v f Vestal spent the week ? ^ j L tffii. Pit-key spent several 1,,. m wi'fk. ? t \ i. ,.f Patrick, was a . t i town Monday. E" Ji. u ! Hill, of Postell. Was a ?; "r ? . ionday \\ - \\ ; on -pent several ?c in Atlanta this week. . y , j> \ ! . ; . of Andrew?, was ! . ' ? r it! t w r. Monday. 1 \\ ? ? ??'? Ogre??ta. was L;j*t ;:i ?: Wednesday. 1'. ? >pent the week- | Way ?' ";ile with relatives and ; ;tr>- 1 jlr. ai . W. \. Arnold, of j :ai:anO"!.,:k. I - nt:.. were week-end ators of Mr. and Mrs. VV. P. Ud >m. Mr and Mr-. James T. Smith, of ipray, N. ' . v.. re guests of Rev. Ir.ii Mr- H' ? Powell Mr. W. Ci. Brown, of Miami, Fla., s? U-T-. v. ' hi- mother, .Mrs. A. L Brown (Mr?. Anderson and nephew. i'orman Lor, of Hayesville, were vis ; in town Wednesday. | Mis> J.< Wells left this week 1 t Salisbm . where she will teach in j e schooi- there. M a i Fraga returned home fca.day from --pending the summer i New* York. Mr. a'- i Mi Noah Lovingood and j Mother, Mi W. Lovingood, mo- | Iftmi to .\-ii? \ .lle Sunday. Mr. an .Mi Harvey Hyatt, of At- i ania. (. \isiting their mother \ of B'rasstown. B -'i 1 *= * 1 * ? Martin and Kstelle [ Nauru-} - i t the week-end in Ashe- i rille. " Herbert, of Hayesville. j*Dt Uie w i rul with her uncle an i ir.ut, Mr : i : 1 1 i Mis. G. \V. Candler. ?li?.< !ar?nit UeWeese spent the [ir.?t of the week as the guest of Miss ? r.a Her ? ri, of Hayesville. ? Bg . | Mr . ! |*. \orvell is visiting her j fcughtt M Mary Norvell, in Ral 'iirh. this week. Mj. Harry Miller, of Atlanta, Ga., j spending veral days here this 1 Allen, of Pennsylva nia parents, Mr. and Mr?. Bud Allen. Mr. J. P. Randolph and Mr. Wig pns, oi Biyson City, were visitors in Town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hitch, of Knoxville, Tenn., were the week-end Pi Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Can . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fain, Misses Lous Hill and Annie Mae Townson sPtnt last Friday in Asheville shop ping. Miss Margaret WItherspoon left Tuesday ior Raleigh where she will enter Peace College. She was ac companied by her father and moth er. Mr. and Mrs. Don Witherspoon. Misses Lois Hill un?] Annie Ma?* Townson will leave Friday l?? eater North Carolina College in Cr tn. boro. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. David n. M. and Mrs. J. I:. st..r?-y. .,?.f J!, |>,x . Hilard motored to Cha?am.,1L.a SiT Mr. Buel Adam*, who iz stten . ig Sylva Collegia^ In-tituteQS. !va. spent the wc*-k-end with 1 - pa;~. ? . Mr. and Mr- . \V. : Adam-. Miss Irene * hamp'on. ..f 0Sot ? Mis. (I. W. Ellis, is spending I week in Knoxvill. . Tenn. Mr,. Florence Coppynger aiv.l daughter. Mis. Tomrnic Coppenger, spent last week with relative- in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brcokin-. ' ODonaldsonville, (la., and Mr. I<.n Watkins, of Cairo, Ga., spent last week here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Garrison Maneval and little I son, David, of Asheville, are visiting i Mrs. Maneval's parents, Mr. Bind i Mrs. John Axle v. ! wm - ? Mr. and Mrs. .J. 0. McCurdy, Mrs | Dixie Palmer and daughter. Mis Hatfie Palmer, and little Mi . ?lar- I tha Faust and June Davis. m?'..r?d| to Andrews Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Sam Maxwell and daughters, and Miss Will Harney, who have been the quests of the Ilev. and Mrs. Howard P. Powell for s >m? time, returned to their home in Wil more, Ky., last Fridav. The Woman's Club will me> * on Wednesday. September 16th, ai i:00 I o clock at the club room in t in- li bl'ary building. All member- are | requested to be present, as important | business will he transacted. Mr. Edward Cook and a Mi. A< - | cord, mining engineers of West Vir ginia, are stopping at the Map|< . I They are here in the interest aptis; Mi -- J I sionary Society met on Tuesday aft- i e? noon in the church. Mrs. Ralph' i Moody led the devotional, service, reading the 13!)th Psalm. Several I numbers were present. Aiu r the I business was over, deliciou rt . regi ments were seized. They v t -v th? M dismissed with the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Frank Maumy entertain with three tables of bridge at t : . ? ? "Imp's Nest," on last Friday evening. Mrs. Dot Cooper won high score for the ladies, and Mr. T. A. Case won high score for the men. After sev eral rounds of the table a delicious salad course was served. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Case. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Studstill. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. ! Mattox, Mrs. Dot Cooper, Dr. lire, and H. P. Cooper. The Junior Woman's Club enter tained with a supper on Tuesday ev ening at the Dickey Hotel honoring the girls who will leave for college: j Misses Lois Hill, Annie Mae Town son, Martha Nell Wells, Bettie Bailey Ann Candler, Sala Kate Baker, El oise Fain, and Kathleen Axley. Those \ present besides the honor guests were Mrs. 'Walter >fauney, Mrs. Porter , Meroney, Mrs. Frank Fain, Mrs. H. H. Keener, Misses Dorothy Heigh way, Polly Davis and Fannie Kate Brendle After Supper a dance was enjoyed by all in Conahutta Hall. Announcement ! As Candler's Fall Sale has met with such wonderful success, we have decided to con tinue through September, or as long as our present supply of bai" gains last. Men's 79c blue Chambray A Cks* Work Shirts . . . ? ctiX 10c Ove'rails 50c Silk Dresses $1.98 20c pure Coffee ? no chickory 1 2c Pound ... . ? ? 37 inch Heavy Brown 7c Domestic, yard Candler's Dept. Store murphy, n. c. Mr. and Mrs. f. V*. Savage an 1 Mr. Burt Savage visited Mr. Savage \ ? ister, Mrs. Sarah Gordon, in Moan' Mry. Ian week. They motored through the country, soing by way of Statesvi!l< . Hickory and Winston Salem. and returned by way of N. Will. r>. !'?i.->ne and Blowing R < At North Wilkesboro. they vi.-itod Mr. and Mr.-, Charles Finley, who has visited Murphy every summer for many >? ars. Mr. Finley is postmas ter at North Wilkesboro. They stop ped I-. Mon'.reat or. the return voy age to \ it the IVesbytetian assem bly grounds. Mis ; ! I ? and Marv IVv ; ent' riained with two tables of bridg^ ami dai'iin^ ;it th ir no me- l>n lust , Friday e.enii The living and re ] ception rnon : were beautifully de; or 1 ate i with dahlias and rose.-. Tho-i 1 invited: Mi - .\nn<' Candler. S ?!a Kate .ii-i ??;?! Ba .er. Fannie Kate Brendb . II:.' Palmer, Fannie I ?e We se, I. ? Walker, Frances Wil liams. I i rare LVi'i. Iona Herbert, Nan r": Uixon. Martha Nell Wells, Sa'a Uuth Pnsey, and Me. ? . Bur!>?* Hay, Ma?. hall Bel!, Frel ' i : < ' ! i 1" : Pa.- on-, Hobert and Marvin Trotter. Hugh Brittain, < hai'a*- Hannibal Hyatt, .lames Mal lonee. Harry lii nar, Cecil Chandlt r. Mark Boone, and others. Mr. Johr Picklesimer and Ml Ho ert Do! bins of Patrick, and Mr. and Mr . Lester Danr.er and child ren, r.hce, Clinton and Allene, . f i "Hi? hi!!. Tinn.. w,-iv visitors in Murphey Saturday. While hi re they ".illiil at th,- Sv'?ut office f?r U?. |iui|i?>,. ?f eoinc v.m-r,. th.. Sco.il I'nnt.d. rhi-> ili.i not KCt to an;, of ii?. machinery in upera "on except the linktype and job l?i and ail the reader-, of thi U'l-ir arc invite i to ...in,. i? when in town and a!-.. ,ec where th. Study, "Ministiy of Women," was led by Mrs, Bin Cartrell. Hep -uiijeci for di.-eu.--nui was "Lead r ship of Women," and was given in a i mo.-t interesting manner. After the I business session, a delightful social I hour was enjoyed. The hostess was a.-.-istcd by Mr-, Roy \V lis in serving a tempt in J ice course. Those pres ent w?*ie: Mr-. Tom F.vai^ Mrs. Paul Hyatt. Mrs. < lvde (bnnette, Mrs. L. E. P.ayb Mr-. ,1. W Davn! .son. Mis Ben tiartrell. Mrs. K. V. Well-, and Mrs liov Wells. I To Keep (Jut Ccld If you !.:i\e any .!rasi:;hl; t|,.,ir< you er.n quilt* ert^i.x r- !? M-i>' in fl?t? : ins Vu.v: Till ar y nhi frH bats _\ .? i : liave a:; I :nninu at edvf nf Briii . ?,ut : I t*m roimtl nml round irto s?i\]'* :i 1 ?? >i: : .m Ineii xvifle. Yoi| will ft. mJ it qiil'e ?? -* or j- ???,?>< . f ;m art. r... ?? o? otlirr pr???Ji ? nf i. -t-.rirnj ? ;i i> or ? ? v A* ? ?? of " *? *V??r.f : - ? ? . ? , ..f ?ml M'M-\ . ! ?? ? \ ? ? t ?; ??!-?' ? ? ?!???? lu fori' 4?r * the shipper nnd traveler, the value of their properties is con stantly beirfg endangered by other forms of trans portation which operate without adequate taxation or regulation. The railroads deserve your patronage. They built this nation and must continue to be the backbone I of its transportation system. The steam railroads arc appealing to the fairness of the American peo ple in the hope that an equalization of operating conditions may be brought about among all forms of transportation so that the railroads may earn a more nearly fair return on their investments. ^ The Transportation Act permits the railroads to earn 5 %% on the value of their properties, and yet since this law became effective in 1920 the roads did not earn in excess of 5.45X in the best year, and during the year 1930 earned 3.54X, though their taxes have increased $76,500,000 or 22? in this period of time. During the first four months of 1931 the rate of return has been only 2.23X. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. Heat's % | fcenw*?? | n ! Why patronize "mail \ order" printinghouses \ when you can buy ' "better printing" from [ your local printer ? \ ?l)? Sprout I MURPHY, N. C. |i