A TRIP TO PALEsffNE By R-v. Howard P. Powell .x-H-X-X' The drive from Damascus. Syria t Baalbek. Syria, was anions the mo : beautiful of the trip. The drive took us through ^'>me ? f the beauti ful plains of Syria, and in the dis tance we could ?ee Mount llermon with i*> >rj"W and al-o the Lebanon M A number I saered I ? I : i ? - ? - are said to lie along this route. b-.;t there is little foundation for the claims of many of them. Among this number we are told that the ton;- of Noah may be seen. At ta:^ e fr :n Baalbek one set s the columns of the Temple of Jupiter standing out boldly from the quarries. The little city of Baal bek has a population of approximate ly ">200, with Chn.-tains and Moslems about evenly divided. It has been difficult to determine the origin of Baalbek, though, from the name, it j is i-educcd that the inhabitants of tin Bjka a. or i oeiesyria,, maliish ed here their chief center for the worship of Baal; Egyptian and Assy rian inscriptions call the place Ba'albeki. It is impossible to iden tify th, s it t- with any Biblical place with any iIhitpo of certainty. "Aft er traveling up and down and across tha* whole region for twenty-five ye;:rs." ay- Dr. Thompson. "and ? ; the undersigned trustee by Cephas White and wife, I*T1 !;i White, date.i January 21st. 102-1. and rec-rded in the office of Register of deeds for Cherokee Conn ty North Carolina, i n Hook No. 7 1. pa^i- and default having Keen made in the payment of the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust.! and ihe holder of the notes thereby secured having made demand upon' the undersigned trustee that he exe cute said tru? 11 to the highe-t bidder for cash, at ten o'clock A. M. (Central, Standard Time) the following de scribed real estate: A certain tract of land lyin?r and being in Cherokee County. N. C., and described as follows: In Mur- i phy Township (District No. 5) on' the waters of Hates Creek. BEGIN NING on a stake on the east bank of Bates Creek in the line of old survey, and runs west 6Vi poles to a stake, corner of same; then with original line between Patton and Ashe, north 3 1 j east 38 poles to a stake; then S. <34 E. 20% poles to i a willow on the east bank of Bates' Creek; then down said creek with its meanders about 29 poles to the be ginning, containing 2 M acres, more ; or less. This the 24th dav of June, 1031. L. E. BAYLESS, (47-4t-foc) Trustee. \ LAKE CARROLL Notice To The Public . Lake Carroll is now open for fi?h- | in^. Charges per day for one person ? $1.00. Bag limit 10 Bass 9 inches j and up. 20 Brim any size. Good camps. No fishing license required. HERBERT & CURTIS J(ILLS RATS | and mice? --that's RAT-SNAP, the j old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes ? no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 35c size - 1 cake - - enough for Pantry , Kitchen or Cellar. 65c ii>e - 2 cakes - for Chicken House, coops, Or small buildings. $1.25 size - 5 cakes - enough for all farm and out - buildings, storage building*, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by R. S. Parker, Druggist, Murphy, N. C. lecture brought t- our minds some ! of the facts about the ancient place j of worship. Dr. Alouf told us that j Baalbek - ruins rank anion? the I mojlt wonderful architectural crea- | tions of the genius of mankind. He 1 says. "Not only the archaeologists. ! but numerous tourists, who sur- ' mount he many difficulties of trav eling in this country, unite in declar ing Ti.e ? ruins a masterpiece of Greek architecture." When one looks upon these ruin standing as a testimony to the faith of the people in their nods of the first and second centuries, he cannot be content with the evident lack of faith in and for the Christ of the ? nipty ?omb. Until this day it ro , mains a mystery as to the construc tion of these temples. With all the modern equipment for construction it would be impossible to get such huge stones together and raised to such positions as these occupy today after .'.early two thousand years standing. All this adds weight to the faith these people had in their irods. The largest of these stones was never moved from the quarries. the r?nsnn uro lonrn. It would tax the skill of an Ameri can engineer in this modern day to plan a ystem of transportation for this stone t ? the Acropolis. While we were in Baalbek, which was from noon on Thursday until Friday noon, we were guests at the Palmyra Hotel, which is owned and operated by the sons of Dr. Michel M. Alouf. From the lobby of the hotel we could sef the hotel when a young man passed along the street , below. Mr. Alouf greeted him as , h,. pau>t d. Afterwards he explain- | <-.j the meaning of his name in Kng- 1 li-h. We found that in Syria, many people were known by the name which ?\pr? --ed their particular dis position. This young man had the happy distinction of heintr a person' po-ee that he wa- properly named. Returning from our vi- t ? tl.e ruins we wer,. met on the street by, one of the business men of the little city who insisted 'hat we \i-it in his' i me. W,. accepted his invitation and had the privilege of going ; through his home, which was one of 1 comfort and beauty. His wife and daughters served refreshments, aft er which they < \er. ised their keen ability in offering for sale their in teresting collection of wares. We are now leaving Baalbek for Beyrouth, Syria. (To he continued) ANDREWS LOCALS Mayor I). S. Kus.-ell and Mrs. D. S. Russell, Mrs. Chelcy Tatham and daughter, Mrs. Virginia Shoots, spent ! several days the latter part of the | past week in Knoxville. Tenn.. visit- j ing Mr. and Mrs. Russell's daugh ter, Mrs. C. S. Johnson. Messrs. E. A. Wood and D. H. Tillitt were in Franklin on last Thursday on business. Mr. J. W. Walker made a busi ness trip to Dillsboro on last Thurs day. Mrs. A. B. Chandlor and Mrs. W. F. Turner were visitors in Murphy on last Friday. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Clyde H. Jarrett and daughter and son. Sarah Evelyn and Clyde Jr., spent the week-end as the guests of Mr. Jarrett's parents at Dillsboro, N. C. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of Andrews School Dis trict, Mrs. ^G. K. Hoblitzell, ftfrs*. Giles W. Cover, Mrs. R. A. Dewar, Mrs. James Knight and Mrs. D. H. Tillitt were appointed a committee to have charge of the grounds of the Andrews school Mr. B. L. Padgett made & business trip to Asheville on Thursday of the past week. He took with him Mrs. Lucy "Wakefield "who has gone to make her home in Asheville. Ml. Amos Ay era, of Sue Falls, South Dakota, spent several days in Andrews the past week. Mr. Ay ers is with the International Rotary Club and was visiting the Andrews Club. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heame and I daughter, Jane, of Louisville, Ky., :are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Tillitt. Mr. Heame s an uncle of Mrs. Tillitt and t> e brother of Mrs. Tillitt's mother who makes her home in Andrews. Mr. H. M. Whitaker and W. W. Ashe have been spending several | day- in Murphy in connection with | their opening a furniture store there. I Mr. K. A. Wood was a business' visit- r in A>r cville n Friday of the j past weok. i Mr. -Tames Kn-irht spent the Pasl (week 1 !i Ashev:i'? ? n business for the State Highway Commission. ' Mrs. P. Wit-. over. of Asheville, N. < .. is visitii u i: the home of her brother, Mr. J. A. Morgan. Mrs II. A. Dev/ar. who has spent overal weeks in Washington, D. C.. ' visiting her daughter. Miss Alice Dewar. returned t" her home in An drews on last Saturpaay. Mayor I?. S. Russell was in Rob binsville. X. < .. on Tuesday of this [week participating in a celebration of the opening ?f the road from Knoxville, Tenn.. through Robbins* Mr. and Mrs. (>. P. Robinson and family are -ponding several days in Georgia visiting relatives and friends Messrs. R. F. Williamson and Howard Moody were business visi tors in Andrews on last Saturday. . ? o Junior Club Donates To Needy Families Provisions f'-r eight families un- ' dor ti?e direction of County Agent II. W. Gray, was nated by the Junior Woman's Club. The dona tions consisted of Lard, flour, meat , and coffee for one family; clothing! and substantial food for six weeks for a woman with pellegra; clothing : and other necessities for a needy! mother, and food for two colored j women. Any one knowing of needy cases! art. requested to cull them to the at- 1 tcntion of the officers of the Junior Club so that steps may be taken to] relieve them. 'Hi,. Club has .-pent] SlO.Oll on provisions for the neodv, and the treasurer reports that they i have some money yet left in the charity fund. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clarke and daughter. Miss Marian Clark, of Copperhill. were registered at the Dickey H< tel last week. OAK PARK The topic of the day in this com munity is harvesting small grain. Mrs. Luther Thompson visited Mrs. E. E. Thompson. Saturday. Mr. John Beaver spent Saturday night with his uncle, D. C. Stiles. We regret very much to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Lum Stiles of Postell. Mr. Virgil Allen <>f Suit pas*sed through our section last week with a load <-f baled poke salad on his way to Ducktown. Mr Allen says this is a new industry "baling poke" and is very likely one at home. We hope him muc'n success in his new venture. Mr. Clifton Henry has Keen on sick list for a while but is swiftlj Mr. E. E. Thompson made i bj ness trip to Murphy Saturday. Lloyd Thompson was a visitor i nnr section Seturdav. RATS DIE so do mice, once they >-_at RAT-SN^I? And they leave no odor behind. ~ take our word for it ? try a agc. Cat* and dogs won't touch Rats pais up all food to get RAT* SNAP. Three ?ires. 35c ?ize - 1 cake - . , . i Pantry , Kitchen or Cellar. ? H 65c size - 2 cake. - for Chi L H01U.,2^C00P*' V T" bu,,d>"?i I Sl.25.ua 5 eke, . e J , L ?II farm and out - building., buildings, or factory building,. Sold and guaranteed by R. S. Parker, Druggist, Murphy, N. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM THURSDAY, JULY 2ND Chattanooga, Birmingham Savannah, Brunswick, Florida Points and Havanna FRIDAY, JULY 3RD Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, | Old Point Comfort and Virginia i Beach For detailed information, ASK TICKET AGENTS, or write J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. MONEY RAISING STARTS Friday July 3rd AND ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 11TH BIG LOT OF DISTRESS MERCHANDISE HAS | BEEN CONSIGNED TO US TO TURN INTO CASH, AND INCLUDES Towels, Shirts, Enamelware, Aluminumware, Chinaware , Stockings, Socks, Toilet Articles, Notions, Bloomers, Beads, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Men's Ties, Garters, Ladies Rings, Dolls, Toys, Soap and Face Powder ? ALL AT THE BEST PRICES IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE HERE WATCH NEXT WEEKS PAPER FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRICES HEADQUARTERS FOR 4TH OF JULY GOODS INCLUDING BUNTING, AUTO FLAG SETS, AND FLAGS RANGING IN PRICE FOR lc TO 75c EACH A&B 10c & 25c Stores MURPHY, N. C.