LEGAL MATTERS notice of w, motion At ? r lUKird reeulnr moctinr of thr Mayor and f Commissioner* of the Toun of Murph>. North Carolina. held on the 7th ?f March. I9W. the following miolii. J*v ? lio'ti *???? uniuilnwmly passed: That th? regular ^l?ctfon for the election i Ma v. -r and Board of Six Commissioners i,f th-* Town of Murphy. North Carolina, be. and *',rT"* '* hereby ordered held on Tues day May ,;,h- 19^0. in the Cherokee County Court Reuse In the Town of Murphy, in the manner and during ths hours proscribed by the Australian Ballot Law. For the purpose of hoM'ng ?nid election. T Axl**> hereby appointed registrar and ordered to k?n-p the registration books opto f?r th? purpose of registering all per ^na entitled to vote, and who were not reg istered n?d ''i'1 not ^ ,n the annual Municipal election, at the store of J. W. Ax i?x- and Son. in the Town of Murphy, during fh? 1 hours from Saturday April 12th. to April r??th. both Inclusive; nnd R. c. >d Dirk Sutherland are hereby ap for the office <>f Mayor and Board of Com ?;p?r.? mint hand their names to th* un ,!orni North Carolina, in Book No. 90.. pace : s to which reference is horebv made. I and default having l>een made in the pay ment of the note secured by said deed of trust w hereby the power of *??n|e has liecome ?perat :v and demand haying )ieen made upon i i.v th- holder of said note. will, on ; \l-e.}ri- ? M ay 14th. l?3o. at 1:00 o'clock: A M ' Standard Time) oifer for sale; to th- higl'-?t bidder for cash, at the court- : I,nus? d ?: in Murphy. Cherokee County. ' Ninth Carolina, the following doscrilied lands' aixl J.r f . ?? ?. towit: A r-Ttain ini reel or lot of land, lying ani rh said rei?ort is registered In the th- Reicistor of D'*eds of Cherokee I Count;. N i rth Carolina, in Book No ?!!?. at | i..? ? t s?**i. to which reference is here to- m.i'i-- for a fuller description. This t h- loth day of April. 1930. I' O. ClllUSTOPHBR. i.-'-r Trustee. NOTICI OF SAI.M OK I.AND l*nd' i -ilhorlty conferred by deed of trust .-VHUt-il -I B. Martin, to the First Na tional I"- ?k or Durham. North Carolina. Tru-t ed the 1st day of February. lf Mur*diy. County of Cherokee. State of North Carolina, and more particularly de Kril^i as follows. BeRinninc at a stake in the Western mnrKln of Valley River Ave nue. said stake standing S. 20 K. 54 feet from the point of intersection of said West ern margin of Valley River Avenue with the South margin of Duke street, and runs thence with the line of tho J. V. Barnett lot. S. tS dev. li min. W. 150 feet to a stake in the East margin of a 20 foot alley; thence with siul Fast margin of said 20 foot alley. S. 21 K 130 feet to a stake In said margin: thence N". t.t R. 150 feet to a stake in the Wsatorn margin of Valley River Avenue; them-e with the said Western margin of Val l*y River Avenue. N. 20 deg. W. 10S feet to the point of BKOINNING. And iM-ing all of those certain lots con V?yfd_ to J R. Martin by deed from Wof fora-T^rrell Coanpany. Inc.. dateil iJctober J*- 1827. and recorded in Book 98. tKise ?is 6. of the records of deeds for Cherokee County. X. C. This sale is made on account of default m th- payment of indebtedness secured bv sjid ?I.vs ,f trust and is subjec t to all taxes iin?l paving assesitments against the sai.l l*r.?p. rty. . h ether now due or to become due. Thii Sth day of April. 1930. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. Trusts H W. Cobb. Jr. Attorney. 571 C37-?|> ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havine ?iualifi?-d as administrator of th* estato of Jo?? M. Coffey. dPCMwd. lute of the County of Cherokee. North Carolina, thiw in to notify all persons having claims acainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the underslicned at Marble. N. C.. on or Iwfore the 12th day of April. 1931. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All p^rwrs Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April the 12th. 1930. S. H. PARKER. Administrator of Joe M. Coffey, deceased. (3T-6t) NORTH CAROLINA ? Cherokee County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. \V. l I>eput> Sherii NOTICK OF SAI.K OK l,\NI>. l'n!?r authority i-onffrreil liv dee.1 of trust '?x-M-utfil l?v I .ou Morean (Slni;l-?. to th" First ?.':itional Hank of Durham. North Carolina. Truntw. dated (ho 1st day of |??*cember ?. 1SI7 and wonl?l in Monk SI. I'uce in the offlw of Ihi" lti'Kister of Deeds for Clvrokee County. ih" y:iirn|n>rty. si(u:il*M in thw City of Murphy. <*ountv of (Ivrukw. State of North Carolina. and more particularly descrilted ;ih follow s All that certain i>iwv. parcel or lot of l:tnd. situate. lxlnir and l?-inc in tin* Town oj Murplty. County of Cherokee. State of North Carolina. and more particularly des cribed ax follows: Meuitininjc on a ylnko on the South mar Kin <>l Itlumenthal Avenue. corner of I*. II Sword's lot. anil duns llifticc with si. id South nt:>r?;in of Hluuv-nthal Avenue. \| ?li-u 13 min. W. I feet to :? stake in said margin. Northeast ?*orner of T?\vn*end'ii ! a stake In a drain. thence with said drain S nun K. 525 feet 8 Inches !?> i stake: thence X. \V. I"* feel and *4 inches to the point of ItKUINNINti. And beinic all of that certain lot of land e?Ms for Cher?.k?:?* County. N. C. This sale is made on account of default In t he payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust anil is subject to all taxes and payimr assessment* .mainat tin- said property, whether now due or to It^iuiiie due. This 14th day of April. lt>"? FlltST NATIONAL IIANK ??F IHUIIA.M. Ni'KTII CAHOl.lNA. Trustee. 11. \V. Cobb. .Ir Attorney . 71.1 r.9-4t) LOOK AND LISTEN PLEASE Did vou know you could get BABY CHICKS here form some of the south land's finest State Accredited breed ers? Every breeder raised under State supervision and Bloodtested by them. Large beautiful chicks. Hatches ready for delivery each Monday and Friday. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, White and Silver Laced Wyandottes, Golden Buff orpingtons and large White Legh orns.Write us and we will mail them prepaid to your door. For the next four weeks we will make this fine breeding stock to you for $15.00 per hundred for any of the Heaw Breeds and 12.(50 per hundred for the Leghorns. These will all he from our fine. State Ac credited stock. Bunch Poultry Farm & Hatchery Statesville, N. C. NOTICE | Let Basic Slag, the Six in One Crop Pro- | ducer and! Soil Builder co-operate with your | land. Come Quick, Supply getting low. Price | $15.00 per Ton. ED. HYDE 102 Depot St. j ROOFING ROOFING Heavy 28 Gauge Galvanized Copper alloyed Steel Roofing, none better, per sq $5.00 Paper Roofing, per Roll $1.25 to $2.00 Building Paper 85c to $1.00 Cook Stoves, $12.50, $27.50, $35.00, $40.00 Farming Implements Paints and Varnishes COME IN. WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU AKIN HARDWARE COMPANY Murphy, N. C. | ANDREWS BRIEFS Henry Walker, whose fighting name is "Rabbi" ar.d is a student of the Andrews High School, won hi? second bout in Asheville with a knock out over Bill Fannon of Hoston Texas. This is young Walkers second knockout in the past few weeks. Fannon was Walkers toughest cous temer but was knocked out in the third round. A few weeks ago Walker knocked out Jimmy Kidd Jarrett in the first round of the battle. Walker has won much fame among the Asheville fans and his last battle, while not booked as the main drawing card, played a great part in drawing over five hundred people out to the Auditorium in Asheville to wittness the matches stagged. A pre-school clinic will be held in the Andrews school on May 2, 1930. Proffesser Pittman has asked to have at the school on this day every child in this district who is to enter school for the first time next September. The children will be Kiven a thorough examination by Miss Wells, the county health unrse and Dr. W. C. Morrow, the county health doctor. Where physical defects are found the parents will be informed and given suggestions as to what should be done. The children will be kept at school about three ohurs and will be given a first taste of school life by the first tirade teachers, who will devote the morning to them, playing games, telling stories and showing them how first graders work The woman's club will serve ta ! light luncheon in the home Econo omics kitchen. All parents are ask ed to cooperate with the school in sending their children to the clinic. BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Rev. R. S. Eskridge, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church supplied j the puloit at the Baptist Church of Andrwes on 'ast Sunday. Rev. ' Eskridge ii- we'll known and loved in i Andrews and had a large congrega ! tion to speak too. There was no night services due to the Methodist; revival. Sunday morning services will he held as usual next Sunday. The Senior B. Y. P. U. gave a social las*, week at the honu* of Miss Hazel H\de The young folks had! a great time and a gooldy numbc present. The church has received a num ber of letters from promenent Minis-; ters congratulating the Andrews folks j in calling the Rev Prevost, of Eliza-} beth City, as pastor. He is consider-! ed a great pieacher and a fine chris- j tian man. His wife is also a great . worker in God's kingdom. The Revival which has been in 1 progress at the Andrews Methodist Church will come to close on Sun day night of this week. Rev. McKinney pastor, who has been conducting the revival states that the revival has been a great success. All during this week there has been afternoon services held ?*ach afternoon at two thirty o'clock. These afternoon ser vices were not held during the first week of the meeting. Complying to the wishes of Rev. McKinney his congergations have read over thirteen hundred chapters in the Bible, eleven hundred the first week. He has ask ed that this number be doubled be fore the revival clones. The Andrews High School base ball team have a fine record for the season this year, with only two more games to be played, a double heade? with Canton on May 0 and 10. Hatt ing averages of the team, of those ; who played were also good. I Xame Pos. A. B. Hite A v. : Wilson I\ 12 f> 416 i Morrow II. F. 6 2 S33 Mc Kails L. F. 22 7 31 S Tatham S. S. 26 8 307 Dills C. IS 5 266 Patterson C. F. 15 4 266 Watkins :! IV. 22 -I 1S2I Forsvthe 2 II. 24 4 1 150 j Hamilton 1 B. 21 2 ???'> Biistol J. Ri F. 0 0| Hvde I.. F. ?"> o 0| Bristol E. R. F. 0 0 j Walker T. 0 0 0 0 ] Walker C. 0 0 0 0 ! Matheson " 0 0 o j I Caldwell L. F. 0 0j Re\'. W. II. Ford, former pastor of | the First Baptist Church of Andrews j has been greately honored at Wake Forest College where he is attending school by being elected president of The Miuisteral Class of Wake Forest College. The following is quoted from the Old Gold and Black, Wake Forest Paper: "The precendent of electing a senior as preseident was broken by electing Rev. W. H. Ford, ? who is a sophomore. It was pointed I out that by virturc of experience and outstanding ability Mr. Ford was the logical man to fill the office. With such an able man at the helm of the class and with the cooperation of such a splended group of co-workers, it is expected that the class as a whole will put on new life". , Rev. Ford wfcs pastor here for over three years and did a great piece of work in his church. He is a splendid leader and organizer, aside from his great ability to preach the gospel of Christ. The Senior Class of the Andrew? . Hight School in their regular class ' .nceting litre ? ^ day made plans for Class night which will be held on May 26th. They planned to haw the stage decorated with wild flow ers and make it into a lawn party scene. Wild flowers and vines will be placed all over the stage with a well in the center. Ferres and sweet peas will adorn all the wild flowers Committer were appointed as fol low> to get things in shape for this night: Decorating Committe; Macie Cooper, Sally Dewar, Ruby Wright Marv Barnard and Mable Jones. Committee to gather wild flowers; Lillian Thompson, Pauline Carpent er, Pauline Whitaker, Edward Tatham Wayne Pirilium, Hannah Brown, Elizabeth Rose, Leona Wright and Ora Watson. Committe to find fox nes and other tame flowers; Robert Mc Falls, Sally Pittman, Anna Mae Chapman and Juanita Bell. Tian spoliation and nrereral property ( omniittee; Honry Bellamy, Sally Pittman, David T. Mash burn ar.d Ernest Hyde. Curtain and light Com mittee; Arthur Watkins and Edwin Bristol. P', Mi-- Cathrine Led ford. This scene and exercises will be different from any ever held in the [Andrews School. The Seinr Class, of the Andrews High School, is planning to spend a| part of Class week on a camping trip. They will go to Lake Carrol, | one of the most beautiful lakes and fishing waters in this section on j Friday May 23rd for this outing. Proffesser and Mrs. C. W. E. Pitt man, along with a number of the High School Faculty will accompany them as chaperones. Each senior al so has the privilage of inviting one person outside of the class to ac company the class 011 this trip. Miss Sally Dewar, Macis Cooper and Sally Pittman were appointed as a com mittee of three to make all arrange ments for this trip. The Senior Boys of the Andrews have enjoyed great times at the Andrews Rotary Club, this year, on each Thursday afternoon when one boy would 'go to dine with them The Seniors have now come to the last month of school and each bov nas spent two months with the Rotary Club. This week in the Class Meet ing it was decided that each of the senior boys would take turn about dinning with the Club during this month instead of sending just one boy. Robert McFalls, Wayne Pullium David Mashburn and Henry Bellamy will be the luck Seniors during this month. A large number of Andrews boys will attend the C. M. T. C. camp this year at Fort Orgelthorpe. Georgia. With some it will be a first exper ience while others have already had one and two years training in the C. M. T. C. Those who will attend from Andrews are: Wayne Pullium Horace Morrow, Arthur Watkins, Robert McFalls. Henry Walker, Carlyle Morrow, Vension Pullium and Harvie Owensby. These boys will probably leave here on June 22th and stay one month. The Junior Class of the Andrews High School won the Basketball championship of the Andrews High school here this week in a final vic tory over the Senior Class. They will receive the banner for this year's championship. Percentages of all the games: Class won lost Perccntiage Junior 8 0 1000 Sophomores 6 2 750 Seniors * 3 o 375 Freshmen 2 6 250 Grades 1 7 125 The Jun ors scored one hundred forty six points and had forty one points scored against them. Sop homores scored seventy nine points and forty nine against them. The Seniors ?. coved one hundred five points with ninty two points scored against them. The Freshmen scored sixty four points with ninty five a gainst them. The grades scored thirty four points with one forty 3ix against them. The fore wards scored as follows: Chandler, fifty; Dewar, thirty four; Crawford, twenty nine; Tittle, twen ty; McGuire, thirteen; Reggan, eight; Potts, eight; Morrow, seven; Spiven, seven; Carver, seven; Cooper, seven; Montoney, three; Carpenter P., there and Carpenter L., 1. The Junior grades had forty one points scored against them, Sop homore grades, forty nine; Senior Grades, ninty two; Freshmen gaurds ninty five and Grade guards one hundred forty six. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES to WASHINGTON, D. C May 2nd, 1930 via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL St. Louis (Browns) vs. Washington (Sena tors) May 3rd and 4th. I Detroit (Tigers) vs. Washington (Sena tors) May 5th and 6th. ROUND TRIP FARES Asheville $13.50 Brevard 15.00 Canton 14.50 Hendersonville 14.50 Marshall 14.50 Waynesville 15.00 Tickets will be good on all trains except Crescent Limited and will be honored return ing to reach original starting point prior to mid night May 7th. Baggage will not be checked and no stopov ers granted. For reservations or further information write. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C.