The Cherokee Scout Official Organ of Murphy and Cher okee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. Bailey Editor-Owner Entered in the Poit Office tt Mur phy, North Carolina, as second class matter under Act of March 3, 1897. Subscription Rates in County One Year $1.50 Eight months $1.00 Six months - ? 75c Rates Outside Cherokee County One Year $2.00 Six months $1.00 Payable Strictly in Advance Legal advertisements, want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards of thanks, etc.. 5c fine each insertion, payable in advance. Display rates furnished on request. All communications must be sign ed by the writer, otherwise they will not be accepted for publication. Name of the writer will not be pub lished unless agreeable, but we must have namersons in the car and the driver agreed to turn the car to Harris for the damage done his truck, but one of the parties who had gone on to Murphy, brought an officer and tried to get possession of the car. The car is now under attachment and the parties gone to parts unknown. Efforts are being made to determine whether the car is a stolen one or not, as it contain ed only one number plate and the conduct of the parties was suspi cious.