RIO GRANDE RIVER IS SHIFTING BOUNDARY One Might Retire in U. S. and Awake in Mexico. Washington. ? "News that a band of mounted cattle thieves rode across the Itio Grande river from Mexico into Texas recently, probably presents a picture of this southern boundary riv er of the United States far different from thai conjured up by a look at the map," says a bulletin from the National Geographic society. "On the map the Rio Grande has the appearance. In Its lower reaches, at least, of being as wide as the St. Lawrence or the Detroit rivers, along l?oih of which large ships ply. In flood times the Itio Grande is a wide, full river; but during portions of the year, owing to little rainfall on its tribu taries. seepage into the sandy soil, and appropriation for Irrigation purposes. Jts waters dwindle away until only a narrow stream remains, dodging in and out among wide expanses of sand. Quicksands make crossing dangerous in places, but at other points it Is a simple matter to ride or wade from bank to bank. 44 Because the river can be so easily (Tossed In times of low water. United States and Mexican officials have had stubborn problems alone certain sec tions of the Rio Grande in the enforce ment of Immigration, tariff, prohibition, narcotic, and other regulations. The problems are heightened by the fact that the American side of the river is not uniformly developed and that most of the Mexican side is unutilized. At some points on the American side the huge irrigated gardens and fields and citrus groves of the lower Rio Grande valley reach to the river, representing land In the highest degree of cultiva tion. But at other points the river hunk and a zone ten miles or more in width Is covered with n growth of mesquite and other bushes, and Is vlr Prince Gets Belongings, but Alfonso's Are Held Paris. ? The Spanish Republican gov ernment has shipped several cases ol clothing, household silver and other private possessions to the prince of Asturias, but it has not returned any of their personal property to former King Alfonso or Queen Victoria. As a result of intervention by an emissary of Alfonso the government agreed to ship to the prince the silver ware which was a gift from his Eng lish grandmother, Princess Beatrice. She gave hi in several pieces of silver each year on his birthday. The government decided that since the silver represented a gift from u member of the family living outside Spain it could be surrendered. But the request of Alfonso for the release of his own table service was denied. I Fire in Home Kept * Burning SO Years * * Statesvllle, N. C. ? The story of 4c J how Ephrlam Scroggs, pioneer * ?-I: settler, started a fire in his home * * on his wedding night which lie ^ * and his wife kept burning con- * J tinuously tor 50 years has been ^ * told here by his niece. Mrs. El- * * len Lippard. * * la the 50 years, she said, the * 4: couple spent one night and one 4= ^ day away from home, but each ^ * time the fire was so well banked * % it did not go out * * * ? XXXXKWXXXKXXXMXKXXSXMXXXX Old Whipping-Post Tree Alfred. Maine. ? An oak tree wh.*h served as a whipping post in the days of colonial blue laws is still standing here. tually uninhabited. Chinese and oth er aliens secretly entering the coun try. and smugglers In both directions hide in these wilderness spots, and when overtaken often 'shoot it out' with members of the border patrol. "The Rio Grande in flood times has been equally a problem to the United States and Mexico. When the river rises unduly It eats away the fl:?e sandy alluvial soil as though it were brown sugar, frequently forcing new channels across the narrow necks where the stream loops. When this happens the bits of land cut off ('buncos,' they are called), are thrust into an alien jurisdiction. Many a river-bank resident has gone to sleep in the United States and waked up next morning in Mexico. "All along the lowir Rio Grande at one time were numerous bits of United States territory on the Mexican side of the river, and fragments of Mexico in the United States. The situation became so complicated that the two governments finally agreed that since in the long run the shifts of territory from side to side were about equal, new channels would be taken as mark ing the boundary, where the bancos were small. It was provided, however, that If fragments of territory exceed ing MS acres or having *Jeen attributed to his In terpretation of events. Close observers of affairs in Russia believe that the days of the Stalin regime are numbered, and that his opponents will make a decisive bid for power when they are fuJIy equipped and ready. Radio, Movies Creating New Standard of Speech Detroit.? America has a new stand ard of speech, developed by tfie radio and talkie, according to Dr. Ray K. immel. of the University of California. Addressing the recent convention of the National Association of Teachers of Speech, Doctor Immel said the two agencies have brought about a greater uniformity in the nation's speech. He regretted that uniformity will elimi nate quaint localism. "Laziness is one of the greatest handicaps to correct speech," Doctor Immel asserted. "Most of us are lip lazy. It's much easier sometimes to fall Into the colloquial expression. Correct expression of a thought often requires effort" The diction expert said he believed speech-consciousness is growing among the younger generation. Idbs Claim Age Record Briston, Eng.? Two inns here claim to be the oldest hostelries In England. The license of one of them, the Ruiu ner Inn, was in existence in 1241. A plan of the city between 1260 and 1350, however, mentions the Poll Moon hotel as "apparently a verie ancient e hostellrle.** Railroads In Nation How many railroads are there In the United States? There are 1.CJ17, including 174 class 1 having an oi> eratltig revenue above $1,000,000 ; 282 class 2. having operating revenues from $100,000 to $1,000,000, and 348 class 3. having operating revenues below $100.000.? New York World Telegram. To keep clean and healthy lake D*. IMerce*a Pleasant Pdleta. They regulato liver, bowels and stomach. ? Auv. Which Is It, Umpi? She was addressing a group of eager wide-eyed children at the reg ular library story hour. "Today, boys and girls. I am going to tell you a real scary story about a vampire. You know what a vampire is, don't you ?" **Oh. sure." answered one sophis ticated youngster scornfully. "You mean the one who decides in a base ball game." *'IIo, ho." laughed another In deri sion. "Listen to liiiu. lie's talking aln>ut an empire." Falsehood Is so easy, truth so dif ficult. ? (leorge Eliot. MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Get is ounce and oh m directed. Fin* Partieiee of s??l ?kia pmI off until all drfeeU euch u pimple*. bv?r ?pota. tan and freeklaa duapcru. Skin is then toll ?Ad *J??ty. Your f*wlonk?*?f? jrounc**. Mircoliwd Wax briox" out the hidden l*?ul? ol ?"ur *kin. T ? I Vil !<>? ? wrinkles tu>e one ounce Pmidered b*uiit? din>Tinl in voe-hmlf riot witch tutsel. At drug itona. IF YOU ARE SICK Do not despair: try MIL.L.BRTONI5. This nmnzlriK ?11mcov?t> relifveH Ruftercrs from <'atarrh. Bitch blood Pressure, nhcuma tlsm. Kidm-j and Momaoh troubles. head ache* and ninny other ailment*. Thou sands Kratefullv proclaim that Mlllertono Berb* have restored them to health. En close 2c stamp lor free sample. .1. S. Miller. Inc.. 6S Uracim St., Newark. New Jersey. "are you satisfied? If not we will hhow you how to Increase your Income to much more than you are now making. Thin plan Is very easy. No canvasalnK required. \V?' m-nrl you full par ticulars for a One l>olInr bill or money order. This 4" your opportunity. Writ* at onre for Information. WAM.HOI) <*0.. Box 397,t,Vntral Park Station. Houston.Tex. Fire ami Cyclone Insurance at cost. New Orleans Mutual Henevolcnt Corp.. Masonlo Temple Bide-. New Orleans, La. Make New Friends Through Correspond ence. Send ft amp for particulars. V. Thompson, P. O. Box 1K&. Newport. Ky. Radio Fitns. Attention. Alrdyae solve* atrial problem. Gives Kreat selectivity aod tone. Write for full data. Price 11. We I lav-It. 206 Bristol Bids. Poston. M?wi. Some men set* 111 to go through lifu on a bluff. Fifty and Fit I A MAN is as old ? or as young ? as his organs. At fifty, you can be in your prime. Why go along with "fairly good health" when you might be enjoying vigor you haven't felt for years? There's a simple little thing any one can do to keep the vital organs stimulated, and feel lit all the time. People don't realize how sluggish they've grown until they've tried it. The stimulant that will stir your system to new life is Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. It will make a most amazing difference in many ways. This famous doctor's prescription is a delicious syrup made with fresh herbs, active senna, and pure pep sin. It starts its good work with tne Ready for the Plunge "Is this the brake?'* she asked. MNo,w he replied, as he adjusted his halo. first spoonful That's all you need to drive away the dullness and headuche of a bilious spell, and rid the system of that slow poison that saps your strength. It's better than a tonic for tircu bowels, and unlike habit-forming laxatives you can take it freely or give it to any child. And it isn't expensive. Get some syrup pepsin tcday, and take a little tonight. Don't wait until you're sick to give your system this wonderful help. You can avoid those spells of biliousness or consti pation. A spoonful every now and then is better than constant worry about the condition of your bowels* or fear of auto-intoxication as y c grow older. Dr. Caldwell's syrutorn pepsin protects the system. All druggists keep this preparation* Widespread Secret "Their engagement is a secret." "So everybody Is saying." ?