The Leading If ,,,/./ v Sn,spaprr X"r,h Carolina. Covrnnp a l.arpr and Potentially Rich Territory in Thit - lair Vol. XLII.? No. 17. Murphy, N. C., Friday, November 28, "1930. 9 1. 50 YEAR 5c COPY CHEROKEE BANK WEATHERS STORM 'PUBLIC HYSTERIA' Conditions Quiet and Buiineu ? Us ual Follow* Closing of Bank Of Murphy Saturday T1 ? Cherokee Bank Successfully weathered the storm of "public hys teria which Saturday morning fore t,i . closing of the Hank of Mur phy for the protection of the deposit ors. and threatened to cause a '"run" on the town's other hank. It wa? a hunch of level-headed, prim taced and determined business uh t h gathered Saturday morning at lh?- call of the president of the Chero ke? Bank and took emergency steps ? :: vent a run on the hank's . :t j by hysterical depositor . Y? t they sin . r.le.i in stemming Lhe tide, frien "f the institution rallied t< | aid. expressed their confident'* ar ; ait li in the hank and its office r- . a '? r! teria" following the closing of "th?- Central Hank and Tru.-t Com puny, of A-heville. Bank Thanks People The Cherokee Rank expressed it era*, ide and appreciation in a sign . ! statement for the press, as follows \\ . . the undersigned officers of the Cherokee Hank wish to extend cur thanks and appreciation .o our many friend- and the public in gen oral, * their loyal support and .-m natural that* then - ? anxiety on the pa t o seiiu ! tho-e who know tin -1 xierstand fully that the cl in lt - jany, if not all. of the Slate ?; well as those in othei State - ra- ??? !?. caused by purely local con ?lit 1 'The hank examine! . 11 t ? m1\ North Carolina. btK .11 the Noi and tiic South, states that ? conditions in the Sout ar exceiient. and there is no rcasun t feel any anxiety or fear as to their ahili;;. to sand the sir:' '.1 of general Jinam .si unrest. We thank you, one and all. for your confidence and support in the |;ct. nd wish to assure you thai we will continue to serve you with the as sui;.:. that our hanking institution is en safe financial foundation, an ! with yi-ur continued loyalty, and with Ihvine Help, we will all mach foiwai'd to nobler service in the fu ture. Faithfully yours, K. A. DAVIDSON. Pres. ?I. B. STOREY. Cashici CHAS. W. CARRIN( M. Asst. Ca ilier. "Children of Old Carolina" "Ch ldren of Old Carolina" i> a ?*stoji al pageant that tells ??! the story of our state from tin- "Last Colony" down to it? persent magni ficencv. Striking features and beau tiful scenes, songs, dances folk panic and tasks of -the period45. Speeches are '? ? u?f and simply help to carry ?n the story. Costumes and music Rive the effect of moving: pictures. Jmprjrtant science Important secenes rep" e -en ted in the p?Qenat are: 1 -Children of the Lost Colony. II ? Children of the Primeval Day "[ C hildren of Old Colonial Days IV ? Children of the Wert. ^ ? Children of the Revolution. VI ? Children of Old Plantation Days. VII Children of the Confederacy WII- Children of the New Freedom Ia~~( hildren of Today. SQme of the important characters art>: Father Time, Sir Walter Ral f'f*. Manteo. Edward Mosely. Dan lf"' ?ne, Cornelius Harnett, Gover n?v {:.rahani? Vance and Aycock. Various committees are actively J work under the direction of Miss Lively. Make your plans now to see the Oili n of today in "Children of , Carolina" Thursday evening Dcc. ? j?t 7 :30 o'clock. Murphy School A"dit< num. Look at the label on your paper and e.n printed t {Saturday morn njr, the Scout vi I ! | to correct inn with ii heavy will.- J * drawals irom ?!!?? Bank MUr-| I pi; v. J. a ;i \ - iday i ead of ? J ! i: i.-'iay. a- ? i -tate<: The edit- j ? i < ?n \va - tit ? oui ? ..ou om ? linn w o .. wa J -n it a:.. >urse with | only two men working m it, writ- 1 ' n.aUii . i , ' ' ' 1 ' * : ? . ;i ; jrihlc rush, and during the attend-! i ' ^ the .!at. were I I 'Witched ami not nut iced until ! J -"ini'tniH- Is,., | . I ' 1 ' f'-l" ' \aiiunel : ... ,j ? (going ovet the bank's re nuicc, ,.|| } I s *w? and will complete hisl i work about Saturday. | To Co-opcratr With Town Organi *..tions The .Murphy Lions \otei Tuesday ii.": iu to dona t e - iu?n to a communi ? hist ma.- < heer fund to In* u ?m! _ comf. : i ami uf ree. :?> cooperate v. th the other club.-. of the r ?A", and ; -a -tors of the churches n >e'.-kif:i: ?? t and deter mining the: n?M-ds .if familie in benefit Irom tf'. ?> i!*!. Tin are a! t ? ? -co and i eo- operate with .lie ??? - r organiza- ; ions in helping t?? ra:-o more fund ! f ? ? ! this pufj e. The meeting I' cmIuv night was infen-si in :. ;-nd n.arke I tin* login- ! Ili In- I'd] l e ;.et\v? 1-n tile ! ??;> and : h ? :? at- ??' the club. They vt : ' .'\en!; i\idei t ?vo weeks ago. j ami he . i a new member, j I .ion Powell. pastor ??! the -Methodist j church, was welcomed hack to the cl i" and community ' t another year ? f km vice eie. Dr. N. R. Adams was welcomed in the place ol his son- I M . . i a . K. Atian .-. wh?? is in Knoxville taking trea'.meiit at a hospital. l.ioji Powell reported that he was i .naking arrangement.- :'oi the Father j and So; P.a.ui < ' . ard h ped to be j y i t-pare - o ma! . sonic detiaite an norncement a- t ? the speaker at the next meeting. I >e :i! !i. l ain r-a?i a letter from .1. W. (li'a-pi". in whi Mr. Cilaspie stated definitely that lie woubi not '.??orate the cannei v ne\: year. One v a s i. a?l al ? fiom I. (t- Markham. j ?Ah wih in charc? the Murphy , laiit, expressing his regrets that his ? lii'pruiy seen fit not operate the cannery another year, and expressed . ; wish*-- to hi- f i :ond- and assoc iates here. The following were present: .sheep Adams. Powell. Gray Hailey, Klk ns. ami Monie. C< at- Fain. Hawk in,. Johnson. .Salisbui y . I'endiey. and Pufree. Miss Mauney Visits Schools of E. Carolina .Mi - K.tolle Maiincj , accompan ied l?y Miss JVarl Martin and Mrs. ?I. II. McCall. loft Friday for an ex tended visit to Eastern Carolina. While in Raleijrh. Miss Mauney and Miss Martin, will be the guests of Miss Hattie Parrot*. State Supervis or of Rural Education and Miss Ann Holford. Supervisor of Wake County! Schools. Here they will vi-it the Ral- j e'jrh City Schools and Wake County i School--. From Raleigh Miss Mauney and Mis-" Martin will go to "Beaufort j by the Sea" there to be the miests ! of Mi-> Margaret Gu.??? public schools. We favor abolishing the vhoh lime health officer and hi staff, and ? h other officer- as will be consist ??ui with the efficient cairying on ?f the affair- of the county. "??. We favor tin election of all 1 officers by .he people. "7. Real estate is carrying a great! leal m 1 ire ' i an .t- -haie #?!' the tux . anil the burden has become stag ' < i : . We :'a\o? fait and .iust tax] b.v. , v. hereby the burden will be lifl-i e i from leal < state and the fanner j and placed on tb"-e l??t er abytn carry the burden." The Democratic IMatlorm follows: "1. We are in favor of a State wide chool system **oi all of the public shools of the stale. "L\ We are in favor ??f a reduc tion i t taxes for Cherokee county \ini for .i more economical expendi ture of the money collected for tax and to that end we declare ourselves to be in favor of aholi-hing the All Time Health Office for Cherokee County, to discontinue the School Supci v sor. to abolish the office of County Auditor and require the Reg ? er oi Deeds and Sheriff to perform the small duties of the Auditor, anil require the salary of the Superin tendent of the County Home be re duced. That whereas the State has tal.t ? over most of the roads of the ?ot i v. we are in favor of repealing the Dillard Law and all amendments thereto by which the Cherokee County Highway Commission was cre ated. List New Officers Fallowing urc* the- officer* who will he inducted into otfice Monday: County Commissioners, two Repub licans and one Democrat, as follows: ! !?*. L. Townson r. ?l. M. I.ovingood, I r. and Lee Shields, d. to succeed Dr. J.I. \V. S. Davis. W. J. Martin and T. I). Hickey. all republiqans. John Keenei republican. takes of fice as Clek of the Superior CouK. succeeding !'. C. llyattt democrat. Frank Bristol, republican, takes lover the Sheriff's office, succeeding X. \V. Abernathy. republican. H. L. Padgett, democrat, take* over J the fofice of Register of Deeds, suc ceeding W. A. Boyd, republican. W. A. Adams, republican, succeeds I himself in the office of county sur veyor. and likewise. Dr. S. (\ Heigh- j way, republican, succeeds himself as coi oner. Col. John M. Dillard is the other Democrat winning in the county, as representative, and will take his seat when the Legislature meets next Jan uary. K. P. Hawkins, republican, was J the last representative. XMAS SEAL SALE TO BEGIN FRIDAY The Tuberculosis Christmas Seal j Sale begins Friday, November 28, | and will he sponsored again this year; bv the Woman's Club, with Mrs. C. ? W. Savage as chairman. iWHY THIS PAPER! ! I he readers of I he; | I {Scout are receiving! 'this copy in addition toi J the regular edition of J !the paper this week! jdue to the fact that thej ! legal advertising was! ? ommitted Irom the reg-j jular edition. In mak ! ? ing up the paper, the J ! legal advertising of the! ? Clay County News was | jused and the "switch ! 'was not discovered un-> i .. i [til our attention was J {called to it. I I BOOK WEEK IS SUCCESS The annual ??l servance of Hook Week at the ('it metric library last week. was pel haps the most success I f 1 and most enjoyable yet held. Mi s II eighway had the rooms most .. t,acti\cly decorated, with beauti ful new honks on di f lay, and in this V ing. the children were grouped ai< und the story teller.- each after noun in iapt attention. St< ry tellers Wednesday afternoon '.vi if: M -- F.loi-e Fain. Miss Adella i Meroney ami Michael Fryga. On : hlii sda\ aftei noon Mis>es Grace ifyntt. Pearl M? Nahb. Mat t ic Lou 1 MeNahh. A ? !* i ? ? Han i and Maude , 'oakery, fnitn t:ie Teaclu ? ' Train ing School. On Friday afternoon.' .he childrei came dres ed to repre sent thoir favorite b >ol. characters and wi re ? nt? i ta ne I with stories i \ Mi I.elia Hay*.- . of tl;e public chnol faculty. I* olio wing is a li.-t of book- donat ed hy f. ???!!?.!.- of the I s > . From Mrs. \\ H. Travi of I'hila delphia. I'a.: The Royhood of Great Men. The Wind Wagon. The Magi> S< i Hub bies. Ire Magit Cmbrella. The Crui-e | of Noah s Ark. all by Cory. The Little Washington.-. The Lit :|e Washington- at School, The Lit tle Washington* Holidays. b\ Roy, and Mai ie Claire-" Workshop, hy An j doux. Mrs. Raseom R. Carroll pi evented Robinson "Smiles". Royal Road to Romance, by Halliburton, and Favor ite I'oenis. were pre-ented by Mrs. Susie de Martine. and Gospel Pic tures and Story Sermons, hy Whittle, presented by Michael Fryga. List of Kooks pruchased by the li brarian : Riyant Children's Rook of Cele brated Pictures. Milton -I'ook of Stars for Young People. Rail our Candidate for the Line. Rates? The Sunny Spain. Spyri- Moni the Goat Boy. Rowe- My Magic Storyland. \nderson*s Fairy Tales. Perkins The Japane-e Twins. Perkins ? The Irish Twins. \ erne- -Around the World in F.ightv Davs. Raibour The Half Rack. Turner ? Aii craft of Today. Field ? Poems of Childhood. Roosevelt ? Letters to His Child ren. Terhune Lad. a Dog. Spyri ? Little Miss Grasshopper. Andrews ? Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. Harper ? S?ory Hour Favorites. Browning? -Pied Piper fflHa.vlin. Dodge Donald and Dorothy. Who's Who in America 1930-:>1. Peterkin- - Black April. I } rant ? Story of Philosophy. Wells Outline of History. Grey- The Shepherd of Gauda loupe. N'orris ? Passion Flower. Bailey ? Wild Wind. Best ? Gorram, the Hunter. Mrs. R. C. Mattox and son. H. A., loft Wednesday for Knoxville. Tenn., to f tin counties ? ?f Hay wood, Jackson. Swain. C . and Clay. I he purpose of tie meeting was to iisrus- kiting of poultry and . 1 ; i 1 "he S >utlu*rn liailroad from llaye^ville and M'.nphy to Ashe villi . I'lan to elec. one member of t <- ? t rani /.at ion to . > to Kal^ifrh in Becemhcr to meet with directors of -iiiiihtr or'--:tni/a* ion io.i over * 1 1 * - 1 Sta'?- and nUo wi.h Mr. Shelling, member of the Kcderal Farm Board. The inee int in Kalcitrh will jio into the mat ketiri'.; a- a State :md ha\" the Federal Farm Board ' help in any way it po. sihiy can in the ser vice of market mj poultry and eirirs. I' are now nwh way to bold aiidthci me.-lnr/ i ? tin- trnmp sonu tinn- in January : e .mpht? the ai tanirenu-n - 'i handling poultry and eje^s from this action dining next yea i . Mr. John W. Goodman. histrict Ar-'iit. meets w ith tin ?: I t *-? toi.- here today. I ' P. M. Scroggs Dies At Sylva Hospital The citizens of Hayesvillc and com munity were shocked early Saturday morning when they learned of the. death early Friday night of Mr. I*. M. Scroggs, at the hospital in Sylva where he had been taken only the da\ befoie foi treatment following a five weks* iilne *-? with flu and com plications. Heart failure w;i- the di rect cause of Mr. Scroggs death. Funeral services were held Satur da> afternoon a o'clock from the Hayesvillc Methodist church, by Rev. < >. K. Croy. pastor of the church. Mr. Scioggs wa> laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery l?y h:< father and other relatives. Paul Mathsoi) Sci"ug wa- horn September 1. 1 lit- was the -on of the la'tc John O. Scroggs who pass ed this life in His mother died sometime years ago. He is sur \ived by h;- ' -mother, one brother Mr. Pearl Scroggs. of this place, and three sisters. Mrs Jarrett Thorn] - so nand Mrs. Ralph Heal of Hayes vi lit?, and Mi>. John Swanson. of Canton. N. an older sister, Carrie and younger brother. Neal. passed on some years ago. He is also survived !y his wife, who was Miss Mary Standi idge. Also his four daughters. Mi-ses Myrtle. Pansy, Tonnie and Margie, all of Hayesvillc. Mr. Scroggs was a man everybody lifted, he always had a kind wor dam I cheeky smile for everybody. He wil be greatly missed in the community He was a member of the loca! Junior Order, a merchant in Have ville for a number of years and hehi responsible positions with differen firms in Western North Carolina. His ability a- a stora salesman wa? the best to be found. The sympathy of the entire com munity is with Mrs. Scroggs ami her daughters. Look at the label on your paper and see that your paper is not in arrears.