A MHDrU/C I A T C ^ by the court as receiver for the AINL'KLWO 1A/CAL.J Trader;. I.umber Company and John H. Ott. Jr. This concern has been erating a flooring plant im the Town of Andrews and quit opera tions about the middle of Decemb r. Mi-s Sail it' Dewar has pone to Fli.i tia to visit relatives where she will remain for a lengthy visit. Me- .v. I'- M-y 15. Ferebee and CI. 15. Hoblitz 11 were business visitor? in Chattanooga. Tenn., the first o." the pi* ?- n t week. I'-. 1. iJ. Newman has 1 ? en away for ^ei ?*rai days at Hampton Road.-, a., where hi- was with his father, who di ii on last Sunday night. ? o ? .Mr. J. H. Abernathy was an out- j of-town visitor on la t Sunday. w ? Mr. FJ. <_ . Moore of ronton was in Andrew- on last Saturdav on busi ? Hon Kelley h. Bennett. State SetMt'-r this Senatorial district w a in Andi? v or: last Saturday. f our peopl . ? o ? M- r . i Whitnkw ami D. H. Tillit* were in Murphy on Tuesday of this week on business. ? o ? Mr. I>. S. Russell has been appoint Mr. S. M. Cover was a business visitor in Hay sville the first part of this week. Mrs. .1. E. Tidwell who has been ill at her home in Andrews is improv ing ? o ? Mr. I.. If. Womach who is employ ed by the State Highway Commission made a business trip to Asheville on Monday of this Week. Mr. K. A. Wood was out. of town on business on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. S. Davis hav? moved ba. SUM) t ? > $2.">0 values 75c to $1.25 Wool Shirts, ?1.-5 to $1.50 values, 2 for $1.50. each 7yc Wool Si cks, 25c to -i5c values 15c to 20c Met *s and Ladies' Pajamas. $1.00 values 50c Ladies' 1 ail ami Winter Coats, $5.00 to 7.50 values $2.50 Boys' Ovei coats, $4.50 to $0.50 values $2-50 Outing and Jersey Bloomers, pair 25c Non-Hun ar i Rayon Bloomers, pair .... 45c Misses Uayon Ifloomers, pair 35*. , We have- just received a larjje shipment of Ladies' Silk Crepe Dresses priced to suit the buyer. Full line ladies and children's House Dresses 50c to 75c Ladies'and Misses Oxfords, ?12.25 to $2.50 values $1.85 Men's Work Shoes, $2.75 to $3.50 valtf s $2-45 to $2.6b . Men's Underwear, medium weight, $1.00 value 69c I'liion Made Overalls, triple stitched. $1.25 value 85c Overall Jacke*.--. $1.00 to $1.25 values 85c ro BE CONVINCED OK THIS GREAT CUT IN MERCHANDISE PRICES, COME IN AND LOOK. BOTH QUALITY AND PRICE ARE HERE! THE LEADER STORE Next Door to 10c Store Murphy, N. C. THE LITTLE GENERAL /*//// TOM ST LECTOR ?74.60 complete ir ith Ratlin tronn Th- llrpplrtehirr, $136: Tn+ Sheraton, $l52i Thr l.atr Italian. $172; Thr tjurrn Anne, radio phonograph. fl'tS: Thf iZeorgian , radio-phono graph, S270; T ho Pionrrr. trith **lf -contained poterr unit, f!36. All price* include Radiotron ?. Won I* cannot ?lo justice to the outstanding performance and quality of this six-tube, quadruple screen-grid radio with electro-dynamic speaker. Tone Selector and dual volume control. Price, complete with Radiotrons, $74.60. A lso six console models of authentic perioen public Im provements are proposed, do not ask "Can we afford them?" but rather "Can we afford NOT to have them? l.iterprr taticn (leorgfe. Jrrc pre: sible I d ? f six. nad conlined to flit- hoi: