ROY M'ABEE, COPPERHILL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, DROWNS MAY 15 funeral held SUNDAY A. M. IN THIS COUNTY' u aS NKPHEW OF MR. AND MRS Vl'NYON SMITH. OF MURPHY The ? ?"iy of Roy McAbee. 17-year; rid* ro^V" r hill High School student, who ,i drowned last Thursday in !m. o ? River, was brought t<> i Mur Friday and lai<l to rest j ihc' Hampton cemetery Sunday morriir Rev. .1. L. Steele, pastor! f t - Murphy Baptist Church, con- 1 ,j:;, ? ? the services from Hampton < ; < 1 10 o'clock in the morningr. j y. McAbee was a nephew of > 31 r. Mrs. J. B. (Bunyon) Smith.; , ? Mr.-, iiy. and his people were for-' vifj n i'-rits of this county. The 'Mowing story of the deplor- j able ident. is taken from last I week' i -?tic of the Co'-^erhill News. R McAhee. ape 17. member of the tr. vhmen class of the Copperhill Hitrii >? -1m>oI lost his life Thursday mor. .-j al<out 10:20 o'clock when' he jun.rod from a smiill boat into tin* 0co< < iver, near the I>. & N. sta- j tion. Mv \'"(r was in the attempt of rov.-i* the river, going from the | r.crtl; - de t<? the south side, when ? hi- i t v.e frightened and left the \ noat. 1 1 ?? swam a short distance be fore ?. 1 u down. A runch of hoys nearby saw him ! jump to the water and notified "Salty" Mavis and W. L. Jones, who were lose by. Mr. Jones tried to the l?t,\ out but the water was too! dec) uid swift, so he had to abandon the attempt. Davis, we understand.) >a\\ tin boy and dived for him, but] na.- hie to pet hold of his body. Becomes Frightened V. n? -ses to the drowning said that! McAi < ;? hecame frightened when the heat vtrrted down stream and jumped. The boat never was upset. Tin1 alarm was spread that a boy was : . u rn d and in a few minutes the 'a: " .iie rive, were cMvei .d with | people. The father of the boy, B. B. |, lpon securing: a rope swam I the river n order to stretch the rope allow boys who, by this time, har! ?ur? (1 bathing suits, to go into' the water tnd hunt for the body. The j eurrent \vn; so swift that the rope was broke Frank Middleton swam back with the broken end and it was doub led. Ahotr ten boys jumped into the cohl water and begran searching for the bo<:y. Body Found I ? McGee. Winfred Arthur, and -?"> Eppei on discovered the body r.hcut 11:15 and dragrg-ed it to the bank. 1 - its vere made by Dr. C. W. St i au - - at 1 the Tennessee Copper Cuc.i.any estoration crew to revive the i ut. failed. He was taken ] * enter & Abemathy's funeral noi:;. ;,aci prepared for burial. li-<- body was taken to Murphy, N. ' ? e.-.rly today, where interment took plaec . 1 vii.g Roy are, his father andj two sisters, Ethel Lee; and] : rot hers, Everett, John and, n. COOKE PLAYERS IN MURPHY ALL NEXT WEEK I .-. Cooke Players will he in Mur :'r0 all next week. And with the com, of the Cooke Players, all Mur r.'.y - I l?e feathering in the bip: tent eve-y :iitrht. A*?;: it' past appearances can be tak yn as an indication, all nitfht meet ln?r-. public and private, will be cut s' *. pushed up, or postponed until a? r. , ? *j|ne> por everybody will :<? see tihat crazy red-headed {?h' k ' ?rn Hicksville, portrayed by ' in. Brasfield, who is with Mr. t ooiic ;ieain this year. Mr. Cooke was here this week and sta;c<i that he had an even better H' -' am this year than last. Fol are names of the plays to be i ring the week: "The Awak of -John Slater." **Th<' Push,'" . 1 ae Hoodlum," "Playthings.** "With ln,y?e "Toby's Sweetheart." ihe company this year is composed twelve neople, as follows: Mr. -awrence Bra^field, Miss Neva Fish fri ;Y,r- Harry J. Pamplin, Miss Ma Rhodes, Mr. Jack Irvin, Mr. Frank ' ?a?on, Miss Doris Condon, Mr. Rod "ev Brasfield, Mr. Wm. Clarkson, Mr. '?anlc Reynolds, Mrs. Mabel Cooke, and Harry Cooke. Candler, attorney, of Pi .ens, Tenn., accompanied by Judge ",air' Attorney General Witt. Attor neys Watkins and Wheeler, of Tenn essee, who are holding state court at W. N. C. Counties Plan Establishment Of A District Hospital-Home I Italeigh. May 19.- Steps an- b. ?ing ! ta're i in Western North ? arolina. i which may result in the establishment ! of the fi?st district hospital-home in the state according to R. Eugene j Brown, director of institution^ for) the state board of charities and put j lie welfare, who has just returned from a trip to that section. The county commissioners of ("lay. ! Cherokee, and (Ira ham counties are i j considering consolidating their coun ty homes as a measure of economy, i Mr. Brown reports. A small geneial' hosrital under the same management would provide adequate hospital fa- j :litie- for the indigent sick, he points ; out. Macon and Swain counties may ? join the project. Facilities Needed Graham county has no county i i home, but has found that facilities j are needed to care for a few aged i citizens. Instead of building or buy ing a county home for these few 1 aired men and women, the commis sioners are anxious to combine with other counties in a joint institution. Thev feel that better care for a smaller outlay can be secured. Clay j and Cherokee both have county homes, but find it expensive to oper ate them for the small number of 1 inmates, in addition to the large amounts they have invested in coun ty home properties. Mr. Brown re- | ports. With better supervision <>f cases, the number of poor sent to the j yublic institutions in the future is , 1 expected to be reduced. i The General Assembly of 1023 en acted a law by which co? nties are permitted to combine in building and 1 operating district hospital- Mines. but , up to this time no group f counties has taken the step. Mr. Brown, while away, presented the combination plan to commission ers of Mitchell. A very, ind Yancey counties, and expresses the hope that other counties will also take tbe plan I under consideration. OLD COUNTY JAIL BUILDING BEING RAZED The old jail building i- being torn down this week. A. B. Martin has the contract, and some of the bricks' from the building will he used in un I dor-pinning the county home, it i-< I understood. This old land mark has stoo<l for more than forty years. The building used for a before the erection of [ this old one stood on tihe lot where now stands the large tin building <?f the Oakland-Pont'ae motor company. An effort was made by the county to obtain more ground at this spot, but failing to do so an acre of ground was purchased from A. H. Sudderth. I being where the court house and ? jail now stands. In digging back into the old rec | the>?e interesting bits of news was unearthed: A committee' composed of .1. 11. Hennesa. chairman, and .1. S. Mor on ey reported to the county coni | missioneis on August 7. I^ns. the j i purchase of one acre from A. II. Sud j derth, for $2250.00, t be paid in j bonds running for thirty years, as the cheapest and most eligible prop- , erty for the site of the jail, on the I market. The Commissioners were G. G. Whitcomb. chairman; A. H. I Sudderth, and A. S. Hill. Also at this same meeting, a eon- j tract for the ereetion ? f the jail, to : co>t -Sl?, 000.00, was let ' > the Pauly Jail Company. of St. I.ouis. The cm it act spccifb .i that ii' the eommis sioners decided to use any of the *br:ck in the c>:.! jail, 11 contractor would purchase same at $"?.00 per thousand, after inspection by the commissioner-. The agreement was made and by and betw?-?-n :h?- c ? 'v.- J missioners and Will 1.. I.andruni. by John A. Sc.itt. Agent. Ti.e o:.! jaii was orde red advertise;! . : ?! sold. A ! the meeting Sept. 18KS. b< ?. for the Paulv Jail Com; any was ten dered and aci ?-pted. At a meeting on*Xov. !SV the ch.-.irman of the commissioners was instructed t make a deed of the old jail lot to P. f>. Meroney for ?1.000. 00. November 27. 1R8K, G. G. t Ducktown, Ten:)., drove lo Murphy Wednesday evening, taking supper at the Iiegal hotel, returning to Duck town that night. It was Judge Blair's first visit to Murphy and nil v *?.?,. de lighted with our town and t*.e sur rounding country. Col. Candler, who is the present state .Senator from his district, is a brother of G. W. Candler. FAIN NAMED LIONS HEAD FOURTH TIME ROv STEELE ELECTED SECRE TARY AND PETE HYDE. TREASURER W. M. Fain was elected President of the Murphy Lions Club Tuesday night for the fourth consecutive year, j The balloting for president was by se-j cret ballot, and the motion to elect ' this way carried the qualification that the two highest nominees should be i voted on for the presidency. When the ballots were counted. Fain re ceived every one of the 14 votes hut one. and this member made a mo- , ti <n. wh?< h carried, that the election j he unanimous. The othei officers elected are as ? follows: K. i*. Hawkins, Vice-Presi dent; Rev. .?. LeRoy Steele, Secre tary; \V. \V. Hyde. Treasurer, re-elec ted; Tail Twister. Dr. E. E. Adams, Lion Tamer. Sid Pendley. I>. With erspoon and George Ellis, were re elected as directors and R. W. CI ray ? was elected as a new director. Oth er diiectors are the officers of the club. The club voted to send a delegate to -he State Lions Convention at Kinston. V June 9th and 10th, and that the club pay $25.00 toward his expenses. President Fain was n;.med ;i- the delegate. The Club al- j so voted to -support. Bryson City in an effort to It ring the Convention to, that town next year. A sum of $10.00 was also voted to | the Murphy Graded School to be j used as prizes in the high school dee- 1 lamation and recitation contests.l This has been the custom of the club for the past several year-. icmmittce composed of l?. \V. Si I e. Dr. K. K. Adams, and Rev. .1. I. | Steele was appointed to prepare the rep. i t for the convention at Kinston covering the past year's activities of the C|uh. The Murphy Lions are out! for the state prize this year on ac- ? tivities. Last year this club tied I with Durham for this piize, but the nidges awarded Durham the prize, on j the fact that Durham was entertain- 1 the Convention. The Murphy club has been one of j the most active clubs in the state for even,! years, ami has been favorably pointed to with pride by Lion offi cials ..13 over the United States. The local club was one of sixty from the entire United States selec ted by the Lions International to be! icpusented on a moving picture reel I made recently, and which has been | ;.nd is being shown all over the coun-j ti\. Members of the dub feel hiuh !.v enthusiastic over the prospects for taking the state prize this year. Wfll Hold Clinic Wednesday, May 28. Wednesday, May Dr. D. C. Morrow. County Health Officer, through the cooperation of the Mur phy P.-T. A., will conduct a pre ach "1 clinic for the examination of chihiivi who will enter the Murphy school in 19o0, for the first time. We are very tnxious to have n record of a physical examination for all children who are six years of age. *4The clinic will be held in Dr. Morrow's office hi the Court House, he tween the hou? s of 0 A. M.. and -1 1 . M.." stated .Miss Estelle Mauney. supervisor of Count v Schools. DICKEY RESIGNS COUNCIL SEAT Fred Dickey, member of the Board of Town Commissioners recently elec resigned hi.- -tat last week and Grant I). Ledf t.i was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Dickey -tat d that he resigned ? ca.i se he felt his nte rests required it. He stated that he* was not a pol '? an. and saw that he could not k?-i " his friends ::nri his council job a t the same time. Mr. Led ford = s ,vil! known, having ? een :n the hardware business in Murphy for several years. He is also i an -\nert >beet metal worker, and has served as a Town Commissioner before. <.<mb, . 1 . H. Hennesa and John S. I Merr.ney were appointed a committee j to i spect material and construction of the new* jail, and to receive and accept said jail when completed. This order was revoked at meeting of December 4, 1888, and J. H. Henne-1 -a. J. D. Rector and .1. E. Fai.. vcre] appointed to supervise and Insp-. c* ' the work. Mr. Rector is ti.. living in Murphy ' and the only surviving member of j this committee. It might also be oi Annual Cherokee Co. Singing Convention At Marble June 8th The annual meeting of the Chero kee County Singing Convention will ?* helil at Marble Springs church or. June Rth. Music classes and sinners from all over the county will be in attendance t? compete for the banner which is awarded every year to the class mak ing- the best music. The occasion has always drawn i;t' 1 ?'< wds. and n exception is <?\ pected this year. Everybody is cor dially invited to < me out and hear some good singing. and all the sing ers and singing classes are urged to come prepared to compete for the banner. All singers and -inging classes of adjoining counties are invited to at tend and take part, although they will not be privileged to compete for the banner. Krnest Trantham. Secretary. 34,000 TROUT PUT IN STREAMS OF THE COUNTY HEADWATERS OF THE COUNTY CRCEKS TO BE PROTECTED FOR TWO YEARS Brook trout fingerlings to the I amount of .'*4,000 were placed in the j streams of Cherokee county last week I by County Agent U. \V. Gray in c?- ] peration with citizens of the differ e t communities along the creeks re leiving them. The fish wen- r. laced in the head- | v atei- . f the following streams: I Hiasstovvn ( reek. Owl Creek and tributaries Copper <-ieek and triiui- ? ?' es. and Turkey IN n Creek. They i were secured from the hatcherv at I Hulsam. l ater in the year, during August j or September, it is planned to stock ? Ue rime streams lower down with < :.lifornia trout. Applications have also 1 pen made for a supply of Bass fingerlings to stock private lakes nd larger streams of the county. If je-sible. it is also planned to stock Hiawassee River with bass. The streams receiving" these fish will be protected for two years, and I Mi. Gray stated that citizens living! ? long the >t reams named had pledged themselves to see that, they were pro- j tccted. The state Game and Fish I Commissioner is the only board hav ing authority to close the streams, against fishing, and if the streams arc j propel ly pr otected it is pointed out j that this will not likely be done. From time to time the waters of ; the county have been dynamited and 1 fish killed wholesale. This practice j is in violation of the law. and num I bei> of citizens have been protest ing against this practice lately. Coun j ty Fish and Game Warder. 1>. M. I Hirchfield has personally offered :: i reward for evidence leading to the | conviction of any person or persons .dynamiting the waters of the county. "This practice of dynamiting the ? 'reams of the county is the worst and most destructive practice of fish ( rmen," Mr. Hirchfield stated, "and we want t<? break it up. That is why we personally offer a reward for ev ; idence leading to the conviction of j anvoiie dy namiting the streams." It is also a violation of the law t?? dumr -aw dust and other refuse which | kill fi>>. into the streams. Last year about seven thousand I ? rout were placed in :he streams of the county, and Mr. Gray stated that the\ were now five to seven in ehes long. REV. FORD TO DO PREACHING BAPTIST MEET I FIFTEEN DAY SERVICES TO BE- I GIN JUNE 1ST.? PAS|rOR WILL LEAD SINGING Rt'V. W. li. Ford. rnier pastor of 1 Andrews. '' lit now attending Wake J Forest College, will fin the preaching I in the revival servi < ? - which begin | at the Baptist church or. Sunday, June ? i j-t. The past*-:*, iiev. ?>. LeRoy J Steele, will lead 'he singing. Rev. Ford has preached at Mr.:- J phy several times and is well-known in this section as a ?speaker of un usual ability, and Cor his fearles- ex pounding of the gospel. In a recent issue <>!" The Pastor's Assistant, official bulletin of the First Bantist Church, Murphv, appears the following: W. H. Ford To Preach In Revival. We are happy to announce that we have been a bit* :? secure the ? to mention the fact that the ./aii ? -rnpany er< '.ted the pres modern jail building .f the coun ty. MAUNEY BROS. BUY CHEROKEE DRUG STOCK NEW DRUG COMPANY WILL OPEN TO PUBLIC SATUR DAY- WALTER MAUNEY TO BE IN CHARGE The stock of ibe Cherokee I) rug Compary. bankrupt, was purchased :ast. V'j i k by Walter and George Man ner. the building rented, and a new drug ?tore known as The M; uney ' "?"?'any will open to the pub i Saturday. according to announce , J?y th?- purchasers. Wp!*' r Ma unev will be in charge, A'.th Robe?t Mv^oml.s assisting him. I' ?? -t irk has been tearranged. new "??'?k purchased. and the place given a th- r ouirh cleaning. The fountain is one of the most up toriate founts in this section, be iinr a Frigidaire electrically corded outfit. It also ha> a water heating service. and all glasses and spoons will lu? thoroughly sterilized with boilinir water each time used. The Matimv It-others are native '??is of Cherokee Co.mty. having been borr and reared in she Peachiree se tion. being sons of Mr. and Mr.-. M. 1 . Mauney. (?e ii-ui Mauney hn*- been connect ?i it i the W of ford r?'i i ell ( i*ni|<an\. wholesale dry good.* am! o mer chant.*. for the .out* in tile capacity ot boo-. keeper He will con tinue i that capacity, being connec ted with his brother in a financial ca- .-eity. Walter Mauney i< w< ]| and favora bly known throughout this entire sec tion. He received his education in tlic public st book of the county am! at. ? n<.Y?| high m Iioo! .it State ville. He received his Ph. degree from the I'uiversity < f North Carolina. F* or the past eight years he has ooen vith !?? I!, s. Parker at Murphy, and alse was connected with a drug stor - in AsheviHe for about six months. In making the announcement. Wal ter Mauney made the follow ing state ment : 1 wish t o announce that I have purchased the Cherokee Drug Com pany's stock, and a,fter having had time to thoroughly restock with new mcdicines, and to purchase as many sundry items as I am able to pay for. I will open my door, in the Adams I'ldg.. for service to the public Sat urday morning. May 24th. I also want to say to the general public- that it affected me deeply to have to leave Dr. Parker, for he' has been my friend in every respect, but the opportunity came where I could purchase good stock and fixtures at a reduced price. And the time comes in every man's lite when he has to think and fight out for himself his own career, and I came to the con cision thai this is mv home, my P?- ?r!e. my friends, and f have defi ; itel.v decided to begin my life's work by myself and right with my own people. N' xt. I want to say that I have no !-artner? hip m any way, no financial aid. except from my brother. I e public will be served prompt ly courteously and efficiently." Decoration At Shady Grove On May 30th The annual Decoration for Shady the cIui,vh .nth, l>;:mg at ;i o'clock. Mhiit- to announce:, lent this week 1.. and C. A. West, of whe < omniittee. The program will he composed of a V service and welcome address bv ? I. I. U Marines*. of Mineral ISluft. <.a followed l.v short talks from hn^ citizens of the community and irom any visitors. The decoration of the craves will ,at ton o'cloc :. and the eon ;re;:atn;n will then retire to the ?' i' tor the "ecoratioi: sermon hy pastor. Rev. F. C. West. T:ie services will he concluded a; noon. ;:vice? f Bn-thcr W. H. For ], for . . j.;;stor at Andrews, to preach for \i< i <-ur series ?. revival services . line 1st to 15th. We are sure thjit. this .v ll be good news to all who know Brother Ford. It has been your pastor's privilege to have hin. in sev er: I meetings in the past and we have - een r.ov; the Lord has m\::htily used 'rim in the winning cf the people to Christ. Let us bear in mind however, that, the success of our meeting will not be dependent upon the p.eacher's ability, but v n the willingness of the church for God to use the preacher. Please keep the meeting on your mind and in your heart and remem ber it in your prayers from day to 'Jay. How we do need a revival; May his be our aim. "The biggest thing: | we have ever done for God."

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