The Cherokee Scout Official Organ bf Murphy and Cher okee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. Bailev Editor-Owner Entered in the Post Office at Mur phy, North Carolina, a* second class matter under Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription Rates in County One Year $1.50 Kight months $1.00 Six months 75c Rates Outside Cherokee County One Year $2.00 Six months 51.00 Payable Strictly in Advance Logpl advertisements, *vant ads. ! reading notices, obituaries, cards of thanks, etc.. 5c line each insertion, payable :n advance. Display rates furnished on request. All communications must he sign ed by the writer, otherwise they will nofc be accepted for publication, i .Name oi the writer will not be pub lished unless agreeable, but we must 1 have name of author ns evidence of good faith and responsibility. THE STORY OF THE SPIDER I While Mark Twain was editor of a Missouri paper, a subscriber wroto I to him saying he had found a spider j in his paper and asking Mark, wheth- ? er this was a sign of good or bad | luck. The following was a reply of \ the well-known humorist: "Old Subscriber: Finding a spid er in your paper was neither good or bad luck for you. The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant is not advertis ing *o that he ;t : ? of South Amer ica Is snitf to <*?? ? ? : least 10.000 k:;.!s i?f \v?> ' ? :inu?:ic then, nvon t' -.M ?' ?r Tone OGREETA Mrs. Robert Johnson 6:1 died xit , her home here last Friday night Oc- ; tober 2:J. after an illness of two months. Mrs. Johnson was born in this co unty May 17. 1868, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitener. At the age of 2.'? slie married Robert Johnson also of this county. She is survived by her father, husband and four children. D. P. and Sam Johnson, Mrs. Mary Bryson all of this county, andn .Mrs. Arvel Baker of Knoxville, Tenn., andn 17 grandchildren, one siste**, Mrs. P. C. Mash burn of St. Maries. Idaho. Funeral services was from the Ogreeta church and interment in the Ogreeta temctary. Mis. P. C. Mashburn of St. Maries t Idaho was called to the bedside of j her .-i-ter. Mrs. Robert Johnson. | M?s. Mashburn formerly of this coun- | ty left here about 40 years ago and i this is her first trip back home. Miss Lillie Johnson, who has been visiting" relatives in Atlanta. Ga. is j expected home this week. .Mr. Henry Whitener, 90 years old father of Mrs. Mbshburn and Mrs. Robert Johnson has been visiting here. Ogreeta Honor Roll FIRST GRAPH Aline Taylor, Jim Hall SECOND GRADE Vey Johnston, Charlie Hall. THIRD GRADE Loreen Johnston, Warren Taylor. | FIFTH GRADE Mary Hall, Ida Whitener, Goffey : Kidd. SIXTH GRADE Vaughn Martin. o Clubs Hold Joint Party At The Folk School Saturday night, the 31st, the Men's I and Women's clubs of Brasstown i met for a Hollowe'en party at the j John C. Campbell Folk School. There were numerous stunts, in- j eluding bobbing for. apples, trying to bite apples hanging on strings, marsh mallow races, a cat puzzle, and ;i hunt for the missing tails. Refreshments were served, cookies brought by the women members, and L-otfee provided by the school. Several singing games were play id, including the general favorites, 'Skipt to My Lou." and "Pop, Goes i ihe Weasel." Then there was the i Danish Grand March. The next joint meeting of the ! :lubs is to come Saturday night, No- j vemlcr 14th, w*hen Miss Fanny I Dunn, of Teachers' College. New Fork City, is to be the speaker. Miss i Dunn is recogninzed as an author- ! ty on rural educaton. Change Is Natural The world's :i said. in the name and for the amount given below, with cost added in each vase, as follows: Natr.e No. Lots Amt. i Adams, \V. J. 3-a * 18.17 ! Adams, \V. O. 1 18.82 Adams, N. 15. 1 143.81 Adams. Mrs. E. E. . 2 1-2 102.79 I Akin, S. D. 1 48. .<8 Axley, W. M. 1 60.72 "A1VJ, l?. ?? . .1 ???.?*# -Axley, J. H. i 17.22 ! Axley, Mrs. L. D. 1 31.95 i Axley, Porter and Gladys. 1 28.36 Barnett, H. I). 1 64.34 I Barnett. J. M. 2 18.88 Beal, L. F. 1 32.80 i Beal, R. R. 137-a 111.81 Brittain, Mrs. A. M.. 1 1-4 67.86 Campbell. T. C. ! 11.93 Candler, G. W. 3 225.27 Carringer, Mack 2 135.07 j Carringer, Harve 1 25.41 Cooper, Mrs. W. T. 1 40.18 Cope, Mrs. Lula 1 50.20 Coleman, Frank 2 7.20 Cope, G. H. . 1 20.67 Cooper, Davidson and Carringer 2 [Carroll, L. A. 1 i Christopher, Mrs. Laura. 1 | Cornwell, W. H 1 Davidson, ,1. \V. . 1 I Deweese, Mrs. Bessie. 1 Dickey, Mrs. Leila 3 Dickey, T. C. & A. B., 1 Dickey, T. C. Estate 1 Dickcy, Fred 1 Dockery, Hayes 4 Dickey, A. K. 1 Elkins, H. G. _ . . i Fain, Porter 1 Fain, W. M. & Porter, 4 Fain, U. M 39-a . Fain, W. M.. . 22 lots, lC-a Fain, J. E. Heirs, 13 lots, 5-a, 181.03 i Fain, A. A. -1 1-2 a, 1)6.71 Fain, J. L., 34-a, 11 1-2 lots 85.76 Gentry. M. L. 1 55.01 Grant, Mrs. Irene . ... 1 51.71 Grant. B. P 2 1)9.60 Ghormley, C. C. ... 1 10.42 Gibson, Mrs. E. A. 1 3.45 Hampton, Mis. JV1. A. .. 2 29.34 Hawkins, D. H 1 11.96 Hawkins, J. M. 1 15.49 | Heighway, S. C. 14 71.78 Hensley, Mrs. Vesta .... 1 10.42 Hill, C. B 6 1-2 269.81 Holder Bros. 1 61.16 Howell, W. E . 3 23.92 Hale, Lies.- Estate 1 24.26. Ileifner, Kitty ... 1 4.28 Hill, J. H. Herrs 1 7.36 Hughes, P. P 1 4.28 Harrison, Mrs. Pearl Fay, 24-a. 8.88 Industrial Bank of Richmond, 1, 7.36 Jordan, J. A 2 1-2 8.76 Johnson, Joseph L 1 1.97 Keener, H. H. 4 50.59 Laney, Mrs. L. A 1 39.89 Leatherwood, J. M 1 17.34 Logan, Henry 1 16.98 Lloyd, Mrs. Betty .... 1 1-2 46.56 Loudermilk, Carl C - 1 5.43 Mallonee, Mrs. C. B. 1 32.87 Mallonee, E. C 1 34.39 Mallonee, J. D. 9 77.38 Mayfield, Bertha 1 3.09 Meroney, Mrs. J. S 1 56.21 Millsaps, Fred 8-a 18.84 MiQsaps, Neal .. 1-4 a 3.84 Mintz, N. W 1 3.76 Mount, S. S. C. Co 1 47.83 Murphy Steam Laundry, 1 28.89 Murphy Hospital, 6 lots, 5-a, 88.84 Mingus, W. M. Heirs.... 1 24.29 Moody, J. N 2 78.96 Meroney, Mrs. B. B 2 78.07 Moody, Mrs. J. N. 1 45.57 Moore, Mrs. Florence 2 7.93 Mc Combs, W. S. Eseate, 1-2, 20.87 McDonald, T. C. Jr. ... 1 17.81 Mcintosh, H. R 1 11.94 Nelson, W. B 1 5.81 Nu-Fashion Hosiery Mill, 1, 432.10 Nelson, Ora Lee 1 39.65 Nelson, P. E 1 22.71 Nichols, E. C 1 5.81 Not veil, E. B. & Mary, 11 99.23 Odom, W. P 4 128.14 Odell, J. W 1 ^Bl.57 Palmer, E. 0 5 23.85 Payne, Wm. P 5 72.64 U. S. G. Phillips 2 7.37 Posey, J. E 37 1-2 a, 33.75 Palmer, Mrs. Martha .... 1 10.41 Passmore Estate 1 2.75 Ray. J. R 1 18.83 Realty Sale?1 Ccrp 1 31.95 Rice, I. L. 2 27.23 Robinson, R 2 26.51 Savage, C. W 2 61.29 Sipe, B. W 2 53.70 Stewart, Mrs. R. H 2 15.56 Stoner, J. M 1 66.08 Sword, P. H 3 88.05 Sword, Mrs. T. J 1 7.93 Sword, T. J., 12 lots, 3-a 122.23 Shields, J. H 2 7.37 Thompson, J. W ? 66.78 Tar Heel Inv. Co., 20 lots, 20a-, 85.78 Townson, W. J 1 13.44 Townson, W. D 8 118.72 Townson, J. C., 2 lots, 2-a 59.02 Vaughn, J. M 5 123.52 Voyles, S. A. Estate -9 4 11.00 Wells, Mrs. R. V., 8 lots, 11-a, 87.68 Wells, A. B 3 18.62 Witherspoon, D 13 144.54 Wallace, S. W 1 3.50 Peiry? Hanna, Heirs .... 1 2.74 F. A. FAIN, Tax Collector Town of Murphy. LEGAL MATTERS EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of W. D. Whisenhunt, de ceased, late of the county of Chero kee, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having: claims asainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at AndYews, N. C., on or before the first day of October, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to -aid estate will please make imme diate payment. This October 1, 1931. JOHN M. WHISENHUNT, Executor of the Estate of D. W. (10-6t) Whisenhunt, deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND | By virtue of the provisions of a Deed in Trust from R. C. Moore to | John W. Walker. Irustee tor tne ; heirs at law of K. Y. McAden and ; Mary T. McAden, deceased, dated j May 20, 11*27, registered in the of- j lice of the Register of Deeds for ( Cherokee County, N. C.. on June 18; 1927, in Deed Book No. 94, Page j 1G4, securing four notes amounting . to ? 13,000.00 of even date, given for J part of the purchase money of the | lands hereinafter described, default ; having been made in the payment of said debt, and also in paying the tax- | es due on said lands, and the cred- i iter* having called upon the under- | signed to foreclose said deed in trust 1 nnd sell the said land and the tim- j ber products from same, I will sell at the Courthouse door in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., to the high est bidder at public outcry for ca3h, the following land*, situate in Dis- j tiict No. 7, of Cherokee County ? On Junaluska Cteek: Entry No. 7236, Grant No. 3112; Entry No. 7273, Grant No. 3073; Entry No. 7289, Grant No. 3115; all described by metes and bounds in .aid deed in trust. On Topton Lands: Entry No. 7285, Grant No. 3117 Entry No. 7387, Grant No. 3118; Entry No. 7294, Grant No. 3116; all j described by metes and bounds in said Deed in Trust. i And at the same time and place the undersigned will also sell the fol- | lowinlg timber products from said i lands, now in the woods and on or near logging roads made by R. C. Moore while engaged in operating said lands consisting of about 50, 000 feet of logs cut by or for said Moore from said lands and not saw ed into lumber. Sale of the land will be separate j from the sale of timber products; and reference is hereby made to the ! said Deed in Trust, registered as ! above stated for greater particular- | ity of description as to metes and , bounds of the different tracts. Said sale will be made at one (1) i o'clock (Murphy time) on Monday, November 16, 1931, and is made to I satisfy the balance due on the pur- I chase money of said lands, with in- i terest, and taxes paid on same, with interest thereon from date of pay ment, and costs of advertisement and sale. This October 12, 1931. JOHN W. WALKER, 1 I -4t-B Trustee | DELINQUENT TAX SALE North Carolina ? Cherokee County : i By order of the County Commis sioners, the undersigned tax collector for Cherokee County will sell on Monday, November 16, 1931, at the Courthouse Door in Murphy, N. C. and each day thereafter unt:l sold, to the highest bidder for ca.t, public auction, the following dew bed lands upon which taxes fH??" year 1930 have not been 'iH the name and for the amounT!' 'n below with cost added in each ca" as follows: h ca t. MURPHY TOWNSHIP Name Acres a Storey, J. B._ 1 iot VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP W ?.!ker, J. W 2193 acre" Uand 6^4 lots ' 1 4,8 , N. W. ABF.RNATHY Tax Collector, Cherokee Countv EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of W. VV. Ledford, deceas ed, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her residence, Cul oeisoii, C.f K. K D. No. 2, on or before the 27th day of October, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of October 1931. Mrs. LOLA LEDFORD ,(13-Gt-pd) Executrix. NORTH CAROLINA, Oounty of Cherokee. In the Matter of The Cherokee Bank Murphy, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS Under authority of Subsection 10 of Section 218 (c), Consolidated Statutes, all persons who have claims against the above named bank are hereby notified to present proof of claim at Murphy on or be fore the 28th day of January, 1932.. Failure to present claim on or be fore the above date bars the claim 'not presented except as to the assets i of the bank in the hands of the Cora ! missioner of Banks for the account of said bank at the time the claim is presented. Objection to the allowing of any claim may be made by any interest jed person by filing such objection in ithe pending action in the office of | the Clerk of the Court of this county and by serving a copy thereof on the ' Commissioner of Banks or the Li quidating Agent of this bank. | This the 28th -day of October, 1931. i Note: In filing claims for Cashier's , Checks or Hank Drafts or Certifi I cates of Deposit the particular in ! strument must be surrendered when Proof of Claim is presented. E. F. GILL, Liquidating Agent of Cherokee Bank. Murphy, N. C. j 14-4t-G Price of Selfishness The only happy people are those whom we see more <*oncerne?l about the happiness of others than about their own weH-l?eing and convenience and advancement. Self ish people never know content ment.? Hamilton Fyfe. ARE YOU GUILTY ? NOT GUILTY? If your neighbor should, without warn ing, desert his family, leaving his wife and little children without any means of sup port, what would you think of him? Would you not think him guilty of a serious of fence? Now, if tonight you should depart on that long journey from whither no man hath ever returned, have you made provis ions to leave any means of support for your family or dependents? If you have not when there is an easy way provided whereby you can easily do so, would you not, in a meas ure, be just as guilty? In order that you may be able to say "Not Guilty," with a clear conscience, provide for their support) with a perfect protec tion Life Insurance Policy written by D. M. REESE DISTRICT AGENT RESERVE LOAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY POST OFFICE BOX 146 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA