Items of Interest From I County Agent, Gray Every family - r.*.-r?-s*ed ir. get-] ting ? vervth:ng possible ?-ut the j family c w. I have arranged with i lh?* dairy special:-:- * come ar.d be. with -- or. August 7th. at the Far, ground--. A* : r. ; - ::rr.*-. -a*- are plan- I : vw:*r Far:: Van a* ; . Mr Arty. :r m the Da:rv Depart-] me:.: ar.?i L>r. M rre. our State Vet-; erararian. Everyone of these men are well j p? -ted on work ar. i if you 1 this meeting you are going to mi?- a; :r? They will be here all day ar.d j will speak to u.- at ten o'clock A. M.. and :n the ever. in?, you can dis- " cu^ any < f yrur problem? "with them. ! Con-*- and bring y ur entire family i and a basket f and let's make it a ? r day *? r the Dairy a'd family. CO**'. BEE MEETING Mr. C. L. Sams will be with us on j August ",th. an i we will have a meet-' ing at 9:''0 A. M.. at W. H. Hushes.! Martins Creek, ar.d a: 2:30 P. M.. a". A. Z. Roberts. Upper Beaverdam. i Please keep in mind these dates and i ccrr.e to these meetings, as thi.-? is the i only time that we will be able to get } Mr Sams : h i - year. See your neigh bors- are interested in bees and . tell them tc be there and meet us. R. W. GRAY. County Agent. I EDUCATIONAL PICTURES We he at the following place? ? n the date? mentioned with our pic ture- ar.'i we trust that as many as to??-: ".t will try :o attend. These pic ture- are f< r y ur instruction and gui-iance ir. taking care of your health arc ir. improving your farms. Do r."t forget the time and place. August 4th, Granuview. White 5c ho 1 House. ? August oth. Peachtrfet. New School. August 6th. Mart :- Creek. New August Tth. Mr.-: le. School house. August s t'n . Suit. Sen ol house. August S*th. Brasstowr.. Folk school. August 11th. Owl Creek. School August 12th. Unaka. School house. August 13th. Postell. School house. August 2 4th. Grape Creek. School r. use. August loth. Culbersin. School house. August 16th. Hot House, place to be selected. K. W. GRAY. County Ager.t. W. C. MORROW. County Health Officer. MIDWAY Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hampton, are here for the summer, arc are in the old house, known a- Hampton's camp. Mrs. Frank Z-;rr.walt. and little daughter. Marvie. are spending the summer r. the Zunr.val: ?. ttage. ? v er looking Midway Lakt. Master Lawrence and little Mi>> Ague- Johns r. of Augusta. Ga.. are spending the s-mmer with their grand parent-. Mr. ar. : Mr- W. P? John son. Rev. E. G. White, superir.tendvr.t of the M. E. churches and work, in this and Clay county. >:?- r.t last week with Rev. .T. .7. Wood, in tr.v ".teres" , of this work. Mrs. Etta Yodermark. Mr.*. Doris Ross, and .->n. Herbert. Jackson ville. Fia.. are guests ?: Mr*. Frank Zumwalt. These people are delighted with the climate and scenery here. G. D. Hampton. Jr.. of Knoxville. Tenn.. :s spendir.g some time with Mr and Mr*. L. P. Hampton. Rev. and Mr?. K. G. Trull, f Can ton. are visitor? in the Midway Lake community. Mr. Trull was f rmerly pastor of Hampton Memorial church. Mr. and Mrs. H. Deroc'r.ers have a? their guest. Mr. Derodher's sister, and her son. of Hendersonville. FOR SALE ? Several r. ilk cows. Small down payment. Balance on ? easy terms. HADL.EY DICKEY. Mur- > ' phy. N. C. ( lt-pd ? fleeting the ^keetls of of People The toir^priced automobile ha* brought greater opportunity and added hour * of recreation to million * of men and women. BECAl'SE the automobile is such an im portant factor in the lives and pros perity of so many people, the purpose of the Ford Motor Company is something more than the mere manufacture of a motor car. There is no service in simply setting up a machine or a plant and letting it turn out goods. The serv ice extends into every detail of the business ? design, production, the wages paid and the sell ing price. All are a part of the plan. The Ford Motor Company looks upon itself as charged with making an auto mobile that will meet the needs of millions of people and to provide it at a low price. That is its mission. That is its duty and its obligation to the public. The search for better ways of doing things is never-ending. There is cease less, untiring effort to find new methods and new machines that will save steps and time in manufacturing. The Ford plants are, in reality, a great mechanical uni versity, dedicated to the advancement of industry. Many manufacturers come to see and share the progress made. The greatest progress comes by never standing still. Today's methods, however successful, can never be taken as wholly right. They represent simply the best efforts of the moment. To morrow must bring an improve ment in the methods of the day before. Hard work usually finds the way. Once it was thought impossible to cast gray iron by the endless chain method. All precedent was against it and every previous experiment had failed. But fair prices to the public demanded that waste ful methods be eliminated. Finally the way was found. Abetter way of making axle shafts saved thirty-six million dollars in four years. A new method of cutting crankcases re duced the cost by $300,000 a year. The perfection of a new machine saved a similar amount on such a little thing as one bolt. Then electric welding was de veloped to make many bolts unnecessary and to increase structural strength. Just a little while ago, an endless chain conveyor almost four miles long was in stalled at the Rouge plant. Thi (^conveyor has a daily capacity of 300,000 parts weighing more than 2,000,000 pounds. By substituting the tireless, unvarying machine for tasks formerly done by hand, it has made the day's work easier for thousands of workers and saved time and money in the manufacture of the car. All of these things are done in the interest of the public ? so that the benefits of reliable, economical transportation may be placed within the meant* of every one. FORD MOTOR COMPANY . HOME COMING The Bell view Methodist chur?h will have a Home Coming Day. Sunday. August -ird. beginning at i* o'clock. A program for the occasion has been prepared, and all members of the church invited. Rev. H ward P. Pow ell a:11 address the meeting during rhe day f-n his recent trip to Palestine r.r.i no c ubt will tell of many inter esting things seen in the Holy Land. A great clay is expected by the n.mittee ir charge, and the general public is cordially invited. WHAT S WRONG AND Whf^I FARM SCENE 1 1. Moon and -t;. . tV the daytime. 2. Barns have - cr 3. One wall of >:!r, '' 4. Shadows do r.o- ?-.'J'., Rope holding - Farmer would r. ? ? ? W(T . i wri=t watch. * ^ 7. One shoulder ? farmer's overalls. "2 ? R. Horse has mule' - 9. One-half of mar . missing. -at bran Glorifying I; The American Dollar Bill We are "Telling the World" that your Amer ican Dollar Bill will go farther when invested > in merchandise at our store. Do your daily shopping with Murphy Supply Company and put into a savings account the difference. !? iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiir<:inii!im [ Flour, 24 lb bag ^ER $1 \ Flour, 48 lb bag":!1." $1.95 J Flour, 24 lb bagsupREME 85c ; Post Toasties, 2 pkgs. 15c ; Crisco, 3 lb can 65c t. ' I Dress Prints, ?r yd. 1 5c Peter Pan Prints, yd. 25c I 36-in. Voiles, Fc"l yd. 25c \ Towels, 10 for 99c > Men's Overalls ? Cul- 95c I Boys' Overalls ?rr3,oS 75c | Boys' Overalls ?r, 9 ? 7 89c "STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER" ;i; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ii!iini!m | MURPHY SUPPLY COMPANY | hi the J. M. Stoner Building NOAH W. LOVINGOOD, Manager ? VII The Housewife's Duty * To her home, not to her grocer The housewife w as not pui r.? iarth to support grocers. She owes no grocer a living. She does owe herself and litr family the greatest amount of the best food her money can buy. Her only duty when huyini; food is to her home. The honest grocer asks -s. He does not expect charity. He is willing to be il J Dy the amount of good food he gives for the consumer's dollar. A & P is a grocer who has already been judged by many consumers. After seventy years in business, it en joys the patronage of over 5.000,000 thrifty housewives. So large a following of critical shoppers is the result of a single simple fact? that the public buys where it ob tains the most for its money. GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC O 1330. Th? Great Atlaatle A Pacific Trm Co.

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