A TRIP TO PALESTINE By k?v Howard p. PoweJi S ?n afte we were assigned to our rooms we w;:\- called to lunch. There was Ii ' 1 1 ? - difference between the ?'??od ?? ? and t ..at of Pales tine. We still i i mutton as "the main di-h." Af' ne has had sev eral w ek- i" i' k -'i'H . Syria, and llgypt he will ha.' \ :.d his share of mutton f >r life. In Damascus, as in ?Jerusalem, we were fortunate in having a >od supply of oranges. The i- v.ere se*\ -: t each meal. In the cen'i-r <1 iong tables were larg lr:.* howls fiild with nuts and rp&ins. wV.irh ? ????mbinat: >n we found to he r all tv tables in Syria. V." ? -ra? ? ? ? u r 'our of the city soon after the lunch hour. We went ' i t t > ?' - i Straight, a r eferen<' '? v.r.i ? u will find in the A..t- *h- A:> -t'f-. chapter nine. This street is today, after r in.-'-. ; Y \ir. ? y.-.r-. the main ? > ! 1 V: m . U the only . 1 1 : . in "he city. This fact w i - to those of ?! wh > V.a\ ?? - 1 ; ? ? i : ? ? - i tin life of Saul .? T;t ? : w ? Paul the Apo tle. Near treet, we found the J ili'i : ?! i .? of Ananias, which wi' vi^tci. We were told that near t h . - Street railed Straight 1 ? .1 ; ;a?. when- Paul lodge i v. >; *.va - visited l?y Ana ma There is a mo-\jue i?uilt upon 'lie ? * * ::t v. which was preceded i?y a ?.?V.:roh. We \ !-:'<"i '! ? era -< f;:< torie- and ?-ug f i 4 'if- Dan a-cus and found them -o he v - interesting. The Chief <1? -:_Tier in the bta-s factory wa> a mar of h ml?le life. w;th very 1 1 ' * I e education. Nevertheless, he -at without any picture ? r plan before him and aw.- ! the most beau tiful article- of :?ra>~s of any man in lie h:sto?-y f bras- carving, or de siirning. .lu.-t a lew day- before our party visited Damascus. Mrs. Mc Pheison. of I. os Xngeles. California, was there an-i this man designed a hra> trav for her priced at two hun ? Ired and fifty dollar-' which was one ?f the it> -: expensive. Labor is ^he:*p I>ama-"us. and the same tray would -il for about .,ne thous and dollar- in America. In the rug factory we -aw little girls laboring ? il: ?? : and needles on rugs that some times took three w nths to complete. These little eirl- worked long hours for ten and tifteen cenv day. They did this at a sacrifice of health, school, and play. Many <>t them were as young a> five ant} six years of age. The ru,;s were beautiful, but the price paid by the-1*' little children robbed them ??:* much >?'" their beau ty. We visited the old city wall at the ga*- where :* was R elieved that Paul wits, lowered by the Christians to :ave him from the fury of the Jews i Acts ? : 2 ?""? > . This gale has been ...,i for -even hundred year-. "Ad ?? v.t. underneath some trees, is a toir.b -aM to be rhat of St. Beorge. j :t :i Aby.--inian convert who assisted, Paul to l ---m; . and perished as a | i-i.rsei-jxscnce." As we returned from our tour of the city we met a funeral proce>sion. ! Th * - was Iff! by the upper part of casket, which i- more than the j jlid of our caskets. Following the; man with this part of the casket was a? empty hearse, and then a group j ? f b?>y> and girls dressed in white. Then came four ministers, or priest?, and then the body carried by six men. The body was on the lower ' half of the casket exposed to the view . f the p ! ?><?< r -ion and the pa? Hn.'j: tVrong--. Fb-wers were banked ( ab ut the ?ii iy, but the face was .exposed to the hot sun of a May aft ernoon. The deceased was dressed | similar to the American manner of preparation for burial, with the ex I ception of 1 i- fez. which is the pop I ular Syrian hat. This man must have I been ne of some note, judging from I the procession and the number of I priest>. At three o'cl-ck in the morning. ] we were awakened by the Moham medan call to prayer. The tower jfrom which he made his call stood near the window of cur room, mak ing it possible for us to pet the full benefit of the call. While one may not agree with :lie Mohammedans, we. as Christian?, could well afford to take our prayer life as seriously as they do. Wo could not but imag ine jti-r h' \v nany Christians would ' a"; ? ? i raver at 3 o'clock in the morning as many of that faith, are doing. 8 We left Damascus the following I morning, following the road leadirgl up the Abana River. Ah ng this road we found some of the choicest flow er-; an: shrub* of Syria, which added no little to the inspiration of the drive. We are now er.rou'e 1 Baalbek Syria. (To be continued) POSTF.LL pv n m~ . , Mr. Grady Tones lad the mi- for- ; tune of flitting his i- ?giery badly with an axe la-*. \v? < Pr. \ounul took seven stitches to close the place Mr. 0. 1.. Stiles ha- ' ? in linger ing health for m-re than a year anci his condition is hei ing alarming. 1 as the doctor >ays hi rstical I condition. Mr. Theodou ? ha; ' .v.. of Suit. |ian his car off < -f a :iil into the 1 -ranch near M. M. I ? i'\ird's store la-t week and i minor inju I ries. on<? on th.- head a: ! one on the | knee. i Mr,. Vaud. Brendle. of Akron. O.. was a welcome visitor at -r Sun flay school last Sundav. Mr. and Mr-. Sam K ? - y and Mis. Lena Blaylock and little .wi ? Wilmer of Duckt-wn. Tenn.. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Allen and Mr. and M -. S. V. Allen last Sunday. We wei'v bl> ?--< i with a nice show er of rain last Saturday evening. There was quite a number of peo ple motored to Marble hist Sunday from our section to the all day sintr ; ing and reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Lakes Quinn and little Genet fvlcre Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tea gue. There was a decc- .lion at the homo cemetery kno a11 the Allen ?cemetery last Ssndav at 2 o'clock. i Mr-. J. J. Tatrue is slowly improv ing from a bv-ken hip bone. A Most Liberal OFFEP Get Your 1931 Reading Matter At BIG SAVING FOR ONLY You may take YOUR CHOICE of these Money Saving Clubs SPECIAL CLUBS Order1 Either ? The Asheviile Citizen By Mail Daily and Sunday for Six Months The Cherokee Scout By Mail Every Week for One Year or ? The Asheviile Times By Mail Daily and Sunday for Six Months The Cherokee Scout By Mail Every Week for One Year Take Advantage Of These Clubs NOW! Check Above The Club You Want WHY PAY MORE Round out your family'* reading for the coining year with these pop ular Western North Carolina newspapers. This offer for mail subscribers only. Address Your Subscriptions To Either Hie Asheviile Citizen The Asheviile Times, Asherille, N. C. Asheviile, N. C. OR THE CHEROKEE SCOUT - - Murphy, N. C. ORDER TODAY? This Is Our Best Offer Mrs. Lyda Cotter i; visiting her I ,4on-in-law and daughter. Mr. and ! Mrs. Sam Kimsey -. of Ducktown, this j week. I ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamby were } S evonimr tr : -t- of Mr. and! M T. M Allen. 1 < Last weellg letter) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen and fami ly. ' i" Athens, Tenn, were welcome j jruests of the former's parents Mr. \ and Mrs. S. Y. Alien last Sunday. Mr. Polie Alien, of Suit. N. C.. ?a a- a welcome visitor at our Sun- j ?iavH-bool iast Sunday. ? HI A large number of people of our j -Ti n attended the decoration at1 Liberty la-* Sunday. y . and Mi--. J. M. Hamby motor-} M 1 I.-'.ht Saturdav evening, j ' The hor.e\ 'f owners in our sec 1 1 i ??!! rt-post i heavy honey flow for the last few weeks. Mr. ;m<l Mrs. I. M. Hamby motor ivd Miuphy \. Saturday eve | ning. .. M Mrs. Vaud Brendle. of Akron, Ohio, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mr. X. A. Quinn. Mrs. Brendle was born and reared in this section and is loved by all know her. Sh, 1Kk many friends and relatives to vi.it while on her vacation. Mr- and Mrs. O. \Y. Runim.- . little son Charle.-. of Chattam.<.> ;:i. Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph s lin and little Miss Martha lit .. ? Athens. Tenn. and Mis sGlenn Run ions, of Farner Tenn were i;uest? of their ucle ad aut.etiwiita and Mrs. T. M. Allen, last Smiday ? ?veiling. RATS DIE so do mic?, onco they eat RAT-SNAP And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it t-y a pack age. Cats and dogs won't touch it. Rats pass up ail food get RAT! SNAP. Three sizes. 35c size - 1 cake - - enough for Pantry , Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size - 2 cakes - for Chicken House, coops, Or small buildings. $1.25 size - 5 cakes - enough for all farm and out - buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by R. S. Parker, Druggist, Murphy, N. C. Special Reduction For 30 Days Only In order to stimulate trade during the summer, we are making a reduction and are offering the fol lowing prices for the next thirty days only: SUITS, Cleaned and Pressed 80c DRESSES, Cleaned and Pressed 70c HATS, Cleaned and Blocked, any kind, 50c You get the same high quality workmanship and service in the above prices we have been giving in regular prices, backed by years of experience in the cleaning business. _ ? ? GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED Phone 67 SMALLEN BROS Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing ! SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM jj I SPECIAL EXCURSIONS It LIMIT : 5 Days. ) ? o? j SATURDAY, JUNE 20th, 1931: i to all TEXAS POINTS at rate of one far? plus twenty-five cents (25c) for round trip, final limit returning July 12th. ASK TICKET AGENTS J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. i FRIDAY, JUNF 19th, 1931 RATES from Asheville to: WASHINGTON RICHMOND NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFORT VIRGINIA BEACH $13.50 ? $11.50 $12.50 j $12.50 j $13.00 ?

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