The Leading W eehly Newspaper in IT ester n North Vol. XLII.? No. 29. Murphy Carolina, Covering a Ijirge and Potentially Rich Territory in This State , N. C., Friday, February 20, 1931 $1.50 YEAR ? 5c COPY FUNERAL FOR DILLARD HELD LAST FRIDAY Remain* of Cherokee County Legis lator Laid To Re*t In Sunset Cemetery Funeral n rvices for Hon. .John H. Dill&rd. 69. prominent Murphy law yer and Cherokee County's, repre sentative in the General Assembly, u ho died at Feidsville, were held last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Presbyterian Church ? the little white churcH he loved so well am! in which he served and worship ped so long. Thfe pastor, the Rev. Dr. -I. P. Anderson, conducted the "rvices, assisted by the Rev. J. Le Roy Steele, pastor of the First Bap tist church, with interment in Suns.t Cemetery. Heavy clouds hung low and a s'rady downnour of rain continued all day, but despite this hundreds of friends and loved ones braved inde nt nt weather to pay their last re spects. The church was crowded to overflowing and many had to stand in the aisles and vestibule, out in the rain or retired to the shelter of his home next door. The services were short and simple, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased and his bereaved helpmate. The Profusion of flowers and the as sembly of friends, high and low, who braved the drenching downpour pave definite, unspeakable evidence of the hisrh esteem in which he was held by not only the community hut high circles of the state as well. The House of Representatives adopted a resolution of sympathy and ngret, and appointeo a delega tion to attend the funeral services. Several members of the House, when the resolution was adopted, eulogiz