OUR COMIC SECTION Our Pet Peeve A THE FEATHERHEADS The End of a Lousy Day Dusty Junior shocked his mother at t lie dinner table recently by exclaiming: "Oh, mudder, the potatoes are all dusty." "I ?usty ?" "Yes, look at the dust coming up."' and he pointed to the steam rising from the dish. Experienced "You must have some personal rea son,** sniffed the man who always argued, "if you don't believe in trial by jury." *'I have," replied the fellow wno never lied. *'I was on a jury myself, once." Excess Pride Ross (proudly) ? We're celebrating today. We've just manufactured our ten millionth bear trap. Visitor ? But who'll need that many? Boss ? What Joes that matter? It's the ten millionth, Isn't it? But They'll Get Him She ? You must have had a great many chances to get marri?d. tie ? (>h. plenty of them, but I'm not taking any chances. He Knows Mrs. Flop ? ] would lik*? to be with out one blessed thing to worry me for Jus! once, John. Mr. Flop ? Well, can you beat It? Why, you would worry yourself to death. ? New Bedford Standard. WHERE THEY GET STUCK Young tioiaiusi -l in finding Mils matter of classifying the different kinds of cactus a hard one. Professor? You're not the only one who's gotten stuck on that. Silence Hotel Guest ? Is tliis room quiet? Ilellhop ? Say, this room is so quiet you can hear the riveting work on the ne* skyscraper next door. Tuning in on Station YELL "My daughter is having her voice cultivated." ?Ms it improving?" "It's growing stronger. She used to he heard only two apartments away. Now we get complaints from away off in the next building." ? Washington Star. He Hat a Following ?"Yes, my friends," said the theologi cal lecturer, "some admire Moses, who instituted the old law, some Paul, who spread the new. But after all, which character in the Bible has had the largest following?" As he paused a voice from the back shouted "Ananias." Sense of Humor "A sense of humor is an important thing in t lie home." "Yes, you've got to know which of your children's bright sayings will sell and which won't." Gallantry, 1931 Model Mazie ? 1 suppose that guy told you your lips were like twin cherries. Maine ? Naw. that's stale stud. He said they were like an old suit ? they ought to pressed.? Boston Transcript Profit to Owners of Purebred Bulls Cattlemen of McCurtnin county. Ok lahoma, us a result of the eradication of the cattle tick, expect to receive through the use of purebred hulls more than double their usual returns on the sale of spring calves, according to Shawnee ttrown. county agrlcul tural agent. On two different occa ?dons since lirjs when this county was freed of the ticks, the cattlemen vis I ted sections where purebred beef cattle were raised and purchased a total o( 40 purebred bulls. The Introduction of these valuable purebreds would not have been prac j lical wiiiie the fai-fiit> weiv In , fested with ticks In August. 1931. the I county contained more than 2.tM10 calves sired by the purebred bulls that had been bred to native and j grade cows. The increased value of these grade calves as compared to calves sired by scrub hulls Is shown hv the prlres re reived b\ two neighboring slockmcn One had scrub calves for which be re ? celved SHI'.H :i head while the other ! bad urade calves which brought an average of *"o to ftoth" lots of calves i were from scrub rows As those crude i calves wore typical of the 2.000 snrlnp J calves In the county, it is estimated that they jire worth close to $IO.(hki j , more to their owners than if scrub bulls had been usod Instead of pure j hreds. This is more than double the | | returns ordinarily received from the J | same number of calves sired by scrub j 1 hulls M (Curtain county has its own live stock association which aims, during | the next five years, to continue to In j j crease the quality of all the beef cat 1 j tie in the county through the further , us?' of purebred sires. Wheat's Value as Feed Many live stock feeders can make the best of a bad situation this year by feeding cheap wheat. As one cat- ! tleoinn has put it. "No matter how low ! grain prices go. wheat Is always worth j 40 rents a bushel as feed." Wheat as a feed for In gs equals or I slightly excels com. pound for pound, says Wallace's Farmer. It is 00 to 100 per cent as valuable as corn for cattle and lambs. It is not quite as palat able as corn for cattle and lambs, hut hops eat it very willingly In order to | provide variety. It Is wise to feed | wheat in combination with other grain s. The one Important thing to keep In mind Is that wheat must be coarsely ground for best results, except in the case of lambs. Fine grinding produces n floury mass that sticks in the ani mals' teeth. Unsatisfactory results from feeding this grain usually have been due to poor quality wheat or to Improper methods of feeding. ihoma Cattlemen Have Proof of Value of Good Sires. Silage Needs Water It is essential in filling a trench silo to add plenty of water throughout the process says G. E. Martin of the Mis souri College of Agriculture. Wetting the edges is of special importance It the silage is put against dry earth, since the earth will absorb some ol the juices from the silage and molding will result If there is not enough water present. A good plan to insure plenty of wr.ter is to add water to all the silage as it is being placed, then l brow generous quantities along the edges at Intervals. If the excess ot water is used, it will he absorbed ny the dry earth and leave the silage Just rijrht This Pit Saves Manure No manure goes to waste on the C. E. Jarnes farm. Piatt county. Illinois. Years ago Mr. James concreted his barn lots and an open shed that is used as shelter for young stock. In one corner of the lot toward which the remainder of the yards sloped he built :i basin 8 inches deep with ^.op ing sides as a manure pit. This saves all liquids as well as solids Mr. James believes the liquid manure may often contain fertility elements that are Just as important as the solids. The yards may be cleaned by taking a team and scraper and pulling the manure into the pit. ? Capper's Farmer. Bees Sold in Packages "Packages" of live and very active bees are being sold for use by or rhadists. sometimes being shipped long distances by express or mail, accord ing to the Department of Agriculture. It seems the natural supply of bees and insects is Insufficient In some places to care for the necessary polli nation and "packaged" bees have been developed for this purpose. Pees are placed in small boxes by bee keepers and the orchards has only to set the package in the oi.uard and pull the cork from the box. The bees do the rest PHILLIPS d ,0f ^ | Fish Had Hit Watch Leonurd Smith, of Culcamonga, Calif., went deep-sea fishing. i(? missed his watch anil thought per haps he had left it home. Smith caught a good-sized bass. An hour later he picked u the llsh to clean It and thought he felt Its heart heat ing. Slitting open the fish he fount his watch still ticking away. Webster's Foresight Poor When Daniel Webster was reWt ed by his party as their President candidate, he was offered t!ll. pl of Vice President under T..vi?r ...J indignantly refused. Had he ,..7 cd he would today hav.. , ' bered among our Presidents ,s T,_ lor died in office. ' * MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Youml Too Much ACiD MANY people, two hours aficr calin^, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually exn s acid. Correct it with an alkali. The. best way, the quick, harmless andeiiicient wov, is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoon ful in water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear in five minutes. You will never use crude mctliodt when you know this bettor method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. lie sure to get tne genuine Phillips? Milk of Magnesia prescribed oy physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle ? any drug store. The ideal dentifrice for clcan leeth and healthy sums is Phillips* Dental Magnesia tooth-paste. NURSES KNOW Nucses see many breakdowns and 6erious illnesses caused by letting the system "run-down" until it is too weak to fight off germs. They also see doctors proscribe Fellows' Syrup for people who are ner vous, easily tired, unable to sleep. These people might have had a long sie.^e of illness? instead they recovered quickly and^ now glow with energy and health. You too can "pep up" vour vitality* and raise your spirits to tne skies. This wonderful tonic replenishes tht. body with valuable ingredients, so that even the first few doses start the change. Get the genuine Fellows' Syrup from your druggist today. FELLOWS Make Dimes Count These are days wlien wise spend ing is being practiced in the pur chase of practically everything. People are getting their money' 's worth as never before. That's why 10,000 people every day are chang ing to St. Joseph's Aspirin. **SL Joseph *s" is genuine, pure aspirin that meets every government stand ard. It has the exclusive feature of being wrapped in moisture-proof cellophane which assures you of getting not only genuine pure as pirin but aspirin tnat is fresh and full strength. When you ask for St. Joseph's you get 12 tablets of genuine, pure, fresh aspirin for 10c and thousands realize it is neither sensible nor necessary to pay more. Be safe, bo economical, always ask for "the largest selling pure aspirin in the world for 10en? St. Joseph *