week, and those persons who wish to help their fav orite candidate over the winning line, should give in their subscrip tions now before votes take another "slump. ' \\ hat's the use of wait ing around until the last minute in order to give the subscription? As then it will count tlie least possible votes of the entire campaign. Ample Territory Left Drive members are cautioned not to make the serious mistake of think ing all the territory has been can vassed. Hundreds and hundreds of people in Cherokee county have not l?een approached yet. Or in other words, do not assume that the other fellow has beaten you to it. Go to it with "hammer and tongs" and d?* termine that this week's report will be a good one. The $50 extra cash prize will be ! awarded the member who succced? | in turning in the largest amount of money for subscription payments j this week. The winning of this prize 1 does- not in any way conflict with | the winning of any of the other prizes as the same subscriptions that you are collecting to win the cash prize will count you thousands of vote? ; toward winning the Pontiac and other prizes. After this week only twelve more working days remain of tlie big Drive. Then the judges will take ovr the records and determine who will be the fortunate ones. NOW ? RIGHT NOW is the lime to work. Last minute attempts will be of lit tle avail to those who might be de pending on working along half heartedly until the last week, then hope to win by a last minute rush during the last few days of the cam paign will be doomed to disappoint ment. Close Race An outstanding feature of the campaign is the extreme closeness of the majority of the workers. I'rom present indications the close ness with ihe main prizes wi'l be won will occasion the greatest sur prise. For as the campaign pro gresses the race is tightening, and is really closer now than at any time of the campaign. Best Prizes For Best Workers As in all enterprises where the clement of competition exists the winners of the best prizes will be those who do not become "faint hearted" or "winded" during the fi nal stages of the race. Forfusiate indeed will be those persons who take fresh courage and a ner.cwed determination to carry on until the e?id. Persons who feel that they have done enough will be the "also rans" when the winners are deter mined. SCOUT LATE The Scout is several bours late this week, due to the heavy amount of work which the office has had to execute this week, and several ~r ticles had to be omitted because of lack of time for getting them into 'type.

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