Locals and Personals I J!r, J. W. Axley and son, Henry, ? \ 1^.; Friday in Ashcville. ? jjr Mat Cri Davis motored to Hayes H Harris, Ga., Sunday. ? ? ? ol Sylvm, ? . - : ; this week. M Mr?. T. S. Candler, of Blairsville, ?r. was in town -Monday; shopping. I SEAMTRESS ? ?9 Plain, Fancy and Tailored Sew H;-?. Reasonable Prices. Mrs. D. P. Hferringer, 2J5 Ililton Street, Mur Hp-.y, N. C. (lt-c) H Mrs. Robert Porter, of Andrews, ? town Monday. S Mrs. Garland Posey spent last Hctek with her parents, Mr. and Mr.-. ?v.; C. Sandlin, in Andrews. I HTANTED Torent or buy wheel M .hair. Apply to Mrs. Dixie Palmer Qr. The Scout office. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Palmer aru Xrs. Arthur Palmer, of Marble, were nutors in Murphey Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lovingood rere dinner guest? Sunday of Mr. isd Mrs. C. W. Ballard, of Andrews. | Mrs. G. W. Candler left Sunday to jr?it her daughter, Mrs. Harry Mc jfrayer in Anderson, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clarke and lit tb daughter, Marian, of Copperhill, Teen., were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. Laura Elliott, of Andrews, has been visiting her neice, Mrs. U3ph Carringer, the past week, re tarred to her home Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson, Misses ISira Cook and L.elia Posey spent ?Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson's ?Kin, John, who is attending Cecil's. ^Business College in Asheville. Miss Ann Candler, who was called i hfiae on account of the death of her iunt, Mr*. J. JVI. Vaughn, returned to wurae her studies at the University | Tennessee in Knoxville, TTer.n., on Saturday . Mr. Charles Dickey who is attend to? S. C. I at Sylva spent the week ft* with his sister, JVIrs. Carl Dobbs. Mrs R. J. DeLong, of Andrews, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs T. T. Gaston 0f A she vine were the week end guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. W. Gray. Misses Virjpina DeWeese ana Ef fie Johnson of Ogreeta spent the week end with Miss DeWeese mother, Mts. tfessie DeWeese. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sneed and lit daughter, Ruth, left Saturday for Copperhill, Tenn.. to make their fu ture hoi 11*-. Mr. Sneed, who was le lieved from duty with the L. N. Depot, employees at jturpfiey, goe1 to take up a position with the com pany there. Mr. J. W. Davidson left Wedne> i day for Wilkes Barre, Pa., where ' he has accepted a position with the Coca Cola company. Mrs. Davidson and sons, Jerry and Pruden, accom padied Mr. Davidson a? far as Gaine ville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. eKener attend ed the Duke-Tennessee football garni' at Knoxville last week. The library committee met at the Library on Thursday afternoon and inade plans for book week, Novem ber 1 6th. Dr J- R- McCracken, of Waynes ville, will be at the Regal Hotel on Monday and Tuesday, November lGth and 17th for the purpose of treating eye conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dickey and children of Copperhill, Tenn. were visitors in town SundayH Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sandlin, of An drews, spent the week-end with theii daughter, Mrs. G. T. Posey. WANTED WHITE OAK TIES I will pay cash for white oak ties. Yard on Furniture Co. Track in Fac torytown section of Mtirphey, N. C. (14-tf ) S. M. HINSHAW. Mr. D. H. Tillitt, of Andrews, was in Murphey Wednesday on profes sional business. Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Powell. Mrs. G. W. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs Wade .Masse y motored to Andiews Tues day evening Misses Sarah Keels, Jenie Strick land and Coach Tilson of Brevardd, N. C. were the week end guests of Miss Lucile Wiwe at the home of Mrs. J. H. McCall. In Your Next Cake Use K C Baking Powder and notice the fine texture and large volume. Because of its high leavening strength you use less than of high priced brands and are assured of perfect results in using BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 40. YEARS 25 ounces for 25c It's Double Acting GET THIS COOK BOOK FREE I Mat this coupon ?Mi 4c in tUmpt for postMc *ad Mckinf M you wHI rcccivc the KC Cook ? I Boot containing onr 90 l?M ntiptt. JAOUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ILL. Endofcd Rnd 4c in jUi.pi, nutl Cook'* Book to Addrass. mJUIONS or POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT .?Ir. A. F. Vestal and .Miss Sara I Cf|ok, of the Southern Bell Tele- I phone and Telegraph company, at tended the d:strict business meeting: [of the company held at Waynesville Thursday. *Mr?. Will Ramsey. Mrs. D. War rick. Mrs. Bessie DeWeese, Mr?. Cy irus White and Mrs. Noah l/vingood. .teachers oi the primary department of the Fust Bapti'it Sunday school, I entertai iie<: with^gj Hallowe'en ;>;irty in the ladies parlor of th?* church on Friday night, honoring their pupils ant! their mothers. The room was | beautifully decorated with orange and black, and the guests were en tertained throughout the evening j with name- and mystic tricks in keep- , :ng with the season of witches and spooks. Sandwiches and cookies I were serv ed. j The Woman's Auxiliary ot ?h Pre.-; yterian Church met at the home of Mrs. M. W. Bell on Tuesday aft ernoon at 2:30 to review the home j mission book. "The Imperative Need of Home Missions," by P. D. Miller. After the business session the study was taken up and led by Mrs. R. W. Gray. At the conclusion, the hostess, assisted by her daughter. Miss Grace Wills Bell, served frozen salad with coffee. Those present were: Mrfl C. W. Savage, .Mrs. K. W. Gray, Mrs. Thomas Spencer, Mrs. Dixie Dillard Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. R. S. Park er, Mrs. Don Witherspoon, Mrs. J. N. Hill, Mrs. W. \V. Hyde. Mrs. A. C. Huber and Mrs. Daly. Misses Effie Johnston and Virgina DeWeese were joint hostess to a birthday party at the home of Miss Johnston at Ogrecta on the evening lot' October 22nd, honoring Messrs. Henry Hyatt and Purl Johnston. An orange and black color note was carried out in the Halloween decorations and the guests were en tertained throughout the evening jwith games and mystic tricks in keep ing with the season of witches and spooks. Hot chocolate and cake were served. Those present were: Misses Gertrude Cook, Regina Evans, Ruth Ds'Wees, Martha jVIayfield, Bessie Grain, Nina Whitener, Messrs. J j Henry Hyatt, I.owry Hill,Idris Adams j ' Ralph and Ruben Cook, Purl, Kdcar | jand Oscar Johnston. | MEN* WANTED for Rawleigh routes | | of 800 consumers in parts of Clay, ? Macon Counties, Mtirphy, and An drews. Rt liable hustler can start j earning $.'{5 weekly and increase ev- : ! ery month. Write immediately, i : Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-T-3-S, Rich- I mond. Va. (lt-pd) I WANTED Several good men for the Selling | fields. Must have clean record, j Real money making propo?ition-for 1 the right parties. Write or lee me Saturday. E. O. Palmer, 404 Cherry : St., Murphey, N. C. (It-pd) j Elder Preaches The Rev. C. M. Pickens of Weynes ville, presiding elder of the VVay nesville district, occupied the pulpit , at the Methodist church here Sunday 1 morning. Following the services, J the fourth quarterly conference of ! the church was held. Next Sunday ! will bring the conference year to r. ; clo?e. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the j choir of the Andrews Mehtodist choir of Andrews Methodist church I rendered a program in the church here. ? BUILD UP TO PREVENT PAINS How a Missouri woman was benefited by taking Cardui is described below by Mrs. Joe Schumer, of Cape Girardeau : "I suffered with Irregu larity. For weeks at a time I was so weak I could not work. I had aches In my back and head and legs ? I ached all over. I would get dluy and feel faint. I had read about Car dui. so I cot some and took it. I improved a great deal. After I had taken four bot tles. I felt like a dif ferent person." rs.ie FOR RENT ? Furnished or unfurn- ' shed houses; also two store hous- J os. Apply to Mrs. Nettie Dickey. Dickey Hotel. Murpbey, N. C. ? lt-d ) Woman's Club At Brasstown Holds Interesting Meet The Women's Club cf Brasstown i met on October 2fith. at the home of the president, .Mrs. Fred O. Serous. Several matters relating to handi craft^ w?-ie discussed. Because of the hard rain, only a small number were able to bo present. Those who did brave the storm et> joyed Mr-. Scrop^s* delicious refreshn.ents and admired her Hallowe'en decoraetions and regretted that more of the mom I bet's could not come. Georgia Soil Expert Is Murphey Visitor George A. Crabb, head cf the de partment of soils in the department of agronomy in the State Agricul ture College at Athens, Ga., with Mrs. Crabb, .-pent the week end in Murphey. visiting friends at the ?Rtgal Hotel. Mr. an?i Mrs. Crabb were enthusiatic in their praises of the beauties of this mountain region, and Mr. Crabb said when he retires from college work he would like to buy a >mall farm in this section and spend the remainder of his life here. They came to Murphey by way of Gainsville, Ga.. and Neal Gap. re turning by way of the Nantahala Oorge, Bryson City, Franklin, and Clayton. DR. J. R. McCRACKEN OF WA YNESVILLE, N. C. WILL BE AT THE Regal Hotel, Murphy, N. C. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, November 16th and 17th FOR THE PURPOSE OF TREATING EYE CONDITIONS NOTICE! Notice is hereby given by Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company that, effective Sunday, November 8th, 1031, local pa senger trains Nos. 5 and 6, running between Copperhill, Tenn., and Atlanta Ga., will be discontinued, and that effective same date the schedules of local passenger trains Nos. 1 and 4, run ning between Knoxvillc. Tenn., and Atlanta. Ga. will be changed as follows: No. I No. 2 Knoxvillc Lv 8:00 AM Ar 4:10 PM Ktowah . Ar 10:30 AM Lv 1:45 PM Lv 10:40 AM Ar 1:40 PM Copperhill 12:41 PM 11:42 AM BIm Ridge 1:25 PM 51:05 AM Kllijay 2:04 PM 10:27 AM Jasper 2:53 PM 9:38 AM Canton 3:49 PM 8:45 AM Marietta Ar 4:47 PM 7:40 AM Lv 4:51 PM Atlanta Ar 5:40 PM Lv 7:00 AM R. C. MORRISON, Superintendent "Do Editors Eat" We'll Say They Do! And we are asking our farmer subscribers not to forget to bring us in some syrup, chickens, taters ? Ir ish or sweet ? wood, etc.. and we'll trade you The Scout for something to eat. We are needing some taters now. A number have indicated that they would bring us something, and we are looking forward to receiving something. A good time to bring it in is when you come to town next week for the commissioners meeting and to attend to other business. Now, don't forget that the editor has to eat!