MRS. WARREN THANKS PEOPLE 1 take thu means of thanking: the people <?!" Murphy. Andrews, and the county generally for *1 the kindnes. ?es v..u have shown me since 1 ha\e been vour Superintendent of l'tibjc Welfare. 1 feel < hav> ma,U" m!,ny friends du.imr my stay ?muw! y?u and these friendships shall never o f"lSdesiri especially to thank you for vour vote of confidence in n.e m my efforts to handle the many prob lem- of the Department of P?ggg Welfare. Vou not only confidence in me personally but m the office of public welfare by ap pearing twice before the Board of County Commis-ioners with earnest clea for* a continuance of this f Both he men and the women v!ho fought heroically in what wa< destined tD he ??u" ^ ; thank >ou all With my whole heart 1 am thoroughly convinced that tho^c of vou who appeared befoie the , tv commissioners in the interest | of the welfare work not only cxprcs set1 you, own sentiments m ? e*?dt. , the work but you voiced the of a he majority of the people of, Cherokee county. And there nit none who know this any better than th commissioners themse ves. ? The Fates, however, were .... us. If every man. woman an, 1 child, in the county had appeared before our present commissione is. thi suits would have been the same. The missione, s did LUI^ndidUnot0waant'la ?p.???n from i the people -already they knew what resisted and ignored, it was where the chosen representatives of the people deliberately retused to rep [ i? sent then, or even lend n tnectfi-1 and attentive ear. U a Vvher the leaders of righteous-, IZ In- were compelled to fight for life against a selfish. K erning Board which ha,i P"h ,ca debts to pay and they meant to pay them regard ess of the wu,he. ofj the , oeople or of an office which dt.erv rrf ,? be continued, and in respect of law and constitutional govern. ' The spokesmen of progress ard enlightment have little chance for victory in a fight against a sel fish. moral and petty county po litua bu'lv entrusted with a governmental . ?r Our countv commissioners had already, predetermined their To me the sentiment expressed by , of th commissioners in | with the wen are ?** * f nntr I b< ieve that it means a re fyinp. , welfare work rrrU'ent Board of Commis sioners go out of ?ff,^ouragement ss.h^s.'3U?rl*CK irsKJsirt.VS, t^oTn-X ? Murphy and of have! spiritual cooperat,, ? ^ ^ doc. ?hOWn/ thofr free advice and assis ts I thank my Girl Scouts for ^" activities in behalf of ou? ^needy and crippled humamty. They ha^ ffu^.^towo* with them and to have had the honor | of being: the first to enroll them in j the Girl Scout movement, i thank the schoa" teachers of the county for their aid in my efforts to enforce the compulsory school attendance law. I do not know how they will fare thei coming year. Our commissioners have dealt a severe biow to our school j system. It is a physical impossibil ity for Mr. Martin to handle the wel- 1 fare work a>ong with his many other duties and responsibilities. Dr. Mor-i row cannot handle it because his du-( ties are carved out for him by law and this law makes it a misdemeanor for him t0 do anything else. He is legally bound to devote his full time to his duties as health officer. Dr. Morrow is not Hkl'y to do something he is not obligated to do. I thank the poor and unfortunate , people in the county ? those whom I have helped and those who need it ? t for their expressions of gratitude for * he reviews. I have rendered them a:.d of regret that I am leaving. If during my stay here I had done n? th t i.'ijr more than rescue one wayward L.ii! from immoral ruin and drag one delinquent boy back (rom the frown ing gates of the penitentiary, my la l ors were not in vain. For who will { lace a price upon an upright, sef - jpf t.rtinjr human life that has been salvaged from the wreckage * i hu manity to the good of the world? I thank tht. mayor of Murphy and the ex-mayor of Andrews for their friendly HgHS in the 1 1 bi ought before them. 1 thank the] n loreif people of the county for the inter | t they manifested in my work. I thank the merchants business men of .Murphy for the help they gave in making the Chiistmas tret possible last Christmas. Thai event gladdened the heart of many a little fellow, who otherwise, might have missed the thrill of the Christmas spirit. I extend my congratulations to the ex-commissioners of Cherokee cot nty for their humanity and vision in putting on the welfare work, and I thank them heartily fo rtheir con tinued support of it. I thank the Board of Education for their loyalty to me in the common cause for which we fought. And I thank the editor of The Scout for his pas', favors and his kindness in giving me space for this. May I assure the people of the county that mv stay hero has been both n'casant and profitable. I do not say in any material sense, but I have found \alue and happiness in , the friendships I have formed and in '.he work I hafe done. Perhaps 1 i cannot claim all my acquaintances as my friends. Maybe I should say they are nearly all n?y friends. Out present county commissioners have i ot gazed upon the results of my la bors but I am able to *ee them. I i can come back heie at the end of a decade and stll see them. I re per it, my stay here has been both plea sant and profitable I have come to j love the people of Cherokee county ! an(i *0 enjoy the summertime :n the mountains ? the inspiring, lofty, mountains whose wonderful and spir al peak., point upward toward a ju*-t and vternal God. 1 say good-bye to everybody and Mr \? ? . iv n join- mc in this ??hu ment Mrs. Cathleen \V. Warren, Murphy. N. C. July 6, 1929. POSTELl. Rel atives and friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Mary Allen is im proving in health. The citizens of Postell were proud to hear that the county doctor would be at Suit next Thursday giving free treatment ic the sick folk?. Mrs. Hattie Allen went to Dr. Spargo at Ducktown, Tenn., last Fri day and had an aching tooth puFed. Mr. John Ledford is hauling truck loads of lumber from Mr. Quinn's mill to Mr. Center and son at Duck town. Mr. Luther Thompson killed two largo rattle snakes near his home last week. While out picking berries Monday Mrs. Lei* a Brown cjir-i* very near steppir;.- ?> n a copperhead snake. The weather is good now and crops are looking fiine on Shoal Creek. The farmers are proud of the prospects of a bumper crop. MARBLE Mies Nelle Foster returned home Sunday after spending her vacation in B'lijay, Ga. Mr. J. M. Stephenson has moved to our town. Mr. John Hadge, of Rainbow Springs, spent the week-end with Mr. Ernest Cook. Mrs. Mae Palmer made a trip to Har.gingdog Sunday. Miss Alta Mulkey has returned home from Copperhill, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mintz motored t0 Almond Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Puid Cultherson, of HOST TO NORTH CAROLINA FIREMEN New $300,000 city hall and fire station where fireman will make their first stop in Hendersonville, tegister and receive their assignment to hotels for the Convention <f North Carolina Firemen during week of July I5th. Inset shows Otis V. Powers, Chief of Hendersonville fire department for 15 years, during which period he has also been chief of police. Civic organizations of Hendersonville are cooperating with Chief Powers in an effort to Rive the 1500 firemen and membeis of their families one of the most interesting and enjoyab'e conventions they havc ever attended. Those who will attend the convention from Murphy, representing the local fire de partment, are Fred Johnson, assistant chief; Henry Hyatt, Fred Swaim, E. O. Palmer and E. C. Mallonee. (. opperhill, were in Marlr'e Sunday rfternoon. Mr?. Zala Adams, of Andrews, was shopping here Saturday. Rev. Algie West filled his appoint, nunt at Peachtree Sunday. .Miss Bessie Barton was shopping: in Andrews Monday. Mr.-\ J. A. Martin entertained all of her employees and friends with ice cream and watermelon on July the Fourth. Miss Lucille McDonald, of Murphy is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. W . R. Dockery. Mr. Olson Ilall has been working at the depot at Almond. Rev. J. S. Stansbury preachcd at Rainbow Springs Sunday. HATTIE PALMER NOTARY PUBLIC AT THE SCOUT OFFICE DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY 8PBCIALT1ST BRITTAIN AX LEY BUILDING Office Phone 1M Re*. Pbone IM MURPHY. N. C. LEGAL MATCERS NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR ('OIT.T. Albert Walxon and Clyde Watson. > VS. I I". S. Nichols and wife Eva May ) Nlch-ds ) NOTICE OF PI BI.K \T!0\ Th<- letendants. I". S. Nichols and wife Eva May Nichols, will take notice that an action as above entitled ha-? nw-n commenced in the Suiterior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, which cause of action re lates to real estate situate In Cherokee County. North Carolina, and defendants are proper and n-N-essary parties to wald action. In which action plaintiffs alleae that they are the owners of an undivided one half in terest in said lands, and that the defendants have ousted them from the possession of said lands, and that defendants unlawfully re fuse to ]At plaintiffs into possession with them ar tenants In common And the said defendants. U. S. Nichol* and wife Eva May Nichols are hereby notified that they are required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court ?>f Cherokee County. North Carolina. at the court house In Murphy. N. C. . on the 27 day of July. 1529. or within thirty days there after. and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief de manded in th? complaint. Tnis June the IT. 1929. P. C. HYATT. Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina. C4 7-4t-pd.) NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE Sl'PERIOR COURT. Albert Watson and Clyde Watson > VS. > Ida Stiles. Florence Christ. John Wat- ) son. Julia Oilrenth. Oliver Arp. I^eila > Shields. Roy Arp. Children of Harriett > Arp. James Watson. Clay Watson. Lum ) Watson C. H. Watson. Allen Watson. ) Cleve Watson and Thomas Watson. ) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. The above named non resident defendants. Ma Stilts. F.^rence Christ. John Watson. Ju lia Gilreath. Oliver Arp. Leila Shields, and Roy Arp. Children of Hariett Arp. James Watson. Clay Watson. Lum Watson, C. H. Watson, ami Thomas Watwn, "ill tal.e n.. t that an a. i.-.n as al>ove entitled ban l-wn i < in lh?- Sui>e:-|or Court of Chero k?-?- County North Carolina, which cause of | a<t:ot< i-l.Tes to real i-^tatp situate in < h<" i k)<>- ?\iunty. North Carolina, and defcr-lants proper ami nw***sary parties to said ac tion in which said a?tion plaintiffs are de- J mandlnt: that they 1?? w-larwl to I** the i ?.\vm-rs of said, lands, and that the claim ??f j defendants to said land in wrongful and un lawful and constitutes a cloud upon plain- | t.tfs title, which paintiffs a^kx to k* ?-?! in sa 5d lauw. Ar<1 mid non wldent defemlan- v Stil?\-. Florence Christ. John Wats<i. Cilreath. Oliver Art.. I.eilu Shield*, an Arp. Children of Harriett Arp. James >'n. Clay Watson. Luni Wat son. ?' H. '..n, and Thomas Watson arc hereby notified that they arc required t?? appear at the < f ti?e of the Clerk of the Superior Court f Cherokee County. North Carolina. :it tine Court House :n Murphj. N ui'hhi ?hii ty days from the -J7 day of Jul>. and an swer or (!<-mtir to the totnplaint now on fiie I in said action, or the plaintiffs wll apoly, to the court for the relief ileniamlnl in th< 1 complaint. This the 27 day of June. 1 I', c hvattW Clerk of the Superior Court foi Ch?-?-ol County. North Carolina. M7-4M Id.-i I Jul. a | i . r.oy ] ?Vat Wat - ? . **?*? BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF MURPHY: ? 1. That it shall De unlawful for I any dog to run at large within the corporate limits of the town of Mur phy between July 15th, 1929, and November 1, 1929; and any owner or keener of a dog who shall allow or permit the same to run at large within the corporate limits of the Town of Murphy between said dates shall be guilty of n misdemeanor, am', upon conviction, shaTl be fined $ J 0.00 for each offense. 2. This ordinar- shall be in force .and effect from July 1f:*h, 1929, to ! November 1, 1921). 1 3. Passed at an adjoui 'et ! ing on ouly 6th, 1^26. HARRY P. COOPER, Mayor. MEATS WITH ALL THE FLAVOR! To our Friend* and Customers: We want you to come in and meet "Jim Vaughn" our new electric and fish cutter. "Jim Vaughn" cuts meats, retain, ing J.I of their flavor. When you eat ar orange, you want it with all its juices and flavor. It is the same with meat. When you serve meat, naturally you want it to have all of its iuices and flavor. "Jim Vaughn" does not cut the fine tissues of the meats as does a sharp knife. This fine film of fat ' spread over the meat is really a pro. tecting cover It prevents the flavor and the juices from escaping. Steaks and chocs do not stick in the pan. You will notice the great improve ment in this method of meat cutting. Although the uncooked meat may not 'look as bright as hand cut meat might, it looks better and tastes bet ter than hand-cut meat would, after has been cooked and prepared. |You have meat with all its flavor ? eal- with all its juices. "Jim Vaughn" also cuts meat ab solutely even. The meat has no un leven ends to overfry or overboil in ?the pan. Meats cut on "Jim Vaughn" Tf free of bone splinters, which are |>ot only disagreeable but are also ry dangerous to children and grown-ups. Meats cut on "Jin* Vaughn" d0 not have to be handled Jverv much in tbe store. Come in and see our new meat Cutter. R. L. GULLEY Freeh and cured meats of all kind* Murphy, N. C. Ll ABERNATHY'S STOMACHIC AND APPETIZER The Wonderful HERB Tonic will be found at Parker's Drug Store, Murphy, N. C. My friends if you are bothered with the fol lowing troubles it wil pay you to get some of this medicine: Stom ach trouble, bad blood, chronic sores or boils, rheumatism, lost appetite, white swelling, T. B. of the bone and. all general rundown conditions of the system. Many people have been wonderfully blessed through the use of this herb medicine. Mr - lured by J. H. Ai>< NAUIY & BRO. Andrews, N. C.

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