?ninent Murphy cit ;iH to keep it frorr. the Schcji Come out. j Green of Lake | iting relatives and' M. Hinshaw and ? week with relatives ristown and Len . II. Murray spent Y h ? ' haw Asheville, fit- Mr. and Mrs. ;i : H; aI;., . S. Williams of : , .inlay with Mr. and '' . naw. Mr. ami ' W. P. Odom left Sun .... ?. r a to relatives and in \ die and Weave rvj lie. ft awa> ?>dom will take treat - gr.t at 0t( Hospital. Mr-. W 1 topher, son and dau p-: Spurc Mi'I Mrs. E. A. Brown ir.L-1'f At. a 'la. are visiting: rela trr and r ' here. Mr.-. V. Bailey and daughters. JUry Hi! >- i Carolyn returned ^ -ne last F- * from a visit to rela :r.ts ami friends in Atlanta and Col Ike I'ark, (i.. Miss Far- Deweese is visiting v * ? at ci \bernathy this week ir. Syr. a. a ei and Mrs. Bessie Dweese Sunday for Athens, ? tht funeral of Mr. N. irley is vis ting reta in Athens, Ga. left for her home eai mont, Ga. I Mr-. A. ttian spent several I a my little dog gone" n the song of Amos *n* I of the famous com | fame, in the Dees 1 late Friday night.] I very line. Don't miss I good laffer. J 1 . i s the guest of her MSghter. ! Bobbie Burns in Cop" fcerhill, T. t. .. | I Miss Butt of Butler, Ga. I ither, Mr. Ira Butt. I Bell of Winston- Salem lis v.-itir.j . mother, Mrs. Margaret ?Bell and other relatives. i I I Gordon Hasty and Ijughte Martha M osier of Fort \r ?? are visiting relatives pad frien:U hers. I Mr. Portei Axley of Statesville is fwting relatives and friends here. L Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sudderth of Piami, I ! a. are visiting friends and i Relatives her-. 1 pr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Philadelphia, Pa. spent last week p '-h Mr. Brown's grandparents, Mr. pd Mr>. I;. H. Hyatt and other rela tives. Mr. and M rs. Ralph Barrier re- 1 urned to their home in Indianapolis, J<1. after spending a week with Mr. barrier's sister, Mrs. W. M. Axley. Mrs. M. Hendricks and son, Ar r"jr of Bail^round, Ga. are visiting Pf parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. r-M. Wofford and Mrs. P. C. Hyatt. LMrs. Margaret B"ell and daughter, C. Mary and Mr. Porter Axley of pitesville left Wednesday for a visit f? Atlanta and Sparta. Ga. 'Boo-hoo! A long time ago!" is Jttle Bennie's wail at the school tonight, 7:30 o'clock, in the oon Creek Skule Friday night at ?he school audito rium, 7 :30 P. M. tand Mrs. Harvey Hughes of a. Ga. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Akin. ?? yc trear or Friday Mr. ar i M ^r.os here. Mr. and M duiiren -!?'-? ai fnend? ? I Xfr. and M I. > Mr. and Mm. W. S. Dickey ;.:id Mr. Berlin JLovingooa, Mi a. Johnny \ ancey oi Atlanta, lia lharsuay in Asheville su : in*: Miss Martha Herbert vi lia . ii-j is visiting -?lis? .-viifi Catn.Mer. The many friends of Mr Grace Cooper wno has o-.tii .-v.ru .. .. \.,u oe ^lad to kno.w tnat &ae is mipiov- j mg. The many fi lends of M: E. L?. Xorveil win re lt r e r. ? near .. illness. Mrs. Sani Maw/ei. and d&ugl/.'-rs ana Miss ? i!i<" j Harney 1 \>un.< . ivy. are the guests oi .u i . .WaxwenV ' sister, .Mis. n. i . I'oweii. Mr. an i Mrs. Zala Adams of An?J , rew.s were visitors in to.vn, .Monday. X Mr. James Williamson of Canton, spent the week-end with ins xatrie? Ml-, iv. Jr. Williamson. Mr. Paul Howell who is attending Draughon Business C<>aege in ivnox ville, lenn. is visiting his parent.-. Mr. and Mis. \V. K. Howell. "Breath" is the air we breathe, and you would be surprised at tr.e ? n derful advantages cited by one - t the radio twins at the school auuu num Friday night. The many friends of Mrs. K. A. Vestal who has been in St. Leo Hos pital in Greensboro will be glad to know that she has left the hospital and is visiting her sister, Mis Minnie Hoover in Ashboio. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Russell an-: chil dren, of Morristown^ Term.. an - -it ing Mrs. Russell's sister. Mi- S. M. Hinshaw, and family. Misses Mary Louise Russell ami Catherine Moody have return < Asheville after spending a wee th Miss Moody's parents. Mr. and Mis. J. N. Moody and other relativt Circle No. 1 of the Woman .Mis sionary society of the First ! I 'l-t Church met at the home of Mr I!. , IS. Adams on Tuesday aftern< n. Mrs. Ralph Moody conducted the devotion al. Mrs. Adams led the Mission Stud y. After the business a social hour was enjoyed by all after which the hostess served delicious refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. K. (?. Chris topher. Mrs. Ralph Moody. Mrs. Fred Christopher, Mrs. Burgess Bailey and Mrs. Porter Meroney. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald of Knoxville Tenn. are visiting Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattox. Mr. \V. F. Krickhan. of Asheville, v;as a visitor in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coker of Brass town announce the birth of twin boys on Sunday, August 9th. Messrs. Buster and Bill Bayless, Charles Dickey, William Thompson, Jerry and Pruden Davidson, Paul Howell and Frank Ferguson enjoyed a camping trip at Dockery Mill Dam. The Presbyterian Sunday School enjoyed a delightful picnic at Juna luskA Pool the latter week in July. The children and their friends assem bled where the cars were waiting to take them to the pool. A bountiful feast was spread for the children, their teachers and a number of invi ted guests. Swimming and other sports were provided and all enjoyed the day to the fulltst extent. FOR SALE: Used Chevrolet Bus ? Model 1929. Ideal for School Bus. A real bargain. Mrs. Nettie Dickey. The Scout wishes to correct an item that appeared in these columns last week in which it was stated that Mrs. Kate Fox, of Oaks. Pa., was visiting frends and relatives here. It should have been Mrs. Kate Evans. Our informant, a close friends of Mrs. Evans made the mistake and regrets it as much as The Scout, and correction is gladly made here. COMING DR. N. D. WELLS registered optometrist (Eye-Strain Specialist) Murphy, Mon. Aug. 17th, Regal Hotel Positive l ?UR SPECIALTIES: Eiamin ?f.5ye. Strain and all consequent Hcadaches. Eyes Scientifically without the aid of Drugs or Loss o ! time from work. 7^? At Well As Comfortable action Guaranteed by Twenty-four YeaTs Successful ""WllUIIIIHIIl Experience. bring us all your eye troubles Misii Kloise Hampton, of Chatta- 1 no:.ira. T-nn.. is the guest this week I "f I: r -ister, Mr.-. Howard Mood\. ? y. (iii'nc. Dutt. f Blair>vill*. ' \va- h- r . congenial week-en 1 i [jjwirty < ,?1 Lake Saturday and! |Sun;;>\ 'I h< ? composing the party wt r- Mr. > . Mr-. Harry I'. Cooper. Mr. 1: II. A. Mattox, 'Miss Kl ?? II ? ' ?: Chattanooga; ??li Lt-ur.: I . i:t . Mi? Ola Hamilton, and Mi- Watkins. of An jdrc.v-; V. \\ H. Linderinan. an i M' V. : . r. Hamilton, of A* ? irv.v>; I i: KHis, Paul Howell, and ! C'liff I'd of Murphy. Mr. and Mr-. !. B .-' rev and neices, M:.-m-s ai. : I ranees Ellington, Mr. an?I Mrs. I'aif Lee. and Mi r- Cather i ;ru M hv fhTnt I ? -V ' 1 Weil-. v.? 11 known op y of Andrew-, but! i n-'-.v ? \ ? . . .v ill !>?? in Murphy j at thi !: gal hotel Monday August 1 T th, fr. O purpose of t-xamining eyes and fitting1 glasses. AU"rr.-;. T. m/ Jenkin- and Jack M" rphew. of Robhinsville, are among tin- ?.ur.-of-town lawyers attending rourt here this week. Mrs. S. V. Evans and children, Ilo-si.- Ruth anod Samuel of Oaks, I'a., hav returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Kvans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sneed. of Rang er. and other relatives in th? county. Hear Madam Sistrunk Shuman hienke in her d it (or swan song) at tie- -chool auditorium Friday night.? A lar.irht f r everybody ? ev en the ol* hour.' dorg would laugh at this play. Mr. and Mr-. Bill Adams and lit tle daughter. Billy, and Mist. Cather ine Abernathy, of Sylva, spent Sun day here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Smith spent the week-end in Waynesville where thty attend* . 1 th- annual Greene family reunion -Id there Sunday. Mr. and Mi . K. I v. Shields, and children. ? larer i < . Lewis and Mary . Franeis. of Oak . I'a., left Monday for their home after spending two week- with Mr-. Shields' parents. Mr. and Mrs. (icorge Kvans, of Ranger, and other relativ?> of the eounty. ? Mr. and Mrs. Shields are former i f'herok- ?? county citizens nnd have many friends here who are always glad t- se them. Miss Akin In Piano Recital Mi Annie (irnham Anderson pre sented .Mi-s Mild rod Aikin, one ?? f her music pupils, it) a violin and | plain" recital at the club room of th? Library on August 11th, it 7:30 nYlock. a>.-ited by Mis- Margaret, Withei spoon, reader, and Mr. Wil liam Thompson, tenor. Quite a num ber or friends gathered and enjoyed the program, and Miss Akin and her assistants were highly complimented on the splendid program rendered. The program follows : Vitdin ? Serenata 4>y Moskowski; j Melodv by Dawes ? Miss Mildred. Akin Piano ? Les Sylvain. Op. 60 by Chaminade; Valsette by Lieurance ? Miss Mildred Akin. Voice ? Pale Hands by Finden; Dear Little Boy of Mine by Kail ? | William Thompson. Violin ? Adoration by Bohow^-kb ? Miss Mildred Akin. Reading ? The House With Nobody In It by Kilmer ? Miss Margaret Witherspoon. Piano ? Two-Part Invention, No. 8 by Bach; Sonata, No. 4 (Allegro Move ment) Ly Mozart ? Miss Mildred Akin. Voice ? Goodby To Summer by Tosti ? Mr. William Thompson. Violin ? Concerto In Minor by Ac :olay ? Miss Mildred Akin. 0 Distinctive Dagree The degree of F. A. C. S. (Fellow American College of Surgeons) is be stowed upon a doctor when he has distinguished himself la .surgery. This degree inuy he conferred upon any doctor who Is a graduate of the lead ing medical schools of the country. Pains Stopped When Lady Got Stronger ??About a year ago, my health was not good," writes Mrs. W. F. Slve ley. 8800 First Court, N.. Birming ham. Ala. "I felt weak, tired. I had pains In my back. I knew by these symptoms I needed something to build me up. My mother advised me to try Cardul. which I did. I found it was what I needed, for it built me up. The pain in my back stopped, and I felt better and stronger than I had In some time. I took about 7 bottles of Cardul In all." r*.i? CARDUI gold at Drug Slortt Members of the B. Y. P. U. form ed a congenial party to Junaluska Pool, Andrews, Thursday afternoon. Miss Bettie Kate Me Combs, and Mrs. J. P. Francis Jr. and little nephew. Master John Penny, spent the first ? f thi week .vith friend- in Atlanta and Marietta, Ga. Miss Ruby Ow?'nby. of Marietta, returned with then: and will spent the winter in Murphy. Mr. Noil Sneod. of CopperhiU, Tenn.. was a visitor in town Sun day. Mr. and Mr-. Krncst Adams and daughter. Mi>s Flrm'stn^'. "t" Marv vilk*. Tenn.. spi-nt the* wi-.-k-i-nd with Mr. Adams' parent*. !>? and Mr.-. N. 15. Adams. Mr. li. L>. I^ovingootl and son. (>la*ie, moioro?: i