LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clark and little i daughter. Marion of Copperhill. Tenn were visitors at Murphy. Sun Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Akin and family, and Mrs. John Ax ley motor ed to Gainesville. Ga. Saturday. Mr. Zeb Morrow of Andrews was a visitor at Murphy, Tuesday. Mr Oliver Amnions of Robbins ville spent Sunday with his wife and son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gentdy. Misses Posephine and Constance I)k, J>r. Misses Talitha and Roma Spark? -^etit Easter w'th their parents, at Brass town. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mauney and Son. Richard spent Easter with Mrs. Mannev's parents. Col. and Mrs. G. H. Haierler. Mrs. Mauney will spend several days with her parents. Mr. Mauney and so nretumed home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Davidson were visitors at Hayesville, Sunday. Mr. Whi'e Mease spent the week [ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Ed. C. Mease. Don't forget to see the High Flyers when th^v eirve to town. If you wa- to hear peppy song? and yells be sure to see the High Fivers. The High Flyers will come stepp ing out Friday night. The manv friends of Mrs. Mark West will reeret to hear of her con tinued illness. i music was rendered by the members of the Pre^bytedian choir at the church on Easter Sunday night. The following program was given: i "Jubilate", Choir. Scriptuie Reading, Mr. Rufus I'er kins. i'rayer, Dr. J. I*. Anderson. Response, "I am the Resurrection" "Open the Gates of the Temple", Miss Annie Graham Anderson. "For God So Loved the World," choir. "The Wondrous Cross," Choir. Reading, Anne Candler. "Victory Bells." Choir. ( "All Hail to Christ," choir. "Reading, Margaret Witherspoon. "Not Ashamed of Jesus," Mrs. C. W. Savage, Mrs. J. X. Hill. Mrs. R. S Parker, Mrs. J. I*. Anderson. ?Offertory, "The Rosary," Grace Wills Bell.* "The Springtime of the Soul," the choir. "The Earth is the Lord's," choir. Benediction, Dr. Anderson. Foods The Whole Nation Chooses Famous brand names that women everywhere ac cept as the finest in foods . . . These are the names you find on A&P Food Store shelves. On foods of such high quality our lower prices become a dou ble economy. K. S. C. Uneeda Biscuits 2 pkgs. 9c BEST FOOD'S MAYONNAISE 9c J;?" 18c 3-Oz Jar Camobell's BEANS 3 Cans 25c Pest Toasties or Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 pkgs 15c 3eHo vizlf 2 Pkgs. 15c DEL MONTE Or LIBBY Food Products FRUIT~S ALAD Si.'_24c BART- PEARS LETT Large Can 39c APRICOTS Large Can 37c SLICED : boy's U?K*US(* BEE* N?J 25c Pineapple - 1 No. 1 C? I 0, ? ??.>? ^ * im ~ [r0 * ; cc ' i.l COrT's. ?? .4^ u^- . .. > ; v' r.Miniljl- ll-f lilt JcTEL vA-V ,* ? *"]p I t'.. - 1? II Ununvil ?-? ?lY?-f (iiatt any i |W^ ^ |* J til lit'i taiuh itiO-t' MililQ. , doz ftfi ^ WALDORF TISSUE 4 Rolls '25c Old Dutch CLEANSER 2 * Cans 15c THE