LEGAL MATTERS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Whereas. on the 2 1st o- kery. made. executed and ?!??:>. -red :? *rtain deed of trust, cor- 1 vey: ??- ? > .? under>iffned Trustee, |>i?? here ma ft? r desscrihed, t ? the ?ur:> ? -e of securing certain ir:o '? ? ' ? numerated in aid ieed ?* *rist. 'ai; h is r- corded in the ?? ' k Ke^ri >**??" of Deeds i for C?> ???;.. ? ? ? ???.-. North ? 'ar?l:na 1 in H.? -k !??!. : a.* ? :I24; And Where- I a-. ? made in the pay- J ment ? !* the indebtedness secured by | said deed '* :n accordance with j its term.**: Now there: ? the purpos of J paying and di> ?' ? - the indebted- j ne ured -a j deed of trust, ?he undersigned tr.iste will, pursu ant to the tern- ? : -aid deed of trust] offer f??r salt- at ; jblic auction, to the hiuhest idder ror ca>h. at the ; court house i .?r in Murphy. N. ? . on1 the l*'?th da ? : P bruary. 1 ' * ? 1 . at eleven. o"c!o. k A. M. Central Stand-! ard Time, the following lands, con veyed hy said deed of trust and sit uated :ri M i phy Township. Cherokee ? ? :jt . North < 'ai : "a Meumninjr or; a st.ik -n the hank * f the old ! ?ad leading from Murjm : to Andrews. N. < . and ru. - S Js o feet to a stake on the Norr.h hank of S\t;.. Hi/hviriy No. 1 '. the: ? ? ?? "h saio hiirhway N 4s deirt* ? - minutes E .vith -aid highway lo?o fe-st to a stake; thence j S 25 '.V ul'li !,1 j road 227 feet t- a' stake. ? n t North bank of - lid old toad; thence N 22 decrees .50 min ;ites K 750 f et to a slake; thence ? W r?00 fee! to stake; thence N -i S degrees 4"> minutes W 5 2 '? feet t ? ? i stake; thence S 11 deirr e- -?0 j minute- \V J.IJ feet to a stake; thence S 4s decrees M 1 minutes lo2?> feet ' : a - T.ak on t}.- North] hank of the old road; leading from! Mm phy to Andrews; thence with said I old t o id S decrees "??> minutes West '? the Beirinninj*. This Janu ary lath. ! :?:? 1 . 2 4 it. U K. KAY LESS, Trustee NOKTIl ? 'Alio LIN A. CHKIiOKEK COl/NTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ATTACHMENT W. T. HOI. [.AMI John H. Ott, Jr.. and Traders I .umber ' omparn . 270.70 due hy <<>ntract for lum- i her an 1 gToccrie.-. Warrant of attach- i m.nt, returnable before I. K. Keen r C. S. C. t" Cherokee (,'ounty, X. C. ! :it his office in Murphy. N". < not! later than 50 days from the I'.?th day t?f December. 1 >o. when and where the defendant, John H. Ott. Jr. is! required to appear ami ar.-wer * r de mur to the i unplaint. Dated this tin* l!Hh day or' Decem ber 1 W. T. HOI,!. AND. Plaintiff. NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT W. T. Holland vs. John H. Ott, Jr., and Trader* Lumber Company. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. The def ndant John H. Ott. Jr., above named will take notice that a summons in tin- above entitled action was issued against said defendant on tin- lllth day of December. 1930, by J. K. Ki-t-n r, C. S. C. of Cherokee County, N. C which summons was returned by the Sheriff of Cherokee County X. with the endorsement that John 11. Ott. Jr. was not to he found in Cherokee County, N. C.;i wher- upon tht* plaintiff asked iV>r I fud obtained iea\?* "o -? rve said no- j ti--. o: suit through publication; that! s ii ! s'iit is found d on contract for J I-imber and supplie, or groceries and food stuff purchased from the ph'.in- ' tiff by both of the defendants: "I he wefem'ant, John II. Ott, Jr.! will also take r.otiee that a warrant of; attachment .vas i-sin i by the -aid CI rk of the Suaorior ' ourt of Cher- 1 okee County. N C. on the !0th day BSf Oe oraber. 1 wiv.' warrant or* attachment - ?geiher v ith the sav.i ns -:i ihrouuh publication return-! able ! '"??re ?. said J. E. Ker*n r. C. ! S. C. ? I 'fieri Cm;: ? ?, X. ? \ at j his oi fiec in Murphy, X. C. not later', than fiity day- : ? ta ? I'.Mh day of I >.ven. ;>rth ( aro lina Corporation. Pittsburgh. Pa; Ar thur V. Davis. President. Pittsburgh. Pa; B. M. McClure and wife, Clayton. r,a. ; Lottie C. Clark. California; Phillip Gyer. or his heirs at law. whose names and residences, are un known; J. T. Siler. or his heirs at law, whose nam s and residences, are i ?iki : ? at ; W. I.. Love, or his heir- at law. whose names and residences, are unknown; Margaret Love, or heirs at law. wh"-e name- aril residences, are .ilnouii; William Jamc.- X al, or .? us at law. whose names and resi dence . are unknown; S. L. Xcal, or h? it. .U 'aw. whose names atul re-i ? irn.-es, an* unknown; Frank Siler, or heirs at law. whos names and resi dent' are unknown; A P. Munday. ? !* heirs at law. whose names and re-ide - . ar> unknown; Frank Leech, or heir at law. whose names and residence, are unknown; Vir ginia V. Swep-on, or heirs at law, who?e names and re- deuces, are un own; Robt. M. Furman and wife M'?!li?- M. Furman. wh e names and r ar- wn; Arthur Al dington and wif . whose residence is unknown; J. D. Hodgins. heirs at law. vhose names and residences are un k iown; Zeb McClure. or heirs at law, whose name- and residences are un known; John R. Brabson, whose res idence i- unknown; Bynum McClure, or heirs at law. whose names and res eiu-e^ are unkr.ov n; W. C. McClure, r heir- at law. wh > names and res ident* s. are unknown; John McDow ell. or heit < at law. whose names and residence . .ire uiikl'n>*\a; William Ledford, ? Company, whose address ? unknown. James Thomas and wife, whose address is unknown, or heirs at law. who-e names and residences are unknown; John McDowell, de ceased," heirs at law. whose names and residences, are unknown; Maggie M. McDowell, or heirs at law, whose names and residences, are unknown; <>. M. Hodgins and wife, whose res idence is unknown; William J. Mc Cluse. or heirs at law. whose r.ames and residence . are unknown; W. M. ! cdford, or h ir at law. whose names and residences, are unknown; Blue Ridge Lumber Company, whose ad dress is unknown; A. B. Led fore', whose residence is unknown; and all pcr.-on8 whomsoev r owning, or claim ing to own ai.;. estate, lien or inter e t ?'t" an\ l-ind or character in and the premise described in the tition in thi cause; You Will Take .'?of e. tha" an action entitled as above has been commenced in the ? ?i>r.-ict Coui: of the United States for the We.torn District of Xorth ' 'arolina, a' Asheville, for the con i -mnation of certain tracts of land ? i scribed in Exhibits "A", "A-l", ! "A*-", "A-'J". and "A-4" of the pe- . tit ion tiled in tie above entitled pro ?eedi; g. and known O the Tallassoe I'ower Company Trac'-:', C. M. Mc Clure Tract. C. J. Anderson Tract, G. C. Dowdle Tract, and Sibbald Smith IVact, situated in Macon, Swain and Cherokee Counties, Xorth (.'arolina; the Tallassoe Power Company Tracts ( 200a- 1 1 1, 200b, 200c, and 200d, ly in in Macon and Swain Counties, i North Carolina, and containing ac- 1 cordi"" to survey 4HIi.2o m n's; ami ? the ? . M. McClure Tract (29) lying, in Macon County, North Carolina, arm containing according to survey 17.91 ucrcs; th?- C. T. Anderson Tract -'ih day of I uni'.at v. 1 i'31, a peti>i"i was pre dated to the said l?ard signed by ,han one thir.i "f th qualified vote 1 s of a certain b 'indaVy de scribed and s-t out ask, rig that an , lotion t.o called by the said hoard jor the- purpose of voting for auain- a s,. cial school lax of not ,??ro than thirty ion's oil ' no hundroil dollars worth ot property :.nd ninetv ('.?"! cents on each tax 11 ill said l.oumlarj to sup plement the Public S-hool fund .vhici may be apportion .1 to saui ?=.: -tr:i ? by 'ho county Hoard of Mu Thcrefort it is o.dert.i by the board of county coir.m?sioncrs oi ; Cherokee county in i ocular session tl first Monday, the -?th day ot ??mu iy 1931. that an election bo hold under the laws and reflations of the General election laws of the . State of North Carolina to b hefj | a- 'the regular voting place in School I listrict No. 2. N'otla Township here-, inafter set out. Said election to be held on lues .lav, tho -Mill day of March, 1931. to j vnt . on written or printed ballots, for or against Special School Tax in the following teiritory to-wit: It heing that boundary known as District No. - i" Notla Township, j and described as follows: i Beginning at the Miles Gicen , place, going up the branch to the di viding ri.w .. Notla Township line, t'oncc with that ridge through b> l.etitia post Office, thence a west- j orlv direction with the Shoal Creek and Notla Township line to th An del-son branch, thence down the I, ranch, thence to the Allen Dickey place, thence with th. " r a n c h t,, the Notla River crossing the riv- , r at the mouth of said branch to the east bank of said river, thence up Noila River to the mouth o. t.old Branch thence up said branch to its heail wa? rs. crossing the ridge at the old Bellviov Road and an easter lv direction to the branch below the Suit Place, thence with the Brass town Road a w.sterly direction to No "8 at Tom Evans place, thence cro-sTng No. and running up a rid-e a north westerly direction to the top of the mountain, thence Straight to Notla River, crossing said river to the W-st bank thence down Notla River to the beginning. It is ordered by the hoard that a new registration be had and that - a Evans and George !? ox are ap inc d judges, and J. VV ' j ^ .Tat It -iristrar. It is further ordered that : he register l ooks ho open for said - U ction on Saturday, the 21st day of 1 ebruary and each Satuida> th rt ,'ter for four successive weeks, and ;;iso Saturday, the 21st day of March :-.s challenge day. It is ordered that said election b i.el.l in the manner and way as is | ? Ceneral Rlection, and that due! be mad of the said election ; " lh"S 'Tm. LOYINGOOD. Chairman Brd. Commrs. j ? Padgett ? Ex-offtcio ? Cletk _ -J"U application for pardon ? o Notice is hereby given that appli cation will bo made for the pardon; fraele Doekery. who i- now sen term in the State's Prison from Ch rokee County for larceny. All i persons opposing" >ame will please fii,. their protects with the Governor of Xoith Carolina. 'i:i- January 20th. 1931. (;. W. DOCKKRV 25-2t-pd. Father of Cragle Dockery o ? ? NOTICE ? o ? Cherokee county hereby gives no tice that at 10:00 A. M. on Monday. February 2nd, 1931, at the court house in Murphy, N. C., it will sell Ten Thousand Dollars of Revenue Anticipation Notes of said county at nrivat ? sale. This January list. 1931 J. M. LOVINGOOD, Chairman Board of Commissioners j lt-co. of Cherokee County. ANDREWS BRIEFS O At their regular meeting January 17, the Cherokee chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy went on record as favoring the pay ment of pensions to Confederate vet erans monthly instead of semi-anr nually as at present. The chapter passed a resolution memoralizing the members of the Legislature at Ral eigh to work to this end. It was pointed out in discussing the resolution that the p nsion is the only source of income for many of the veterans p.nd widows of veterans, and that six-month intervals between th pension payments often works a leal hardship on them. The coopera tion of other chapters will be solici ted in bringing this matter to the at tention of the legislators. The m eting Saturday was held at the home of the the Misses Kate and Leila Hayes near Tomotla. The Miss es Hayes had as joint hostess th ir aunt, .Mis. Xan Fulmer. Mrs. Giles Cover, president of the chapter pre sided. .Among the business matters to receive the attention was the re port of the committee in charge of ; lacing mark rs upon the unmarked ??raves of soldiers and veterans. It '.vas reported that applications had been made for more than fifty mark ers. , Alter the business session Rev. R. V Prevost of Andrews made a talk >n "Lee, the Christian Gentleman" The hotcssi s.rved a delicious salad course as refreshments. As a con clusion to the program Mrs. Fulmer recited "The first Battle of Manass- 1 a.-." to the gflcat deli'ght of all. The Andrews Woman's Club held it-- regular monthly meeting in the club room at the school building on Tuesday afternoon, January l'?. On, recount of the fact that the prcsi d nt, Mrs. I). 11. TilliU was on the program Mrs. Giles Cover presided. Mrs. Rose Perron and Mrs. Roy De Lung were received as new memb rs. The business session was occupied i-lieifly with reports and discussion of the work tlv club is doing in serving ?hool lunches. Ove two hundred free "ches were reported served during Dec mbr. Plans were made for en larging this fa ir of the club service n account of le many appeals that ure coming in or help. Mrs. K. F. Troutman gave an in teresting and comprehensive r. view ?f current events and Mrs. D. H. Til litt gave an introduction to the book, "Daughters of Kve" by Bradford. The club is reading this book and Mrs. Tillitt adc] d much to the inter est of the readers by her helpful and entertaining introduction. ? o ? The use of scientific m'-thods plus a generous supply of preservance and , faith is bringing success in the poul try business to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood of Andrews. These people are | demonstrating very forcfully how poultry can be made to contribute handsomely to the family budget. Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Wood began with poultry in a small way. They did not have the advantage of extensive quarters and other oppor tunities that a farm might offer NOTICE ? o To the Citizens and Tax Payers of Cherokee county: I wish to say that on and after Feb. 2nd, 1931. your taxts will be raised 1 cent 011 the dollar. You will do the county a favor as well as yourself to come in and pay your taxes in this month; the county needs the money now. If I our citizens wo^ld rally and, pp y | taxes early it would save the county j authorities from borrowijif^ mor^y and thereby enable them to lower taxes every year. R> spectfully. X. W. ABERNATHY, Tax Col lector. NOTICE Rev. Parker \\\ Fisher will hold a union preaching service at the Folk School. Sunday afternoon, January 1 25, at 2 P. M., Murphy Time. ince there was only an ordinarv 1 size town lot available at the back I of th-ir homo. But by careful plan jning and utilization of their spaco i they have been able to take care of a rather phenominal growth in their busin ss. Believeing that, the best is none too ?ood to insure success they have not practised a false economy in the purcha&A of cheap equipment and ; : tock. Their flock of one hundred i fifty White Leghorn hens comes from the very best strains in the country and each individual in the flock is scl cted for production. Their liatcnery is equipped with a late model Joniesway incubator of 2100 eggg capacity and brooder fa cilities are adequate to car for the >utput. From the hatchery last year 500 baby chicks were sold to custo meis in Cherokgg <*ountv. As yet it has not 1* en necessary to ?o out of i the county in search of customers. I In the two years of its operation the hatchery has paid for its equipment. I Custom hatching has proved to be a , profitable featur and will continue to be carried on. I Not having had any special poul try experience or training Mr. and Mrs. Wood turned to County Agent Gray for instruction and guidance. According to Mrs. Wood's statement they have followed these instruc tions diligently. They believe in utilizing .".11 the help that is available. Among th factors that are con ti Uniting most to their success with i poultry they believe to be the ex I treme care exercis d in selecting E*gs for hatching; close attention to san itation ; and the merciless culling and | grading of their flock. Of course j Mr. and Mrs. Wood are firm advo ? cates o f coop rative marketing ! among all poultry producers. ? o ? Interest in boy Scout work i* grow ing in Andrews at this time. A troop (has been organized under the aus pices of the Intermediate department of the Methodist Sunday school with i Rev. Walt r J. Miller as Scout Mas ter and Walter Allen as assistant. The Troop committee is composed of j.I. H. Christy, C. W. K. Pittman, and Frank Swann. The boys of the Baptist Sunday School will organize a troop on Fri day night, January 16. THE LEADER STORE Now is the time to buy merchandise and we have reduced prices from one third to one half on most everything we have in stock. We have slashed prices on all fall and winter goods to a price that you will be surprised at when you see the quality of the goods and get prices. Following are just a few of the many items we have in our stock at greatly reduced prices: LADIES' DRESSES AND COATS MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN'S AND BOYS* SHEEPSKIN LINED COATS MEN'S AND BOYS LEATHER LUMBER JACKETS MEN'S AND BOYS' MACKINAW COATS MEN'S AND BOYS DRIVING COATS AND LEATHERETTE COATS MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS MEN S AND BOYS' FLANNEL AND WOOL-MIXED SHIRTS LADIES' A ND MISSES' PAJAM AS LADIES' MEN'S AND BOYS SWEATERS MEN S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES In Fact we have the best prices on our entire line, consisting of everything in the ready-made garment and shoes for the entire family that you can find anywhere in the South. We have the best quality and the lowest price. Be sure and get our prices before buying. THE LEADER STORE Next door to 10c Store Murphy, N. C.