PEACHTREE Mr,. Edward Robinson and little daughter, f Winston-Salem are vis ting her mother. Mrs. Sallie Fergus on. Miss Opai Ramsey. of Virginia, has been visit ire Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wat kins. Messrs. ' * rence M. Hendrix and \ud Sudderth, motored to Commerce, Ga-. last Saturday. Misses ('pa! and Oval Sudderth en tertained ;i number of their friends with a birthday party last Saturday evening. Mrs. Al: a Albright, of Raleigh ;pent last ? k with her parents. Mr. and Mr*. A. E. Sudderth. Mr an-' Mrs. H. B. Elliott spent Sunday in Swain County. Miss Annie Lou Sales, of Tomotla ;pent a f-vv days this week with Miss Hazel Wat kins. Mr. Cliff Slagel, of Detroit, Mich., was a visit : here Monday. A crow l ot young people enjoyed a lawn party, given at the home of Mr. and M F. I. Watkins, by their daughter, wi - Hazel, Monday even ing. Mr. R. Pipes left Monday for Marble. e he began his school. ?f When A CLEANSING MEDICINE Is Needed "I have taken +|j Black-Draught all my life, when ever in need of a medicine for con Btipatian," says Mrs. 0. C. Bums, of Buna, Texas. "My mother and father used it in their home for years, und I was raised to think of ii as the first thing if I had a headache or was con stipated. "At one time I had indiges tior. real bad. I was all out of aorts; my skin was sallow, and I had gas pains. After a course of Black-Draught, I got all rijht. I have given Biack Draught to my child ren, whenever they needed a medicine of the kind." Insist on Thedford's Black* I Draught ZS UTz-vwrr.,..^ ?" ?? 1 who need & tonic UiouU takn Cardui. In ue I _ over 50 year*. i-t.ihn. || wo; Changes Made In Fishing Regulations By State Board A shorter closed season which will permit fishermen to indulge in tbeir favorite sport on Easter Mcsdav a -id uniform closed seasons on fislvr - ?.> make possible a more effective pre tictmn of fish during the spawning penod are important feature ,,f changes recently made by the l;.,ard ot Conservation and Development a* its semi-annual meeting at Morehead City. Under the new regulation-, the closed season on fi>hing will n t be uin until May 1 instead of April 20. as has been the la* previously. This closed season applies to all specie-* of game fish except the trouts of West ern North Carolina whose spawning season comes during a different per iod of the year. The period of the year in which these types of fi-h un protected extends from September 1 to April 15 of the following year. The geneial closed season will ex tend from May 1 to Jure 1<>. giving! a 40-day protected period in ' - e fu ture in place of .">0 days heretofore. Another new regulation also pro- j hi bits the taking of fresh water fish in commercial waters during the time j that the season is closed in inla: : waters. I Seining will continue under the ban in inland waters following action of I the board in denying requests that special peimits be granted for this | privilege in certain counties of the State. The board took the viewpoint j that as a wholesale method of taking tish. seining is unfair to the great masses of fishermen whose opp<>.'* I nity for sport would be spoiled when i waters are depleted by those v.-'rio ! would exercise the privilege if sein I ing were permitted. j Collections from angler's license this season are said by officials t< i well ahead of last year, ha\ ing rea ! I'd approximately $30,000.00. Tl j State law requires that every per who fishes in any other except h home county must take out a Sta!? license. Bees Often Fiy Eight Miles For Honey Load Confirming the honeybee'- <?? i tatioii for diligence, the ' 'piled States Department <>:" AgnV'iUuif i recently learned that a b ??? will ? times fly as much as mile- and return with its minute load. I. n<ler such circumstances a single ! >und of honey would represent appi vi mately IS, 000 trips <?f 16 miles each, or nearly 300.000 miles of 1 light by bees. In a locality in Wyoniintr where irrigated alfalfa is virtually the only source of honey, the department placed some hives S miles trom the nearest nectar supply. The bees made daily trips to the alfalla, loaded with honey, and returned. Since the bees flew this distance regularly, the de partment agriculturists assume they might fly even farther if necessary. Flying these 16 mile trips, however, some bees fail to return home because sand storms overtake them or head winds impede them. Laden with hon ey, they are forced to rest often on the way home, particularly when fly ing into the wind or in cool weather. When they reach the hive after such long trips they often make abnormal landings, and frequently fail to alight j | at the entrance of the hive. i Funeral Directors and Embalmers metal caskets and grave vaults in stock CALLS ATTENDED NIGHT OR DAY PHONE, DAY 72? NIGHT 83 C. B. HILL & SON MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA VACATION COACH EXCURSIONS On each Friday, Saturday and Sunday, ?njiily, and August, the Southern Railway will sell coach excursion tickets to all stations lr> Southeastern territory at the following fates and limits: One and one-tenth fares, final limit 1 5 days. One and one-fourth fares, final limit 30 days. These tickets are not good in parlor or S eeping cars. Apply local Ticket Agent for full infor mation. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. iiiiwwwBMiiiiBiimaiaMBMWwniiiiwwig iSOME SENSE ANDl 1SOME NONSENSE! By THE OFFICE CAT :illlltl!ili;illlllllllllilltlllltinilllllllllllllllllli1llllllllllllllt!li? June Bride: "I would lilct* to buy an easv-chair t" r my : usband." Salesman: "Morris?" ?Tune Bride: "No. Clarence." Watchman-Examiner. Boy, here's a h?t one. In France, taxes are imposed on bachelors. i<l maids and childless married couples. "Which is heavier ? a half or a full moon?" "The half, of course, because the full moon is as light again." ? Ex. S .me natives f Isabel Island in the Pacific live in trees, among the btanrhes of wltirh rude huts are built. A block of marble, on which - < arved the oldest known almanac, has been recovered from the ruins ? f Pompeii, destroyed in A. I>. 7i>. "Mamma, if I get married when I m u up, will I have a husband like pap*?" The mother answered with a smile: "Why yes, dear, if you get married yi> : will have a husband like papa." The little brow clouded. Then sh< : ked; "If I don't get married, will I be an old maid like aunt Nellie?" "Yes, dear, you would be an old maid." answered the mother, laugh ing at this rather complex question; "but whatever put such thoughts into v -ur little head?" IVut the child didn't laugh; she only looked grave, and said dejectedly: "Well, no matter which way we go, it's a pietty tough world for us wom en. aint it? Following a peculiar hobby, A. K. Huebner. l" Dorchester, Mas.-., has in 33 years collected more than 300 bricks, each from some historic build ing razed to make room f<?r a modern st j ucture. "What a smooth gear shift you have." "Say. will you please take your hand off my knee?" "Sorry to have kept you waiting, old man, but I've been setting a trap for my wife." "Good heavens! What do you ex pect?" "A mouse." An Australian bank bandit named Perkins was sentenced to 15 years in pr.son, and to receive three floggings of 15 lashes each. Carel Whittington, of Philadelphia teaches canaries to sing by allowing them to listen to flute solos on a phonograph. Money Thrown Away! "Why the sad expression?" "I bought one of those books called 'How To Make Love* and now I don't know what to do." "Well, can't you read?" "Sure. It says to take the lady's hand, look into her eyes, and say, 4I love you, Beatrice.' " "Well?" "My girl's name is Edna." He Deterred Promotion "What did the boss say vhen you told him it was triplets?" "He promoted me to the head of my department." "What department are you in?" "Production." Desperate Character Judge: Were you ever in trouble before? Prisoner: Well, yes and no. I kept a library book too long once, and was fined two cents. "What wag the most difficult part of the civil service examination you took at the postoffice?" "Writing with the postoffice pen." A judge in Vancouver, Wash., be lieves that when a man and wife are divorced, all property should be di vided 50-50. He so ordered in a de cree given Mrs. Annie Hinkalman, in which she was awarded an equal share of all the family possessions, even to half of the milk from the family cow. S. S. Association Met In Andrews On last Sunday afternoon the , Western North <"ar<>lira Sunday School Association held its monthly j meeting at the First Bapt;it church here, with W. A. Adam.-*, president. residing:. The devotional was con ducted by Rev. R. W. Prevost, pastor of the First Baptist church here. During the business session of the meeting, plans were made for the Sunday School revival, which will be held in the Western North Carolina and West Liberty Association, begin August 2nd and closing Aug ust 10th. Flans were made to enlist , all the churches in this Association in this campaign. The First Baptist j < hurch. here offered to pay half the expenses of two workers to any two cnurches in the Association who felt they c<?uld not meet the small expense '.ached in securing these workers. Mr. Prevost will teach "The True Function <j f the Sunday School" dur ing the next week here. Many of the churches in t'ne^e two Associations have already asked for worker.^, which oar State Baptist Board will send here for this week. Mr. Adams, president of the Associ ation. stated that he expected many m<?re to ask for workers before the week ended. These workers will ai iive in Murphy on next Sunday, from the Haywooc Association, where they have been asked for the past week, teaching there. On next Sunday af ternoon. these workers, with all the pa -tms. Sunday Scho ?! Superintend ent. an-i others interested in this work, will meet ir. Murphy and work ers will be sent to the different churche- where they will work during the week. Typical Kunian Soup* The llux- .tn national ?"Up m t?-bie or stcfce??. It is more >>f a stew t n a soup. It coti tains saus.i^e. cahbase and onions. :i !! ? >? wh:eh are fried be f-?re 1 1 ; st??,*k ?s added It is often flavored with tarrajron vinegar. Other soups typically Russian are those coa* talnln^ beets In smue form. Dr. Geo. R. Salisbury DENTIST DENTAL X-RAY ADAMS BLDG. TELEPHONE 112 MURPHY. N. C. r 4c?o*/-(iLMt 7tt0fu& t&jcJ ywrtanfe) Qol'dj^bbon } Coffee & Chicory jj The Little School Master" POULTRY SALE BY SMOKY MOUNTAIN MUTUAL EXCHANGE AND CHEROKEE COUNTY POULTRY ASSOCIATION Aeain we have made a very satisfactory trade for your poul try. Rut we cannot help you unles-- you help yourself. To help yourself sell to the car who is trying to help you. CAR AT MURPHY, AUG. 5th. Heavy Hens. lb. Light Hens. lb. Heavy Broilers, lb. Liffht Broilers . 15c 10c 15c 1 3c Eggrs Cox Ducks Here it isi A new Frigidaire^ on CA|M>UC1 F Oft ftAYTOH Beautiful ? Powerful ? Quiet ?5^**" ? - i . ? This Frigidaire hu the famous "Cold Control.? The mechanism is completely enclosed ia the bottom of (be cabinet. Food shelves are elevated to a convenient height and afford 4 H square feet of food storage apace. The cabinet ia a beautiful glacier-gray Porcelain-oo- steel i aside and out ? combining the beauty of porcelain with the strength of steel. Call and see a complete demoo strauoo at your firat opportunity 4 WALTER COLEMAN Agent

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